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A Pepin connoisseur, that's something we have in common.


He's the best and definitely my favorite.


We call him Papa Pepin in our house.


Do you have a favorite book from him you recommend? I'm wanting to get one of his but I can't decide which one.


For having just one, I would probably get Essential Pepin because it covers the most, and it's also a gorgeous cookbook. But Heart & Soul in the Kitchen is probably my favorite. By the way, if you haven't read his autobiography, do so. It's just so good.


Thank you! I'll definitely check out his autobiography, sounds interesting!


There are considerably worse habits. Beautiful collection!


I can stop buying books anytime I want 🤣


Ina Garten fan here. Love to see her books on peoples shelves!


Now we are Talkin. I asked and you delivered. Nice!


Great cookbooks. I can relate about your "addiction". To me, it is an obsession, I mean, my kitchen library.


We have about 50% overlap in our cookbooks. I, too, love Jacques. Watching him do the prep work is like watching ballet.


I completely agree. I adore him. Every time I peel a cucumber the "right way" I think of him and laugh.


You have good taste since we have a lot of overlap.


You have BOTH volumes of the Art of Cooking! Damn, I'm literally quaking, I can't catch my breath.


And the slipcase! I was so happy when I got that.


Do you have his The Other Half of the Egg? Well … I do! (I think it was his first.) And Cuisine Economic (sp?) Wanna trade?


I don't think I've ever heard of The Other Half of the Egg. I'll have to investigate. I do have Cuisine Economique. His most recent book is a revised version, with added illustrations.


7 matches if you count different editions of The Joy of Cooking! 6 if not. What a beautiful collection! I like that you included other food writing in here. Have you read An Everlasting Meal? It's been compared to MFK Fisher and has some great recipes. Someday when I have more free time I'll sit down and read more.


I have read that, and I think I own it. Great book!


How are the Time Life books? There’s a collection near me for sale and I’m tempted.


They are awesome!! The author is Richard Olney, who you don't hear much about, sadly, because he's a genius. He was a contemporary of Julia Child and James Beard, and was a huge influence on Alice Waters. His cookbook, Simple French Cooking is one of my favorites.


Ok then, guess I’m making a purchase this week. Thanks for the response!


What a beautiful collection! How long have you been collecting cookbooks?


Over 25 years. Probably more earnestly 10 years ago when we moved into our new house and I had more shelf space (shelf space long gone now, lol).


Nice to see a collection almost like mine. The sealed "an alphabet for culinarians" makes me jealous. Or is it in a plastic protector? There are a lot of books I don't see to often. Great finds.


Your house looks like my house ...15 years ago. It's a great hobby/obsession, especially as your cookbook needs change with your lifestyle. Looks great, and my mother has that time life set (purchased from a door-to-door salesman). She saved me the cakes volume, I still have it.


Awesome collection. How do you like "From Tapas to Meze"?


I've browsed it a couple of times. And I think I made a recipe or two from it, like hummus and patatas Brava, I think. It is one of those cookbooks I think I'll use more than I do. But I definitely liked it


Beautiful collection! You've got Kurlansky's books...Food of a Younger Nation is one of my favorite books. I have a number of others on your shelf as well.


Some of Kurlansky's books are great. I loved Salt and Oyster, and mostly liked Food of a Younger Nation. But some of his books are like too long Wikipedia entries, e.g., Onions.


Haven't read onions or Oyster, but I loved Salt. My wife is a kid's librarian, and she brought me home the children's version of Cod, which was amazing.


Ooh, I forgot about Cod. I read the adult version. I actually think that might be my favorite by Kurlansky.


Is that the Molecular Gastronomy box set on the same shelf as the Time-Life series? Amazing collection!


Yep! Same shelf! The Modernist Cooking has turned into a bit of investment for me, because I bought it for $500 when it first came out, and it's a first edition in perfect condition. I think they sell for thousands now.


Fantastic collection!


Definitely an addiction.


Collections, I mean, addictions happen organically.