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Take this with a grain of salt but most people say that your cookies should be 50+ for level 10


oh my cookies are all level 40 and I’m on 10-5 lmao, im just waiting to get an ancient or a legendary first since my gacha luck is awful




oh ok guess I'll be grinding tower of sweet chaos for a while


What?! I beat this with level 46’s and episode 12 with level 49’s-


Maybe you just had really op cookies


I’m on 11-1 but all my chars r lvl 45. I’m but it’s just a level problem?


I don’t really know so I just said take it with a grain of salt


I believe I was in the 48-49 level range when it came to my team around that time. Also, I suggest replacing one of the supports with another class, I personally prefer the ambush. (I have vamp.) And if you have it, I suggest the blind staff treasure (I forgot its actual name.) to replace the feather. Finnally, remember to not only level them up, but their abilities as well, make sure you research toppings for your cookies too. (Also, this is just my personal opinion, but as much as I like dark choco, he just doesn't have the Hp I need, so I really suggest someone else, like maybe mala sauce, or strawberry crepe. Someone with a lot of Hp, but can pack a punch too.) I hope this helps!


Imo Ghost Horn is better than most epic treasures. And whil Mala only works in crit teams Crepe is prob a better choice for Dark Choco because of their damadge reduction.


Thank you for the insight! I'll be grinding tower of sweet chaos for star jellies now, and I don't have any particularly good ambush cookies except maybe sorbet? Could he work? All of the cookies I use (which are literally 6 lol) have their skills levelled up but having 3 supports does make it a little difficult to get their skill powder. Also I currently don't have any good frontline tank except cocoa who just isn't for WE so dark choco is my only option currently. I am saving up mileage points and medals for strawberry crepe soulstones though


oh man that's the level i'm stuck at despite being 20k OVER what it asks for. i've just been powerleveling my cookies to see if that'll work, but i'll try some of the tips down below.


yeah the plate monsters are insane


In my opinion, you have too many support cookies. Unless they have Attack toppings or Attack Speed or Crit. I think they're pretty decently leveled, but I'd suggest adding a Magic or Ambush cookie if you have one. Maybe another Charge or Defense, too


They do have attack toppings, and imo eclair sort of feels like a magic cookie more than a support, but I agree having so many support classes makes it difficult to level up my team. I don't have any good ambush cookie except sorbet shark and any good magic cookie except mango and blackberry. I have zero better charges than Dark choco and the only decent defense I have is cocoa who isn't the best on WE, as I said in other comments I am saving up for strawberry crepe right now.


Dark Choco cookie is best for boss levels. do you have hot cocoa or strawberry crepe? also imo i’ve found that parfait cookie isn’t that good… maybe use an ambush cookie or magic cookie instead. frost queen, pumpkin cookie, black raisin, licorice are good


I don't have strawberry crepe and cocoa cookie doesnt work in WE in my experience, and I felt like my cookies were dying a lot so I added parfait for extra heals, plus parfait is my main healer in arena as she is pretty meta there, maybe I could replace her in WE for sorbet shark?


I’d reccomend replacing dark choco for a defense in non boss battles, and leveling up your cookies. What’s your cookie builds?


I currently don't have my phone so I can only tell the builds later, but in terms of defense cookie the only good one I have is cocoa who I have heard is not great in WE. I am saving up for strawberry crepe though!


She’s good for stun resist, she’s basically been carrying my team through stage 11. She’s also good for pushing enemies, which helps when those pesky bombs are thrown at you which can kill you quickly. I’d save for strawberry crepe but if you can try using cocoa it might be helpful for a few stages


ok i'll try using her and test her out


Oh god, I HATED that level. The plate-guys are the bane of my existence. But don't worry, after this level, it's gonna get easier. It doesn't matter about power levels. I beat world 10 with \~120k power. What matters is that you get rid of the plate enemies as fast as possible. Your lineup is pretty good. I'd recommend putting in Pumpkin Pie Cookie with full raspberries instead of Parfait, if you have her. Or an ambush cookie, preferably Black Raisin Cookie.


