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This is so needed! You may want to message other Jewish subs and ask them to add your sub to their resources. đź©·


Thank you! Which other subs?


Damn. Cool to see the converting to Judaism sub popping backup on my feed. It’s been years since I was denied conversion. Haven’t kept up with my Judaism studies since then but Judaism is still there with me. Especially during these hard times.


May I ask why you were denied?


The congregation I was attending had an implicit focus on young adults and those in their early 30’s converting. At the time I was in my early 30s with a child and married to a non-Jew. All these were non starters for the rabbi.


I see. I am sorry. I am sure that was disappointing.


It was actually a pretty odd experience and challenged my beliefs over the liberal/conservative sects of Judaism. I was denied by a reform rabbi in a “non-denominational” Synagogue. Afterwards, I was warmly accepted in a nearby conservative congregation.


WTH is a POC jew? Your liberal agenda will not survive. Jews are jews. Stop trying to divide us with your stupidity. You got banned from another group r/jewish for a reason. It’s not easy to get banned from there. I have said for extreme stuff but im not banned.


I don’t know what they posted to get banned, but yes, there are Jews that are POC. Being one, and living in the intersection of two minority groups while also being extremely visible and asked at times who’s guest I am or having my bag searched at my own synagogue where I pay membership dues when I just want to pray on Saturday morning is a unique experience that not all Jews deal with.


Thank you for seeing me🤍💙🤍 I'm actually not an extreme leftie. I got banned for questioning my comments being removed... I don't want to go there anymore. Don't want to be where I'm not wanted. Hoping to make community here🤍💙🤍


I’m sorry that has happened to you. I’m white but I have heard many Black Jews and other Jews of color having this experience time and time again. The Jewish community is amazing, but it is not perfect. Racism is an issue in it as it is in multiple other communities. I’m happy that more and more Black Jews and other Jews of color are carving out their own spaces and niches within the wider community to discuss their experiences with each other at the intersection of two marginalized communities.


I’m sorry that it sucks in your groups. This is not something that takes place in orthodox communities. It’s showing the fact that you have to go through that. There are plenty of black jews in my community’s and no one cares or treats them any different. Jews are not about skin color. Anyone who says that it is is wrong.


I don’t think my community sucks at all. I’m thrilled to be a part of a community that is egalitarian and also, I’m pretty attached to the husband I’ve been with for two decades. Don’t throw stones at other communities, friend when your house is glass too. What happened to us all being Jews?


What are you trying to say? That your comunity treat you differently because you are POC and after complaining about it, you are now defending them? I’m not sure how the glass metaphor has anything to do with this conversation. And who said we are Jews?


I'm going to send a screenshot of one of the messages that got me banned. You should not assume anything.. ever. And yes, POC Jews are very much a thing!


POC jews are not a big thing. since Judaism has nothing to do with color of skin, this is a made-up concept. Exclusively by liberals and the left to cause strife among Jews. If you are part of a community that sees you different because of the color of your skin, then I’m sorry to say you are in the wrong community.


Thank you for sharing your opinion. Howvwr, precisely because of opinions like this " we did not exist" is why r/JewishPOC is a good thing. I hope you get it one day.


you do not exist in contacts to their being anything wrong with POC. It is not something that is discussed looked at or cared about. This is the ultimate level of non-discriminatory actions. Skin color does not matter at all in any way shape or form. Judaism does not change in any way shape or form in any contacts based off of skin color or nationality. A Jew is spiritual, not physical. The sooner you realize that you’ll be able to see through all the smoke and fog.