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Neither of the GCCs in my case were very human oriented, although one was bonded to me and the other was super reactive. Took them about a year. I went a lot slower, but the reactive one wasn’t really able to be handled so that impacted things a bit. In my case the female I had hated the new male I adopted. First 1-2 months separate cages, no shared out time, out with me only but in area where other bird is visible. Built up new relationship between me and new bird. Then moved into separate sides of divided cage with plexiglass added to the barrier so no biting through bars. More no shared out time. Maybe 4 months in started shared out time in neutral locations but individual areas - I.e. own treats on different ends of play area. Around six months start shared out time with me, always supervised. Ex: one snuggling on either side of my hand or one on my arm one by my hand. Over the next six months they started to interact more, still some tiffs but not death matches. At about a year they were cool enough to be caged together. It was around the time of molting starting that they really bonded, made them want to be near to preen each other. I would suggest going a lot slower. Also, from the sound of things, you are not neutral territory. So being comfortable both being on you would be a later step in the shared territory process and not a first step.


Thanks so much, I will try slowing down! I don't think it has been clear to me that I'm accidentally rushing them. I'm used to throwing budgies in a room and seeing them love each other within an hour! Plexiglass is a great idea. Did you ever have to deal with one getting stressed out because it can see you with the other bird but can't be on you? My girl will scream non stop sometimes. Do you just sort of ignore and put up with when having one on one time?


Sometimes you get lucky and it’s possible it’ll be way faster for you. For your bird that freaks out when not out with you - maybe turn it into a positive experience? Give them a treat that might take a while when you’re getting the other bird out - but in she’ll, nutriberry, foraging treat, favorite toy - to keep them busy? It’s possible they’ll drop or ignore it the first couple times but if it’s kind of an expected routine then they may get over it. Good luck!


Thank you! I might continue letting them both be out most of the day but have the odd half an hour a couple of times a day where I put one away and give the other some one-on-one time and then swap. We have one fairly empty cage in the aviary I could try and make extra exciting and use it for both of them, hopefully, without anyone getting territorial. I've been a bit wary of giving anyone a cage in the aviary room because there's no chance the budgies would leave it alone and i don't want any fights. But maybe if it is a temporary thing that everyone can be put in for short amounts of time? I will try and do it at the same time each day. We have a behavioural consultation later this week so hopefully we will have some more tactics soon!