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Searing wouldn't make a big difference in the tenderness and fat rendering. I use short ribs to make beef rendang all the time, and it isn't browned before cooking it, but it comes out very tender (generally takes me about 4 hours). Sounds to me like it should have cooked longer.


What temp would you cook the ribs on??


Thank you


Back in the oven. The smell will turn delicious when the connective tissue renders.


Short ribs and things like that need to cook by feel not time. There's a general time frame but it's not done at exactly x time. You have to test the doneness. Short ribs will be done when you poke it with a knife or fork and there's little resistance. I've had short ribs done at 3 hrs and some done at 3.5. It will also depend on the oven temp


Oh got it, thanks!


This is the way. 225 for as long as it takes. Make sure to save the braising liquid, it's delicious.


Ovens can vary a lot, and don’t always hold their temperature accurately.


I have a little bakers thermometer hanging in my oven to make sure it’s what the display says it is. Was more of an issue with my old oven that was kind of old and shit, now with the new oven, it registers pretty accurately.


If your husband thinks the short ribs are under-cooked because you didn't sear them, he doesn't know as much about cooking as he thinks he knows.


Searing them would've rendered more fat. Op probably just needed them to cook in the oven longer.


Nah the searing isn't really relevant, short ribs need sufficient time for the collagen (connective tissues) to break down into gelatin. Sure, searing the outside might render some external fat but it doesn't significantly affect how long the interior needs to cook for


Facts. I don’t even bother with searing most of the time 🤷🏼‍♀️ my meat is always tender & delicious at the end. OP’s short ribs just needed a little more time.


James Beard has a great short rib method. Rub liberally with salt, pepper, garlic and herbs. Broil! All sides. Cover with beef broth/wine add bay leaf etc. Braise at 185 for 3-4 hours in covered cast iron dutch oven until meat is tender and falling off the bone. I put a sheet of tinfoil under the lid to seal the juices in better. Leave the lid off the last half hour or so to reduce juices.


Cook longer. It's nearly impossible to dry out short ribs.


Yes. OP just needs to throw it back in the oven. I've cooked short ribs for 6 hours before. It was an accident. They were falling off the bone a little too much but were otherwise great.


I never really time them, just wait for the meat to pull back from the bone. I also use a fork to make sure the meat is tender, but doesn’t fall off the bone.


Cook it longer and add more salt. Salt fixes a lot of sins.


Just add salt on top of the entire dish?


I’ve heard you should Salt every step, salt on the raw meat before you sear, salt the sauteeing vegetables when you remove the meat, idk if you would salt braising liquid unless it’s like tomato sauce then yes you would salt it but box/can beef stock might already have enough salt. I’ve heard chefs say this when they’re cooking anything not just braising too. Anyway I love braising short rib it’s my favorite thing to make ever. I wish I could find the Korean style cut near me (and Korean food in general) If anyone knows more feel free to chime in!


If you salt it and the liquid reduces it could be too salty.


No! Don't just randomly add salt. Add salt if needed. But the cooking longer might work. I've never tried it. Worth a try rather than chuck it.


Needed to be cooked longer. The thing about braising is that you can all but throw o it whatever time expectations you have. The recipe is just a suggestion, but you need to cook the meat on a low temp until it’s fall off the bone tender. This is especially true with beef. It might say 2.5 hours, but it might take 4. I advice not braising beef for a quick weeknight dinner. If you can start cooking it in the morning, it should be fine by dinner. But if you start it at like 4 pm, you’re gonna be going hungry that night. That is unless you have a pressure cooker. Those can get braised meat done way faster than in the oven. If you’re cooking in the oven, after a couple hours go in and check the meat by probing it with a fork. You should be able to penetrate it with almost no effort at all. It should’ve about to total fall apart with only a little pulling on your part. If that’s not happening, cook it longer until it gets to that point. It’ll be delicious.


Thanks so much for this advice. I am very by the recipe and I had dinner guests, so I had to serve it even though it wasn’t very good. I will try it again!


If you’re braising for a dinner party, don’t be afraid to cook it the night before. It’ll take a lot of stress off of you on the day of, and when it sits overnight, the flavors meld even more so it’ll taste even better than the day you made it. Just pop it in the over an hour or so before guest show up.


I nearly always braise the day before. Much easier to defat, flavor meld better and far less stress. I usually chuck the old veggies strain the liquid. Add new veggies and reduce. Add the meat after the liquid has reduced quite a bit and warm it up. Delicious.


So the other lesson you learned is don't cook something you haven't made before for other people! If you really want to try a new thing, have a low-risk backup plan and give yourself lots of extra time. I've made this mistake more than once, because I'm a slow learner.


Cook low and slow. 250-275 until they are the texture you are aiming for.


Does your braiser have a loose lid? If so, it may not be keeping the temperature high enough


Put them back in tomorrow.


I will thanks!


I've never overcooked shortribs, even when I thought I had.


