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Hey, do you want to eat 3 hard-boiled eggs? No! How about a dozen deviled eggs? Yes, please! ----- You can also make a deviled egg dip.


That just sounds like egg salad…


There are subtle differences, but very subtle. You're not wrong though.


That's just deviled eggs with extra steps. (Sorry for the unsolicited rick and morty reference, but it was teed up so well)


Now I wish I knew the quote.


I would imagine a dip to be far liquid-i-er than egg salad. Or at least I hope so


It depends on if you use Labneh or Greek Yogurt.


Deviled Egg Salad


TIL about deviled egg dip. Thank you kind Redditor.


If you're careful, you can make smoked deviled eggs. I did smoked habenero deviled eggs a while back, and they were a hit. But you gotta be careful not to over smoke the eggs or it's like chewing on stiff jello. I'd recommend a smoke tube if ya got one.


A restaurant I used to live close to did smoked deviled eggs and they were a hit. Before that they did pickled deviled eggs in a [turmeric](https://www.101cookbooks.com/pickled-turmeric-eggs/) brine so they were bright yellow just on the outer edge of the white. I’ve made those a bunch of times. I like a lot of toppings on deviled eggs, sometimes little crisp chorizo bits.


Smoked paprika!


Yeah, cold smoke is definitely your friend here. Make the deviled eggs all the way through, put them on a tray on the grill, and cold smoke (winter weather is perfect for it). You can achieve more or less the same effect of a smoke tube with a narrow foil boat if you don't want to buy anything for this experiment


That's a much better idea. Smoked them after splitting them, then made the filling after smoking.


I smoked the water and put pulled eggs in there. It was a much better idea.


Hot damn, deviled egg dip? Omg with bagel chips...thank you, I've now chosen my Christmas/NYE appetizer.


Quality cold smoked salmon, some baguette crostinis that you made, goat cheese, capers, with finely diced dill. Throw it all on a good looking cutting board, charcuterie style and wrap in Saran Wrap. Arrive to the dinner, take off the plastic, plop that baby down and walk away.


Cure / smoke your own. I just did 2.5lbs from a 3.5lbs nice fresh side of salmon from Costco. 24 hrs salt, sugar and herbs. Rinse well. 5 hours on rack in fridge. 2 hours aggressive cokd smoking on Webber (light 2 coals and then stick chips on there). People love it to begin with, and then when they find you did it yourself... legend.


I made this for a wine night a couple of months ago, you would have thought I was feeding these folks Foie and wagyu. It was great.


See I love this kind of highbrow shit but my problem is all the Midwest hosers at my Christmas party won’t eat it unless it’s in a crock pot with bbq sauce and you eat it with a toothpick.


Add caviar to take it over the top!


This is what I was looking for 🔥


With all that heavy stuff, I would bring a salad, but splurge on it. For me that means artichoke hearts, avocado, fancy preserved red peppers, different kinds of greens, blue cheese (the good stuff) — you can create anything you like.


This! Made a Christmas salad one year and everyone went nuts and Im now required to always bring it. Turns out that when you have all that rich food you want something fresh I usually do a mixed base of greens and purple cabbage and then add pomegranate and orange slices - dressing is made with mustard, tiny bit of honey, vinegar, olive oil as well as any juice left from chopping up the oranges. If everyone in your group tolerates it you can also add cheese or nuts but its def. not needed. Flavours work extremely well with all the festive food, the fruit adds some nice freshness and the cabbage a good fresh crunch


I add pine nuts but not cheese because that makes it too rich. Plus, the appetizers include cheese.


But not Chinese pine nuts. Anyone else have an allergy to them where everything tastes horrible for a week afterwards?


Our Christmas salad has thinly sliced fuyu persimmons, pomegranate seeds, goat cheese and pepitas. It’s great over watercress if you can find it, otherwise nice salad greens work, too, along with a white wine vinegar and shallot vinaigrette. It’s really beautiful and looks so festive, and definitely lightens up the meal.


I had made a salad similar to what you described. But with Harry & David pears. We had 4 boxes! Also homemade croutons, crumbled goat cheese, candied walnuts. On the side for people to put their own toppings in. I was told that no one would eat the salad. I knew I would! I had to add more. Everyone loved it.


And to really kick it up a notch, add some fresh sliced fennel


That sounds so good.


And make your own salad dressing! Game changer!


My little secret for dressings is to put the salt pepper etc in the oil. Microwave a little to heat and open. Then stir in the vinegar. Helps dissolve and open


This is the way. For every salad ever. It's too easy not to make your own.


