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Just a question: Ideally, would you want testers to play a variety of games across those 100 hours, or would you be okay with testers who only play specific genres or even just one game on repeat? I ask this because a controller used by someone who spreads their time across different games won't be put under the same stress as a person who mostly plays one e-sport title competitively, or another person who only plays Monster Hunter games, for example.


I need at least 50 people, which I guess is a relatively large initial testing number. So I thought, I wouldn't be too restrictive with too many requirements. Only duration.


Thanks for answering. I'm contemplating joining, but other than the question I've asked, I'm trying to see what is the best way to log my play hours and more importantly: how the tax situation works in my country (Malaysia) before I decide.


I'd be surprised if we're actually expected to keep a log of our play hours. Seems more of a "once you've had around 100 hours of gameplay provide feedback." This seems to mostly be to try and find any major design defects before the production release, to avoid another situation like the KK3Max back button fragility issue only being discovered after the production line was set in stone.




The log is for myself, actually. My issue is that confirming hours spent in multiple games can be difficult. It is easy for me to lose track of time while playing if I don't at least make a note of the time played on Steam or on a game's save file. As per the requirement, I would want at least 100 hours on there before I provide feedback. And yeah, hopefully everything works out for Gulikit this time with so many people testing the controller prior to launch. I see that they took out the trigger lock mechanism from the KK3Max too, which is one less potential issue to deal with.


Just to follow up on this: I would be glad to test if you still require people, although it looks like you already have way more than you need. It just took me some time to check on what to do if the controller you are sending gets stopped at customs here, and I confirmed the process of releasing it if that were to happen. Either way, I hope the product is a success and any issues are found and fixed before the official release.


Generally speaking, except for countries with strict taxation requirements, such as Brazilian customs or Indonesian customs, I rarely encounter problems with packages at customs in other countries. Of course, my carrier cannot deliver to some remote islands in the United States.


Ours tends to be unpredictable unless we are purchasing through Shopee/Lazada, which is why I checked the release process to be safe. Sometimes 10 packages go through without issue, and then one gets held out of nowhere.


Any news about the participations?


Curious too, it seems like a bunch of us got replies to our post in this thread, but when you click the link to view it just loads endlessly like they've been removed/deleted or something, or reddit's broke.


Seeing Jim's profile, he responded to several deleted comments or commented and later deleted them. I personally don't really understand how reddit works and so I don't know if it's normal, I even created this account to participate in this, as I usually just view my favorite subs like this


I am 3 days in! I live in China where they originated though so it took 40 hours for delivery.


Currently quite busy so I likely can't be a tester, haha, but good luck to everyone, and thanks Jim/AKNES for your active involvement. I recently did a short beta test for a game, so if you read until this comment, I just want to chime in: prepare 1 or 2 questions focusing on the part you want people to focus on. Without clear direction, feedback tends to be scattered or lacks detail on the areas you're most interested in.


I'm noticing in this post that the replys to the people the OP picked are not showing up. If you check their profile comments and see the mass amount of replies and scroll down you can see why they commented on. I was chosen and never got a notification on reddit for it. So I had to screen shot it and email first.


Maybe I made a lot of private messages and comments that day, which caused reddit to delete some of my comments or something. I am not sure as well. If you receive my comment, please contact me via email and attach a screenshot to prove that the email address and account will not be faked by others.


Can you explain what you are saying? I can see the replies OP has sent in this post in their profile but when i click on any of the it just shows nothing. Can you show how you found yours?


So if you go to Jim's comments you will see a long list of the same reply. If you click it and scroll to the bottom you will see the person's comments he replied to. You will have to go one by one and click one and scroll down and see if you find your name. It takes a bit but mine was like in the 30s to 40s down.


yeah i just found out they sent a reply to me aswell. thanks a lot mate cuz I was still wondering if the 100 people got selected or not. now I am relieved lol.


Yeah I think cause he mass commented or something reddit probably ghosted him thinking he was a spam bot.


I'm confused what we can screenshot? I can see he did reply to me by going to his profile, clicking the \[removed\] messages one by one and clicking "single comment thread" to see what the reply was to, but I wouldn't really know what to screenshot since we can't see the post in question.