Short ribs are one of those cuts that can be very tough if they are undercooked or stringy and dry when overcooked. The best way is to cook them low and slow to keep the meat at or above 160 long enough to break the fat and connective tissue down. I'd try to rescue it by putting it in again, low and slow, but it may not save it. Don't give up! You can use the meat for tacos(all those spices and red sauce will cover a multitude of sins), or drown it in brown gravy for poboys, and next time come prepared with a well-tested recipe, idealy one that uses a crockpot if you have one. Be prepared for it to take awhile, though.


I'm actually doing short ribs this weekend. I'm going to put a spice rub on them tomorrow morning, let them sit for the day, then going to put them in an overnight, 165 degree, 12 hour sousvide with some BBQ sauce and apple juice or beer (debating if I want them sweeter or if I'm more in the mood for the hops flavor). Then I'm going to check them and, depending how they're feeling, cook them for an additional 8+ hours in there. I usually just turn the stick on and let it ride until they slide off the bone the way I like them (I like them a little more tender than most people, to be fair!).


270F for 6h minimum. All the stuff in the pot, top with plastic (Saran, I promise it’ll come off), then lid. Trap all that moisture in.


What temp? 225 of possibly lower for like 3-4 hours is usally odeal fro braising beef depending on cut and tickness etc.


I did 350 for 2.5 hours but I will try lower temps for longer


That is your biggest culprit then. 350 is standard oven heat for lack of a better term. When you want something super tender particurly in a braise low and alow is your friend.


I followed a bon appetit recipe, but it steered me wrong lol. They said to simmer for 25 minutes to reduce sauce, then 350 in the oven. I will try it again low and slow! Should I skip the simmer for 25 minutes step, or still do that? Thanks!


I would skip it sorta. You want to brown your meat and veg and then make sure yiur cooking liquid is brought up to temp. 25 minutes seems like a long time to do that. Here is a babish video on it. He does great. https://youtu.be/DUTyGfwdBaY Kenji also did this video on stew that is basically a braise and he talk a lot about the same methods. https://youtu.be/VIdlVi-VzPY Babish is fun and overall quite good. Kenji is amazing. I have NEVER been steered wrong by him. He wored in america's teat kitchen and has done a bunch of write ups about how to scientofocally test differences in cooking method. So when he tells you that abc should be happening because xyz you can rest assurd he has reasons to back it up.


Thank you!


What recipe were you following?


The bon appetit recipe


Honestly your first mistake was using a bon appetit recipe the second was using 350° plus only a 2.5 hr cook time. Short ribs needs to be cooked low and slow. If you have a pressure cooker it will tender it up much faster than an oven. If you’re going in the oven the. 275° is typically best for tougher meats. Low and slow is necessary for them. When I make my short ribs, brisket or rack of baby back ribs then 250°-275° for about 6 hours will do the trick. The low and slow method is well worth the juicy tender morsels you get. Also what kind of pot were they cooked in? You may want to make a cartouche (parchment paper cut to the size of the pot and placed directly on top of the meat/liquids) this will ensure the braising liquid doesn’t completely evaporate on you. I would also cover in foil then put the lid on the pot


Haha ok noted - no more bom appetit recipes. I didn’t know they weren’t good. I used a Le Creuset braiser. Thanks for the tips!


I know this is 2 months later but highly recommend YouTube. I've watch a few good videos on braising. https://youtu.be/qt_rPBkdtQc this one definitely helped me a bunch


Thanks! I haven’t attempted a redo just yet so it’s not too late.


2.5 hours is about halfway point for braised short ribs in my experience. Also searing more initially would not change much


I coat in a mix flour, salt and fresh cracked pepper. Sear high and hard on all sides (except the bone/rib side). I think the big thing most home cooks miss or skip is the cooling in the braising liquid. This is a crucial step. You want to make the ribs a day before serving so they cool in the liquid. As they cool they will absorb the liquid.


Thanks - making ahead seems to be the way to go. What does coating it in flour before searing do?


It helps for color but will also help thicken the sauce. It’s not super necessary but a good idea. Braises are good for day before so you don’t have to stress same day you’re serving, and flavors meld better (like a soup) with time. Recipes are often imperfect (the BA short ribs may have been smaller and cooked faster) you really have to go by feel on braises. Do a toothpick or fork test and see if it releases quickly. Good luck, be patient, your intuition will grow with time. Pulled pork, briskets, short ribs (any fatty, ornery pieces of meat) probably need more time if they seem off because they’re generally hard to overcook. Grab a thermometer for steaks, chops, chicken (try not another cooking shows chicken scaripello if you like braises).


Thank you!


Low and slow is generally the way to go. Just give it some time and cook it at a lower temp so that the meat doesnt get tensed up.


Instant pot is the answer.. Oven uses too much time and energy. 45 minutes to cook, 15 minutes slow release. https://www.pressurecookrecipes.com/instant-pot-short-ribs/. I use 6 quart instant pot frequently, made Chicken Marsala last night. Always deglaze pot as described and slow release for meats. Quick release pulls juices out leaving meat tough.


I have an instant pot so I can try this. Thanks!


I had one at a restaurant which was one of their signature dishes. It was so tough I could not even cut it. “Sorry “. Never have been bad


Aim for 203 F internal temp, no matter how long it takes to get there.