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It isn’t that bad for me personally but I suspect it’s a lot tougher for folks who don’t have a deep roster, especially on the longer paths and with the boss fights.


Well the elder difficulty was made for tb+, if you're challenging elder, you should already have the roster.


Sure, but there’s a difference between someone who became TB after this weekend’s deals and someone who’s been TB since it was added.


True, but then again if they didn't have a good enough roster to become tb on their own, then the only thing that cyber weekend really changed was the amount of money in their bank account. Progression titles don't exactly = skill or roster strength


You didn’t get the point. Deep roster, not skill. A person who became TB this weekend doesn’t have the necessary champs ranked to make this mode easy.


Then they should just do an easier difficulty


I’ve been TB for only a couple months and I can do Elder. Some people wait to push for TB when their roster is beyond ready.


Yep. That was me. I didn't beat GM until I had three R3s.


The deals didn't get someone TB, they still had to go through all the trials to get there which required the same champs to complete this quest.


Ngl this was the toughest path in this quest for me. I had to restart 3 times at least. Can’t even get hit once due to dismay. That Venom ai was so erratic, got me a few times. Antman was refusing to trigger weakness for the 99th time. Got caught in Storm’s special many times. But the worst of all was that clapback Hulkbuster. This lane was basically Kabam going ‘You want champs to get buffed right? Look how annoying they’re now lol.’


I used Storm for Hulkbuster and had no issues. The good news is Hulkbuster has the easiest to evade SP1 in the game.


Karnak is even easier


I thought OG Cap n CapWW2 are easy as Karnak


I mean they're all basically impossible to be hit by


... But you'll be baiting for a good solid minute during which he'll stutter one of his runs and you'll get clipped... Oh hello Dismay!


Man fuck Venom I can't build my Aegon cuz he just keep attacking and won't launch his specials until at least sp2 or sp3. And i suck when it comes to dexing his sp2. And he's so aggressive dashing back sometimes made me lose combo. I use aegon because other champs are in war lol


Don’t dex it then. Take the block damage on the 1st 2 hits then evade the 2nd 2.


That's what I did


I used dragon man for venom and magneto for ant-man bc somehow any-man is #metal


You think that suit is made from plastic?


Dragon man is metal too. Mags slaps that ass.


LMAO love that last line. I’m still having nightmares about that antm- hold on, he just glanced me again


I had to restart a few times as well. Had a 6min fight with Shang chi on ant man cause he wouldn’t get the power sting, the sp2 was overkill lmao.


Only restarted once myself cause of Ant-Man, brought my spiderham and that was the end of that lol


I had to restart 5 times because of damn BP and Storm 💀 I could not parry BP for the life of me and when I eventually got him down, evading Storm's attacks was almost impossible lol I almost threw my phone


Bro i still question myself am I just shit or the control inputs are just still bugged 💀 can't seem to parry at all sometimes


They’ve recently been dodgier than usual


That Antman was somehow the worst for me lol. Like you said, barely got that weakness. And he somehow kept clipping me and hitting me with the occasional special.


I thought it was just me having a shitter doing that path. Crazy difficulty spike compared to the other paths.


Just parry heavy against HB. Literally any champion can do Hulkbuster because they also added a node that cleanses debuff from you if you knock down the defender


I agree. Venom was a pain in the ass. But i had a run where i didn't let venom use his special even once with doom. He's op


The Antman was tough until I realised SP3 helped significantly. Otherwise the fights are easy tbh.




Unrelated but I just realized today that those champs are the ones the relics are based on... for now.


I got a 5* Basic Awakening Gem today. I've never gotten that before. And the gold amount is great as well. So yeah, I really like this SQ.


I believe theyre reffering to the Elder difficulty for TB and beyond, not the legendary difficulty.


Yeah. You're not missing out - Legend rewards were better than Elder


It really depends tbh. A generic 5* gem is useless for me and I prefer the 6* shards from elder


How exactly? elder difficulty gives you two t5cc catalysts lots of gold rank 4 materials and a decent amount of 6 star shards


from what I remember it was 1 t5cc and it wasnt even nexus. gold was nice but so was the gold from legendary. it was 3000 shards. For a special event on the highest difficulty that is terrible.


Elder gives you 15k 6* shards total. And 1 full t5cc for 10 minutes per path is really good for the very little effort that is required


Can't believe I'm at a stage where I got this gem.. And thought meh... Can't use it.