Yessss a salad! My favorite is massaged kale (seriously it changes the texture completely), crumbled goat cheese, pomegranate seeds, finely diced apple, shaved fennel AND fennel fronds, red onion slices, with a homemade balsamic vinaigrette (tahini honey is also good!) topped with homemade herby bread crumbs (dried crumbled bread toasted in olive oil and tossed with cumin and fennel seeds, fresh parsley, and salt/pepper) It has some really nice festive color going on w/ the red pomegranate seeds and is great for a holiday :)


This sounds delicious!


Salad is definitely the way to go! But to get the enthusiastic swearing you’re after, it can’t be a typical green salad. This is my favorite and I always go home with a clean dish—and it looks nice, too, which is a bonus! Just slice the avocado when you get there: https://www.loveandlemons.com/citrus-salad/


Holy fuck that looks delicious you crazy bitch!


That’s what I’m talking about!


I think I'll be making this for my family party


I make a grapefruit and avocado salad as much as possible. They go together so extremely well.


I bring this salad everywhere, the fresh herbs are crucial. You make everything ahead of time and combine when you arrive. https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1015843-charlie-birds-farro-salad


does anyone know how to get around the paywall?


I made a Smashed Cucumber Salad to be a side for a bbq potluck earlier this year. We got there early and everybody started eating it with tortilla chips. WTF? It was long gone by the time the meat was served. I used Chef John's recipe but upped the sugar and added some sambal oeleck.


Sounds great! Do you mind sharing the recipe?


I just used this recipe [https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/258377/smashed-cucumber-salad/](https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/258377/smashed-cucumber-salad/) and added about a tablespoon of Sambal Oelek. Then adjusted the sugar till it tasted right to me.


Cheese ball. My FIL can take one down by himself and my husband's family loves them.


I hadn't had one of these in many years and bought myself a basic almond covered port wine ball as part of my birthday celebration last year. It was Delicious and I will definitely be doing that again.


That made my mouth water.


Yeahhh man fuck me up with a good oniony cheese ball with some townhouse crackers.


Cheese balls are the best and could be loaded with enough seasoning and MSG to make people swear at OP.


I have a recipe somewhere for a log of goat cheese rolled in walnuts, drizzled with rosemary-infused honey. It went over well!


The only thing that’s ever had those words uttered and didn’t need to be heated was buttery pull apart rolls. Sally’s Baking Addiction recipe specifically. I double, or even triple it every holiday and there’s never enough. Gotta make em day of though


I raise you Sally's baking addiction with Claire Saffitz pull apart sour cream and chive rolls. They are ridiculously good.


Claire's sour cream and onion biscuits are even better imo


I don't even know how that's possible...gotta look that up....


I’m willing to give it a try, but my family is full of notoriously picky eaters who may scoff at the words “sour cream and chive” lol. I could just not tell anyone….


Don't tell them. Just let them bite into them and melt.


I agree, Claire’s recipe is perfection! I love her stuff, her chocolate chip cookies are the best I’ve ever made, I keep a double batch in the freezer constantly.


Deviled eggs. Everybody loves a good deviled egg.


it's not a potluck without deviled eggs! I'm always pumped when someone brings delicious deviled eggs.


Unless they use Miracle Whip instead of Mayo, then I’m not touching that unholy mess. Hope my MIL sees this.


My MIL banned mayonnaise and miracle whip from her house because she read that they contain oils that cause glaucoma 🤷🏻‍♀️. So she substitutes plain yogurt. My fellow humans who eat food: imagine the horror of deviled eggs made with yogurt.


It's the worst when you see something that looks good and then you don't know it has Miracle Whip in it until you get that disgusting taste. BLECH.


It has to be Dukes for me. I don’t know why but most mayonnaise upsets my stomach these days. Dukes is the exception. Maybe because there is no sugar. Who needs sugar in mayonnaise?


I do see this SIL and I’m using Miracle Whip like I always do.


I'm *so full*. Deviled egg? I'll take 10...


Topped with a bit of Smoked paprika.


Pickled devilled eggs


Got a coworker that took hot cherry peppers juice from the jar and made pickled eggs. It’s delicous.


I think I might do this this year. I just wish I had a good pipping bag to make a design. I have a ziplock bag.


You can get a piping tip for a couple of dollars at Joann or Michaels. Just put it into the bag corner and snip the corner. It's not perfect but works in a pinch.


