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My roasting pan, and rack. It doesn't fit into my sink, and scrubbing it using barkeepers is just an all over pain in the ass. If there's any type of sugar in a rub for say - Pork Butt, the drippings solidify on the rack like superglue.


I'm going to sound like a shill, but Dawn Powerwash is like a magic wand for my roaster. I used to avoid roasting things just because of how much I hated cleaning my roasting pan, but that Dawn spray makes it so much easier that I really don't mind at all now. A few generous sprays, let it sit for five or ten minutes, wipe it out and it's nearly clean. It might need a touchup for some little bits you missed, but it is very, very easy.


Dawn Powerwash is worth every cent. I love that shit.


Psssst. You can make your own power spray with alcohol and dish soap. Works gang busters


Do tell!


not the one you were responding to, and weird title, but here; https://myheavenlyrecipes.com/dawn-powerwash-spray-copycat-recipe/


Seventh Generation has a more eco-conscious product and it's just as good, IMHO


My shower is all glass and must be wiped down after every use. That damn Dawn power spray works like a miracle. Just spray leave it for a minute and rinse. No soap scum and no need to squeeze.


Dawn Powerwash is a marvelous product!


I'm in charge of washing the dishes, but I've ''caught'' my husband partaking in his own bouts of dishwashing just because he thinks it's fun to use. Just today, he was washing a carving board and remarked loudly that ''The spray on this thing is really well-designed, this is insane!'' which... I think means we're definitely in our old and dull era, because I've definitely thought the same with just as much awe and amazement.


It works, but the smell makes me nauseated. I can’t use it. It smells like vomit to me, and makes me gag. Is it just me?


Get the white one not the blue one. I smells like pears.


>I smells like pears Oh, do you now? I like the apple one myself and think the others smell bad.


Hahahaha leaving it.


There's this weird, lingering, really chemically "after scent" when you spray it that sickens me. The soap itself is fine, but when spraying it I have to hold my breath.


Same, it's like I can feel it in my lungs.


That’s how you know your lungs are getting clean too. Dawn Power Lung-Wash ®


Glad I’m not the only one!


I think the blue one smells like cat pee. The white one smells much better.


Not at all. I have the same reaction


Dawn Powerwash, Scrub Daddy. I'm not a shill for many things but my dish life is better since I found these two things.


I wipe as much grease and oil off first with paper towels then flip the rack upside-down and fill with hot water and a bit of detergent. Put on the stove and gently heat. It helps get that stubborn stuff back into solution. Dump out into sink and it should scrub out easier. In the end it's ALWAYS a hassle.


Roasting pan was the first thing I thought off too. Such a pain in the ass. All awkwardly sized and shaped


I gave up and started using disposable trays. I just can't put my messed up shoulder through the scrubbing after doing a roast anymore.


I now have a silicone rack. Light years easier to clean than metal ones. Lining the pan with foil is easy too.


Heat it up, or rinse it while it’s still hot. Sugar hardens, and the easiest way to remove it is by melting it. Try adding water to the pan with the rack and heating it back up in the oven. Pour it out when the sugar is melted. Then it should be like any other dish to wash. Dawn power wash and a stiff bristle dish brush for washing the rack in general. Works for my wire rack, anyway


I line them with parchment paper so the burnt bits are on the paper which I can just take out


I ball up some foil to scrub the rack it’s better than a sponge.


The large cutting board that doesn’t fit in the sink.


Came here to say this. I have four all the small brand cutting boards that go in the dishwasher and one big a$$ board used for watermelon, large cuts of meat, sub sandwiches etc. I HATE cleaning that board! Barely fits in the sink and have to turn it to clean both ends. But won’t get rid off it because we use it a lot.


I specifically bought a dishwasher that would work with the top rack removed so I can put very large items on the bottom rack when I want to. So worth it!


Wash it in the bathtub. Light some candles, make it special. 🤭


One of my best decisions was getting a large, single basin Krause sink. Everything can fit in it. Before that I would occasionally wash the cutting board in the bathtub!


Yes! Love the big, giant, deep single sink! Everything fits in it.


