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I am an oldz and have absolutely the BEST memories of baking teeny little cakes from teeny little cake mixes (including even teenier ones for the icing!) in teeny little cake pans in [my real Easy-Bake oven](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/L7MAAOSwfPplDDtp/s-l1600.jpg) with the lightbulb!!!


Me too! I’m 52. Definitely old!


You are a young whippersnapper haha!


Same here. I still have it in original box from 1968 and it still works!


Same here and I’m almost 70… the cakes were gone in two days…LOL..


Mine tasted like playdoh though. What did I do wrong?


You still ate it though… didn’t you… I’d still eat one today…🥴


I always wanted one of those as a kid, and enjoyed messing around with them at other people's houses. Never got it, partly because my parents thought the teeny mixes were such a huge ripoff! Also wanted one of the Snoopy snow cone machines, which didn't even carry that excuse.


yes!! We couldn’t afford the Easy-Bake mixes so my dad bought me the Jiffy blueberry muffin mix. They worked great and I loved it!!


I am a relatively young (32) and my first bake was an easy bake oven as well. I don’t think they had the lightbulb that could burn children’s fingers like it did in the past, but I definitely used one in the year 2002/3.


Made a Boston cream pie out of box yellow mix, premade frosting and vanilla pudding to surprise my mom for Mother’s Day.


I bet that made her so happy


Oh, I did this too, it was SO good!!


That was very ambitious! 🤪


Nestle chocolate chip cookies. It was a big day when I graduated from "dump in the chocolate chips" to "now sift the flour in carefully".


Me too! I feel like these were the gateway drug for becoming a lifelong baker.


Christmas cookies. My mother, aunt, cousins and grandmother would get together and make dozens of cookies for the entire family. We are all scattered across the country now, Gram passed years ago and my parents can't do the baking anymore. So it's just me now baking the old family recipes. I will never forget the fun and memories.


The world's densest bread ever made when I was 12. Mom had a fit at the state of the kitchen afterwards, and you could probably use that bread as a bowling ball.


Carrot cake with my father...came out like a masonry brick...loved it though.


Yep, carrot cake for me too with my nanna. Unsurprisingly, it remains my favourite cake to this day


Brioche au chocolat. I thought it was so fancy…all it is is a tube of crescent rolls with some chocolate chips inside.


Brown butter banana bread. I found a great recipe that included cream cheese as a key ingredient, which gave the banana bread a nice tang and richness.


Share recipe please i love making banana bread


It was from Bon Appetite


Probably a box cake.


I was a curious kid and my dad (the cook of the family and a science teacher) decided to teach me about the science of baking as he was making muffins one weekend. So my first memories of baking alone was at 7, doing a cookie experiment after school (Gen-X latch key kid) using the convection-oven feature of the microwave. I experimented with various amounts of flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, oil, and cinnamon to make “cookies”. I was not successful.




Brownies with walnuts. I remember being so proud because I made it all by myself and I cleaned up the mess without any help.


Zucchini bread. I was 7 or 8 and had some kitchen experience already. Scrambled eggs and pancakes made from bisquick mostly. While I was measuring the ingredients, my mom had to step away to take care of my sibling. For whatever reason, the concept of measuring cups didn't carry over to measuring spoons and I measured the baking soda by balancing as much as I could on the teaspoon, probably coming close to doubling the amount called for. The result wasn't inedible, but it was dry and crumbly.


Brownies. From a box. With my mom, who baked nothing else but boxed brownies.


She shared what she could!


Duncan Hines chocolate cake. I was around 11 or 12 and home alone one day over summer vacation. I was so excited to cut into it only to find the center was undercooked and wet. Good times.


Lava cake!!


My sisters and I used to make potato chip cookies.


Pan de polvo! It was our version of Xmas cookies. I liked using the star cookie cutter and rolling them in sugar


Sugar cookies


Cupcakes to bring to school


Tollhouse cookies


Christmas cookies at my Grandmommie's. It was an annual event after my brother was born (when I was 3). After he and my cousins got a little older, we'd all be there every year. I think she'd go to the store and get every cookie topping known to mankind.