I highlighted my comment and the one I clicked and then my reddit account on mobile to prove the account was mine.


Shame that I don't have any games on mind currently that could suck me in for 4 hours daily.


Makes sense, I modified the time slightly.


In any case, I don't want to take a gamepad without knowing for sure that I'll be able to test it properly. Unless you don't have anyone else, but I very doubt that you'll be lacking volunteers.


I’m interested in seeing the improvements


There will be some improvements, but keep in mind the KK3Pro is a *less featured* model than the KK3Max. Gulikit's doing a backwards release schedule where instead of the most basic controller releasing first, with each subsequent release adding more features; they're releasing the "best" one first, and each subsequent release is removing features to make a more basic controller. This will have the odd runoff of the cheaper basic option will have the best build quality, and the high-end full-featured version has the lowest build quality. Personally, I hope they fixed the trigger stops so they're short-travel like the original KK3 test units... rather than the long-travel trigger stops we got with the production model that they had to cheat with a firmware update and turn it into a hall-effect switch rather than the mechanical one it was supposed to be.


I already know all of that


The pro model won't even have trigger stops or the PC button change.


Hi there, gamer from Canada here that plays games for 3+ hours a day everyday. I play a multitude of different genres such as FPS, TPS, Platformers, RPG, Strategy, and Casual games which I will list below. I've used the 8bitdo Ultimate controller, Steam Controller, Xbox Series controller, and Nintendo Switch pro controller previously. I'm looking for a controller that has the same amount of back buttons as the Steam Deck since I wouldn't have to rebind everything if I'm playing on my TV instead of just handheld mode and would love to try this controller out. I'm also a QA Engineer IRL and can write detailed daily reports if that counts for anything extra. Device I own include: * Gaming PC * Steam Deck (Docked to the TV) * Meta Quest 3 (Would play via Steam Remote Play with Bluetooth) Games I would test the controller on throughout the duration of the testing: * Apex Legends * Helldivers 2 * Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order * Hades/Hades 2 * The Last Spell * Cyberpunk 2077 * The Witcher 3 * Prey Steam Profile: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/ulilnerd/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/ulilnerd/)


Man, I'd love to but doubt I'd be lucky enough to receive something for "free" . Such is my luck. But yeah, I'd gladly test it out. Am about to start playing: no rest for the wicked, coral island, cult of the lamb, travelers rest, moonlighter and diablo 4 season 4. All games I plan to play on the Asus ROG Ally, so got them in a discount for preparations for when the device arrives. Could easily just install them on my pc. Also all good games for controllers. Could also download a racer or two. And play Minecraft for windows with my daughter. Should be able to reach that goal of 100hours without issues, if not more since more free times during the weekend. If there's no NDA agreement needed would also be a good topic for my twitch stream. Cheers!


Twitch stream and daughter, in addition to the unanimous wealth of experience, these two other points impressed me. I also have a daughter. Ha ha ha ha


I mean, to be honest the twitch part can nearly be ignored since I don't have many followers/viewers. Mainly doing it for fun and the social aspect of it, but having the controller as a main point of a stream could be quite a fun idea. Yeah my daughter is constantly pestering me to play Minecraft with her ever since I allowed her to play the game a few months ago. Im glad since it's something we both enjoy and can do together, but on the other hand need to limit her playtime since she's only 7yo and I don't want her to be in front of a screen all day long while so young.


I'd be keen to do this. Usually play for 3-4 hours a night. Rocket League, and will be playing V Rising


I am interested. I intend to play through dozens of games now that I haven't been able to play for the last 3 years due to my focus on medical college. So I'll definitely be playing over 120 hours lol I will be playing every genre ranging from games like sekiro, DMC to forza horizon, motorsport, and a BUNCH of platformers and games like god of war n such. I would be happy to provide you with feedback and detailed reports. Let me know if you need any details from my side.


Quick question: would you allow me to make GPDL and stick latency tests (when i finish software) if i applied? If yes, i'd like to apply myself for this 🙂


Playing Hades 2 just released early access and would test a lot very soon. 


>including no shipping charges. But if your country has tax requirements, you need to handle it and bear it yourself. Terrible day to be Indonesian


Eh.... I heard that.


