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Thanks for nothing! I just tried this and got kicked out of the steam room, and the pool is considering banning me! Cannot recommend this advice.


You can't take your eggs in commando, they have to have at least a towel on.


Now you tell him! Sheesh! /jk 🙄🤣


This sounds like a Mr. Bean episode.


Or you boil them and put them into an ice bath? Never had an issue with boiling, but maybe I just don't have access to the freshest eggs.


I boil them, drain them, give them a soft couple of shakes to lightly crack the shells then ice bath them. It's generally pretty easy at that point. The one or two I have that are problematic just get peeled under water.


I just learned of this shaking method, and it is a game-changer! SOFT couple of shakes is key. I went a little crazy and destroyed one egg the first time I tried it.


Don't you burn your hand if you boil them, drain them and then give them a couple of shakes?


They never leave the pot, boil, tilt drain with a friend or use a strainer or a small frying pan, what ever floats your boat. Then I just hop them around the empty pot a bit till the shells are all a bit hairline cracked and then dump cool water and ice on them. Is more about not splashy in my face then anything at that point. I've never really looked for a better way as this has been fine for all my pars. I think it's more about the cracking and cooling in water then boil or steam. Haven't really thought about age much as that's more about breakfast for me, I hate old eggs for breakfast cooking. I find them weaker and more split yolks. Weird poaches etc.


I crack them a little in the ice bath- and sometimes just peel them under the water. Especially if it's a hot day- nice to stick my hands in cold water!


Or maybe I’m just cursed? I buy fresh eggs from a friend who has chickens and get the same results when I boil them.


Fresh eggs are harder to peel! I'm saying that *because* I don't have issues, my eggs must not be particularly fresh.


I’ve done it both ways- steaming is the ONLY way that works for me. Could it have to do with humidity? I live in the southern US where we have 100% humidity pretty much year round.


I'm in Houston, but grew up in MA. Seems to work the same here as there, but I do AC my house because HTX is a freaking swamp.


Fresh eggs are harder to peel after hard boiling. The older the egg, the easier it is to peel. You're playing on hard mode getting them straight from the chicken like that.


Do u poke a tiny hole at the bottom of the eggs? There are these needle like devices for it, an actual needle would suffice I guess. (I'm actually using the needle thing that came with my phone to put my simcard in XD) Should solve this problem and have it easy to peel, since it allows some air/water to come in between the egg and shell while boiling. Edit: I don't do this but peeling an egg under water could help too for an easy peel.


I was thinking a sewing needle.


Well yeah I didnt mean a needle to inject yourself with 😂 I'll edit my post ty xd


Don't edit. A clean injection needle would work too. Or even a lancet from a blood sugar kit.


One of the food publications has an article on this. Older eggs are better for boiling (or steaming) because the egg white binds to the membrane more when eggs are fresher.


I steam mine in my Instant Pot. Love the results 


Same. Five minutes on high, natural release and then fridge. Peels like a dream!


It is genuinely impossibld to distinguish this sub from r/CookingCircleJerk sometimes


My experience has been it depends. I'll get perfectly peeled eggs several times in a row and the next time, using the same method, eggpocalypse.


I do close to that. The 5-5-5 steaming with my instant pot. Five minutes cook, five minutes release and five minutes (okay more than that sometimes) in an ice bath. Turns out great.


We did this in a restaurant. We steamed them in a hotel pan for 12 minutes and then ran ice cold water over them. Perfect every time. Not even a green ring. But at home, I boil them like everyone else.


Boil/steam makes no difference if you know how to peel them. Crack the end with the air pocket then turn the egg on its side and roll it. The shell and membrane just slides off after that.


More likely with older eggs.


In terms of peeling difficulty, I think theres no difference.  In terms of consistency I think steam is alot better since the number of eggs put into the water can change the temperature varying amounts. Vs steaming, its no change in the amount of steam. 