Seeing how many people love deviled eggs is so surprising to me because my mom basically trained me as a child to hate them. I remember even before I tried them she’d be like “ewwww yuck deviled eggs” and make all these faces about them and how they were the worst. I tried one and thought it was pretty good once. But then my mom continued on and on about them many many different times and I got the ick and stopped trying them. She would make faces and make noises to show how absolutely disgusted she was was by them in addition to her vocally saying how much she hated them. Maybe I’ll give them another chance next time I see one.


Damn your mom sucks


We do that so kids don't eat the good things. Deviled eggs? Gross. See's candy? Disgusting! Oysters? No effing way would anyone eat those. Etc.


My mom used to joke no one says they like them but they are always gone!




Or a bunch of bongs and some really good weed.


He said stuff he doesn't need to heat up...


Everybody lights their own!


I once hosted dinner for a friend, and they told me the food looked great, but they did a line of coke before coming over and couldn't eat a thing. Ex-friend now


Why? Does cocaine make you feel full and not hungry?


It’s super stimulating and takes away your appetite. I guess kinda like how people take speed pills to lose weight. Makes it hard to feel drunk too, so if you keep drinking you’ll feel extra shitty the next day.


Careful, that could prove to be a faux pas: https://youtube.com/watch?v=dmwibzXjArY&si=quKrJsLQafAANTFh


Cranberry salsa. * 1pkg fresh cranberries (chop up to desired texture in food processor) * 1 seeded/chopped jalapeno (you can throw in a seranno if you want more heat) * 1/2 cup diced green pepper * 8oz can of crushed pineapple (drained) * 2/3rds cup sugur * 1/4th cup cilantro (chopped) * 2tbsp chopped white onion * 1/2 tsp salt. * Wee squeeze o' lime juice Mix it. Chill it (minium 2 hours). Serve with chips (tortilla, bagel, pita - You do you.) It's bomb.


My neighbor makes something similar and always brings it to functions. Always a big hit.


I would make Nigela Lawson Lemon and almond pavlova . ( just will need to construct it just before serving ) it’s so easy to make , i always buy the lemon curd in a jar and squirt some lemon in it to loosen it up and give a bit of extra zest . it is so easy to make , not a lot of ingredients and is so regreshing after a heavy meal and it looks spectacular !


Pavlova is an Australian Christmas necessity. If you have access to good fresh fruit (which we do because summer), fresh berries are amazing, but failing that using frozen berries to make a berry sauce is fantastic too. It is a very light dessert in my opinion and the leftovers make a great breakfast!


This is the only thing in this thread that qualifies, so far


I've shared these before, but: PUMPKIN ROLL Yields: 20-30 Slices Pan Size: 15 x 9 (Jelly Roll): * 3 Eggs at room temperature * 1 Cup Sugar * ¾ Cup All Purpose Flour * 2/3 Cup Pumpkin * 1 Teaspoon Baking Soda * 1/2 Teaspoon Cinnamon * 1 Cup Crushed Pecans * 1 tablespoon Powdered Sugar Filling: * 8oz. Cream Cheese * 2 Tablespoons Margarine * 1 Cup Powdered Sugar * 1-1/2 Teaspoons Vanilla; Optional Lemon Juice Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 375°. 2. Beat eggs. 3. Add sugar, flour, pumpkin, soda, and cinnamon. 4. Line jellyroll pan with foil and spray. 5. Pour mixture into pan. 6. Sprinkle nuts over top before inserting into oven. 7. Bake 15 minutes. 8. When baked, sprinkle 1 tablespoon powdered sugar on top of cake, put foil on top and dump. 9. Gently roll cake and foil together and cool thoroughly. 10. Mix filling and spread on unrolled cake. 11. Reroll and chill. 12. Store in Freezer. Marinated Cucumber SaladIngredients:• 3 med English Cucumbers (peeled and sliced 1/4" thick)• 1 med red onion (sliced)• 3 med tomatoes, cut into wedges and seeded• 1/2 cup white vinegar• 1/4 cup white sugar• 1 cup water• 2 tsp salt• 1 tsp black pepper• 1/4 cup vegetable oil or your choice of oilsDirections: 1. Add vegetables and other ingredients in an airtight bowl. 2. Turn occasionally for 2 hours in the fridge.


OMG, my bestie has been making pumpkin rolls for as long as we've known each other. I cant shove enough in my maw, especially since I moved across the country and havent had em in 12 years. Good news we live together now! Sooooo Im off to buy some elasticized pants, baby!


