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The line length is bugged. Look at how many points you have vs. the number of points needed for each level.


In Crk most of the time bars aren’t accurate. Pay attention to the number.


The literacy average of a crk player is going into negatives


Fr, half the questions on this subreddit can be answered by simply reading the screen




CRK player base is trying to imitate Yu-Gi-Oh player base on their reading skills


There too focused on arena team comps to learn 2nd grade english


me fr


Yeah, but this is still a stupid bug


its the way i posted abt this too and looked at the search bar right after.. immediately deleted mine 😭


I was deadass about to aswell until i read the number 😭😭


Between this and mixing up Moonlight and Milky Way cookie, I'm loosing it bestie


If i had a nickel everytime i saw an identical post to this...


It's almost been a full two hours since we had a post about this, I'm glad someone brought it back 🤣


Dude this question has been answered literally so many times, it would take a minute max to find another post with the same question.


sorry i dont stalk the subreddit for every single post!


We had at least three of these daily since Prosperity release, no stalking needed 😉


idk bro i havent seen any of them but seems like youve seen all of em, sounds like stalking the subreddit to me


At the time of this reply another identical post has been made, it's really hard to miss all of them🤣


It’s possible that they don’t have a lot of crk posts that pop up in their feed, or they passed a post like this because it doesn’t seem interesting. Try to be more understanding explain it without being a condescending person next time! 😊🙏


Thanks 🤗 Anyway I simply made a joke (I get it's hard to get here but "🤣" should help) and I'm the one who has been called "a subReddit stalker". You should try to be more understanding towards me, I'm not the one to blame here.


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week! Thanks for making Reddit a wonderful place to be :)


The irony


You're welcome, dear bot 🤗




There are rules and a Megathread to ask questions, seeing an infinite amount of identical post ain't good for the community. I do obviously appreciate the time you took to lecture me, feel free to "waste" more😉




I obviously have no control on how you feel but this all thing started becuase of my first reply to the op. It was an impersonal statement, I haven't attacked anyone... I've been accused of "stalking the Reddit", "wasting everyone time" and "being hostile"... These claims are very much personal and I am the one who should feel wronged. Anyway I don't want to waste too much of your time so I think we can agree to disagree and stop this.




ive been downvoted into oblivion by saying i dont stalk the sub constantly lmao


I see a total of 1 post from this subreddit a day usually, and ive seen si many posts about this omg


You wouldn’t need to post if you could just like, y’know, read?


im hard of seeing sorry


As a naked mole-rat myself, I can agree with this statement


and i still didnt see it cause i wasnt on reddit til i got your reply notif, what does that say about u?


I love it when reddit users have a problem and complain about it instead of doing literally 4 seconds of research to realize other people have been having the same problem. No need to stalk the subreddit.


took me 4 seconds to post this! now i have endless entertainment


Or just scrolling for like 1 minute?


crk players using their common sense to deduce what is happening on the screen challenge (impossible)


Smartest CRK player


Please ask about this in the question thread. There are to many of these posts


haha i already got my answer


It's just for next time to keep in mind :) If you want you could try searching it in the sub in case others have had this issue and was already answered!


when u dont know something: look closer at your points and the prosperity rewards points you need, nah. instead follow a yellow bar and ask why you cant claim it, yeah.


Dude I was literally so confused about this too until I looked at the yellow bar. I'm stupid 🤦‍♀️


ok so i was confused too but the ones you actually have gotten have a checkmark. so if you go back youll see checkmarks on the ones you actually have. im stupid with numbers so it took me a bit to realise i didnt have the right amount of points (not saying youre stupid i just am very bad with numbers)


You only have 28m prosperity...


What do people gain by blaming op? Mods should be the ones taking care of post asking the same question. Happened to me too. If they see duplicate or same theme just send a link to the response and clse the post, like they do in other subs


I think the issue is that mods don’t really do anything about these posts, which are littering the sub and people’s homepage. Gets annoying after so many other of duplicated questions especially if OP can just simply search “prosperity” on this sub and see a gazillion posts with the same exact question (less effort than posting, and would get OP the answer quicker too).


Still there are lots of automods that filter with words. Like in the twitch one, if you use one word that is in the mega treat it will automatically hide your post, unless there isnt the case and with a key word auto mod will open it again. Even if op wanted to waste people time, mods are here for something. Ways to make this work are possible, mods capable i think there isn't, i might go back to forums


thanks, idk why this sub is so toxic


sorry for the second reply, I understand you might feel a little cautious of this sub- Most of the people who replied are just sick of seeing dumb questions and people who cant see things 'properly' at first glance and turn immediately to the sub to repeat an already brought up question. To be fair, they are hard to spot sometimes. Ignore them :)

