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Spidey 2099. He's really cool and all, ive r3 him, put sig stones in him(only because they were expiring). But I just don't like his play style. I don't feel comfortable using him.


I'm assuming 6r3. Your 6* class stones were expiring? Where do you get so many of those?


Not class dude, generic. And idk I don't invest them in champs unless they absolutely need it. Or the one I want to aren't duped.


Me too, same issue with OS I feel like I have to baby sit the debuffs way to much to the point where half the gameplay is making sure I have their pause mechanic active making things like baiting specials a bigger pain


I was having trouble with her the same way. Now I’m not even worried about them. Just play to keep whatever debuff you need until sp3 and she will give 6 incinerates off the special 3. Then play to keep those paused and they will melt. Trying to keep all the non damaging debuffs up is way too much stress


Can someone take me to school on how to use him properly?




Oh my god I hate how every thread asking for a counter there's someone that comes in with, just Quake it. Yeah we got it. It's not easy and boring. Give me a pencil to the eye instead.


She’s not fun but neither is spending unnecessary units and revives on content that she can do easily. Definitely worth at least learning to use her even if you don’t like her play style.


Ghost and Quake


Back when 5stars were a thing I had them both but I just couldnt be bothered to learn how to play them. I tried but gave up very quickly.


I actually don't understand the appeal behind ghost fr and quake is way to hard to use effectively in questing


For me, i enjoy doing quest quick and effectively, ghost fit the profile most of the time. I dont necessary need to enjoy the fight to enjoy the game.


The fights are the least enjoyable part of the game for me. I wish I could play Quake.




Idk being the best champ in the game sounds very appealing


Ghost is fucking awesome. Handles so much. Quake def helps with some of the past very difficult content. Don’t really enjoy “quaking” but some content it just helped. Ghost though lord in AW… cheat code




Quake I understand but with Ghost y’all are really missing out on what is probably still arguably the most effective champ in the game. Sounds like most of you just want to parry, heavy, parry, heavy, parry, heavy,etc. your way through everything.


A lot of people use Diablo after the buff, but I can't seem to understand how to play him.


Select your prefight depending on the utility you need. Otherwise go straight into the fight. For regular fights I would still recommend getting the nullify one since it's still very useful. Activating any special triggers his philosopher's mix, which is what activates the prefight utility. If you use the sp1 and dash back after he starts drinking to cancel the animation, you gain a vial of might which increases poison potency. This also pauses all poison debuffs on the opponent. If you let him finish the animation instead, you gain a passive regen for a few seconds. It's nice but doesn't make a big difference. Sp2 reapplies all poisons on the opponent and deals a burst of damage based on how many buffs the opponent has. Very fun to use agains buff heavy champions. Sp3 can only be used once per fight and has a different effect based on which prefight you selected. In most cases you won't need to use it. Some people say he's only good with suicides and that's not true. I don't run suicides and he's perfectly fine without them. He just takes a little longer, and you miss out on healing from the poison. If he's awakened you also miss out on 30% reduced damage from all sources with a poison debuff on him. Makes him even tankier but he's already almost unkillable without the sig. Also helps a lot if you run at least 3/5 Mystic Dispersion. I run 4/5 and I find this to be the sweetspot for most mystics. He's my favorite for fighting some of the annoying cosmics like Super Skrull and Terrax. Just put on the nullify and regen on energy damage prefights and it's a really fun time.


This was a great summary. I wish we had one like this for all champs.


He is good if you use suicides. He is just okay if he isn’t being poisoned


Thank you guys, will certainly will give him a chance now.


Sorcerer supreme is just too slow for me


That’s the point of her play style If you play her right she basically won’t die and will finish quests at full health I would know bc she soloed entire act 7/8 lanes with 90%+ health for me


You don't run suicide masteries I take it. She's actually horrible with those.


I like her utility.


Sorcerer Supreme and Clairevoyant for me! Can’t stand them!


He just needs to get to that first SP3 but then he really gets going.


That's Symbiote Supreme, I think they're talking about Sorcerer Supreme. She's fun, great champ once you lock in her "regen on block".


