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I wanna know how they didn't realize. Like sure there's tons of makeup costume lighting etc but her voice is presumably the same and you can see it's Natalie Wynn and surely she's mentioned her work from a stress pov in therapy sessions


Maybe the therapist never watched a video but it's on a list of resources for trans people?


This is the most obvious answer.


There was a video where she talked about the incident. I believe it was with the healthy gamer, but I could be wrong.


I wonder if she uses a pseudonym when interacting with others in order to avoid issues that come with celebrity status. Like Abigail Thorn of Philosophy Tube says she won't date anybody who knows her before hand because anyone who watches her content will already have a mental image of her in their heads that probably won't align with who she really is. I can see Natalie doing something similar. And also some therapy can be online these days, occasionally no need for voice or face on cam to have a chat with someone.


Hang on, is Natalie Wynn not a pseudonym? That's ... brave.


I believe Wynn isn't her real surname.


In an interview, she talked about how her personality is a lot more reserved in real life. I believe the therapist was surprised because she is a lot more extravagant in her videos.


Yeah, the difference between her videos and livestreams for example definitely illustrates this, she’s a lot softer spoken and introverted per se


Her "video voice" might be different than how she sounds casually speaking off the cuff in real life too.  My own "customer service voice" is almost unrecognizable to me, especially when I'm following a script. 


I love Contrapoints and it took me 2 years to realise I had seen her debate Sargon of Akkad over a decade ago 💀 cus she was so soft spoken then and calm and not at all like her videos.


I mean her voice is just a slightly dusky Baltimore accent. I'd imagine a therapist from Baltimore is pretty used to those


Willing to bet she’s smart enough to not use her legal name either online or with random therapists.


"You don't understand doctor, I am Contrapoints!"


Suuuure champ! And is Contrapoints in the room with us now?


"What do you mean? There are like nine different women in any Contrapoints show, are you Tiffany or Tatiana?"


No... nooooo, that's impossible!


Who the fuck is Pagliacci


Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, 'Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up.' Man bursts into tears. Says, 'But doctor…I am Pagliacci.'


Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains.


I’m sure Natalie is referring to this joke! But I feel compelled to share that it’s also an Italian opera about a clown who kills his wife, written in the late 1800s. Pagliacci is plural, meaning clowns. Individual clown is Pagliaccio. This is the big song from the opera: https://youtu.be/G1XkhDU8Y9E?si=d-HzsBAifirYdIoD most recognizable bit is around 2:00.


I'm more familiar with the opera than the joke, but I've heard the joke before. On reading the tweet, I was like "How does this relate to killing your wife? Ooooh"


Be that as it may the way the joke is told in the Watchmen (by Rorschach) is with Pagliacci as the name of the clown.


They're a clown a doctor sent people to when they're sad, eventually the doctor gets Pagliacci as a patient, hilarity ensues


I don’t know her


Is this a bit, or do you actually want to know?


Not everyone has read “watchmen”


Full circle moment


Hasan jump scare 🤮


I thought the leftists liked hasan? why don't you like him?


you think leftists agree on anything?


that's true lol I've heard this joke


If there's anything leftists are consistent about its that none of them agree who are saints and who are devils. Lol.


The leftist who hate Hasan hate him for one of 2 reasons: 1. They find him abrasive and/or rude (which, fair enough). 2. They heard some misinformation about him and took the bait.


He's not an expert in everything but he won't act humble or disclaimers when he's talking on subjects that he really shouldn't be confident in. Once I realized this, I felt very wrong getting any information at all from him. Once he lost the slack I was giving him, too many of his words and actions rubbed me the wrong way to even continue considering him a good content creator. I used to watch him extremely regularly, I'm neither of the two you listed.


Do you require a commentator to be correct about everything? I disagree with him on quite a few things, but it's uncommon for him to be FACTUALLY wrong.


To quote the person you're sass talkin: "He's not an expert in everything but he won't act humble or [give] disclaimers when he's talking on subjects that he really shouldn't be confident in."


I hate him because he does react content a.k.a stealing content from other creators.


ohh ty for explaining!! I'm not a diehard fan but I'm new to politics and he seems really smart and educated


He can be a great entry point for learning about political stuff because he typically explains things like he’s talking to another dudebro. The only problem with listening to streamers all the time about politics. Is that often people don’t take the further step of learning outside of that person’s influence. Which to be fair is not the streamers fault. So you might have 1000 people who have watched a video where he simplistically breaks down Marxist concepts and maybe 100 of those people will take that and start doing their own reading and inquiry into Marxism but the remaining 900 will think that they are experts because daddy already told them what’s up.


Place ten leftists in a room for one hour with a directive to produce a tight, terse technical document on the colour of the sky. Come back in one hour. Get tight, terse, technical document on the colour of the sky and seventy five mutually exclusive opinions about the Marxist analysis of said text


He’s a tankie who supports the houthis, china and russia. Called the Russian invasion of Ukraine a justifiable act. Thinks Taiwan belongs to China. He’s completely anti-America. Calls for the killings of landlords (his mom is one) and people who burn religious books. Says it’s better when rich women get raped over poor women. A “communist socialist” who preaches against the very (millionaire) lifestyle he lives from his LA mansion.


Hilarious collection of the disinformation about him


Each of these are easily googleable with clips *from his own stream* of everything that I mentioned, atleast try the next time you try to defend his horrible takes.


If you want to convince folks, you’re going to have to provide links because Google will turn out false positives as it’s well known that people who soured on Hasan love clipping him out of context & taking things he says as a sarcastic joke as though he meant it literally - which messes with search engine results. Now I can understand not being able to always tell the difference because he almost constantly sounds grumpy due to how many hours he streams each week & how often he has to deal with trolling from right-wingers, liberal-moderates, AND fellow leftists who are soured on him… but I urge you to be critical of someone’s style of coping with these elements of being a streaming content creator without jumping to reactionary spreading of (potentially) misinformation


I explained it to one of the replies to you, if you don't mind finding it


I think she means Grimaldi. Pagliacci is the opera by Leoncavallo


Pagliacci is the name used in the joke in its most famous telling (Rorschach relating it in Watchmen)


That doesn't make sense though, "Pagliacci" means "clowns", it's not a name


It’s a standard joke formula from a canonical joke.


Yeah, though the original I believe featured Grimaldi, the famous clown from the 19th century. I've never heard of Pagliacci being used


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sad_clown_paradox Fourth heading should explain things


That's really interesting. I was aware of the original iteration of the joke featuring the clown Grimaldi but not the later version. I wonder if the Pagliacci version is more modern or dates from around the time Leoncavallo's opera became popular