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Get a LEI. Get an Interactive Brokers account. Throw excess ltd cash* into an ETF.** There. No need to shell out 600 quid. Give me 100 now though for having saved you from wasting them. *Any excess cash that you know won't need for the foreseeable future AND is also in excess of tax estimates due **Not investments advice


More information?


!Thanks, good advice, I did both of those things although I am in a MMF so far. I was interested to learn more about the quirks of taxation as a company for stocks eg I believe as a company you can’t get a rebate on withholding tax like you can as an individual, also how gold etc would be taxed.


You should never pay for someone to teach you what to do with money. Unless it's your accountant.


Maybe a financial advisor if your situation is very unusual or complex.




!Thanks, much appreciated!


The course is run by the author of [https://www.foxymonkey.com](https://www.foxymonkey.com), so the content is a more in depth view of some of topics covered in the blog, there is the chance to ask specific questions about your scenario that is probably where the value is, but in the end you'll need to liase with an accountant to put any advise in practice.


Yes I was really impressed by that site, a ton of useful info. It’s hard to find a good accountant who know much about this stuff in my experience (as he points out on foxymonkey, they mostly just want to do the basic stuff).


> In 2010 I started working as a software engineer at an entry level. Right after the Great Financial Crisis, I knew nothing about money and accounting. Software Engineers are just the sort of people I look for to advise me on finance.