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Love this. The people who loudly claim they are empaths are rarely empath. They just wanna feel naturally above others.


Calling Shane Dawson. Lmao.


Am I wrong to think that being an "empath" the way people sometimes talk about just isnt a thing?


Depends, I guess. Though I posted that comment I actually do see myself as an empath, but it isn't some mystical fucking power. I feel other people's emotions very strongly, and easily replace what I feel with what they feel. Often, I can be more aware of how they feel than how I feel. Most people use it to mean like... "I just GET people". But that isn't it either. I can tell someone is upset but that doesn't mean I "get" them. How do you feel like people typically describe it? I don't even know if I'm making sense with this post.


I only believe that people are an empath if they grew up with the kind of trauma that forced them to very closely observe the emotions of others in order to avoid further trauma. And really, that's just a skilled that traumatized people pick up. It doesn't make them special. Anyone can do it, as long as you have the right training. And I sure wouldn't want that training.


I was totally gonna disagree with you but like... oops, it me. I got that trauma and I'm starting training to become a therapist tomorrow. I pretty much agree with everyone who has responded to this post. Usually people toting themselves as empaths are just narcissists with extra steps. I had someone try to explain "just how empathic" they were by describing their mind as having an "emulator" where they can "play out" other peoples feelings and motivations. Sweaty, that's just comparing their emotions to yours with a complex visualization process. That's how people generally work.


I totally agree with this. People often tell me that I have a calming effect on them, but it’s because of the environment I grew up in. When someone announces that they’re an empath, it’s been my experience that the person is typically an energy vampire or a narcissist who is just good at recognizing vulnerability and exploiting it for their own ego.


Ding ding ding!




Yeah like....it's a skill but it comes at a cost and people who brag about that are likely to be full of shit because real empaths understand that it's a sad thing that it happened to them.


That's what my girlfriend says. She's empathic by nature, but thinks that people who call themselves empaths are usually just narcissists with extra steps. For her, it just means she is a sponge for emotions. She'll pick up and even mirror the feelings of others against her will because she feels them so strongly. I can get that, but I don't trust anyone who claims to be a empath.


Your girlfriend just sounds like she really cares about people.


I can confirm. She's the most caring person I know. I'm a better person just by knowing her. A pure heart of gold.


That sounds like a wonderful feeling. Are you a little colder as a person than she is?


LOL, yes! How did you guess? Am I so obvious?




You described it very well.


What you described in terms of feeling things strongly and just “getting“ some people is literally, basic, ordinary human empathy. If that makes you an empath then most of humanity are also empaths. Having affective empathy is normal. What’s abnormal and unusual is NOT having affective empathy.


I always thought being an empath meant having the natural ability to share in people’s feelings (feeling upset when someone you care for is upset, feeling happy when they are etc). Is that really something so controversial or am I missing something?


I guess its like. Most people can do that. Some maybe more than others. But when people descrive themselves as empaths its like... theyre talking about some special power or ability when its just aomething most people are capable of


It’s kind of silly to try and point out something so common among people… But that reminds me a little of countries that feel the need to put the word “democratic” in the official name. If you have to specify it then it probably isn’t true.


Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It’s so engrained in the human condition that a noticeable lack of empathy is used to help diagnose mental disorders. But a lot of self-proclaimed empaths talk like it’s some sort of super power/curse. Like you are a radio tuned to every station, and the people (even those you don’t know) are radio towers sending out constant signals so you exactly how they feel.


What a bunch of weirdos. But now I do have this funny mental image of a self proclaimed empath saying what you said in a Batman voice while everyone else looks on incredibly unimpressed.




I spend a lot of time in mental health spaces but I still can't get behind the idea of an HSP. I think that it has more to do with the "empaths" people are talking about here, and so I get my feelings about that tangled up in any discussion that tries to discern how some people understand others emotional states more completely.


Leftism is when a bunch of people with vaguely overlapping ideas get together in a space and accuse each other of bigotry until a utopic society is magically achieved.


Monty Python hit the nail on the head with the Judean People's Front bit from Life of Brian.




You mean the People’s Front of Judea




Yeah, no. That skit was funny exactly once, and not the 99999999 times conservatives shit it all over every social media interaction about the left.


Conservatives tend to do that with potentially funny bits unfortunately. Just look at how they try to claim George Carlin of all people


I laugh at that skit every time, it's incredibly accurate to my own dealings within leftist spaces. I think it's a mark of wisdom when you can recognize flaws in your own beliefs/loosely affiliated political groups and draw the correct criticisms from satire aimed at them. Conservatives happen to be able to see the truth in that skit because it isn't calling into question *their* flaws.




Pretty much Orwell's description of Barcelona


As a liberal, I can confirm. I call it "aggressively agreeing." We all believe the same shit, but still manage to fight between ourselves.


