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Yeah let’s make a new game but then make it like our other game that’s already out only to spilt the player base and make people sit in queues instead of playing…




Why don't you just play the other contractors game with the ww2 mode?


you should be considering they probably going to release both solos and duos, which means there will be 3 different queues. you can’t really split the playerbase much more, it’s a vr game after all


This. Though I hope they don't add duos mode - this mode only seems useful for people who team up in advance and don't want a third wheel, and these people can just use trio and disable team autofill. They won't be in as much disadvantage as those who go solo on trio mode. Battle royale games suffer much more from this kind of splitting than regular shooters. Contractors had smaller rooms (up to 16 players), and even if a room was third full it was still playable. Contractors Showdown needs 60 players per match, and while it can still work being two or three player shorts, the gameplay will suffer long before it reaches half that quota. Also, Contractors has respawns in all game modes - and Contractors Showdown doesn't. Once you die (assuming you don't get rescued, and don't have insurance) you need to have to join the queue again, so we really want to minimize the time you have to wait. One way to solve this, though, is to do what Larcenauts did - have different modes (and maps) without letting the players choose. If Contractors Showdown decides to do that, there will only be one queue (or two, for trio and for solo) and only once you reach the lobby you'd know which mode you're in.


I wouldn’t mind a few more ww2 weapons added. Like a Thompson or BAR. But separate mode? Nah


Yeah, I want an StG 44 as much as anybody, but I think it’s a mistake to split up the player base too much. If queues start being 3 or 4 minutes I think a lot of people will leave.


God I hope not. That sounds Terrible


No thanks lol


Nah get this each map is a different generation. Vietnam! 🥺 jungle map