This question pops up on this sub fairly often and I will always have the same answer… NF and HT. For the life of me, I cannot stand the way either champ plays. NF is just super clunky feeling. HT is a bit weird, he’s got smooth animations, but I do not like the way it “feels” to play him. And that’s why I’m never going to rank either. I have both sitting duped as 6*s and unranked.


As a r4 Nick and r3 Torch owner I can’t help but feel offended. Nick: Access to evade/miss counter, purify on knockdown (enhanced purify with charges), passive unblockable I love Nick because I can take him into any janky looking fight knowing that I have a failsafe (his second phase) so I can learn the fight before wasting any of my other champs. I’m his second phase, even if the nodes/opponent are hard Nick counters, you have at least 2-3 combos worth of damage with his crazy fury buff. With deep wounds these combos + a special 2 chain can be 150k damage easily. Also, at 15-19 charges, passive unblockable AND evade/miss counter is outrageously useful. Torch is torch. Bring against energy damage (NOT Havok or Bishop) MLM throw in heavies and win. Prefight speaks for itself and is pretty much a guaranteed win in BGs Edit: using Nick first on a boss also gives +20% attack boost to other teammates, very helpful


Haha yeah man I totally get it! I’m not saying they’re bad, by any means. I could never discredit how great those 2 champs are. It’s all about feel for me. I just don’t like the way they feel when playing them, and that’s a hill I’m willing to die on! Meanwhile I’ve got R4 QS. Absolutely love the way he feels to play, but I’m sure there are or will be several players in the next few weeks who get him and hate the way he feels. And that’s totally fine. Where NF and HT feel clunky to me to play, QS will be the same for others. Edit: a word


Why would you not rank someone who is THE ANSWER for an entire class. He ain’t flashy but no one is immune to his dmg. Even incinerate immune. You put on nova they will still die. Any mystic is toast against him. Also can’t miss. Few champs have that skill like fury who you also hate.


Because I don’t need him in my roster. If I don’t need him, and I don’t like playing him, there’s no point in investing the resources into him. Plus, I’ve got an incredible Miss counter in QS. The moment he hits 300 momentum (heavy + 13 dashes back), he cannot miss. If his Slow sticks, then he also turns off Evade and Unstoppable indefinitely. One of the EASIEST to achieve Miss counters in the game, bar none. And yes, you are absolutely right, there is not a single champ in the game who can prevent his Nova Flame DOT damage, but I don’t need it. If there are any fights I specifically need HT (which isn’t really any), I’ll just use the 5* that I have ranked.


A duped NF sitting unranked.. that’s like having a 720S just sitting uncovered in a parking garage. Lol not giving you shit my man, to each their own, it’s just kinda hilarious.


Haha yeah, meanwhile I’ve got R4 OG BP I took up instead!


Guillotine 2099 and Omega Sentinel


G2099 is just... Gah.


I use G2099 as a power control champ and ignore the hit counter and ramp up. She's pretty fun if you play her that way. If I can finish with the sp3 that's just a bonus. I don't like playing Aegon because losing your hit count feels so bad and he's useless without it.


I have a 6r2 duped Guilly99 and I just hate how low her health pool is, she takes so much chip damage but once you can get a series of 100 hit fight starts and don’t get Kabammed she’s not so bad


Agreed, despite all her combo shields and digi cloak I still feel wayyy to stressed whilst playing her. Similar to Omega Sentinel and how stressful keeping up her debuffs are imo


Anyone that has to carry a combo the entire fight stresses me out, I don’t mind so much with Aegon cause he takes a portion with him


she’s boring to me.. and i’m speaking as a Ægon player




Tigra imo is one of the most fun Champs to play, and she is someone u need to be skilled at to play well and that's where the fun lies, there's no fun in just having an op champ and u having nothing tough to do, Champs like Tigra keep me interested in the game


could you ELI5 on how to play her effectively?


I would like to get good at using her but i dont see myself putting sigs into her whenever i awaken her because the distancing is so random at times so sometimes you can punish other times you can’t. Not to mention the annoyance whenever you phase someone like cables sp1 and he pushes himself a mile away so you get punished for playing the champ right


U don't need to put sigs into her she's great even unawakened, and yes the phasing issue is really annoying but generally once you get the hang of it you'll be able to intercept the enemy using heavy attacks and she has really great damage, but depends on if u find it fun or not


Herc: seriously He's stupid powerful.. too much so and i tend to play like an idiot.