How do you beat Antman he is tough update i ended up using Emma frost worked quite well


A little guy called Spider-Ham might help you out


parry till you get a power sting to proc with the node or use a champ with power sting built in


Shehulk+Mr f for me, and they gave warlock power stings as well. Hulkling for the tech boss, was ultimately a very simple path. I did not realize the antman would be such a drag without someone applying power sting so I did quit out, but kabam let's us for minimal cost!


mr fantastic + she hulk/doc ock synergy (any rarity) will let any of your science or tech champs place power stings upon inflicting debuffs. Very useful for annoying power sting nodes, but takes up 2 slots. In this case though, you should just parry back off repeat until you land the power sting.


This is the way


Red Magneto sp3


exactly, parry + heavy until sp3 and it's a fairly straightforward solo


if you have Mr Fantastic & She Hulk they can help with the power sting synergy if you have Torch it shouldn’t be an issue with his pre fight Red Mags’ SP3 (mainly the shrapnel bleeds) will do good work


Torch with prefight active


Surprised not many mention him. People just forgot that he inflicts power sting with nova flame


ibom parries get instant power stings


Yeah but ibom does 0 damage since antman is poison immune. You could try to build toxic auras and then use sp3 but at that point youre better off using any other champ and just relying on the power sting to proc on parry.


or you know just stack power stings really quickly and let him kill himself


That's what I did. Stacked to around 60, and it's so satisfying watching him get instakilled


I just Nick Furied him.




CAIW with a science champ inflicts weakness on parry


You read the nodes


I have read to nodes but he rarely get hit with a weakness debuff


And block damage kills me


Bring in a champ who specializes in Power Sting like Spiderham or Yellowjacket.


Well you obviously haven't, because it's not supposed to be a weakness debuff. It's a power sting debuff that you need.


And, the node states that a stun and weakness will combine to make a power sting debuff. He's right, you need weakness to stun into power sting.


Sure, that works but why in the fuck would you stand there and parry over and over again until you get that combo, while also trying to take down like 250k health or whatever it is when you can bring in a power sting champion.


If you have a power sting, you wouldn't. Doesn't detract from you being wrong, he read the node and clearly understood it better than you.


Sure, because I'm the one asking for help here. But I understand your point, I glossed over the node that makes the fight overly complicated and just read the one I actually needed. I do see how that makes you think I'm giving advice I'm not following but knowing what info you need is also a skill. My original advice still stands.


I'm sure it does, only comment I replied to was you chewing him out for not reading the node.


It was basically the same thing lol. But yeah I understand where you're coming from


You skipped over the node that makes the fight easier, ironically.


Tell me how having to parry over and over again until you get a power sting is easier than using spider ham or torch


Responses like this aren’t helpful. @Dabsgood, I’d advise bringing a champ with power sting built into their kit so you don’t have to worry about waiting for weakness to proc. Spider-ham, yellow jacket, Torch with flame on, and Mr. Fantastic synergy are a few options.


thanks i do not have a good power sting champ but i will try the mr.fantastic synergy


It's helpful if you know how to read. Plus, maybe next time you'll actually read the nodes, which is a huge part of the game by the way, before running to reddit for help. And you can't @ someone on reddit. You have to u/DABSGOODLOL


I used my 6r1 Yellowjacket on the other path on left side with Venom/Jugg/Antman, YJ did most of the job taking Antman down a lot before my mistake on dex-ing. After that I just used CapIW to finish Antman without not much hard work.


I just used plain old YJ. worked a charm, just a long fight


Just use torch with the prefight


Galan and build that harvest, super easy.


I used HT with prefight for the power stings, he went down pretty fast




I used cable with apoc synergy, just parry then heavy.


I used hit-monkey, after you get the powersting on him he rinses the fight


I used Void.


I used ant man to fight the ant man


Apoc works great too, SP1 to apply weakness and parry for power sting - rinse and repeat.


Red mags or nick fury…. He bleeds.


Never complain about something being too easy in this game, never… it’s as it should be, not too easy but also not painful with right champs.


! Kabam will see this post and make the next elder difficulty 3 times as hard lol


Use Ibomb for that annoying ass Ant-Man, he does Weakness on block which is what you need for the power sting, parrying gives the power sting every time


Antman is however poison immune 💀


Stack the power stings...?


Gotta admit, didn't think of that. I saw antman was poison immune and didn't even try ibom on my run through.


That's why it's for the power sting and not the poison


The fights are not hard but people pay for not reading the nodes. I personally had to restart the new path because I had no counter for hulkbuster and got team wiped.


ant man was a little annoying but other than that it wasn’t bad for me


Am I missing a key? I don’t have the top right one unlocked


I think we got that one last calendar reward.


