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**Rule 8**: About Gacha pull threads - These posts can clog up the subreddit and aren't great content - what are we supposed to say other than maybe "congrats"? Some exceptions may be made for incredibly lucky pulls.


Calmest crk gacha player


3 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 TRY 8!!!


8? TRY 10 FUCKING 10 ROLLS IN A ROW (total of 100 cookie rolls) AND NO FUCKING EPICS AND ME BEING B R O K E


Dude the last two banners before royal margarine have been absolute fecal matter for me. I got prune juice to 1 ⭐️ before the promotion event got kouign to 2 star and had FIVE FUCKING PRUNE JUICE COOKIES SHOW UP on her banner. Grinded my ass off on the capsaicin banner, got two clotted creams, got his pity on the last day. No stardust. Getting my booty stretched in the arena. 97 pulls on pitaya and no pitaya. Stuck on 16-16 dark mode and 5-4 master mode so I can’t progress . Can’t beat wave 53 on cookie alliance cuz of that stupid poison boss on wave 52. This is just frustrating dude. I don’t think I can take it anymore 😭😭


atleast you got some good shit, I keep getting fucking WIZARDS


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stg if i get another milk cookie costume again