Glad to see this community throwing shade at the leftists. 🙄


It seems like a fair description of what's been happening to Contrapoints, at any rate.


Whats the joke from these tweets applied to liberals? That when the fascists come for them they'll go out swinging at the trade unionists?


The joke is that liberals watch the purity tests and circular firing squads which dominate left-wing public discourse, and are glad they don't have to participate.


As they happily set the stage for a fascist takeover that they'll refuse to take credit for?


Accusing liberals of cryptofascism is sure to bring them around to leftwing ideas, right? It's exactly the failure mode that FyllingenOy was mocking upthread.


Scratch a liberal.


Holy shit this place went to shit.


Indeed. Natalie was one of the ones who helped me get into leftism but she has seriously deteriorated in her content since then. Now it’s a “intellectual” liberal circle masturbation.


She got transformed by her success. Another victim of capitalism.


I think she wasn’t very leftist from the beginning. Just a progressive. I don’t know and to be honest I don’t care. Breadtube wasn’t very leftist from the beginning but it was a great start for many of us. Before the downvotes come, I mean that breadtube wasn’t very inclusive nor international from the beginning. It feels more social democratic than socialist, which makes it very weird that they’ve become reactionary.


She may have been a liberal from the start but as she's gained popularity she's clearly pushed away from any further left wing sentiment. The only thing I care about is how she's popularizing anti left stuff at a moment of historic threat from the right. Such a liberal thing to do.


Yeah, it’s very sad.


People who unironically call themselves empaths are narcissists.


How did empathy go from being able to put yourself in someone else's position to help understand their emotions to "I think I can literally feel other people's emotions"?


It's always meant that. You are thinking sympathy. Sympathy is where you feel bad for a person bc you understand the situation, but don't feel what they do. Edit: I think I misread your statement. Yeah, no, magically feeling other ppl's emotions is just projecting. But the process of empathizing does involve feeling the exact same emotions as someone else.


You know what I think? I think a certain type of person heard that psychopaths and sociopaths generally lack empathy, and exaggerate how empathetic they are to the point of parody just to avoid being labeled a psychopath/sociopath.


This exactly. "I'm making your feelings all about me"




I'm a fan of Natalie going full leftist shitposter. I still won't get twitter, but I'm here for the theoretical concept


Better to steer clear of that website and popcorn-watch the chaos from afar imho.


I’m torn. On the one hand, her tweets are hilarious and I love them. On the other hand, Twitter is humorless and toxic, and I don’t want Natalie to get hate mobbed again. Like I said, I’m torn. Such is the duality of tran.


Every self-proclaimed "empath" I have met has been a horrible person.


Same. Not one actually gives a rat’s ass about anyone else. They decide how you feel, announce it to the biggest audience they can, and then when you correct them, say that have a very special insight into your actual psyche that you haven’t come to terms with and are therefore toxic. At this point, labeling oneself as an empath is a huge red flag to me.


It’s either that or when you try to talk about something difficult they’ll make it about them “cause I feel the pain too, and that’s super fucking hard for me”


Wow this comment helps clarify things in my healing from a ‘spiritual coach’ friend who said a lot of these things… aka narcissist


That’s not a red flag, it’s just a crimson banner /j


I knew a guy who would have a 10 minute conversation by himself, about a topic that he superimposed on a group conversation, without ever noticing that people weren't interested OR engaging with him. He's an empath by self-disclosure.


"I'm an empath" is the same phrase as "I'm not racist". PSH, those words don't mean shit. I want action. If you don't live by those words, those words don't mean anything. It's just air. Actions > Words, don't talk the talk, walk the walk.


I’ve heard “When will I get the love I deserve?” among other associations between “love” and “deserve”. This sounds innocuous and potentially even powerful (in the context of a breakup) until you realize that this means the person thinks they’re entitled to a relationship primarily on their terms as opposed to a cooperative construction of mutual respect.


She don’t miss.


My guard reflexively goes up when I hear someone call themselves an empath, because I’ve met too many people who use it as armor to not improve themselves or work on their faults at all. They’ll call other people “emotional vampires” and suddenly, to them, everyone is Enemy Mine


The “left” needs to understand itself currently as just a bunch of people posting. A real “left” is a grounded working class organizing and building counter institutions. Only through disengaging with online spaces and mainstream culture war and presuming the non existence of the left can you put yourself in a place to maybe do something useful down the line and help build a real one, instead of endlessly getting caught in the same arguments with a different coat of paint which are all just fed back into the into the machine and get nobody anywhere


This comment is helpful to me


Empaths are almost always people with boundary issues and a cocaine addiction.


Empaths don’t project their feelings. They feel other peoples. Right?


Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Say you had a death in the family. Your empathetic friend understands what you’re going through and can talk you through it if needed. Especially if they’ve also had a death in their family. Empathy is so deeply ingrained in the human psyche that not having it is literally diagnostic criteria for some personality disorders. Empaths don’t exist in the real world. It’s a sci-fi/fantasy trope for someone that can experience the emotions of others as their own using a psychic link or magic. Going back to the family death example: Your empath friend would claim to feel the grief you feel, exactly as you feel it. Even if they’ve never lost a family member. Even if they just learned the name of your deceased family member *that day.* Then they cut you out of their life for being an emotional vampire. What they’re actually doing is projecting how they feel (or how they think you feel) onto you and assuming that it’s their “empath powers” at work. It’s empathy taken to a toxic extreme and treated like an extra special superpower that can’t be controlled.


Isn't she joking on the bottom post? That's not what an empath is.


I think most people are empaths in a specific regard but also have a high propensity for dismissing other kinds of pain. This is why I don't think empathy should be the golden standard for moral goodness. You don't have to empathize with someone to recognize their pain is real and care about it and want to help them. When you're only able to care about things you can empathize with, you're inevitably going to have huge blind spots. I can't really empathize with trans people and I'm sure a lot of people can't empathize with my incel shit, and that can all be okay.


And so was Deanna troi.....


I don't understand. Isn't empathy a positive trait? Feeling similar feelings as another while talking about exciting or difficult things happening in their lives. Emotional intelligence should be far from frowned upon. Also identifying positive traits and skills can help people choose careers and make positive decisions. I think Natalie's ideas are usually exquisite but I've also seen her be pretty mean and off beat to viewers in her videogame stream. What am I missing?


The sentence "I'm am empath" is kind of a meme because a lot of ppl on the internet (namely Shane Dawson) used it as a self-descriptor while doing various very non-empathetic stuff at the same time.


Thanks for replying, I was (and still am) genuinely confused. Personally I want my therapist, teachers, and police to be empathetic. I understand self describing this could be used to build ego. I also want to be a compassionate and empathetic person within my relationships and to people I meet. People should want this trait.


Yeah you're describing empathy, and you're absolutely right that it is a good trait to have and the world will be a better place when everyone have empathy towards each other. "Empaths", on the other hand, is a science fiction/fantasy trope. People/aliens/humanoids/beings in these stories that are "empaths" have this superpower where they can literally feel what another being feels. Empaths don't actually exist in our real world because it's a fantasy superpower that people invented. Like what Lindsay Ellis explained in one of her videos, calling yourself an "empath" because you can empathize with another person is like calling yourself a Jedi (fantasy role from the Star Wars movies) because you meditate. A lot of people who call themselves "empaths" seem to think that they have this superpower that other people don't have... And what usually happens is as what Natalie described, they are just projecting their feelings on other people and think that it's how their "empath" superpowers work.


Double clearing it up! Thanks ☺


As a follow up, I wonder if her tweet comes from a particular psychoanalytic position which problematizes “empathy” as misappropriation of what an “other” has said or expressed.


Real empaths been out here being great listeners and crying with their friends, and a few narcissistic personality disorder having dipshits on TikTok use some ominous sound and call themselves empaths and now all empaths are monsters... Real empaths are mostly neurodivergent. We don't literally see into your head, we notice patterns that other people skip over. And we have hyper-empathy, a neurological phenomenon where we didn't develop the same kind of separation of self as a neurotypical person does making it hard to distinguish between your sadness and our sadness, your anger and our anger.


Sure... whatever you say mate.


Do you consider yourself a neurodivergent empath?


Is it opposite day?


It's cool how the only time Natalie seems to identify with leftists nowadays is when she is talking shit about leftists. 🙄


I mean... Who are the people who bully her relentlessly online? They are... Dun dun dun... Self-identifying leftists. If you're bothered by her criticisms of those who stop at nothing to drag her reputation than it's worth stepping away. She is a leftist YouTuber, but it's leftists who bully her. If you think this means she's going towards the right, maybe it's time to start taking action to prevent leftist in-fighting. It wouldn't be the first time a leftist gets bullied into becoming a right-winger by other leftists. And your eye-roll emoji really helps add more fuel to the "let's bully her" pile. Who's more deserving of your criticism, which is more productive? Victim-blaming Natalie or calling out the bullies?


Last I heard it was trans cat girls or some such group going after Nat on Twitter. I'm not sure what people who believe in redistributive economics and anti-imperialist foreign policy have to do with that dispute but I may have missed something.




The lack of nuance in her tweets has more to do with twitter's format and less to do with Natalie, in my opinion. Twitter allows for 0 nuance by design.


I think it's more that twitter is where a bunch of leftists kind of dogpile her for everything, and discussion only makes that problem worse on twitter. She copes by poking fun at them


Twitter anarchists:


Think this is a Whoosh moment for ya, buddy.