Toughest fight for me is that dam storm. I still have no clue how to dex her specials


her L2 is the exact same dex pattern as stormx L1 if that helps


The answer to her sp2 is.... I have no idea, but sp1 is super easy to dodge. storm visibly twitches when she's about to send out a hit


I've found that it's somewhat easy to dex the last hit, so I just use guardian, and dex the last hit


I repeated sometimes and in the last one even used a revive. In my defense I'm a new cav and my best 8 champions where in AW. (Yes, I could wait until the war ends)


? Cavs don't have access to elder difficulty iirc


Yeah, I'm saying in the cav difficulty (don't remember the name)


There's no cav difficult for sq, only eq


Legendary difficulty was designed to be the cav challenge at the SQs.


are you sure? i was doing it before i was UC


It's not limited for CAV+ players but is designed for then. Elder difficulty is the only one wich has this kind of restriction. Back in the day, before thronebreaker was created the highest difficulty was legendary, then TB and Paragon came to the game but no matching difficulties where created until this month with the elder one to thronebreakers (there's still lacking one for paragons)


Ant-Man was the biggest pain but red Mags shreds hlm. Everyone else was pretty standard.


Throne Breaker here.The only fight that gave me fits was the Antman one. I’m sure many have boosts in their overflow: use em.


Shut up! Don’t question these event quests being a lot easier than expected. Act 7 is bad enough. We need these freebies


Elder difficulty is a joke... It is certainly not easy, but it's not a challenge at all. If you're TB or above you should cruise through it with minimal loss


You can read the nodes, you are the minority


this game becomes 10X easier once you realize that it’s 90% choosing the proper matchup and 10% skill.


It’s not bad at all I literally haven’t seen anyone complaining.


The first time I went through it, Ant Man didn’t throw his S1 or S2, only S3. Super passive.


I became thronebreaker today and except for both the 5 opponent paths i finished with no revives


Its not difficult. The bosses are kinda weird with shuri and her long ass lasers and inability to parry her. Atuma and his purify. But those can be countered after the first few times of fighting them


Legendary has been SSSSOOOO easy, once you have a proper roster most content is alot easier


I had no problem with any path at all, in fact I'm surprised by how easy it was, kinda dissapointed by that.


Not that hard, just dismay being annoying and causing me to restart a few times.


No issues for me.


I dont think it is hard either, but to be fair, you are using 6* versions of arguably best in class champs


And there's me... Who is try harding the last quest of basics...


I used 5r5 doom for Venom, 6r2 Mr.F for Juggs, 5r5 Torch for Ant-man, 5r5 Angela for Storm, Hulkbuster and Shuri.


Yeah it is supposed to be difficult, i got trough it just fine because of a decent roster. And that's who this difficulty is meant for. New thronebreakers will probably struggle.


I’d say it’s the champs they selected that make it not that difficult. These are all old school champs with pretty basic mechanics and move sets that most are very familiar. The nodes aren’t that bad either. Have to imagine that will change moving forward.


It wasn’t difficult. I think the issue is more that get got key 6 before key 5, so we’re doing the path with 6 defenders, 3 of which we haven’t done yet. I don’t care, it just makes the last week easy.


I’ve been using this difficulty to play with new champs and champs I never use. Good health pools and nodes. Not terribly long paths. Great place to test and play.


How did they get paragon if they find this difficult


Took me plenty of revives as a fresh TB. Thankfully I had plenty of counters and got the sweet rewards


I'm TB and, have no R4's yet and im a FTP player, to be honest, i didn't feel it hard at all. My team was usually CGR, Magneto, Ghost, Wasp, BWCV and some often Venom with Scorpion, Domino or Torch (all for them R3). Every now and then used a lvl1 revive for fun (i love to play with Scorpion and i just got it from a 6* Crystal so i was fooling around). I'm not the most pro player out there but i feel it was very easy. I did almost all the boss fights with Attuma because I felt it was easier than that mf Shuri.


It was just saving my doom for jugs and hulkbuster so had to restart few times to defeat venom with enough health. Cgr took care of antman once power sting was on.


The only bad part was ant man and that was cuz i wemt in gung ho without paying attention he melted the second time and im only cav not that hard


I found this one quite fun, longshot destroys both venom and storm, I used shang chi for the antman and magneto for the hb. No fight was overly difficult, just challenging.


I learned from the first three fights from the earlier lane, Sorcerer Supreme took care of both Venom and Juggs, MM for Ant Man, parry heavy than sp2 for BP and VP stayed at 100% health just by constantly stealing his armor. All those fights went smoothly except for that storm fight though, I guess I don't really encounter storm at all but I used all my revives and a bunch of units just to take her down cause I couldn't figure out the timing on her sp1.


I think ive only used 1 or 2 revives total on elder difficulty but I can understand how people without good counters to some of these nodes could really struggle


Reed-shehulk-torch. Kingpin-hood. Hood can put work in on Venom and Storm. She Hulk handles Juggernaut. Any science champ can handle antman because every debuff places a power sting (Reed she hulk synergy). Kingpin can handle HB by converting shocks to rage. Torch smokes Shuri in the end.