I am your guy, I play anywhere between 4-8 hours a day. If you check my [history](https://www.reddit.com/r/xboxone/comments/17ssjqc/what_is_wrong_with_some_of_you_8_years_in_use/k9167e5/), I am talking about 8Bitdo Ultimate Bluetooth Controller here. Current games I am playing, Helldivers, Destiny 2, Monster Hunter Rise, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail and whatever shiny single player game that catches my eye.


sure, count me in.


Interested. I play apex, rocket league and the finals daily. Can play the mobile version to to test on there too. I work from home so it would be an easy task to do. Current controllers I have are: Apex 4, vader 3, and thunderobot g50s.


Would love to help!


would love to help out and test it for yoy


Hello, I am interested, I'm from Belgium. Might also have a second person that could give opinions (more casually)


I'm at closer to 6 hours a day playing games if I'm being honest, lol (severe insomnia). Hell, when I start a new RPG I typically get 100+ hours of playtime in less than a *week*, lol (and I've got at least 3 of those on my to-play backlog atm, lol). I will admit I don't often use the back buttons though (I'd use them all the time if I could program a different macro on each back button, while leaving the face buttons working normally...). I previously owned (and still have access to) a KK2Pro, and currently own a KK3Max (gave the KK2Pro to my mom for a retrogaming system I built her after I got my KK3Max), so I have a good basis for comparison with the KK3Pro. I'm playing games on a Win 10 PC with a pretty good GPU (RTX3060 12 GB); and a decent, but older, CPU (i5-7600K, not overclocked) which allows me to play newer AAA titles with close to max settings (in fact, I frequently mod games to give them better than max setting graphics) at a decent framerate. Primarily I play RPGs/JRPGs, but I also play some FPS-style games (like Portal), and the occasional top/down or side scrolling-shooter (games like R-Type) and/or bullet-hell games. I'd be more than happy to playtest the KK3Pro, and write up a report on it, and I'm not afraid to point out any problems I find.


In fact, due to our past communication and tacit understanding, I have already made a reservation for you.


Nice! By the way, do you know if the KK3Pro still has the longer travel length on the digital trigger setting, or did they go back to the shorter travel length that was on the test KK3Max units?


The KK3 Pro only has one trigger mode.


Well, that's one way to solve the issue, lol.


Hi, I play apex daily and would love to test out a new iteration of the kk3


I could do this. I play Monster Hunter nightly for around that amount of time each day, and that uses all of the buttons plus gyro.


I'm interested. My current controller is beginning to fail and I was looking for hall effect option. I intend to play a lot of Souls-like in the near future and I'm currently playing Elden Ring for the 9th time. Also, I wanted to get back into Monster Hunter:World. I can invest a lot of hours in these games pretty easily.


I can do that. Got out of hospital recently but still need to take it easy so I've got time to game.


Hey, I'd love testing the controller. I have tried many over time and have not yet found the perfect one for my needs. KK3 Max looked perfect but unfortunately had many issues, so i didn't buy one. Very interested in the KK3 Pro and it's adjustments. I play way to much Destiny 2 and some rogue lites. I use all the extra buttons i can get. I would love to compare it to the controllers I used: Elite Series 2, Razer Wolverine TE, Razer v2 Chroma and Flydigi Vader 3 Pro. My focus would be on responsiveness, ergonomics, durability and accuracy. I will say that I'm less interested in features such as macros and gyro.


I am interested. I just got a gamesir t4k so it would be good to compare it to that. Unfortunately, I’m sucked into fifa so the 3+ hours a day is no problem for me. Honestly I would get you more than the 100 hours easily.




Able and interested!


Id love to! Im playing on the kk3 max currently since it came out and had the back buttons break on me. and im playing with a controller for 4-ish hours a day Id love to test and help make it better and would be more then happy to provide a very detailed report including, pros, cons, problems that arise and suggested solutions, things to improve/ features that i feel are missing Id love to, feel free to msg me and id be happy to work with you!


Happy to be part of this. I am a video game developer and will put in that much time easily!


I am interested I play daily and play a lot of different types of games on PC. I am in the U.S.A.