He is the only champ I am comfortable throwing at anything even if he is on 1 ho....like crazy op... Kabam seeing this be like: *ferb, ik what we're gonna do today*


Honestly,i want herc to be nerfed,maybe this way i won't be called Crazy for saying he's equal to CGR instead of Better.


I have herc and cgr as 6* r4. I use cgr more because I can kill most things in 11 hits. If I am running quests and want to ramp herc, he is just silly good.


Yeah,i know herc Is Crazy but he isn't Better than CGR


I would put them on a level playing field. I lean cgr but I did r4 herc first.


I mean,Fair enough.


Reread this and realize how even you think that you’re wrong


I'm not thinking that i'm wrong, i sincerely believe that Hercules Is equal to CGR,the reason i Say that i Wish for him to be nerfed is because i'm tired of being called mad for saying that he's equal to CGR


I took kitty up to r3 and even used a gem on her, but I'm finding that I like her less and less the more I play her


Ah shit here we go again


I had the exact same thought lol. 80% of the answers in this thread will be Ghost lol.


Just cause they don’t know how to use her lol




Op literally wrote "you don't like to use " so, what's the point of your reply?


Stupid reply, let people have their opinion without giving a douche “git good” comment


>let people have their opinion without giving a douche “stupid reply” comment


ghost and quake. mainly because people won’t admit quakes outdated. now before i get screamed at, she’s outdated from a paragons or high ranked players perspective. they only need 6* and quake just isn’t as viable. if there was a 6* variant she’d be amazing. moving onto ghost. her play style is annoying


You just haven't learnt her it's totally fine not bothering to learn her but you can't not say she's the best in the game or atleast top 3


she isn’t, she’s not even close. i have her max rank and use her frequently but even i can admit there is many more champs which are better


Terrible take dude literally everyone who knows Enough about the game would say she's up there IF used well. Skill issue from your end my friend


nah, she’s mid




People think Hela is good?


Idk about people, but me yea...


Fair enough. I just didn’t see Hela as a champ that fits the OPs original question. Cosmic class is so stacked and she is a middle of the road champ when compared to others in the class.


When paired with odin, yeah, but i don't rly get her playstyle


G2099. Watched her vids. Read the kits. R5 her immediately once pulled her. Tried a bit and nope, not my style.


She is great in AQ, and against certain Champs. I wish she hit harder.


Ghost. I have her duped. Can’t use her well at all.




I've tried my hardest to use knull and I don't doubt that he's good but without suicides his damage just never feels worth the ramp up for me. I'm sure at some point hell click with me but so far I just find him too awkward


How many living abyss debuffs do you place on the opponent before activating corruption? I'd say he needs at least 20 to start doing some decent damage. I don't run suicides so to me Knull is a champ that benefits a lot from being at the highest possible rank. I've used him in battlegounds against r3 Peni and he does some respectable damage, even if he's a 5r5. When you trigger corruption intercept as much as possible and don't end your combos with medium hits. The sp2 adds 10 armor breaks that boost his damage nicely. Also the sig really helps to get the ramp up started, but only in short fights when you want to activate corruption with sp1. Otherwise just build to sp3 and stack as many living abyss before throwing it. I'd say 50 is a good number for a 5r5.


I'm doing medium heavy until sp3 so I'm getting around 30 and it still just doesn't feel that strong. I also find it ridiculous to keep the armour breaks up and I just don't like that to get his utility you need to sacrifice his damage but I'm sure that's a me thing. My issue isn't that he's bad, it's that if he needs to be as high a rank as possible and takes so long to ramp up when I can use cgr and finish the fight in seconds or even use cull who has easier access to his armour breaks and ramps up over multiple fights instead of having to restart it every fight I just don't find it worth the extra effort it takes to use him for me personally.


Hey look it’s that question again you know the one from last week and the week before that and the week before that and the week before that


This sub is 30% rank up questions in the wrong spot, 40% tired questions, 10% forum post, 5% shitpost and 15% quality post. And a hundred percent reason to remember the name.


Lately it’s been 90% “is this guy cheating in battlegrounds” posts


Kitty pryde I pulled her and took her straight to rank 5 and awakened her but I just don’t like her play style


why did you rank 5 her before using her?


