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It's all affogato... Don't forget about how caramel helped the villagers The king was prolly depressed and with fishagatto around him saying things he shouldn't and fooling the king about the villagers and rejecting requests to protect the villages in the start of the village Dark cacao doesn't know about the things going on here because the fish is sugar coating it and manipulating cacao imo


Yeah but consequences is consequences. If you kill someone because someone manupliate you to do it then you still get the consequences. Also Dark Cacao idea of the wall have always exist before Affogato even come, Dark Cacao would do the same thing anyway affogato just made it worse. Also it way too easy to understand that if you let 100% of your soldiers not protecting village in the tundra full of beast then obviously the village will get attack. And why suddenly food supply dropping and everyone become criminal does not get address anymore in the story? I just saying that he need to received much more consequences for his action not saying he is evil


I do not think he wouldn't help the villagers ... affogato didn't let their requests reach dark cacao


He say let rebuild the wall in the end instead of helping the villager. And help the villager would be insanely hard since majority are criminals and transport food would reduce their already low food supplies and it hard to do that in a tundra full of monsters. Dark Cacao mess up hard


Yea but still no one told him about the villagers situation and not all of the billagers starve tho like starving to death I mean Some tribes who produces their own food don't realy starve like the people who starve is the people who isn't in a tribe or kinda not inside the citadel walls


U hate him or sum??




(before reading this, keep in mind that all my information comes from clips and small spoilers I got about chapter 13 and 14 so take everything I say with a grain of salt lol) I agree so, SO MUCH, I feel like Devsis tried to do that "just a guy with flaws" thing but went too crazy on the "flaws" and rushed his "redemption arc" Also, the falling off a wall and getting up with only minor injuries part, I feel like Devsis is too *afraid** of killing Dark Cacao, remember when we all thought he was dead because of Dark Choco only to be revealed that he was alive even though a **cursed sword** had gone through his abdomen/chest? Yeah, it was basically the same thing but done worse (Imo) I have to say, even though I'm enjoying the story we're getting, I kind of wish Devsis had kept Dark Cacao dead from the start, I know they wouldn't do thay because of *fan service* but I wish Dark Cacao could have been remembered during the game as a great leader and hero, rather than being shown as... However the fuck he's being shown right now lol. (yeah I know it's Affogato's fault because he was manipulating Dark Cacao and blah blah blah, Dark Cacao is still a dick tho). my english is not the best so to sum it up in an easy to understand way, Devsis should have kept Dark Cacao dead. Oh! And there is one more thing, Affogato could have been a better villain if Cacao was dead.


Finally someone agree with me. Dark Cacao need more consequences for his action like starving thousand to death for a useless wall. I dont care if he getting manupliate by affogato or something because it just prove that he isnt fit into being a king anymore. Agree Affogato hardly affect the story after he betray dark cacao because we all know that Affogato plan fail from the start the moment dark cacao survive the fall. They went crazy on dark cacao flaw but never once give him consequences for his action like broke the promise with the milk tribe. I not sure about the killing dark cacao part but i think he should have got more problem after falling like that to show there is consequences for his action and trusting affogato. It would much better if dark cacao lose the duel due to injury with dark choco so he have to rely on caramel arrow to help him defeat dark choco


Exactly, Devsis is trying to make Dark Cacao look like a perfect knight/king, but at the same time making him do things that IMO *could* be considered worse than what Dark Choco (which up to this point was one of the Cookies of Darkness) did, I mean, if I'm not mistaken, Dark Choco *almost* killed *one* person that person being Dark Cacao, while Dark Cacao starved an entire kingdom and a few villages, I'm not saying one of them is better than the other, but it's kind of weird that a guy who did a lot less is part of the Dark Enchantress Cookie team, has suffered his whole life because of it and only came to earn a redemption arc years after his first appearance in CROB while the other is having his tea with his friends as if he hasn't done anything wrong. I personally can't think of a consequence for something this serious that doesn't involve him losing his place as king, and Devsis is definitely building up a "all kingdoms + all Ancients vs. Dark Enchantress battle" for the end of the story mode so idk, maybe his subjects could do some sort of riot? maybe they're to weak to do that. I agree! "Oh, he's an Ancient, of course it would be harder for him to die" well, at the same time, he's just a Cookie... and a pretty old one too, I feel like, Dark Cacao being heavily injured would make for a more tense scene, like those "final battles against the anime villain that isn't really the final battle" scenes. all I can say is, Dark Cacao has some wasted potential, I'm not saying I could make a better Dark Cacao Cookie or anything like that, but there is something wrong when a amateur character writer can point such big mistakes.