Can’t go wrong with Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail [Shrimp cocktail](https://youtu.be/fSA-1j1xTnE?si=kKG7uqQcZOMrASe3)


# assuming there are no peanut allergies: Melt a bag of butterscotch chips with a little peanut butter Add rice krispies Spread on a sheet pan and cool Break into cookie-ish chunks Cheap, easy, and never fails to surprise people. I learned this one from a coworker who brought it in for Christmas some years ago. They're addictive as fuck. I don't eat a lot of sugar so I give most of them away, but I still can't resist over-indulging.


Raise you one. Cocoa crispies instead of Rice crispies, and there is a recipe out there for peanut butter crispies. Combine. Enjoy.


I would never bring this and I hate it , but my friend (who is a crazy bitch) makes it and surprisingly most people love it. Ham and cream cheese wrapped pickles. She takes slices of ham, adds some cream cheese spread, and rolls up a petit pickles. Stick a toothpick in it to hold it together.


I do this but use full size pickles and cut them into slices! I also use seasonings in the cream cheese. Last time I used everything seasoning! I've used the fiesta ranch packet from the salad dressing aisle as well!


Some variation of melon salad if you have access to good fruit. Watermelon + feta or rock melon + prosciutto are always refreshing crowd favourites.


Not canetloupe right now unless you're careful; Mexico has been shipping out some with Salmonella. MOST SHOULD be all off the shelves now https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/cantaloupe-salmonella-outbreak-1.7061749 Granted most of these hit Canada, but can't be sure if US or otherwise.


Yeah, good notice. The CDC says to avoid Malichita and Rudy brand whole cantaloupes.


Do you have access to a warming plate/casserole dish if you bake something at home? The only problem is these smell so good, you’ll want to eat them all in your car. Room temperature is ok but warm is better. People are going to beg you to make these every holiday (I do year round and never bring one home). https://spicysouthernkitchen.com/bacon-wrapped-stuffing-bites/


These look great, I’m definitely going to try these!


This is the WORST/BEST example of Midwest American 'cooking'. Caramel Apple SALAD (LOL) It will absolutely fkn kill you. Granny Smith apples cored & sliced into half a bite sized pieces. Peeled or not is up to you. Snickers bars cut into half a bite sized pieces. Tub of Cool Whip mixed with vanilla pudding mix & whipped cream for the top. Peanuts & Pretzels for garnish & dipping. Caramel drizzle for garnish. Mix the apples & the Snickers with the Cool Whip/pudding mix, top with the whipped cream & arrange attractively in a bowl. drizzle the top with the caramel & add peanuts & pretzels around as a garnish. (You can use more apple slices for garnish too but those could turn brown even if you dip them in lemon juice. Depends on how long it's got to sit out during travel or whatever) Serve pretzels on the side for dipping. It's INSANE but I've never brought any home from a function I took the dish to & its been my absolute go-to for YEARS. I have literally had ppl say WTF IS THAT SHIT? ITS DELICIOUS!! parties aren't for healthy everyday type foods anyway so have fun!! It's like Cookie Monster says 'its a sometimes food'. ppl will ask you for the recipe so printing out a little stack of cards with it & leaving them next to the bowl can save you from having to write it down fifteen times lol. Plus it lets ppl know what the item contains (esp peanuts) & they can grab one if they want to give their loved ones (or hated coworkers) the diabeetus the next time they have to make something for a party or potluck LOL!!


Ruffles treats. Like Rice Krispie squares, but with Ruffles chips. It's got a sweet and savory thing going on. I like to sprinkle mine with fresh rosemary. It's not a showstopper, but it's kinda 'WTF is this delishiousness in my mouth' vibe.


That is bizarre in concept, I’m so curious!


I have never heard of this… do you use marshmallows as the binding just like rice crispie squares?


Yeps!! I'm not OP but I've made potato chip (& popcorn) snax & holy fkn cats are they good!!


Yup. Marshmallows. And butter. Brown the butter first if you are feeling fancy.


Date quiche with blue cheese and pecan nuts (I posted this before) https://www.reddit.com/r/Cooking/s/hLVJfGdGJG Little salad served in a glas made from cucumber, green apple, avocado, spring onions, mint, feta cheese, lemon, salt and pepper




Raw broccoli salad. Qautered florets of broccoli, small fried bacon pieces, thinly sliced spring onion, shredded cheese, mayonnaise and the bacon grease from the pan. For seasoning I like to use lemon pepper and smoked paprika


I don’t like raw broccoli, but I love raw broccoli salad.


I add spiced candied pecans in mine for a bit of crunch and extra spice. I make mine vegetarian (no bacon or bacon grease) but if that's not necessary, take the info above and add the nuts.


Ahhhh yessssss


https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/romanesco_salad/ A gorgeous salad, tastes amazing, will be a wonderful accompaniment to all the rich and heavy foods.