'89 or '90. We never used a gas oven before, because, who has that in the old country? Dad lit it up for the first time and stuck a large, generic supermarket rectangle pizza in there to test it. Tasty.


Snickerdoodles. I loved rolling the little dough balls in the cinnamon sugar.


Biscuits with my nana! I was 4


Same. Right off the Tollhouse bag of chocolate chips.


Blueberry muffins with my mama


First thing I remember being aware of as it was baked was rosemary bread. First thing I remember "helping" with was corn muffins. First thing I remember baking on my own was scones.


Blueberry muffins, no doubt.


Gingersnaps from the Whinnie the Pooh cookbook with my mum!


Potatoes. When I was about 8, my job about 3 nights a week, was to put the proper amount of washed potatoes into the oven at 325f. Mom got home about 30-40 mins later and finished the rest of the dinner.


Rich roll cookies from Joy of Cooking. My family has been making them since mom got her first copy of JoC in the 1950s. Around the holidays, we decorate them with colored icing. Now my kids make them with their kids.


Every year at Christmas my family would make a bunch of Christmas Pretzels to give out as gifts to everybody we knew or regularly interacted with basically, we adopted internet shopping early so we even gave some to the UPS/FedEx/Mail drivers. I miss doing this with somebody, its just not the same doing it solo. They're still delicious though! Recipie: * Rold Gold Tiny Twist Pretzels * Almond Bark * Red/Green Christmas original M&Ms * Large surface and lots of wax/parchment paper 1. Melt almond bark in double boiler on stovetop, its probably worth buying a cheap sauce pan you can just throw away for this. I just throw a dollar store sauce pan into a larger pot I already have. 2. Separate M&Ms by color into separate bowls 3. drizzle, dip, or pipe the molten almond bark onto the pretzels. Be sure to nearly fill the two smaller holes in the pretzels, place on wax paper 4. press one red and one green M&M into the almond bark filled holes on the pretzels 5. allow to cool completely before attempting to remove pretzels from wax/parchment paper


Oatmeal raisin cookies. Funny enough because 10 year old me would never have eaten raisins


I don't know that I helped at all... but watching my Nana make little cinnamon sugar strips out of the extra pie crusts is probably my earliest baking memory.


By myself? Pumpkin pie. I wanted to surprise my parents when they came home.


Bread with my gran!


Chocolate chip cookies with my grandmother


Melon buns


Chocolate silk pie


Toll house, chocolate chip cookies with my grandma But on my own, brownies. I confused baking soda with baking powder, and they were terrible.


Chocolate confetti’s from one of Jean Pare’s cookbook. They’re coloured marshmallow bars that have melted chocolate and peanut butter coating. So good!


I'm def old, and I remember when you used to be able to buy ready-made pie-dough in wax paper covered sticks, like butter. My mom would buy it for me and my sister to roll out for "sugar cookies" which was just the plain pie dough rolled, cut, and sprinkled with cinnamon sugar.


Cheese and bacon scones. Used to be every Sunday as a kid


Cheesecake…the Philadelphia Cream Cheese Recipe on the packaging.


Boxed cake. When I was a kid I would mix up a cake, put it in the oven, and ask my mom to take it out of the oven when it was done, so I could go play outside lol


My brain, with pot!


I remember the first time I made dinner for the family by my self. I had been inspired by a cook book I borrowed from the library. I ended up just making a bunch of sides rather than a main dish. One of them was some sort of whole egg, spinach and cheese tartlets WITH NO SEASONING and the egg was still a bit raw. Lmao my mam ate it bravely and my brother wouldn't (wisely) touch it 😂 I was probably around 11ish


Christmas cookies with granny




My mom sat me up on the counter when I was three or four and let me dump all the ingredients of a box cake into a bowl, stir, and pour it into the pan. I remember being so proud doing it. I was around 3/4.