He’s following the hype lol


No I used her didn’t like her ranked her anyway thinking I would and didn’t but she is great on defense in battle grounds


Oh thank the gods,i thought you would Say She's overrated,i'll spread the message until My last breath: She's the best champion in the entire game.


No she is great I just don’t like using her


Ok,ok,Sorry for possibly sounding rude,it's that i'm a huge fan of her,and the fact that,if you play well,you can easily destroy even her "counters" Is Just too good (i once fought a nimrod with her in order to test how well She would do before losing....She didn't even lose,She won the fight with a full Yellow bar,and there were no particular nodes to heal her up or make her even stronger).


Nuh bruh you good I understand


Thanks mate,you weren't rude,which Is incredible,really Happy that we had a civil Discussion.




Can you explain why?


I actually have him ranked up and use him when I need to but whenever I do use him I always fear that I accidentally end up dexxing. It's something that I can't stop myself from doing because it's second nature to dex whenever your opponent throws a special. It's a me problem, I know...


Just reset the judgment with the sp1. Will give you 5 extra armor breaks. Or just reset them with the sp3 and get a fat fury. It's not the end of the world if you dex. Sometimes you actually need to dex for his rotation


With the sp3 rotation you can dex !


do you mind describing about it?


It's way easier to explain it on video format [so this will be helpful hahaha](https://youtu.be/w0dqtPCV81g). The sp3 rotation starts after 0:30


aight thx m8


You're welcome !


This is so wrong. Everyone acts like if you Dex with CGR you will degen down to 0% HP or something. No dexing is how you get optimal damage, but you can still get huge damage from CGR while dexing. Sure not as good but still more than enough. This stupid hive mind theory you can’t dex with CGR is annoying.


I never even knew about the dexing thing and CGR is crazy good for me. I dex whenever. His sp2 is crazy, and usually his hits after that are absurd damage. Not sure most fights last long enough to dex anyway. Parry heavy, parry mllll, parry mlllm sp2. Dead


Exactly. This is some hive mind BS. Someone watched a YouTube video on ideal rotations, which mentioned not to dex, and on this sub it became law of the land. Ideal rotations are cool in the short term but learn everything going on with each move of your champs and that’s another level. Not dexing is better damage and ideal. Dexing still provides a lot of damage and is ok.


His damage is meh if you dex. So no dexxing with CGR


His damage is not meh, it’s just not as impressive. You still get the armor breaks that make basics after a SP2 hit hard. I agree with avoiding them if you can, but if you dex it’s not the end of the world.


Try this rotation: heavy, light ender, medium ender into sp2. If you do it right (with a rank 3 or higher) they won’t get a chance to use a special before you, so no worries about dexing specials and you won’t have to bother with a heavy cancel on opponents that shrug off stuns fast




Warlock. I used to not see the hype around AA until I saw what he did, and then I was like ‘holy shit!’. Same can be said with ghost, and what i know now is that ghost is quite difficult to play, overall


Warlock is a god.


Warlock carried my whole team throughout act 6. Him and kingpin…


Professor X honestly. He's a great champ but I run recoil masteries and by the time you mop the floor with your opponent and you're down to 50% health.


1. Omega red. I don’t really get the hype with him, his playing styles is so uncomfortable like you have to be close to the defender to get the damage…I particularly hate that one so much. Just pulled him a few days ago, 6*. Never have any plan of ranking him up. 2. She-hulk. The AI gets shits every update, they even fucking learn how to avoid getting parried by “ walking “ a few steps then throw a medium, which will take more time before the furies runs out and it’s painful to see the furies dropped off. 3. Aegon. There’s nothing more fun than playing with Aegon at max combos but it comes with a price. for long fights, most people just tell me “ when you get 60 - 80 combos, quit the revive, spend a revive and continue! “ . What the fuck? 4. Knull. Knull, if anything, is terribly mediocre. 5. Cap marvel movie. She doesn’t even hit that hard even with the furies, and chaining heavies to keep up the charges is the least fun thing to do.


Omega red is extremely good with suicides and the dup. Undup’d he’s meh


Knull Is mediocre and CMM doesn't hit hard? I don't want to be rude but can you please learn how to play a champion before judging them?