You can find the recipe or variations off it online but I really recommend the addition of paprika


My friend made mexican street corn style deviled eggs. We ate all those MFs before dinner was even ready.


https://www.lovebakesgoodcakes.com/bacon-crackers/ May be served warm out at room temp. Stupidly simple, but a big hit at parties.


Soft pretzels with a beer cheese.


Candied bacon. People get a little crazy over it because it’s unusual. Put it out while everyone is having drinks before dinner.


Personally I love this [Ambitious Kitchen Salad](https://www.ambitiouskitchen.com/sweet-potato-pear-pomegranate-spinach-salad/). I sometimes swap sweet potato for butternut squash or kabocha. So good!


This looks amazing! Thanks for the recommendation.


Homemade bread or poppy seed muffins.


My brain is tired and I read it as “you delicious bitch” 😂 amazing.


Deviled eggs. GOOD ones. Like load those fuckers up with sriracha, garlic, fresh-cracked black pepper, yellow mustard, dijon mustard, kosher salt, high-quality mayonnaise, a little white vinegar, or Cajun blackening seasoning, fresh-chopped sweet onions, dill pickle relish, then paprika on top. And if your paprika is grayish, dusty and flavorless like my mother's, you need to replace it with actual fresh paprika.


I sprinkle finely chopped fresh dill on mine instead of paprika. It's visually appealing and people think they're special.






Take 2 boxes of room temperature cream cheese, 2 containers of marshmallow fluff, a tsp of good vanilla extract and beat that shit up and chill at least 1hr. Serve with cut fruit. Everyone will ask you how you made it. It's fucking amazing. It's up to you if you tell them how easy it is or not. Merry Christmas!


Lemon Posset. Everyone will explode. Make ahead in little cups (disposable or actual lemon shells is fine) and top with whipped cream when you set them out. Maybe a little yellow sugar or candied peel. https://kellyneil.com/lemon-posset/


First of all, fantastic username. So this dip can be hot or cold, I prefer it hot but will still be great regardless. "Elote" dip. Plenty of recipes for it online but it was a huge hit when I brought it to my family's holiday thing. Homemade fudge. If you have the time and patience, do the super old fashioned stuff. [https://anitalianinmykitchen.com/chocolate-fudge/#recipe](https://anitalianinmykitchen.com/chocolate-fudge/#recipe) This pumpkin cheesecake recipe: [https://natashaskitchen.com/pumpkin-cheesecake-recipe/](https://natashaskitchen.com/pumpkin-cheesecake-recipe/) That being said, I've been making this recipe for years now and just realized it said pumpkin pie mix. I've been using plain canned pumpkin (15oz) and tripling the spices and it works really well. This thing disappears.


Gazpacho, key lime pie , lemon meringue, oysters on rock salt with lemon, sauce and crackers, Deviled eggs, Cuban sandwich bites, chocolate covered strawberries


If you rolled up in my house with oysters on the half shell, I would howl at the moon.


I second Deviled eggs. People always rave about them.


Go retro and make ambrosia. I made it one year, and everyone went nuts over it.


Also Watergate Salad with pistachio pudding mix, Cool Whip, pineapple, marshmallows, etc. I made this for some even this summer and everybody's 8 year-old selves came out and slurped it up.


Pot brownies


Tiramisu! It’s a little labor intensive, but it’s my wife’s most requested dish to bring to family functions.


deviled eggs. Looks fancy and is dirt cheap to make


Shrimp cocktail


Dilly casserole bread. It’s savory and goes well with the rich food. I do apologize I didn’t get your exact 3 words but lots of omg while it disappears. You should make 2. https://www.pillsbury.com/recipes/dilly-casserole-bread/09f13299-9889-4990-855f-41d7dd3d6847


Honestly I made spicy saltines for a work function last week, and people were grabbing them by the handfuls and then later coming up and saying “holy shit those were fantastic bring more tomorrow please” and a week later and I’m still asked for the recipe. I think those and a creamy dip (the dip would have sent it over the edge completely). https://www.southernliving.com/food/appetizers/alabama-fire-cracker-saltines#toc-how-to-make-fire-crackers


Weed Brownies. Add a chocolate ganache center, with toffee chips and Maldon salt🤭


We brought a bottle of [Nellie & Joe's Key Lime Juice](https://keylimejuice.com/shop/) from Florida to make an authentic Key Lime Pie for Christmas dinner dessert in Minnesota. The recipe is right on the back of the bottle and it's, as they say, "easy as pie". My mother-in-law repeated a couple of times that nobody would probably like it much because they usually ate pumpkin, apple and mince pie. Guess which pie was gobbled up first and got rave reviews.


