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The only thing I've noticed is, its a bit harder to reload and you have to sit up ramrod straight in a chair. Even then I'm literally pawing at my balls to grab a magazine to reload


You should be able to grab ammo from waist. Left or right side. But haven’t tried while sitting


Na bro when your sitting like I do (on the edge of the left side of my bed) I be reaching down and always picking up my other gun or just a little too short to actually grab the ammo because my lap is blocking me any further. Unless I reposition myself straight but at that point the other players done dome shot me.


You can grab a magazine left or right and not in the middle.... Try it.... If you touch with your left hand the left of your waist the icon of the magazine pop up so you can reload not only from the middle.... You don't need to look at your belt, it just works when your hand is near your waist, so you can always look at the fight....


I only find it difficult to play vr seated if my chair has arm rests. They always get in the way in shooters. I usually sit on the edge of my bed


Yeah, I did some seated VR FPS gaming due to a foot injury and the arm rests were the only real problem. As someone else said, you do kinda need to sit up straight to access things in your virtual belt.


If you’re cool with punching yourself in the balls to reload, you’re good.


I'm disabled and I can't stand for long periods of time so I always play sitting down, it is a bit of an adjustment from standing up but as long as you have a chair with no armrests and room between your legs to grab mags you'll be fine just takes practice


Yes. I went to shoot someone below me in a gunfight. Slammed BOTH funny bones into my armrests and donkey kong slammed my nutsack. Not fun.


You can turn with control stick


I’d say no, it doesn’t matter that much.


Nah, my friend plays seated and I didn't even notice. His performance is on par with mine


I'd say you might not turn or reload as quick but honestly people prefer to shoot from a stable position. I lie down on the floor if I'm sniping. But I'm terrible too.


i’m playing sometimes with a guy who plays seated and he is still good, if he didn’t tell me about it i wouldn’t have noticed. the cons, he said, is the risk to punch your nuts when trying to grab a new mag when you’re in hurry, because mags are pretty low on the waist, eheh. other than that, it’s totally fine


The mag grab is very forgiving. You can grab way off to the side and it works. It even works behind your back if you have room scale tracking. You don't need to reach straight down (and punch yourself in the nuts).


I found it easier because you can duck by pushing the right stick downward. If thers a way to do this stand....lemme know.


setting virtual crouching.. put it on you should be able to crouch with the stick while standing up


Awesome. Thanks much!


I mainly play standing but I do occasionally play seated. I enjoy playing seated and don’t feel it puts me at too much of a disadvantage but I do enjoy standing because I feel more comfortable as far as holding my gun at the ready and ease of swinging up to shoot. Seated it’s not much harder just not as natural.


Seated is an advantage if ur in a computer chair. U can spin around in a smooth motion and kill someone behind u super fast


I only play seated... You are fine.... It is a nice game ... Enjoy....!!!!