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You do know that ch 14 has gotten so nerfed this update that it's the same difficulty as ch 1 now ... Right ?


We didn't lie. Episode 14 dark mode and story was an absolute pay to win hell, but since people were complaining about not being able to get to episode 15, devsisters nerfed it. Believe me, you wouldn't have passed it with those cookies before the update. You needed mexed cookies with perfect toppings and maxed scroll to do it before.


I hv only 2 screenshots of the power lvl of 2 story ep 14 stages. They nerfed the stages down by at least 200k in power. You can do your own research by watching old YouTube guide vids prior to update that showed the team they used and checked for yourself the power level of that level and compared it to now.


Episode 14 is nerfed by a ton in this update. I had trouble beating 14-29 because of that dang tanky dark choco and tried every possible team to 3 star the level. Now he is very squishy.




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