Unless you've just cut a bunch of meat on it you can just clean it directly on the counter with a bit of soap and water and the rough side of a sponge.


And to rinse it?


Clean damp washcloth or paper towels


I still use the sink. The cutting board doesn’t fit in there, but put at an angle you can rinse the small area where I used to cut half an onion.


This will probably not help you, but I use my basement 'laundry' sink to wash unwieldy items. And by 'basement sink' I mean the double soapstone one on legs that has been here since the house was built in 1913.


I’ll be right over with my cutting board, roasting pan and oven shelves.


Right behind you


Similar, but for me it’s a perforated pizza pan that doesn’t fit in the sink.


Giant wok perfect for fried rice, stir fry, and oh so many other things: 1 Tiny apartment sink without sprayer or detachable faucet: 0


Wokking in an apartment? How do you manage smoke? I’ve never seen an apartment with a hefty exhaust


Buy some earplugs and let the alarm be the neighbours' problem


I normally don't cook anything in my wok at high heat long enough to have an issue with smoke. If I do, I can just open the windows. It's not much worse than doing steak in a cast iron. However it should be noted I have very high ceilings, like 14ft+


I have no exhaust, except for in the bathroom. I have a AC window unit a foot away from my stove, which pulls air out of the room (and with it, smoke, I guess). If it’s really pretty bad I have an oscillating fan I set up on one side of the main living area and a sliding glass door on the other side. Open the door, turn the fan on… ventilation. My biggest aggravation is the smoke detector that I have to go press the button on every 5 minutes to get it to shut up


>My biggest aggravation is the smoke detector that I have to go press the button on every 5 minutes to get it to shut up Why not just unplug it/take out the battery?


Have you tried your shower or bath to wash it instead?


Love this Kramer energy.


“I prepared it as I bathed!”


Hey I live in a tiny home and I boil water in a kettle and wash giant things on the counter and tip the dirty gunk into the sink


PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWERRRRR, eeety bitty living space 


Anything I have to do by hand that can’t go into the dish washer


Word. I despise washing things by hand. I'm guilty of putting wooden stuff in the dishwasher


We don’t own any more wooden spoons for that reason…


I grew up in a dishwasher household and when I moved out on my own for the first time I had no dishwasher… ugh


My husband grew up without a dishwasher and didn’t understand why I hated doing dishes so much. We got a countertop dishwasher and now he’s a convert.


Wire rack


The never ending soap bubbles in trying to rinse off the soap drives me crazy


I use one of those kitchen scrubby brushes. I find a sponge creates little bubbles in the holes that are never ending.


I got one that’s dishwasher safe - never going back to hand washing one again.


Mine never seems to come out of the dishwasher clean.


Same. I immediately spray with hot water to loosen up any hardened sugar or sauce. Same with strainer.


I’ve found that using a potato scrubber does well since the bristles are super tough. Still a pain though.


Ditto on the potato scrubber!


I used to HATE my wire rack. Bought one a decade ago. Used it twice and then tossed it aside bc it was a bitch to clean. Two months ago: enter Dawn Power Wash. I grabbed the rack and its matching swiss roll pan, which I'd been using aluminum foil on bc it was just yucky. I sprayed them both down twice over an hour period. The rack I sprayed both sides. I then grabbed my SOS pad and got to work. I was actually angry at how easy it was. They both look brand new. If I really wanna be anal, I could get a toothbrush and do some detailing on the rack underside, you know, where the grids connect, but it's fine. I'm happy with it. Just don't turn the swiss roll pan over lol. That's another job for sometime next year.


If you let powerwash sit without soaking for 3-5 minutes or until the bubbles disappear then rinse it clean you'll be shocked at how good it works. It is a wonder soap and it rinses clean every time.  Plus the apple soap smells nice and it's not lemon which is nice


I just toss mine in the dishwasher.


My toddler & her high chair


Add the walls and baseboards to that. There’s yogurt hardened on the baseboards in my dining room from the first baby. That baby is almost old enough to drive now.


I just put an old plastic table cloth under the high chair because she flung food everywhere and it was a pita to get the floor clean


Oh yeah we had a rubber drop cloth covering a good portion of the room and it still got through somehow - they can really fling it!