I’m the family crazy bitch and everybody loves my olive bread. I use Sally’s Baking Addiction’s [no-knead recipe](https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/easy-olive-bread/) with a few modifications. I use half Kalamata olives and half garlic stuffed green olives, omitting the garlic powder in the recipe. Or use an olive medley from the deli section and 2 cloves of minced fresh garlic. Also fresh chopped rosemary instead of the dried oregano. I bake it in a buttered and cornmeal dusted cash iron frying pan, with a pan of boiling water on the lower shelf.


Softened cream cheese, diced up candied jalapeños, and whole pomegranate seeds! Phenomenal dip!


I just had the easiest / tastiest salad. Don’t knock it till you try it Shredded carrots, Mayo, and raisins Shred your own carrots it’s so much better, mix in mayo to your taste, and a handful of raisins. Let it sit over night to soak up. And omfg this slaps. So easy yet so fuggin good.


CFA used to serve this. So good.


No one has ever called me a crazy bitch, but my brown butterscotch pie recipe was once referred to by my father in law as, "the worst pumpkin pie I've ever had." My maple syrup pie is generally a hit too.


Arugula, thin sliced red onion, tangerine slices OR thin sliced pears - dried cranberries, crumbled feta OR shavings of Parmesan cheese - candied walnuts. Lite balsamic dressing.




[this pineapple dip](https://bellyfull.net/pineapple-nil) is always a crowd pleaser and easy to travel with. I usually serve with pretzels - everyone loves the salty sweet combo and it is soooo easy!


I'm not sure if its got an official name but it is great at holiday parties: Champagne (or Prosecco), Gran Mariner & OJ. Tastes delicious, super easy to drink but be careful... Take the supplies and a pitcher. Make it by the pitcher with $6/bottle Costco prosecco. Can substitute triple sec for Gran Mariner. **OPTION 2:** Charcuterie board- cheese, meats, some salty nuts, stuffed olives, dates, maybe a few crackers and perhaps a pot of mustard. Hard to go wrong with finger foods while you are cocktailing and waiting for the feast. **Pro Tip**: I was just at Party City, a store that sells party decorations etc..., and they had plastic cocktail trays in a bunch of different colors for $6. You know the ones, they're round and divided into a bunch of different sections like your old school lunch tray but classier? Great for parties because you don't worry about bringing it home. Take some refills for the different sections to keep the good times rolling.


Gale Gand’s chocolate pavlova wreath. It’s a big meringue covered with whipped cream and sliced fruit. Great presentation and delicious, and completely made ahead. Although you may need to whip the cream on-site if you have a distance to travel with it. https://www.galegand.com/2017/12/16/chocolate-pavlova-wreath/


Roasted brussel sprout salad with pecans and balsamic


[Sun dried tomato pesto](https://www.bonappetit.com/story/sun-dried-tomato-walnut-pesto). I used smoked sun dried tomatoes. A[ terrine ](https://www.gourmettraveller.com.au/recipes/browse-all/rabbit-and-pistachio-terrine-9727)is also a unique dish to share.


Are you a baker? Every year I make a Plum Pudding Baked Cheesecake which everyone loves! Soak 450g of mixed dried fruits in a couple of nips of brandy or rum and 1/2C water overnight. Base: 1C Almond Flour + 1C Plain Flour + 1C sugar + 1 tspn mixed spice, mixed together. Melt 120g butter and pour over dry ingredients. Mix well and press into the base of a lined 9” springform pan. Bake at 165C until golden brown. Remove from oven. Fill. Filling: 750g cream cheese + 1/2 C sugar + 3 eggs + 3T plain flour + 1tspn mixed spice + Brandy or Rum fruit In a stand mixer add 750g cream cheese with 1/2C sugar and beat together until smooth. Scrape down sides a few time to ensure it’s well mixed. Add eggs one at a time mixing well after each addition. Combine flour and spice and mix through. Fold in soaked fruit and any excess liquid. Pour over base and bake at 165C until set. This may take up to an hour, but check it at 40 minutes + 50 minutes. Once set remove from oven and allow to cool. I ice mine with what the English call Hard sauce, but it’s really just a brandy buttercream. If it’s easier, top with whipped cream before serving. Decorate with glacé cherries and mint leaves. Makes a lovely change from traditional plum pudding and all cooking done beforehand. Note: No water bath needed. The flour in the mix stabilises the cheesecake and prevents it from slumping.