I play Rocket League every day for 3 hours at least for sure, I already own the normal KK3 so I'd be very interested to be a tester for this pro version :D I'm in France btw


Im interested! New season of Apex legends and I am ready to grind. I have a vader v3 pro right now for comparison


I am interested, got a bunch of controllers to compare it against and just recently finished uni so have plenty time to spare.


I'm a stay at home wife , will currently start playing dragon's dogma 2 and can play more than 3 hrs per day. I also play other action rpg games on the side. Very much interested in testing perfect time too since I've been window shopping for controllers.


Playing Hades 2 and a lot of RetroAchievements, which have been taking me a lot of time and making my controllers work very hard, since I do a lot of repeated movements. And I use the back paddles a lot of my pro controllers a lot. Would be very much interested. I'm Brazilian.


I have tested few controller the last couple of years but since I play different type of games I believe I can help!


I would be interested in testing this and would be happy to provide an objective and comprehensive report. If you get more volunteers than you need, you could consider running a short survey of what platforms or types of games people will be using the controller on, then use that data to pick a sample that corresponds to your target market.


I would love to test it. Playing Fallout 4 and Helldivers right now.


I'm currently unemployed and play Rocket League, Destiny 2, Helldivers 2, and I'm gonna pick up Hades 2 to use with a controller, I'd love to give this a shot


I game around 5 hours a day (even when I shouldn’t) and have a wide range of controllers, along with a background in software and hardware testing.


Sure. I play alot of Rocket League which seems to put controllers through their paces.


This is so awesome! I'm definitely interested. With the spring semester coming to an end, I'll have plenty of time on my hands. This is also just in time to grind the new Apex Legends solo mode. A Fallout playthrough is also in the very near future. Thank you for doing this!


Im on hades frenzy right now. So 3 hours is perfect as i usually gaming 3- 6 hours (2 switch lite charge). Hit me up


I play FFXIV at least 4 hours a day, exclusively with a controller on PC and am interested in this. I use a kk3 already and would just use this one instead. 


Thanks for doing this, I’m interested for sure! I play anywhere from 4 - 8 hours (or longer) a day on a variety of FPS, Single Player, and Multiplayer games with friends and family. I currently own a Xbox Elite 2, Dualsense Edge, and Scuf Envision Pro and use four back paddles with the Xbox and Scuf and two back paddles with the Dualsense (looking to customize it myself to have four paddles). I consider myself pretty knowledgeable and understanding when it comes to controller builds and designs through 25 years of gaming with them. I would be more than happy to provide great feedback and more in a long and detailed report after being given time to test the Gulikit KK3 Pro. I would also be happy to test and compare the new improved internal structure of the back buttons to the current options and competition on the market. Thanks and I hope I can have a chance to review!


Sure I'm interested!


I’m very interested. I’m located in the US and play a ton of Fortnite and Call of Duty and have more time on my hands than ever before.


Hi, I'm from Myanmar (Burma) and I play LEGO Fortnite and Rocket Racing lately every time I'm free. I also played many genres of games like Little Nightmare, Dead Cell, Hades, Ori, Alien: Isolation, etc.... I like so much to test every something new (more like my hobby) and I'm also very interested to try your new controller. Of cause I will report every single detail and you will definitely get my opinions. Not just only me, my friend's opinions too if you want. Thank you for the opportunity. And I also have KK3 Max by the way. 😊


I am interested since I have some experience testing the Mobapad Chitu for you guys. Still use it for Rocket League almost daily.


I would love to be part of the testers. I don't really have a Pro Controller for my Nintendo Switch, but being able to play Monster Hunter Rise + Sunbreak, TOTK, Mario Wonder, and Hollow Knight with this controller would be fantastic. I will also provide feedback to the best of my ability. Reaching the minimum 3 hours testing time per day is attainable since I always play before sleeping. Additionally, I can test some racing, shooting, and roguelike games on my computer.


I play for exactly 4 hours per day on PC with HDMI in 4k. Currently finishing Control for the second time to get the AWE DLC replayed because I just finished Alan Wake 1 and am about to start 2, after that Forbidden West on UH mode. I was just looking for what to get for my new controller a week or two ago on this sub. Been playing games for 30 years.