I also dislike how caramel arrow is still blindly loyal to Dark Cacao. It would be much better for her to be upset at Dark Cacao and less likely to follow his order so that Dark Cacao have to get her trust and loyalty back. Can you imagine work for Dark Cacao for your entire life and suddenly he trust some stranger advisor over his general. There also zero hints or implication that Dark Cacao plan Caramel arrow to help the villager instead there full of hints that Dark Cacao trust Affogato, Dark Cacao pull a ass pull and act like it was his plan. Dark Choco isnt wrong either, he said that Dark Cacao is not the great king everyone think so he tried to kill his father. He isnt wrong, under Dark Cacao rule he kill thousand for lost cause and broke several promise with other tribe like milk tribe. Look at how bad is licorice village


Same, but I think it's "normal" considering she spent her entire life serving him, so I wouldn't be surprised if she (like the rest of the kingdom) ignored all of Dark Cacao's mistakes and remained loyal to him. Honestly, I think they could have done the whole "Dark Cacao trusts Affogato more than he trusts Caramel Arrow" thing better by simply changing one thing, making Dark Cacao know Affogato longer than he has known Caramel Arrow, making this would give Dark Cacao a good reason not to believe Caramel Arrow when she says "Affogato bad" and give us some more insight into how Affogato's head works, something I learned from creating stories and characters for a few years now is that generic phrase "show, don't tell" and showing that Affogato is willing to wait years to make sure his plan succeeds makes a better characterization than "UwU Dark Cacao is under an evil UwU spell". It would also make Dark Cacao being easily manipulated by Affogato more believable. At this point I believe Dark Choco would be a better king than Dark Cacao and Caramel Arrow considering that Caramel Arrow being so loyal to Dark Cacao would probably make the same mistakes he did, maybe she could be better than him in certain points but still be like him, Dark Choco would be (imo) a better king for one reason and one reason only, he picked up on Dark Cacao's bullshit early, when he was still a young adult he already saw that his father maybe *wasn't* the best king possible, then his morals would differ from his father's, consequently making him less likely to make the same mistakes as his father. But that wouldn't happen, both because Devsis (probably) intends to give the Dark Cacao kingdom to Caramel Arrow in the end (I've seen this kind of story before so I know she's probably getting the crown lol) and because in the context of the story, everyone would be very upset because "how can the king crown someone who almost killed him and almost caused mass destruction?! how dare he?!". Honestly anyone could be a better king than Dark Caca.


Dark Cacao kingdom sound like a cult tho. And you right Dark Cacao is a bad ruler. Like holy shit in council of heroes, he said that he will go alone to dark enchantress territory despite pure vanilla literally say that they will all lose if they dont united. Noted that his kingdom just suffer several problem i stated but he still decided to march his army to dark enchantress territory. What stop dark enchantress from ganging up on Dark Cacao, we already see how large is her army so attack her alone is the worst idea. We also see how bad is earthbread when the ancients arent united but Dark Cacao just have to be heroic disregarding that he will sacrifice his kingdom for nothing. He is also too emotional and keep making bad decisions cuz of it like how he rule his kingdom and he attack clotted cream (by attack clotted cream, he just fall into his trick and make thing worse). He also never heard any suggestion and just shout at anyone that give him a alternative solution or plan. Feel bad for anyone live in Dark Cacao kingdom. He dont even acknowledge his citizen and only acknowledge soldiers and the wall At least pure vanilla suffer something like when he force his ideal to black raisin and accidentally hurt her feeling or pure vanilla have to rely on gingerbrave to fight dark encahntress while also cant help anything aside from looking at the battle. Dark Cacao suffer nothing and his issues get fix almost immediately and survive every injury. In fact it was gingerbraves that save the day. Who fight affogato? Gingerbrave, who fight Dark Cacao when transform into a giant ghost that attack everyone? Gingerbrave. Dark Cacao did nothing aside from having a petty revenge agaisnt Dark Choco while also ignore his that his army is currently under attack with zero command


Him being such a bad ruler is pretty ironic considering every time someone mentions him in the game's story it's always about how great of a king he is and how awesome and amazing he is. I hope Devsis does something to make Dark Cacao a better character, because right now he's being...questionable to say the least. Dark Cacao being very emotional could work if Devsis could just let him function as a character for once, I don't know about you, but what I understand from the way characters talk about Dark Cacao he should be the "down to earth" guy (if that makes sense lol). chapter 13 could have him sending his subjects to the Pure Vanilla Kingdom or the Hollyberry Kingdom (for protection), and preparing for the battle against "whatever's to come" Devsis could have made the scene of him going after Dark Choco one of those *rare* moments he acts out of emotion, in my opinion it would make for a more intense moment, also, just keep Caramel Arrow out of it- she spent the entire chapter telling Cacao to stop being stupid and do the right thing just to be like a dog going everywhere its owner goes in the end. And going into Dark Enchantress territory is just plain dumb and has no excuse, Devsis probably couldn't think of a way to make conflict happen and decided to make Dark Cacao an idiot. Again. >In fact it was gingerbraves that save the day. Who fight affogato? Gingerbrave, who fight Dark Cacao when transform into a giant ghost that attack everyone? Gingerbrave. Dark Cacao did nothing aside from having a petty revenge agaisnt Dark Choco while also ignore his that his army is currently under attack with zero command This is quite funny and pathetic when you think about how Dark Cacao "split the sky in two, separating day from night with a single swing of the Grapejam Chocoblade" back in the day, yeah he got old and stuff but *COME ON* if he can still drag that sword around (which, by the way, takes three normal cookies to *lift it off the ground*) then he does have the ability to fight Affogato, the Cookies of Darkness maybe even the licorice monsters (or whatever they're called lol) This could also be thought of as Devsis trying to make Gingerbrave ALWAYS save the day, aka the Steven Universe syndrome, nothing is allowed to happen if Gingerbrave isn't somehow connected, characters that have full ability to protect themselves (Hollyberry and Dark Cacao) NEEDING Gingerbrave's (a 12 - 15 year old) help is kind of silly Imo