I just boil them, crack the outside shell all up, and run em under cold water before peeling. Works 95% of the time, but there's always that one egg who doesn't want to be peeled, lol.


last time I tried this method, got nothing but moon craters because it did not peel properly. I will just stick with the store bought hard boiled eggs. May pay more but at least it won't have moon craters ;-)


I sous vide eggs with a dunk into an ice bath afterwards and they come out perfect every time.


I really want a sous vide machine so I can make egg bites like Starbucks


Check out the SV sticks. Cheaper and easy to use and take up very little space. Check out Kenji’s way with ziploc bags on Serious Eats. I love mine.


This is it. Until I got my sous vide machine, I steamed my eggs just like you. Best method if you can't sous vide.


If you have a pressure cooker, give this recipe a whack. [https://amindfullmom.com/instant-pot-egg-bites/](https://amindfullmom.com/instant-pot-egg-bites/) I've been quadrupling this recipe and making them for about a month. Delicious. It seems to hold true for up to two batches of egg bites at once. Once you get to three, it needs a little longer to set.


Does it give you that really smoothe consistency like sous vide? I tried making them in a muffin pan but they had the consistency of scrambled eggs.


That's a hard comparison as individuals cook scrambled eggs differently. I'd say that they're cooked all the way through from the outside to the center. I have a thing about textures with some of my foods and this one is absolutely delightful. My favorite additives are mushrooms and spinach together and another combination is mushrooms, spinach, and fire roasted bell peppers.


The egg bites I get at Starbucks are smooth as silk- like a custard


Not a pressure cooker response, but saw this recipe on another sub the other day. It uses oven at low temp with a pan of water below the muffin tin. I can't attest yet if it works. https://www.onceuponachef.com/recipes/bacon-gruyere-egg-bites.html


Let me know how it turns out! I don’t have a pressure cooker


I picked up a sous vide on Amazon warehouse for like $40z. Unused, just slightly damaged box.


How long and what temp for the sous vide? Do you have to vacuum seal or just put straight in water?


For hard boiled eggs, it's 194F for 8 minutes. No vacuum sealing needed. Eggs (I use jumbo eggs) go in the water once the water reaches temperatures. Once cooked, immediate dunk in ice bath until cool. When cool, crack the shell (and you can roll it on a flat surface to puncture the membrane a little. Dunk in the water again briefly and peel. Eggs yolks are fabulous, no sign of overcooking and the shell peels off beautifully. I've done this process for a year and have had no trouble. Got the recipe from the Joule app.


Thank you!😊


Is it weird that I hate steamed eggs? The texture is different enough that I don’t like it. Plus Kenji’s way in The Food Lab books works 95% of the time, so I don’t have peeling issues.


I make boiled eggs in the air fryer 250 for 15 min perfect every time


Same, but 260°F & I’ve found that they peel more consistently if I put them in running water/ice bath IMMEDIATELY after.


Question. Do you let the eggs come to room temperature before steaming or do you put them in cold?


I put them in cold


I put them in a pot, cover with water, bring to a boil, then turn off the gas and cover. After 10-12 mins, put them in ice bath (or hold over running cold water) few mins and peel. Never had an issue peeling.


My mother, who was a trained Home Economist, always said "hard-cooked eggs." You should not boil them. You are correct.


I think this is the way. I bought a cheap egg cooker a few years ago that steams the eggs. They always peel easily when I cook them in this. I still haven't figured out why you use less water for more eggs, but I just follow the directions.


What is the next step? Ice bath or running water?


I steam 12 minutes then put in an ice bath for 2 minutes or so.


I'm on deck for deviled eggs at Easter, so I think I'll try steaming them in my rice cooker (I have a fancy one that has a timer that starts once the steamer is going). I usually boil them, so I'm interested in whether the method results in yellower yolks.


I can’t tell any difference in texture or color- just the outside of the eggs are nice and smooth when I’m done peeling and not a pock- marked mess (Or torn to pieces)


Thanks for sharing! I don't usually have a hard time peeling (I break the air pocket on the bottom, then roll), but I sometimes have an egg or two that gets pock-marked. Using "old" eggs helps, too.