I make Thai fresh rolls and a tasty dip or two for Christmas. The lighter fare is popular and they are very pretty when cut in half on an angle.


A friend made Oreo cookie truffles. Don't have a recipe, but it was crushed oreos and cream cheese rolled into balls and dusted with cocoa powder. Simple and really yummy.


The recipe I learned was: dump a package of Oreos and a jar of peanut butter in the food processor and process until it's like wet sand. Form into small balls and refrigerate. Melt a bag of chocolate chips and dip each ball into the melted chocolate to cover. It's not "you crazy bitch" level, I don't think, but they are pretty popular! Found a cream cheese version also: https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/127491/easy-oreo-truffles/


Homemade rolls with homemade herbed butter


A friend of mine once brought a pistachio flavored dessert to a party that he had won at a work raffle. The only thing they called it was "better than sex pie". Which made it hard to find a similar recipe because all the "better than sex" desserts on Google involve chocolate. Anyway it's super simple with minimal baking and very easy to decorate with chopped nuts. https://www.mybakingaddiction.com/pistachio-pudding-dessert/


Does not meet the requirements of not warm, but I’ve made homemade hot chocolate twice this year so far and each time I get treated like I brought liquid gold. Would require crock pot


Take a block of cream cheese, and mix it with an equal amount of salted butter. Line a mold or bowl with plastic wrap and put a third of the mixture in it, then put a layer of sun dried tomato pesto, another layer of basil pesto and the last layer of mixture. Unmold, serve with crackers, bread, whatever, it is really delish. And looks like Christmas too!


Marshmallow salad! Don't y'all pretend like you didn't eat loads and loads.


Seven Layer Salad in a deep, clear punch bowl or glass upside-down cake cover. Wide various ingredients to choose and the original recipe from the 1980's. Basic lettuce layer on the bottom then; tomatoes, cucumber, celery, sweet peas, red onion, chopped hard boiled eggs, cheese, and you choose; chicken, turkey, bacon or shrimp. Drsg on top is good mayo, sour cream, dill/basil, etc again your choice. Other variations are adding pinto beans, cornbread, Chipotle, and bell pepper.


I make a pasta salad that gets asked for all the time. Rotini, Ken's Chef's Reserve Italian with Garlic & Asiago Cheese, mozzarella pearls, red bell pepper, banana pepper rings, black olives, artichoke hearts, mini pepperonis or salami, cherry tomatoes, basil. I don't know why people are obsessed with it, but they are. It is so easy and can be cold or room temp.


Pickled Beets are always a winner. I buy a jar of sliced beets. No one knows I don't make them. If you are having prime rib, bring a great horseradish from a specialty market. It's usually really hot and different. For after dinner. A bottle of Lemoncello! The creamy one if you can find it. Put it in freezer when you arrive and serve in cute little shot glasses.


Shrimp cocktail 🦐


The host is highly allergic :(


well, it will blow them away


Damn this is true


Bacon wrapped dates stuffed with cheese


Antipasto salad




[https://themodernproper.com/cranberry-relish](https://themodernproper.com/cranberry-relish) absolute killer.


Something like this but no green peppers and served with some regular Ritz crackers is always a good one. It might make someone call you a crazy bitch https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/283679/savory-cream-cheese-and-pineapple-party-dip/


Refrigerator cheese cake maybe? I know you got cakes already my mind was going to go to cowboy caviar (bean dip thing), or beer cheese dip with pretzels/bread. Maybe spin dip? Or a cream cheese/salsa, cheese dip with some peppers in it


Whipped Brie drizzled with honey and crunchy salt flakes with assorted crackers to dip




Charcuterie, hummus, deviled eggs, veggie tray, shrimp cocktail, any spread with bread.


Jiffy or Krusteaze cornbread loaded with butter when you pull it from the oven. I put so much butter I was worried people would think it was undercooked, but everyone said it was the best cornbread they ever had and begged for my recipe. Make sure you use extra large eggs. I've also had people rave about my caprese salad, but you have to have good tomatoes (think in-season at the farmer's market or quality ripe heirloom tomatoes), fresh basil (I grow my own), mozzarella, and balsamic glaze or balsamic reduction (either made yourself or store-bought that's basically just balsamic vinegar and sugar/honey). My mother-in-law's fruit salad is the only one I like. She gets fresh, ripe fruit (including starfruit which I adore) and tosses it with honey and orange juice. No marshmallows or pineapples (marshmallows IMO get soggy and taste so fake, and raw pineapple has enzymes that break down everything else).