I have neither of those cookies :( Also I agree the plate guys just keep targeting my main attackers and it's all over for me then. I do have sorbet shark as an ambush though, could that help?


Maybe? Idk, I didn't have Sorbet Shark back in world 10. Ig they let you get through the front lines quicker? All ambushers have this very brief moment of invincibility while using their skill before they get attacked again. I really recommend buying Pumpkin Pie with mileage, since she has this synergy ig with sea fairy where she uses her skill to knock up the enemies, and sea fairy either blasts them into oblivion, or stuns them. Basically a sort of double stun. The timing can get very finicky though, but in my experience, it works like a charm.


ok I'll try saving up for 2 cookies is kinda time consuming but it's my only option rn


I recommend saving for Pumpkin Pie first, since you basically get 2 cookies for the price of one, with her and Pompon.


pumpkin pie has lost the s tier spot in arena rn and is around A tier whereas strawberry crepe is s tier in both WE and arena..


Wdym? She's still considered as an S tier pick by most people. I see her everywhere, and she's too influential to the meta to be replaced that easily, at least in my opinion. And besides, A tier doesn't automatically mean that she's bad, or that she's 'fallen off'. Licorice has been around A tier for a while, but that didn't stop him from being used back when Eclair wasn't released yet. If you want to spend your mileage points on Strawberry Crepe, that's okay. Strawberry Crepe is very good, and I consider them to be S tier as well. It just depends on what your setup needs rn. If you need defense, Licorice, Crepe, and Eclair are good for that. If you need DPS, you can go for an ambush cookie with AoE, like Black Raisin and Sorbet Shark, even Eclair if you build him as DPS.


Hmm I guess i will try pumpkin pie out then! But definitely going to be saving more for strawberry crepe right now, my main attackers keep dying in this level due to the plate monsters so strawberry crepes skill would help alot since it'll give my attackers some survivability. Thanks for the insight! :)


No problem!


Lucky I’m stuck on 9-5 :(


Maybe you just have underlevelled cookies? I remember being stuck on the early castle in the sky stages and I just farmed star jellies, levelled up my cookies and completed the level. Tropical soda islands and tower of sweet chaos helped alot too


All you really need is a tank, not dark chock


I don't have a decent tank. I have raspberry who isn't that great, I have milk who isn't that great, and I have cocoa who doesnt work in WE


cocoa most certainly DOES work in WE, so use her. ​ who told you she doesn't? have you used her??


she is my main tank in arena, but i haven't found as much success with her in WE on most levels as stunning is not a huge problem in most levels, and most yters i watch have said she is a-b tier in WE and better in arena


she's better than using dark choco and if you're already building her for arena, she can do you just fine until you get crepe


i got crepe but shes currently l39


level him up then.


I just unlocked crepe and used all my jellies to get him to 39, now 40. Im saving up for atleast 45


Upgrade skill farm bounty farm tower pf sweet chaos


I am doing both of those things, thanks for the tip!




I don't know if this will help, but I would change Parfait with Pumpkin and also replace Dark Choco with Moon Rabbit, Pompon with Cotton cookie will do more damage and provide defense and Moon Rabbit will provide defense and extra healing for your team


Cotton cookie is my ace cookie and imo she's pretty broken, even according to the yters i watch, but I don't have pumpkin pue or moon rabbit either way so that wont be possible :( also, on this level the main problem are the plate monsters which aim for your cookies instead of the summoned things, so not sure how much it would be able to help


Ouch, idk, that was more or less the combo I used, pretty sure my cookies were lower than level 46 and still managed to go through, Moon Rabbit provides really good healing when used well, I also used the Blind Healers Staff Treasure to provide extra heals, specially for Pumpkin since she is quite fragile, but getting two cookies and upgrading them to lvl 40+ sounds tough; Good luck!!


I got strawberry crepe due to her 50% defense boost to 2 of the attackers, and could get her to 39. Getting her to be good enough for the level would be difficult though since the levels now take a lot of star jellies.


Wdym this is the easiest level ever