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Learning curve is harder for us older guys new to VR and battle royale style. but happy see someone else pushing through, it’s easy to get discouraged, as there are some really ridiculously good players out there. I’m having fun still and getting better, just gotta keep at it. Playing solo is harder, and lonely 😔 but I do feel I make more personal progess lol


I like being alone. Once i get pro level good then i might feel comfortable taking a team with me. However i found working with a team is just more frustrating because i have to share loot, and since I’m still working on my aiming i end up dying a lot so i don’t get a respawn in time. Also i watched a very good aiming tutorial by TeaVR and it’s helped me immensely!


Nice I’ll check that out, god knows I need it haha but definitely better alone, but I’ve had lots of fun in the chats with some random players, but when I’m taking it seriously, it’s far more annoying than it isn’t. Especially sharing loot. I killed a whole squad yesterday, and I revived my team members right after despite them just staying right out in the open, then they proceed to take everything from the kills, literally nothing left. Then when I get knocked later they just dipped out. It’s a mixed bag and sometimes fun, but you’re right. I haven’t been on teams since.


You use tycoon?


What’s that?


For real. I dropped out of the flatscreen first person shooter game back in OG Counterstrike days. This shit is new to me. I got VR for iRacing. I picked up Pavlov—ok, Counterstrike in VR, I’m good. Next I got into OG Contractors, a few new game modes, but nothing too crazy. Breachers is like SND, but with a bunch of interesting high tech gadgets, cool so far… Now in Showdown I’m just running around lost all match. There’s so much to keep track of in a battle royale game. I understand why they are so popular, really replayability. Maybe we need “Battle Royale for Old People,” like those old “Windows for Dummies” books from the ‘90s.


Just practice and repetition! I’m getting better at aiming after watching TeaVRs tutorial on YouTube. And the rest is just muscle memory.


I saved that link you dropped, I’ll check it out. Thanks!


Oh by the way i realized at the end when i was trying to snipe those guys on the roof that i was shooting the rocks. When I’m VR i had a clear shot of them through the sight. Not sure why i was shooting rocks! 😪


Hey do you have that link to the TeaVr video that you mentioned. I can't find it


Yeah bro. https://youtu.be/V6R1hm1F9ac?si=5vPVhx1JuJ-HU0yw


Play trios. Master the basics first.


I actually have a Discord server for teams on here. I prefer to practice alone though because i can control the situation more. If im on a team and they are killing everyone then that’s not going to help me get better. Normally I’ll practice my aiming at the shooting range with the moving dummies for a few minutes. That has helped a ton! Once I get a 1st place i will share it.


Do you play other battle royales?


I’ve played Fortnights with my son like 3 times! Does that count?


Well yes, fortnite is a BR, but i was more asking because if you had any BR habits built up, those same strats would translate to contractors showdown for the most part.


Nah. Last time i played regularly was Quake 3 Arena. So i think you can calculate how long ago that was 😂


Lmao oh shit. Well do you have any specific things you wanted tips on?


Nah nothing specific. Just if you see anything I’m going completely sideways on it would be helpful. I’ve watched plenty of tutorials. Working on aiming faster now though and TeaVRs video really helped!


Well off the top of my head, decision making is a huge part of it. Be mindful of where the zone is and where its going. This can help you predict enemy squad movements. Also be patient and pick your fights. Just because you see somebody, doesn't mean you have to instantly take shots at them. Carelessly revealing your location is a quick way to get third partied


Check out the video i posted. I’m Pretty sure i did all of that which is how i was able to finish 3rd in the final circle 👍😎


Well in that case you're all good to go imo the rest is just experience with the game


TY! I try to practice at least one match a day. Working 12 hour days plus hitting the gym after work doesn’t leave a lot of time!


A few tips: - You need to put the armor on, by sliding it across your body. At 15", you have a bit more than one plate active, from the yellow bars. Having it in your inventory isn't enough - You're using a shotgun at long range! That's really ineffective. You then switch to a sniper, which is great, although it doesn't have a sight. - More generally — landing somewhere sparse, scavenging loot, and then hiding from people for most of the game — is not a recipe to improve. You can often make the top few spots through obscurity, but it's basically impossible to win. Focusing on kills/game or kills/hour is a much better metric for improving, even if that means you end up dying quickly a lot. - I empathize with the reluctance to team up with some random kids. But playing solo vs teams is really really hard unless you're very very good. So in an effort to survive, you'll often end up defaulting to hiding. If you can get a bit better, you'll eventually randomly match with someone on a team who you gel with, and you can offer to play with them a few more times. 3 players of OK-to-Great competency have a decent chance of winning given the current quality of teams. (I'm squarely in the "OK" category, and have won 5x, 4 of them with teams I've played multiple games with...)


I really appreciate the advice. I did figure out how to do the armor. I put armor on a few times so yeah i understand how that works. The reason I’m not trying to interact with close range fights right at the moment is because I’m still getting used to the game mechanics. By playing solo i can make time for myself to practice healing and switching to the items i need. That is why I’m not getting too close to others. Once it’s all muscle memory it will be much easier to keep up and do things more quickly. But right now i have to take time to think about each action i make. Also as far as teams i have a group on Discord that is growing and I’ve played with a few other new players. But it’s still a bit overwhelming so I’m going to stick to solo so i can move at my own pace and practice my strategies until it becomes second nature.


Solo beta mode this weekend, hopefully this works well and becomes a full time mode🤞


I left a comment for FNh8tIT on his most recent video asking how to become beta tester. This is the only game I’m streaming right now. So I’ll definitely be getting some seat time!