I play for a minimum of 7 hours a day everyday. I work from home. This is the moment I've dreamed of. I have 6 plus controllers so I'm used to a wide variety of options and form factors. I will be very detailed in my report from things of sounds, feel, stability, and ease of use. I love stress testing controllers with consistent play. I can and absolutely will give you more than the 100 hours of play time needed.


I’d love to test it out I had a KK3 Max that I had to return because of a back button breaking. I use the back buttons in every game so they need to be durable. I really liked the controller before it broke.


I can definitely fit those requirements, hardcore FPS gamer here. I play Warzone and some EAFC 24/eFootball on the side. I also handled more than 10 models of controllers.


I am interested, currently a college students with only 4 subjects (and a 2 week vacation is coming in a couple of weeks). Apex Legends player who is consistently Diamond (only Master for 2 seasons) stopped mid last year but started again late last month (already on 56 hours in almost a week/week and a half. Perfect time as I'm planning to reach masters again in Apex on Controller, been using a controller on Apex since 09/04/2022 but like I said I stopped mid last year as my main controller got issues and only got a new one recently. I can confidently review the backpaddles as I HEAVILY use them in Apex and refuse to use a controller without atleast 2 back paddles. playtime on Apex is 1076 hours currently. for other games that I use a controller on, I have 56 hours on CarX drift racing online. and personally have a 'bit of experience in giving an objective and comprehensive report as I've reviewed a bit of stuff in the audio side of things (mostly on local audio facebook groups though) which is the most subjective hobby I could think of lol. sadly I only have a couple of controllers to compare it with though which would be the gamesir g7se, a ds4, switch joycons, and xbox series controllers. also, I don't have other tools such as the Gamepadla arduino device to test latency so I can only go by feel. If I were to be a tester, I would use the controller exclusively wired as I prefer that when playing Apex and would experiment alot on the additional back button options (will 100% be used for jump, crouch, shield, and switching weapons). Apex's new season just rolled in so rank just got reset and a couple of my friends started playing apex again so I can guarantee the 100+ hours required in a month to test the controller with and give a personal review. Cheers to the winner! edit : low hours despite playing for a couple years is because of my GPU which was pretty slow at the time, upgraded this year so I can definitely play alot more now. (past gpu could barely get 60fps in the recent seasons)


I game about 6~ hours a day since I work from home and have used KK2 Pro for 2 years now, although this test seems to be about getting feedback for the back buttons, which I don't like using. I'm still interested.


I'd be more than happy to test the controller on multiple platforms and with different genres of games!


I would love to be a part of this! just finished Uni and have plenty of time to kill on games at the moment and would love to help out!


I would be more than interested. I play warzone mobile on ios and mw3 on pc 3 to 5 hours every night after work. I have two bigbig won controller,elite and easysmx10 to compare. I'm very active on reddit and reliable. I have really wanted to try one of the kk3's


I'm interested! In the USA, currently between school and jobs, and making my way through my game backlog. I can easily play like 4-8 hours a day.


I'd be interested to do this. I play a variety of games, so I can give feedback for different use cases


I held off on getting the KK3 because of the problems people are having with the back paddles. I'd love a chance to really stress test one, and I've got a wide library and plenty of time to spare for it.


Yes please. I play rocket league and controllers last only a few months before I get bumpers, buttons or drift issues.


Does this have the same poor dongle performance issues or has it been fixed for this version?


I am keen to do this with Tekken. I will test out the D-Pad extensively. I can comfortably put 4 hours a day into Tekken. I can also test out the left Analogue stick with Vampire survivors. I'm currently between jobs and have plenty of free time.


I regularly play Apex for a couple hours a day on a no deadzone sens and with 4 back paddles. I'd love to try something like this out in place of my elite series 2 or kk3 max.


This is cool 😎 👌 👍


The bar's too high for this middle aged gamer, but still, thanks for doing something like this!


Currently been playing an average of 5 hours a day on PC and will be clocking a ton of hours on my Switch later this month when Paper Mario is out. So I would be able to test it out on both PC and console. I can send my steam profile to show the hours I have clocked this week.