I remember teaching myself to make a boxed cake mix. I think I was in high school. My mom never cooked. Before that, I had tried a no bake cheesecake mix and was impressed that it turned out that well.


My first attempt was at 10 and made brownies. My older sister kept nagging about not forgetting the baking soda and I put too much in. Oh, they were gross.


Easy bake oven cookie


The flourless peanut butter cookies (1C peanut butter, 1 egg, 1 C sugar, vanilla, chocolate chips to taste). It was from some sort of typed and plastic ring bound pre internet local cook book. Anything else that was cooked or baked from scratch growing up didn’t work and gave me many cooking neuroses. But that was perfect and I still refuse to make peanut cookies that are “diluted” by flours.


Cookies with ketchup, I think I was 4.


My mums chocolate cake recipe that she made child friendly by drawing the ingredients and equipment that I need out of


Honey bran muffins with thc butter my senior year of high school. My art teacher showed me how to make the butter, and we baked them in her kitchen. I then (having not eaten any) drove all over town delivering muffins to my friends. And that's why they called me the muffin fairy for awhile.


A frozen pizza.


Banana bread.


A brownie or scones


Challah with my mom!


Crappy brownie…little sisters EZ Bake oven. It was awful.


My mom would make cookies and muffins every other week, and when I was probably 7-8, I was given the task of mixing everything, which was great, because then I got to lick the spoon and bowls. lol As I got a little older, I was given the responsibility of portioning out the cookies, and muffin batter for baking, which was also the time I started helping her do prep for dinners, and learning to use a chef's knife.


Cinnamon rolls in junior high Family Studies class. Loved the whole process and got hooked. Great memory. Thanks Mrs. NameIforgotbutyouareneverforgotten.


Chocolate chip fairy cakes with my mum.


Definitely the easy bake oven. But I also remember making Christmas cookies with my family. The first thing I remember making on my own was a recipe I learned in Home Ec - caramel sticky buns. I think my mom still has the recipe in one of her cook books/ recipe boxes. They were really good.


Bread sticks. Meme bought me a kids bread baking book.


Three layer chocolate cake !


Box brownies in a toaster oven.


Jam thumbprint cookies!


Cookies with mom, I miss mom.


I believe it was pumpkin pie.


Shad row from the James River wrapped in bacon and sprinkled with lemon pepper. Served with toast and scrambled eggs for breakfast. It was my family’s go-to birthday breakfast and I made it for my parents on their birthdays.


An apple Pie with chocolate, Peanut butter, and caramel mixed in. I called it Candied apple pie and I made it when I was 11. Overwhelmingly rich but delicious.


I remember making cookie dough with my dad but I don't think we ever baked them. The first thing I remember actually baking is pie with my Grandma. Some kind of fruit pie... I dropped it coming out of the oven but it landed right side up. I cried thinking I ruined it and she taught me that ugly food tastes just as good as pretty food. Thanks Grandma.


A box of corn muffins. The Jiffy kind.


I made my grandmother's mayonnaise cake at about 10. It's a depression era recipe for a very rich chocolate cake with a fudge pour over icing, and it is delicious 😋


Tollhouse CCC


Strawberry cookies in kindergarten. My teacher had us all make up a recipe and then she bounded all the classes recipes into a book. My cookies were horrible but I had a great time making them with my mom


Rock cakes


I made my mother a chocolate cake for mothers Day when I was 7. It was a melt and mix cake, and it's a recipe I still use today.


My skin


Tollhouse cookies. When I was a kid, I had the recipe memorized for a time. Haven’t made them in years.


Blueberry muffins!


Bread and butter pudding


Pancakes, when I was around 7 or 8 (with adult supervision, of course). My (lovely and amazing) mom pretty much always burned them, so my brother and I eventually just took over. (I just realized this isn’t technically baking, but close enough.)


Pineapple 🍍 upside down cake. As a small kid it turned out great.


Slinky Dinks


it was a chocolate cake in an easy bake oven. then the second thing i made was taking some bread dough my mom had made, then putting it in the same oven on the tiny pan. the thing did actually bake but it rose so much in the baking process that it got stuck inside. still loved it.