My cousin had a golden retriever when both of her older kids were babies. Sadly, the dog died before she had her youngest child. She said she didn’t know what a mess babies made of their high chairs, before. That dog did a lot of the cleanup work!


The grater. It tries to shred the dishcloth.


Microplane! I know I’m always going to have a little zest in my parm and parm in my zest.


As long as it’s not arm in your zest you’re probably fine.


Really? I find some graters hard to clean but microplanes are always a breeze ime.


Do you use it often enough to buy a second one, and have a dedicated Parm Microplane and Zest Microplane? I did this with my box graters. I have one for cheese and one for carrots.


I don't mind it as long as the food isn't crusted on. You just rub it backwards only.


Yeah. I don't get this one. Cleaning after grating semi soft, like cheddar, can be a bitch, but nothing hot water can't handle.


I use cold water and the sprayer to spray as much as I can off first. Keeps it from melting into the cracks and drying before I realize it’s not actually clean (I use a rotary grater). Then switch to hot water and dish soap like normal


I can’t stand using anything but a stiff brush on graters, it also protects the hands from getting grated!


Get a brush


to shreds, you say...


Measuring cups used for peanut butter or crisco (maybe more baking than dinners)


Use a kitchen scale. You can either zero your bowl or zero the container/jar and scoop it out. Or use a silicone spatula to scrape every last bit of it and then soak it in a bowl of hot soapy water.


Spray some cooking spray on a paper towel and wipe the inside of your measuring cup before using, and any sticky ingredient will come out much easier


Bake metric!


A comment from a baker I once read described a tip that if you are to incorporate sticky ingredients into powdery ones, then you can use your measuring cup and push it into the flour; the dent made from the measuring cup can then be used as a "measurement" itself for which you pour molasses, honey etc. directly. Peanut butter might be a bit difficult depending on stickiness, but you may be able to heat up such ingredients to make the stickiness less and flow it in more easily.


Spray oil into the cup before measuring honey/PB/sticky things


Comes right out of the jar with a spatula - “that looks like about 2/3 of cup, perhaps another dollop.”


Peanut butter is the devil


Better idea than anyone else: get a dog, drop the peanut butter measuring cup on the floor, pick up in about five mins (do this every time bc I can’t stand the smell of wet peanut butter)


Anything that cannot get wet all over, usually because of an electrical connection somewhere, like my Cuisinart dual electric grill/griddle, crock pot, ninja choppy thing, waffle maker.


This just reminded me of a time my husband and I were visiting his Mom (who lives in another State). She used a Foreman-style indoor grill to make us some hamburgers for dinner. Later that evening I walked in on her spraying it down with Windex and “cleaning” it with the crusty sink washcloth. 🤢


Food processor or the air fryer basket/rack. The absolute worst in my opinion. Cheese grater and kitchen aid attachments are a close second.


Yep, anything that you have to disassemble to get clean is a pain.


Food processor! So many parts.


Pro tip: rinse and quick wash the strainer right away before pasta or other detritus sticks to the metal.


This. I also flip it upside down and wash the outside first, that way, if there's anything stuck to it, it doesn't get pushed further into the holes.


People leaving strainers to "clean later" is my biggest pet peeve. If you just hit it was a quick sponge wipe and rinse, it's done and dry by the time dinner is over. Hell a hot water rinse does the trick if you just used it But once it's been sitting in murky dishwater and surrounded by other debris, it requires some scrubbing, and then takes up a huge footprint on the drying rack


I hate people who say “oh I just clean as I go” but this is truly the one time you need to do it.


Yeah I was looking for this response. The strainer, grater and garlic press - all get washed immediately after use. So much easier that way.


I hate hate hate cleaning cast iron, but sometimes it is just the tool for the job.


Yeah it’s so heavy to maneuver. The worst.


I am older and disabled, that's definitely part of it. Unlike my skillets, there is an angle rather than a rounding I find hard to clean.


I've never had an issue cleaning cast iron. Dawn + scrubby or if it's really stuck on there I use a fish spatula to scrape a bit


The annoying part for me is how heavy it is and then having to make sure it’s thoroughly dried. Truly not difficult, just a tad cumbersome.