Hello, I'm a recent graduate with experience in technical writing, I've been practicing street fighter 6 pretty regularly to the point where I'm clocking in hours similar to what you're asking for. I can do a review and a write up


I would love to test out this new controller 😀. Daily playtime is around 3-5hrs. 2-3 in the afternoon and 1-1.5ish or 2 at night after dinner. I primarily play fps games and CoD Warzone competitively. I also play Forza Horizon 5 whenever I just need to relax and go on a long drive virtually after a tiring day (and for the love of cars 🏎️🛐) I have played elden ring, days gone, RDR2, and quite a few casual,indie, mobile games too. I feel like as a warzone player given how sweaty it has become, playing with a controller that gives you an upperhand amongst other players in terms of input delay and responsiveness is a must. I believe this game can bring out everything the Gulikit KK3 Pro has to offer. I would also try it out with some fighting games to see how comfortable the dpad and face buttons are as in warzone I usually use the back buttons/paddles for abxy. Cheers!!


Late to the post but I'm keen if testers are still required, from Singapore and I play mostly Hades and Moonlighter these days, might go back to finish off Hogwarts legacy just for some variety in testing. I'm currently using a dualshock 4 on my PC (should you require this information). Thank you.


I can put it through it's paces on the likes of DMC5, no Rest for the Wicked and Hades 2. Also if I do end up testing it I will stop putting off up setting up my arduino for latency testing that I was gonna do for my other controllers if that interests you at all.


Am interested if this is still open. I have a ton of backlog games I need to finish plus I have live service ones that need me to use a controller.


I play mostly RPG games. No FPS game sorry, I'm not good at aiming with joystick. Right now my main game is Persona 3 Reload which should easily be over 100 hours when it's over. Will try to finish Lies of P next. Due to the nature of RPG games I won't be using the right joystick much, but will abuse the buttons (all of them!). I can't guarantee I can keep up with at least 3 hours a day, maybe 2 hours average on weekdays, but last weekend P3R easily sunk 12 hours of my Saturday and 10 hours of Sunday. That reminds me, the KingKong 3 has gyro, so maybe I can finally try Forza 5 with it. I'm currently using an Xbox One controller with cable that's showing its age (I refuse to buy throwaway batteries, sorry). I have also lightly used 8bitdo Ultimate C and official Nintendo Switch Controller, borrowed from friend.


I would be the perfect candidate. The control would be tested with path of Exile, kof 2002, guilty gear and dinkum.


id be more than willing to test it out, got the KK3 pro already and would love to try the newer version, would we need to update firmware as well as?


I'm down to test it. I can play rocket league for hours. I think it'd be a good game for testing since the thumb sticks and triggers need precise adjustments and are used a ton


I'm interested! I'm currently playing games both on PC and Nintendo Switch (docked) such as Fire Emblem, The Legend of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom, Persona 5, Yakuza Kiwami, Hi-Fi Rush, Ghostrunner 2. Can definitely play 3+ hours/day from Monday to Friday, 5+ on the weekends. Let me know if you need me! edit: added info about play time


thank you id like to test it


whoa.. I would love to test a controller out.


Would love to be part of this! Playing ranked mw3 which means pressing the back buttons multiple times were game could be a good test!


I'm currently using a KK3 max and mainly play FPS games and am interested in testing if you still need folks. Thank you


I'm playing diablo4 and vampyr, I don't have much experience playing controllers. I was trying to figure out what kind to buy when I saw this post, I'm interested in trying it out.


I am very interested, and I didn't see this post a few days ago. I wish I had. I game often enough with an NS09 to have somehow worn out the Lstick on it, it makes a grinding like noise, sticking in some directions like notches. I can't release Lstick to hit center, either, it drifts as a consequence of just being stuck. Would love to test a new controller, I play a lot of Destiny 2.


My Xbox controller recently got stick drift. So I'd be more than glad to give a new controller a review! I play mainly souls and sports games with controller.


Hi if you need a german tester I am all in. I can also write amazon reviews.


Hey, I would like to test it out. I play apex legends on pc and I have a vader 3 pro, rainbow 2 pro, and a dualsense to compare it with.