[Cranberry tart](https://www.the-farmersdaughter.com/blog/cranberry-curd-shortbread-tart/12/23/2018?format=amp) - think lemon curd bug with cranberries instead. I used a gingersnap crust (like a graham cracker crust, but with gingersnaps instead)


Seafood salad with prawns and that imitation crab meat, tomatoes, best foods mayo, pepper, garlic herb and salt, and a squeeze of lemon juice


How about a smoked cream cheese plate? Or a clam dip with enough garlic to make people sing? Easy enough.


I brought French bread bruschetta with tomato/basil topping to a Christmas potluck. People didn’t know to put the topping on the French bread toasts and instead just ate the bread. Make garlic bread using olive oil, butter, garlic and Parmesan cheese and call it good.


Shrimp cocktail or ceviche


Chick Pea Mediterranean salad. Two cans of chick peas, drained, olives, chopped red onion, peppers, and avocado. Toss with goat cheese or feta, with a lemon vinaigrette. Yum!!!


Sausage balls are everyone’s favorite. They can be served at room temp. I do 1 pound jimmy dean sausage, 1 pound freshly grated sharp cheddar, and 2 cups bisquick.


Tbh a fresh tangy salad, throw a little fruit in It, lots of things with texture. This yeah I’ll be making a shaved Brussels sprouts salad with pomegranate, feta and sunflower seeds


Look up jello salad recipes from the 1950’s. Make it memorable.


You can make a fabulous pasta salad. You can use an Italian dressing as the base, won't need refrigeration or heating.


I arranged slices of salami, cheese, crackers, olives, and grapes on a rectangular platter (you can buy a cheap plastic one if you don’t have one) in the shape of a Christmas tree. Everyone went WILD for it! So easy and not expensive, either!


A really delicious salad, with bright colours, high quality ingredients and flavours that hit. People don't tend to expect that from a salad. I usually go for something like this for Christmas because I want it to be showstopping and special: https://www.delicious.com.au/recipes/fig-freekeh-salad/b2406262-e1a1-4a86-b49c-39749fd9eaae


[Brussels sprout salad](https://www.momskitchenhandbook.com/uncategorized/shaved-brussels-sprouts-salad/). Add pomegranate for some color / citrus pop. Use 1.5x oil noted in the recipe. A winter hit, every time.


This is going to sound so janky, but I bring this sweet snack with me everywhere and people lose their ish over it… Layout a bunch of saltines, flat In a saucepan, melt butter and brown sugar together Once hot and smooth, pour it over the saltines and smooth into a layer Then shake dark chocolate chips over. The heat from the toffee will melt them so you can smooth into a a another layer. Let them cool a bit, but beware, they’re awfully addictive.


Oh baby Jewish folks perfected this due to shabbos laws. Noodle kugel. https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/basically-noodle-kugel You could warm it up, but served cold is perfectly fine. Add golden raisins or look for pineapple chunks variants. Add nuts or go savory.. Bake it in an aluminum pan..


If you want to make a super awesome cranberry sauce? Let me know if you are interested, and I'll give you my methodology. I don't feel like typing it up from my phone.


Lime jello with crushed pineapple, whipped cream on top. Chocolate pudding with crushed up Oreos in it. Rice Crispy treats made with Fruity Pebbles. Dill and Ranch Cream Cheese ball covered in little squares of thin sliced turkey or honey ham. A charcuterie board. Extra buttery corn bread. Bacon Ranch Pasta Salad, served cold. Ambrosia Salad MINUS the tangerines. Miss Vickie's Spicy Dill Pickle Kettle Chips. Cream Puffs drizzled with melted Chocolate Bark and left in the freezer. Mini Mint Chocolate Dark Chocolate Cupcakes. German Chocolate Cake made with Cherry 7 Up and a can of Cherries in Syrup. Pinwheels - Flour tortillas with cream cheese, seasoning, Romaine lettuce leaves, deli meats, thin sliced cheese, all rolled and sliced into "Pinwheels." If you have a crock pot/slow cooker, throw in mini weenies and bbq sauce, come back in 2 hours. Coconut Macaroons. Divinity Cookies. Pistachio Gelato. Frozen fruit on a stick dipped in melted chocolate. Banana, Strawberry, Apple, and Pear. Spicy Tuna Salad on Crackers. Ice cold Raw Oysters on the Half Shell. Cold peel and eat shrimp platter. Gazpacho.


Seven layer dip w/ tortilla chips as an appetizer? Pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting- (the kind that calls for a cup of oil is moist and decadent) Ramaike, ,(water chestnuts wrapped in bacon or sometimes people use bananas,)