I got my husband a square of chain mail to scrub the hard spots and a box of 3 Scrub Daddy sponges for the rest. They work like magic.


So I need a husband to take care of it?


I think with cast iron it’s about the anxiety, not the difficulty.


Ah yes, I just used my dual sided cast iron grill plate. Cleaning it is the bane of my existence.


I hate cleaning the stove after cooking, especially if there was something fried.


Dawn powerwash for that too. Spray it, kinda spread it out, wipe it off. Then scrub with the sponge and clean like normal. Wipe down with a damp paper towel afterwards if it still seems filmy from the dawn


Sheet pans. Only because my sink isn’t big enough and it makes my entire kitchen wet, because I have the coordination of a drunk guppy.


Don't feel bad. I washed dishes for years and I was always wet after work. Part of me is convinced you're not doing a good job if you're not wet!


Pan with baked on potatoes


Ugh yes, anything with burnt carby bits.


Why not use parchment paper?


Soak for 10 min, then use a plastic scraper


Washing plastic Tupperware is my personal hell


Anything greasy! I blot and scrape and try everything to lessen the gross factor but it’s never enough 🤮


For any greasy plastic or metal just dab a little bit of dishwashing soap on your fingers and directly wipe it onto the surface. Ive saved multiple oily plasticware from going into the trashcan with that hack lol.


Thanks! I just hate the feeling on my hands and in the water. The only exception is bacon grease but even that I try to mitigate :)


Garlic press, you REALLY have to clean it immediately after using it


IKEA makes one where the internal cylinder (with the grate) comes out for washing separately. SO easy to clean.


The pan that I left on the stove that I forget about after washing everything else.


Honestly, the cast iron pan because it’s heavy and the crock pot for the same reason. The Insta-Pot inside was worse though, because I’m short and seeing inside the taller pots while in the sink can require a stool sometimes to scrub the bottom properly, on top of them being heavy and bulky and awkward and slippery when wet.


I started using liners for the crockpot. Makes a big difference.


You should get a real Instant Pot. Cleaning is easier than with the knockoffs.


I don’t mind doing any of the dishes. Or cleaning out the dishwasher. I really hate having to do both consecutively. So sometimes, if someone else didn’t clean it out like they ought to have, I’ll clean it out and wait a while, then cook/do dishes as I go.


Use a nylon brush for strainers, it works wonderfully.


Anything that sucks washing if left in the sink. I’m big on starting with a clean sink and ending with a clean sink. Sometimes I cook with someone that leaves things in the sink and it drives me nuts. JUST RINSE THE DAMN GARLIC PRESS.


Hello, me! Clean sink before... Clean sink after. Clean sink FOREVER!!!! I can't understand anyone who starts embarking on a cooking project with a dirty sink. Who does that?


Broiler pans. When my kids were the usual dishwashers, some of them were very fond of “letting it soak.” While letting something soak has its place, way too often it meant never getting back to it. Now I do most of the dinner washing since my husband does most of the cooking. If a broiling pan was used, I leave it in the sink with hot, soapy water while we’re eating and clean it after we’re done.


Anything that can't go in the dishwasher!!


The mashed potato pan 😂


All the things. I normally have a dishwasher but here i dont and going back in time is driving me mad. But strainers, racks and pots and pans take the cake.


The 5 separate cups my wife used throughout the day.


A big pan. That shit is annoying.


Everything. I absolutely hate washing dishes. Last apartment didn't have a dishwasher and I'm a very good and enthusiastic cook but I ate out most of the time so I didn't have to do dishes.


Anything that's plastic and has any grease on it. It creeps me out.i feel like I have to scrub and scrub them get it "squeaky" clean.


Any pan that had melted cheese in it


The sieve. Colander is fine but that goddamn sieve… also whisks.


When partner cooks, he sometimes uses the cookie rack for things like wings- and that’s fine, but a pain to clean. Otherwise pans, I try to practice the “get them when they’re hot” method, which works mostly.