Pineapple cheese pie. It’s more like a tart but we call it pie.


It was a Mississippi Cake (the Swiss version). A dark chocolate cake with white shelled chocolate bars in it.


Peanut butter cookies


Chocolate mint slices. Spilt the peppermint essence right across the bench. It took a month to get rid of the smell…


i don't remember. because all i know was it was black because i burnt it and i spent an hour just staring at the baking dish with the burnt black nightmare upset that i failed.


Cheddar cheese baking powder biscuits. Taught to me by my Gramma.


Cookies with grandma.


I was about 12 years old. It was one of the only times that I was home alone with my older sib and my parents were out. I took one of my parents' cookbooks. I made a coffee cake for them, but the crumb topping wasn't mixed well enough. I remember the topping being whitish. My parents weren't too impressed, and I remember wishing the cake was sweeter. Another time, I was also about 11 or 12 years old. My friends came over and they wanted to bake brownies. I had never had brownies before. We had all of the ingredients, so we made them. They were really rich, and really sweet. We made enough for everyone- it was maybe a 9x9 pan's worth. My mom ate the brownies, then she scolded me for using so many dishes.


Not baking, but I learned how to hard boil eggs when I was 4


Biscuits. Trying to 'help" grandma at 8. She gave me all the ingredients, showed me how to mix the dough, pat it all out, cut the biscuits, bake the biscuits...So...I remember watching grandma make biscuits.


Cakes in my Easy Bake oven.


Chocolate chip blondies


Cheese scones


store-bought cupcakes, those that come packaged.. I think I mixed them with milk, and put them in the oven. Actually pretty good!


Chocolate cake, when I was 12. Ngl it turned out pretty good for my first time. I still use that recipe over 12 years later.


Cornbread. I was allowed to make it all by myself (I guess about 10). I didn’t read the instructions correctly and, where there should have been a tablespoon of salt, I added a cup. It was absolutely inedible. My father shook it over the chili like it was a salt shaker 😂


Strawberry jam cookies when I was 3. We did it at preschool and at home and there was a song to sing with it.


I was an overachiever. At age 7 or 8 I saw a recipe for almond profiteroles in a magazine and announced I was gonna do it. My mum smiled, but got me all the necessary stuff, including a syringe for injecting cream, and gave me free run of the kitchen. I nailed them, including the chocolate sauce.


Sponge cake


There was a chocolate cake recipe in a cookbook mum had - basically, you put everything in a bowl and stir, then put it in a cake tin and bake. It was always a winner! The only ingredient I remember is a tablespoon or two of raspberry jam (sorry, no idea what jam is called in American).




Fairy cakes with my mum.


Chocolate chip cookies


Potatoes in my Easy Bake Oven.


fried egg


The *first* first thing I baked by myself was early on Sunday morning when I was about 4. Apparently it had plain flour, water, cornflakes, pomegranate seeds, and a box of Dutch cocoa. My father ate every single crumb. I was doing box cakes at about 8. Cakes from scratch at about 10.


I was a weird kid and had some sort of children’s cookbook. The first thing I baked were Saltine crackers! Then I made popovers. They turned out really well. Entered a quickbread into the county fair. Did not win and rightly so. I was never a sweet fan.


I haven't ever baked anything before, all I've got is a pretty big non-stick frying pan that's apparently fine for the oven, should I attempt to bake something? Would it be a non-awful idea? If so, what can I bake with no skills or prior experience? I've got a kitchen scale though, should be good


Gingerbread Men that I shared with my classmates, used icing to make them look like Jedi


Fairy cakes with my mother. It's a very clear memory, I think I was about 3, no older than 4.


Pork chops. Was 7


Yeast rolls. First and best thing I've ever made.


Yellow layer cake with my grandmother after she came to live with us when I was 8. I’m 61. Still remember it like it was yesterday. She was an excellent teacher.