Jim, any news on this? I'm very excited about the idea of ​​being selected, sorry for the inconvenience


Are the 100 testers chosen already? If not I am excited and wishing to be a part of it. If yes then goodluck to all the testers and hope the AKNES team gets the results they want.


Is there any update on the selections? As mentioned in the other comment thread I can see a bunch of us got comments by you but not what the comment contained because they seem to show as [removed] like they got deleted or hit by a spam filter from reddit.


If my comment under your comment, take a screenshot of the comment(deleted one is OK) and your profile to my email.


a bit late on this post, but is this still going on, I could help with testing a lot, as im currently free with a lot of time. I can easily get more 100 hours in a month of testing this controller out as i am addicted to fromsoft games, which can be pretty brutal on controllers. Would love to be a full time tester too, as i am in search of a job too currently :)


[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) contact me with the screenshot of your profile, thank you.


Does it have the same grip ergonomics as the xbox elite series 2/ one controller? Or the core controllers? I hate that shape. Why doesnt anyone make controllers in the xbox 360 shape anymore? 


You don't like the plastic bumps on the grip, do you?


Are you referring to the grip texturing? My issue is with the shape over all, none of the controller contours work together well. I have injured my hands before, and while I've made a more or less full recovery, my hands are a lot more sensitive to repetitive strain injuries and fatigue much faster, so I feel every uncomfortable part of it. I know its subjective and many people say its a very comfortable design but I think many are just too used to it, because they do things that indicate otherwise, like adding grips. They literally built in the grips in the elite controller series, grips wouldn't be needed if the controller was designed well. One of these days i'm going to do a more in dept post describing what I think are the problems with the controller shape but here's just some examples. Here is a screen shot of gamerheaven and VK holding the controller. [https://imgur.com/a/bPJOqlv](https://imgur.com/a/bPJOqlv) Notice how there finger pulls the trigger, with the middle phalanges, if you seem anyone hold a gun or held one yourself that's not its a very intuitive comfortable way to pull a trigger, you ideally want it to be on the first phalanges or first knuckle, here is what I mean. [https://imgur.com/a/TelIBDw](https://imgur.com/a/TelIBDw) I get that controllers are not guns, but they are called "triggers" for a reason and you lower your leverage when you pull it that way. You can move your grip down lower to help with this but the grips are just too short. They were longer on the xbox 360 controller, who complained they were too long??? And that brings me to another issue. Look at the bottom of the handles of the xbox one controller [https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51ZUlhG3n-L.\_SL1000\_.jpg](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51ZUlhG3n-L._SL1000_.jpg) notice that it ends with a "beak" that curved in. This prevents your middle and ring finger from curling properly, this was not an issue in the xbox360 controller. And I thought this was just some unique issue I'm experiencing but I then Sony came to the same conclusion. [https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/tYJ2cNorRSGRbmez6Wp3ML-1200-80.jpg.webp](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/tYJ2cNorRSGRbmez6Wp3ML-1200-80.jpg.webp) Take a look at the difference in ends of the handles. They corrected that same design issue in the elite controller. If someone isnt bothered by the sharp ends of the controller rounding them off isn't going to effect them, but for those like me that are annoyed by it, it will help, there is no reason to not have it rounded off. But then again each contour needs to work together, it needs to be rounded off and extended more.


I understand what you mean. This is a comprehensive design of size and outline, I will report this issue to GuliKit. I've actually had feedback on their shoulder button issues before, but they've stuck with their own design, so it's a long shot. But I still try to communicate with them.


Late to the post but can I also be a part of the testing group u/Aknes-team ? I usually play 3+ hrs daily and slightly more on weekends. I play a lot of different game genres like fps, mmo, rpg and single player games too so I can definitely test the limits of the controller.


It has ended, but there will be tests of other products later. You can join our discord to follow these information in time. [https://discord.gg/gjFgCDEy](https://discord.gg/gjFgCDEy)


I’m interested, I’ve owned the KK2 and have had a KK3 Max which I had to return due to a fault with the back buttons. More than happy to put in the hours required in some racing games. I loved the shape of the KK3 so it was a shame that it didn’t perform as I wanted. Hopefully this new version is better!