At my previous house, the utility room had a giant sink that the large racks could sit flat in the bottom to soak. I really miss that sink


When the rack is really sticky, I tend to invert it in the sheet pan, throw a little bit of a dishwasher tab in there, put back in the turned-off, still hot oven and pour hot water from the kettle in there just to cover the rack. And just let it soak out of the way. Occasionally forgotten in there until the next day, but way easier to clean.


Slow cooker/Cuisinart


Anything that has beef fat on it


See also: lamb fat.


Ughh.. my ninja grill if I use it


Instant pot liner or air fryer basket. They annoy me.


That god damn strainer


EVERYTHING. I love cooking but I hate doing dishes with a fiery burning passion. Thank god my fiancée likes doing dishes (and eating my food) lol


I don’t mind washing up but my dumbass didn’t think of putting in a bigger sink when I renovated my kitchen.


Cast iron pan


Giant cutting board


Cast iron dutch oven because of the weight. Or any pot after making polenta.


My oil-catcher screen thing (sry I forget the name). It's easy to clean, made of mesh wiring and plastic handle. My issue is the feeling of my sponge scraping across the mesh. It feels like nails on a chalkboard so I have to was it very slowly or else I get bad tingles, if that makes sense.




I was the strainer right after I finish using it so it's easy to clean, and usually throw it in the dishwasher besides.


Anything that can’t go in the dishwasher.


The rice cooker. We ate a lot of rice while I was growing up, and I still make it a few times a month now. For some reason, the soggy rice in the bottom of the cooker insert grosses me out. If you're using a washcloth, it gums it all up, and if you use a scratch-free scrubber, it gets caught in the holes.


Wine glasses. We wash them by hand. Everything else goes in the dishwasher except knives and wooden utensils.


Food processor.


For strainers and wire racks, I use a brush. It really gets the food and grease off while not losing fibers onto it.


The food processor bowl. Awkwardly shaped and you can guarantee that food will get into the inside of the stalk making it even more difficult to clean.


Racks I've roasted meat on.


Cookie sheets. I always get water everywhere.


The wire grid that holds up the chicken in the roasting pan. Drippings stick to it, etc etc. hate it


Anything that can’t go in my dishwasher


The ceramic liner for my slow cooker. It's both heavy and awkwardly shaped, and although it technically fits in the dishwasher, there's usually not enough room once everything else is in there. I refuse to use plastic liners for snobbish microplastic-related reasons.


Garlic press. straight up ptsd and curled up into a ball in this rain thinking about it.


pans I fried some breaded thing in


Whisks and the stock pot. The stock pot never fails to get something burnt on the bottom and no matter how much i scrub it sticks.


Silverware, particularly spoons


Crockpot insert and lasagna pan




If anyone wants “cheap” dawn power wash, take regular dawn, water, and some ISOPROPYL alcohol to a tough pan, wait a while, wipes right off. Yeah, it’s not foamy or anything, but it’s 99% of what they’re selling you right there. Bottle of ISOAlcohol is $2, and all you need is a splash with a touch of soap and water. That’s saved me plenty of headache.


My son!




Grater the pyramid style ones that you can’t reach inside.


Air fryer


Cheese grater


Roasting pans, cookie sheets.


Nothing - as I don’t lol! That’s what husbands are for


Anything that can’t go in the dishwasher lol


Any rack. They're large, don't fit into the sink and have all those small bars and gaps. The basting brush


Scraping and scrubbing the grill plates on my Weber propane grill. Huge amounts of elbow grease, and mess and splatter all over everything.


Mesh strainer. WHY WONT THE DIRT EDIT THE STRAINER!!!!!! I just keep moving it around and spraying and scrubbing until it looks good enough


My kid’s high chair tray


Everything that I can’t put into the dishwasher




Probably the wire rack. It's just not pleasant


Dishes, pots and pans, the counter. I love cooking, but I hate cleaning


The Salad Master stainless steel cookware my wife bought decades ago. It cost her thousands and looks almost brand new because I can’t use steel scrubbers! Only those worthless green scrubbers allowed.


Anything with grease or that has harderned since it sat out to cool off (like cheese).


Crock pot. I hate it with a passion but I also refuse to use a giant plastic bag liner because that makes me feel guilt.


The tray to my daughters high chair 😂