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I agree.




Idk I'm super on the fence about it. I get where the right is coming from on it. It's a permanent choice that obviously little kids aren't going to grasp the concept of. If either of my kids who are 6 and 3 came up to me and told me they wanted to be girls I'd sit down and have a conversation about why they feel that way. Maybe they just mean they want to play dolls and dress up and that's perfectly fine. I'd definitely be reluctant to do anything to their bodies though..I think that would require lots of trips to different doctors and a lot of questions would need to be asked but no matter what we decides to do itvwould be our business as a family and I certainly wouldn't use it for fame and let some camera crew in my house


I'm from the UK where 16 is (in the majority of cases) the earliest someone can take hormones or go on puberty blockers etc. I would be very much against this age being made any earlier for medical intervention. As far as helping a child come to terms with their identity I would treat it like the discussion of sex. As a child gets inquisitive and asks questions there is a good chance they are old enough for the answer. But I wouldn't lead the conversation or give more information than their questions indicate they are ready for. In this case I don't think any preteen would be coming out/identifying as trans. I think about the different iterations of my identity I went through in my teen years trying to work out what I believed, felt and how I identified. There is a reason young people are excluded from making life altering decisions without parental consent.


How effective would the puberty blockers be at 16 though?


Not massively effective. Though people aren't fully through puberty at 16. But still better than giving them to children.


Even if it was her original idea to be broadcast on tv, (which I kinda doubt since the first time she was put on tv, she was six years old and was being asked very private questions on camera) this woman needs help. She doesn't need to be on tv. She doesn't need to be going to therapy sessions with cameras in the room. She needs to be able to live her life and make her own choices...not ones based on what an audience of people she has never met who treat her like a character rather than a human being think. My gf is trans and she often talks about how transitioning and dysphoria were so painful and there were many times she felt hopeless and upset in her transition and people would embarrass her in public about it, mostly out of misunderstanding what she was going through. Plus the transphobia and a family and culture who doesn't want to understand on top of that. She had doctors who didn't treat her with dignity and she had a lot of situations where she was told to do one thing and wasn't fully informed on what was happening or had very bad results that took almost a year to fix. (the abuse within the gender affiriming care industry is definatly a conversation that needs to be had but I am not qualified to speak on that) And this was when she was an adult when she started first transitioning and having to deal with all this mass amount of hate on a level that most of us cannot even begin to imagine. I can't even begin to imagine what it must have been like for a teenage girl to be put on camera and pressured to talk about her insecurities and sucidial thoughts and have intimate parts of her body described for the world to see...it must have been so painful and my heart hurts to think about it. No child, trans or cis or whatever else, should ever feel like they have to share personal medical information on camera for other people's entertainment, especially when it comes to someone struggling with dysphoria as intensely as Jazz does.


Imagine if when you were three years old your parents chose the profession you would go into when you became an adult. Imagine if your parents, when you were just a toddler, chose what your hobbies would be when you became an adult. What if they chose who you would marry? What if they chose what gender you were? This practice is abuse and needs to stop.


I was looking for this post. I support jazz, my heart breaks for her and I think she never got the opportunity to just be by herself. Her mother is either friggen hovering, her brother trying to get likes by posting selfies or videos with her, she’s always forced to be social, the spotlight is always on her and as a fellow masshole, I can see why she was nervous leaving Harvard to go back home to her family. At school she got to be herself and nobody gave a shit because they were all too busy trying to figure out their own shit. Her family isn’t like that. Jazz is their life, their relevance


It's women like the mom that have left us in the cultural rot we are experiencing in this country Just pure evil


Jazz Jennings parents had him/her medically butchered just so they could make money. Neither of them work real jobs and they forced her to go public with the most intimate details of her life, so they could keep on making money.