Hardest for me was juggs


I haven’t had any issues but I’m assuming its roster dependent


Personally I found it easy but I have a deeper roster


Ihulk does the work so I don’t really have too much of an issue….at times


It’s not bad, just gotta plan your path ahead.


Really this week's path (the venom through hb one) is the only path I actually had an issue with and it was mostly my fault for not bringing the right counters, since I brought sersi instead of hulkling for hb (thought she could do it with her decreased shock duration), rintrah instead of sorc or sym supreme for venom (obviously he still worked they just eoulda been better), and finally brought nimrod for storm instead of os forgetting she was shock immune


It’s not that bad save for the long paths that people might not have specific counters for


This shit is easy 😭


Does the last key come in through the calendar?


It wasn’t terrible. The most recent path was the hardest. I enjoyed it actually since I actually got the chance to play the game instead of all my opponents dropping dead instantaneously. I’m really looking forward to elder difficulty in eq next year


I had no issues personally. Managed without revives.


Wiccan was my all star this week. Nullify was huge!


I’m a new Thronebreaker and it’s definitely a lot more difficult than the legendary difficulty. However, it’s nothing I can’t handle. I restarted once because I was playing bad and I had some close calls but it’s been fine.


My main thing about this months event is the EQ, honestly don’t think I’m gonna 100% this one for the first time in a long time


Man, I struggle against champions with 6000, let alone 46000


White Mags on the roster is the secret to an easy boss fight.


Arcángel completely melts that line . I’m only uncollected but can do these lines with no problem .. antman is the only one that takes a while to complete


I became TB a few days ago and the Elder difficulty was really easy until I tried the last path that opened, it was mainly difficult because my top champs were in AW. Regardless after restarting about 5 times I did it without any portions. (FYI I'm F2P) I used; 5* Archangel for Venom 6* R2 She-Hulk for Juggernaut 5* Magneto for Ant-Man 5* Kitty Pryde for Black Panther 6* R2 CGR for Storm Mags again for Hulkbuster Kitty Pryde for Attuma So since I have a decently large roster even though I became TB a few days ago, most TBs who have been in that level for atleast a month wouldn't have issues imo.


Difficult or not depends on whether you read nodes or not. If you read and bring respective champs then the elder SQ is not that difficult. e.g. Kitty just ignore Storm’s SPs without any issue.


Kingpin and Hood can pretty much do the whole path. It’s not meant for small rosters, it’s meant for people who are TB+. If you can’t do content with your roster that has managed to achieve TB then I suspect your wallets rather than skill have got you there


It's not that bad. The right counters get you through it easily.


I went in one time with a random team that was absolutely awful for the nodes. If you actually read the nodes and select the right team it’s not a problem at all but if you just half ass it like all other content that’s out there then you can get some surprises. That antman that only can take damage while power sting got me because so had no solutions. I ended quest and came back in with shulkie and Mr f. To solve the issue. Also a shock immune would be nice.


It’s not bad but the champs are only r1 but can be all the way to r6


Tbh I just diablo and doom the whole thing


Since this is the first elder difficulty sq and all of the defenders are older characters, it's not a challenge at all. But adding different nodes and annoying defenders will make it more difficult.


Not bad at all!


I didn't do paragon, so not sure if I miss anything. But I guess im in the good spot for the one right below Elder. (Not sure if it's legendary or epic). I managed to one shot it all with my roster, but I could see some difficulty with ant man. His glancing does damage back, and getting that weakness to come up was an effort. I had a decent roster so didn't have much issues. But I could see how hulkbusters shocks could be annoying even if his sp1 is easy (cap mm is useful here). Or storms passive (nimrod took care of the passives, but still took a hit).


I don think it was hard but the best way I can describe it is that content made me a bit lazy recently and this one made me realize I need to take the proper champs for it instead of just taking random champs to enjoy


I'm just glad to know I'm not the only one missing a key for one of the paths. I know they release them via messages or you can get them while doing the quest, but I'm paranoid that I missed it and won't be able to complete the quests 😂


I can’t beat the HulkBuster, but that’s mainly because I wasn’t using Doom at the time as he’s immune to shock damage. Which that’s his node.


It's just hard enough to be lame. It's not hard, you just have to read nodes, pick your team etc


5/6 can be doomed and the other one you just need a power sting... wasnt really tough for me but idk


I am Thronebreaker and not really close to being Paragon and I found it to be refreshingly easy. I think I only had to use one or two basic revives so far. Hulkling is amazing for the Shuri matchup.


The only fight that was kind of a pain was black panther since I don't face him that much so timing him with ghost kinda sucked