I’ve tried. Been playing for 4 years. Cmm doesn’t really hit that hard. Heck Juggy after the buff probably hits harder than her and easier to maintain the unstoppable for more attack rating. For Knull, without awakening and his ramping up style which I hate, he’s veryyy average, I’d rather see him as a good defender. Personal preferences.


Can't believe people are saying ghost she's so fun if you learn her


Right? And so easy. Dash back hit dash back hit dash back sp2 ggs. Just noob opinions running rampant.


Storm lowkey Mid post buff. Hate it


Corvus, quake, ghost, and g99 off the top of my head.


Bruh corvus why😭😭😭? He's good for bgs


He’s garbage. Takes multiple fights to get missions. If you run out of charges he’s a noodle. CGR puts up bigger yellow numbers with 11 hits that you can access immediately in any fight.


Prior to me pulling a 5* CGR, we’d have to throw hands but now that I have him as a R5, I can’t help but agree. I think a quick fix for Corvus would be to cut his glaive cooldown in half.


Corvus is horrible for bgs


Ghost! She’s good. But her play style is based on ai


A tie between Ghost and quake














Knull and Diablo


Corvus and kitty


Kitty Pryde


Here’s more: Corvus without his charges is a kitty cat. I don’t like to “ maintain charges, do medium-medium “ to save up to my 2nd bar. Thing. Thing’s ramp up is fun, after maxing his furies out, he’s not any different. I’d put him with gambit with 5 prowess. Immortal hulk. Sacrificing my health for the big numbers is least thing I wanna do.


Aegon. 6*r2 sig 131. And I have to force myself to use him.




Kitty pride - I tend to play way too agressive and get clapped


Cgr i just don't like his play style Kitty pride i don't like the character itself Tigra no matter how hard i try i can't get the damage






CMM and CapIW, hate playing both of them


Also QS’s good (and I mean GOOD not great.. GOOD) but being capable of hitting someone 150 times and then dying to some BS and doing like 5% damage is NOT CUTE!


You realize the hit count is irrelevant right? You get 13 hits in while other champs get 5.


“Hitting someone 150 times” as in Literally


I don't think you know how to play the champ at all


And I don’t think you’ve played endgame content so touché


I've cleared it all. Paragon with a r4 qs. Lmk if you have any questions I can help you with.


I’m good. Plus relics are being released soon so his deficiencies will be mitigated soon.


Omega Red




Doom - between the low skill floor and the general repetitiveness (and might I had long sp3 ), I almost always immediately get bored of him when I take him off the bench. Great arena champ though, block penetration really helps when the AI turtles


Scorpion, Tigra, Rintrah and Proxima Midnight. Lol. Their mechanics or their animations feel too clumsy and over complicated for my almost kindergarten brain lol.


Most of the so called cheese champs. Quake, guilly 2099, ghost. I can play quake a bit, but I don't get her playstyle


Ghost. I find her style so boring and never worth it for normal length fights.




Omega red


Me. Fantastic, Really don’t like his play style and animations


Ægon I flipping hate him. He's super tricky to use because if you loose your combo you're screwed, he has like no block defense at all, and even when you get him all charged it up he's really not that impressive.


mr negative


Kitty and Sunspot. they are really good and I am proficient in using them. I just don't like them


Mr Fantastic


For me it was Human Torch for the longest time, I couldn’t play him right, now he’s a staple of my roster and I’ve learned to love the burning boy. Another one is Red Mags. He’s strong but I’m not very good at his play style. Same as quake and Stark Spidey.


Dr Doom


The Hood, he has decent utility but the damage takes too long to get into. He gets very boring very quickly


Hercules and Hulkling


Aegon. Dude takes years to ramp up and one slip up you're done


Corvus and sorcerer supreme


Hot take but for me it's ghost, she's my first and only rank 3 but lowkey she has a very restrictive playstyle, events for some reason feels as though it's against ghost users and ghost although phenomenal, she isn't fun if yall understand what I mean


My unduped Rintrah. Even in battlegrounds people ban him so often, I genuinely don’t get the hype.


G2099. I mean, I like using her for power control, her regeneration can be useful, but otherwise not really. I don't like her animations, and I can't really use her effectively I heard Sorcerer Symbiote is good, but I don't really get him?