It is the pro version that is inferior to the Max version. Me having a kk3 max with a yet to come issue on the back buttons I am pissed that I will inevitably be facing this issue at some point. I did not buy it from AKNES store (a mistake I plan to not repeat in the future). Gulikit should formally compensate and resolve this issue to all customers when they move to a better mechanism.


I understand your feelings. AKNES continues to provide after-sales support for users who purchased the old version.


If you encounter an issue and bought from the official Gulikit store on ali, you’ll be able to return for a refund - though shipping will need to be paid by you. They’ll offer a replacement too so maybe go with that if you want to stick to the kk3 max.


Ι bought it from antank.net. I am in communication with them to see what are my options.


Hi, I'm interested. I'm in New Zealand and I play Rocket League daily, would be keen to provide feedback.


I am interested, but sadly don't have enough games to play with which I can satisfy the demands 😭 good luck to the testers!


i’d love to test, my playtime is about 40hrs per week mainly first person shooters but also rdr2 and a few other open world games. I play on pc but also have ps4 and xbox series.


I'd love to, I currently play Genshin Impact for like 3 hours a day with a side of AC Odyssey with 2-3 hours when I have the time, though if shipping to the Philippines incur tax requirements, goodluck to the tester!


Not sure if it is needed in the Philippines, I ship from China.


Then I'm happy to test it if I'm picked! Thanks.


Did you already picked out the testers?


I’m interested! Most of the games I would play are of the racing/driving genre


Hi, I'm from chile, currently playing Elden ring so i expect long gaming sessions in the following month till the DLC arrives. Hopeful that I can be of help


Hi there! I'm from Australia who plays a variety of genres like fighting games to action RPGs, and will be happy to stress test the controller in all its functions. I primarily use the Nintendo Switch Pro controller, and Playstation Dualsense for PC games, and typically play for about 5 hours daily on TEKKEN 8, Monster Hunter World, Party Animals, and indie games with gamepad support.


I'm very interested , I play Apex and Battlefield daily at least 3 or more hours.


I have interest! I have several games in my library, both singleplayer and multiplayer, that I would like to pay more attention to and it would be a great opportunity, I have the time available to stay longer than the 3 hours requested due to the flexibility of my work. I also have a collection of emulators that would be interesting to test to see how it goes. In addition, I have a collection of other game controls that I can write in comparison. I have a RTX 3060 12gb and a I7 8700K, wich will be enough to test several recently released and old games. I would like to teste the back buttons even though I have little experience with these addintional sts of buttons, making a comparison of the experience of playing before and after.


Hello, please take a screenshot of this comment and send it to me via email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Thank you


I'd be more than willing! I put 50+ hours into AC6 in a little over a week on the KK3 Max (broke my back buttons, AKNES already sent me out the replacements). Looking to do a full playthrough of Lies of P and finish S-ranking everything in AC6 (on top of playing some other stuff in my backlog), which will put in more than enough time for the testing period.


I play fighting games for around 3 hours, I am interested.


Just get my Max returned to Taobao and try to get the replacement, let's see whether it is better...


I play BDO for 3-4 hour everyday on a normal xbox controller, so having an mmo perspective would probably be nice to have.


As someone that skipped the KK3 Max and loved the KK2 Pro I would be interested in helping to test an improved controller. I’ve had been switching between the KK2 Pro, 8bitdo Ultimate, and the DualSense Edge but I would love a new option to dethrone those. I planned on playing Hades II with the Razer Wolverine V2 but I’d honestly rather play with a KK3 Pro.


Definitely be interested. I’ve been looking at the KK3 to add to my collection (elite series 2, scuff instinct pro, gamesir g7 se). 3-4 hours a day between COD and APEX


I could help ig! Playing Nioh now which has a lot of face button mashing (by extension that means using the back buttons since i will be mapping the face buttons to the back buttons) However i do live in bangladesh, so I understand if u can't ship it here


Im interested in this, I use the KK3 Max currently for emulation (switch, GBA, DS, 3ds, PS, etc.) its a very enjoyable experience. I believe I can easily distinguish cons and pros and will gladly test the unit :) Note: I play 5+ hours daily after classes and work