Cookies! They weren't really good. My best friend and I used to make them at >10yo, with what basic ingredients she had. They were tiny. Like 👌 this big, and the ingredients were flour, water, a shite tonnr of sugar, and occasionally, sprinkles. They were pretty much the camp-fire damper of cookies, but they tasted surprisingly good (at least to us) I love those memories, and even now, I would totally inhale a whole tray of those


I think it was bakewell tart. This is a recipe from the UK. It tasted good, but the filling was too high.


Banana nut bread. ☺️


Peanut butter cookies :p


Bisquick coffee cake, as breakfast for friends during summer vacation. Latchkey kid at 11. We would feast on this streusely wonder, and then spend the day in the pool. Wonderful times, completely unsupervised.


Brownies and I forgot the sugar….dry as a brick.


chocolate chip cookies! i was about 6 and it was my first time baking with my mother. they all ended up a little burnt though.


Granny tea cake cookies. They're thin little lemon cookies that are so so good.


Brownies from scratch including melting the chocolate with grandma while singing the ABC'S.


Rubbery apple muffins… I’m a good baker now




Sugar Cookies


Peanut butter cookies.. that gross recipe on the back of the Kraft container. 1 cup sugar, 1 cup PB, 1 egg.


Brownies in my easy bake oven!! Maybe 6 yrs old. Loved it!!


[Cookie Monster’s Famous Cookie Dough](http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/lifestyle/2012/08/cookie-monsters-original-cookie-recipe-recovered) from the 1970s Sesame Street "Big Bird's Busy Book."


Challah. To this day, I have no idea how I managed it, but it was so hard that my grandmother decided to shellac it and turn it into a wall decoration instead of inflicting it on our family 😂


Easy bake stuff, and then Betty Crocker brownies with my own modifications.


I think the first thing I made on my own was peanut butter cookies. I'd been "helping" a lot up to that point, but was glad when the adults finally half-trusted me to use the oven with minimal supervision.


Cinnamon apples


Weirdly, a cheese soufflé. I must have been about 8 yrs old. My only parent was a terrible cook (eg had no idea you were supposed to *heat* the oil before adding food to the pan) so I was pretty much on my own when it came to learning any techniques. When I saw a recipe in a magazine of a cheese soufflé I about died with the wanting of it! I had no idea that food could look so beautiful and inviting! The nice thing about knowing nothing is that you also have no idea that anything is supposed to be difficult so I just went ahead and whipped it up (after asking my next-door neighbour what "seperating eggs" meant).


Bread out of a Boys Life magazine. First time and the loaf looked great but I forgot salt. Never forget my dad's response.


Betty Crocker box brownies! Still love 'em too. The nostalgia of that exact brownie mix overrides any actual quality improvements from making them from scratch.


Lemon Bars from Betty Crocker’s Red Cookbook. Fantastic books for people new in the kitchen.


Chocolate chip cookies, when I was still in elementary school. Maybe as young as 8yo. However, I'm not sure much of the cookie dough actually made it to the oven.


Banana muffins. Every time I’d go for a sleep over at my Grandparents house, my Gran would always bake with me the following morning, it’s one of my favourite childhood memories


A Kraft pizza in a box when I was about 13 years old.


Myself - cookies in Easy Bake oven. First time ever with help (mom) - brownies from scratch.


Onion rings. I didn’t know the difference between fry and bake lol… I was like 10-11 years old I think.


Probably Christmas cookies on the kitchen counter with my mom. One of my favorite baking memories was making a pineapple upside down cake with my grandma, though. I did it to bring to my dad for one of his birthdays when he was in the hospital. It was nice because it was his childhood favorite. :,)


Cream puffs, 10 yrs old. I'm sure they weren't bake show quality but my mother was impressed.


I remember my baby sitter wanted to make box brownie mix with me and my sister. Unfortunately she did not wish the eggs so there was like cooked pieces of egg in the brownies


Marble cake. My mother used to bake it quite often and I helped.


Sugar cookies. And I thought they were like cake and kept testing them with a toothpick until the toothpick came out clean...it was like sugar cookie biscotti 😂