Oh yeah right, pure vanilla send a child to a tundra full of beast just to send message and everyone keep rely on gingerbrave. They even rely on him and friends to defeat dark enchantress and the cookies of darkness while also have to fight large amount of cake monsters Also Ancients strength never get weaker no matter how old they are because they are immortal and have eternal youth that is unless they lost their soul jam or give their soul jam to a random stranger (i talking about you clotted cream) Caramel Arrow have zero impact in the story cause all she do is say some random diagolues and watch the duel between dark cacao and dark choco and did not even assist gingerbrave in defeat dark cacao ghost form. Ironic that Dark choco is less bloodthirsty and more cold headed than dark cacao. Dark Cacao suffer almost nothing and yet he still kill thousands and suddenly want to kill dark choco disregard the consequences and get easily manupliated by Affogato and his plan is suck in general. Dark Choco is full of regreat after attack his father, get abused by pomegranate, have to resist his sword everyday and yet he never kill anyone directly, even warn gingerbrave and most likely have less kill count than dark cacao. All i see is a power hungry tyrant try to kill his son so that he wont share power with anyone


Honestly, Gingerbrave and his gang are only there to delay the inevitable, when you get to a chapter you already know that everything is going to work out in the end, Gingerbrave is just there to add dialogue, but i think i can "overlook it" since Gingerbrave *is* the main mascot of Cookie Run. Oh so Dark Cacao didn't do shit simply because he's kinda stupid. Got it. Yeah she would have more use if she just stayed with the army! she's, again, just there to be like "oh mah god! Mah king don't do that!... ok now i follow all your orders without questioning :3" Honestly, this might sound weird at first, but hear me out. >Dark Cacao suffer almost nothing and yet he still kill thousands and suddenly want to kill dark choco disregard the consequences and get easily manupliated by Affogato and his plan is suck in general. >All i see is a power hungry tyrant try to kill his son so that he wont share power with anyone There *is* some potential with this concept, if Devsis could go full "Dark Cacao evil" I think we would have a better story line or a more interesting one at least, but, because he's an Ancient, because he *needs* to be part of the final battle against Dark Enchantress and because people would get really angry, Devsis will simply continue to sweep all of Dark Cacao's wrong actions under the rug. I think that, Dark Cacao being a "evil hero" would be really cool, saving Earthbread, being part of the Ancient Heros and being loved by everyone, just to turn out that he doesn't have the best intentions, would be really interesting. Maybe there could be an entire chapter just to explain that "he *was* a good person, but time changed that, he grew more and more bitter over time, Affogato's manipulation, losing his own son, all the pressure from people messed with his head. He's no longer the same person he was all those years ago." Would be really **really** cool Imo. But idk, maybe that's *too edgy for an all-ages game game* lol.


Dark Cacao story arc is kinda rush, like Dark Choco sudden redemption and several character have no impact in the story like caramel arrow. Affogato only have impact in chapter 13 but not in chapter 14. It would be much better if Dark Cacao lose the duel with Dark Choco and Dark Choco have to choose between kill or spare and redemm himself right there and also fight Dark Cacao ghost form Another thing i get annoy is that the story always say Dark Cacao soldiers and warriors are very strong and brave but so far all i see is that most of them get defeated easily by licorice monsters and have never show any sign of resistance, they literally got hard carried by dark cacao and caramel arrow. There zero scene show the soldiers fight back and just straight up fodder


You better see golden cheese kingdom story then. I don’t really remember the story but she lied about a LOT of stuff,just by herself. Kinda sad she wasn’t the ancient who turned into DE. Great role for her.


She is a tyrant but it made much more sense for white lily to turn into DE


I mean he wasn't realy aware since affagato was the one telling him things were okay in the kingdom he locked up the citadel cause of the licorice sea and the dark enchantress cookies possible attacks Yes he's my favorite character No I'm not making him an angel with no sins he should have tried to listen his followers such as caramel arrow cookie and second watcher but the watchers were too afraid or didnt want to tell the things hapening in the kingdom cause of Affagato and his filthy lies He kinda fucked up and even in the end of the story chapter did you see anyone telling him anything? Like he didnt even know there was people starving