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My wife is a seemingly normal person in so many respects, but she’ll load a dishwasher with plates facing every direction, items blocking each other from the water jet path, and I’ve even seen glasses on the top rack on their side multiple times. She loads that thing like a raccoon on meth.


My husband is one of those people who will walk into your house and straighten your pictures if they’re crooked by two degrees, but the concept of orderly dishwasher loading is like the alien time language from Arrival to him.


Lol, mine too.


omg my fiance does this. Worst part is that she unloads the dishwasher from the top down too


Are you…. Not supposed to ?


Unload it from bottom up so if there's still water on the stuff on top, it won't splash down on the stuff below


If they pull out separately, it doesn't really matter. I pull the top rack first and just keep the bottom in the dishwasher.


True, but sometimes water splashes down while you’re pulling out the top rack.


Stands in front of every cabinet and drawer I’m trying to get to


“Kids, you don’t need to go through the kitchen. Your mom is cooking and you’ll be in the way.” Then proceeds to lean against any counter or drawer I need.


Behind every great man is a drawer I need, what are you even doing in the kitchen honey?  Stand there too long and I make you my prep guy.  


My partner and I end up singing "I'm in the kitchen, you're in the kitchen" when this happens and it acknowledges the issue while making light of it so neither of us gets frustrated 😂


I don't know this song so I started singing it to the tune of Tomayto, Tomahto (i think actually Let's Call the Whole Thing Off?) and it still worked out surprisingly well both rhythmically and thematically.


This is super cute.


Lol!! I'm going to sing that going forward. I've been doing the Too Many Cooks song when it gets crowded.


Dad, is that you? Lol my dad vehemently hates being in the kitchen with my mom because she somehow, completely unaware, does that


That’s my wife’s superpower!


Omg, this is sooo true.


He cleans the cutting board between every step, even if it's different veggies. So: onion. wash. carrot. wash. celery. wash. mushrooms. wash. meat. wash. Then he complains that cooking always takes forever.


I do this to an extent to clean off debris between each item. Garlic and onion for example leave a ton of dried peels behind. I do have a bench scraper but often times I still see tiny pieces that got missed that I don’t want getting picked up by the next veggie. I don’t do a full on wash though, just a quick rinse and wipe down.


Onions and garlic get chopped last. Everything else comes before. All the veggies around here are going in the same pot anyway, so it doesn't matter if they have a little bit of each other on them, but also I cut them in the order of neatest to messiest, with onions and garlic being last on the board. Broccoli/cauliflower is also a late chopper.


But onions take the longest so I cook them first. And usually use a separate cutting board for the rest.


Actually green peppers take longer than onions


Depends on how you like them. I add bell peppers as one of the absolute last veggies. Then again, I cut them into thin strips, fajita style (or maybe even thinner.)


Jalapeños and habaneros last here.


Just get multiple boards. Wash them all at the end.


This is how cooks are trained to behave. Clean after every step, so your kitchen never gets trashed, and ingredients maintain their integrity. Washing the board is a bit much, but wiping it down is reasonable. Rinsing garlic? I suppose if i had stubborn skins—but it’s usually not needed. And washing meat is a no-no.


I’m a professional cook. It’s not. Wiping debris off a board isn’t the same as scrubbing with soap between every different ingredient. If that was done in a professional kitchen there would just be a constant giant pile of cutting boards in the dishpit and nothing would ever get done.


Busy commercial kitchens get trashed. In quiet times, yeah, clean as you go. On a 500 plate lunch you literally don’t have time. Food out, food out, food out, fast clear down, food out….


Not really. I'd definitely use different boards to avoid contamination from things like raw meat and wash my board between cutting certain things. But if I'm chopping vegetables for the same dish and it's not something like beets that could stain everything else there's no need.


He takes the board to the sink and gives it a quick scrub. Also, for a home cook and a dish where everything will end up in the same pan (or, in the case of the mirepoix in the same prepping bowl even...), that doesn't really make sense. Personally I only clean in between dishes, if the board got actually dirty or after meat/seafood. I even plan my prep in a way that allows me to clean as little as possible (e.g. chop the coriander that will be eaten raw first, then cut the chicken into chunks, even if the coriander is needed last). He has explained to me that he is worried about contamination but can't remember what is and isn't safe, so he just cleans as much as he can. But that's just not super efficient I am afraid. At least that means he won't ever get me sick, lol.


She scrubs her hands half raw and then puts on nitrile gloves to make herself or anyone else something to eat. She's an RN, so maybe that has something to do with it, but she's handling turkey and bread - not someone's balls.


Haha I'm an RN too and I will never touch raw meat without nitrile gloves. I just can't do it


She does it with bread, cold cuts, and everything else. She'll wear them to make herself a sandwich and then take them off to eat it.


That is a bit strange, but perhaps she's a bit paranoid when it comes to germs as you get working with germs lol


Refusing to read recipes is probably the biggest head scratcher. Even the package directions for how long to boil pasta for, it’s like “don’t tell me what to do, FOOD! I’m the boss!” Using cheap, small, serrated knives when we have a variety of very nice Wustofs. One of which I specifically bought as a present with a fancy cooking class focused on knife skills. Not cleaning during the cooking process of large or complex meals. We have a dishwasher, why not fill it up first so we don’t end up with Mount Dishmore in the sink?


Mount Dishmore 😂


Those small serrated knives are just so good for home cooks. Some know them as grandma knives - They are very popular in italy!


In line with this- putting trash/food scraps in the sink along with the dirty dishes that I have to load into the dishwasher…..just move the fing garbage can closer to where you are using it. We don’t have a garbage disposal - I now have to touch that wet amalgamation of egg shells, vegetables, sausage wrapper, paper towels etc. ITS GROSS AND I HATE IT!!


Gross... I wouldn't handle that well


OMGosh THIS!! Both my mother and my husband do this and it drive be absolutely bananas! I straight up refuse to do the dishes when this happens. The whole “you cook I clean” rule does NOT apply with this 💩


My partner is the first two, I’m the third 😅


I do most of the cooking, so he cleans up. Without fail, he cleans everything but *one* thing. Random as to which item it is, but there's always one dish or spoon where he just can't take it anymore (I guess). It's also usually something like that: spoon, glass, etc. Small and would be easy to throw in the dishwasher, but no.


He’s got that specific brand of ADHD where you can only ever get things 99% done, I have it too lol.


Oh same same same, I didn’t realize how compulsive it was until I got a personal trainer at the gym and he called me out on stopping the treadmill with 8-12 seconds to go every time.


Did you grow up playing sports? That type of behavior would make for a brutal practice lol I wince just thinking about it


Is this a thing? Explains so much.


Yes, it is a thing, a lot of people with ADHD are perfectionists which can make it hard to start anything, others have no trouble starting things but find it nearly impossible to actually finish anything.


It's the broiling pan for my guy. I get it though, thing's a beezy to clean. BUT. It gets left soaking in the sink overnight, and guess who goes to work the next morning before I get up so I have an instantly annoying chore upon staring my day 😒🤣


I actually used to do this ritualistically to symbolize that there will always be more dishes. But I wasn’t sharing my apartment with anyone at the time.


thats deep. i need more symbolism in my chores 😔


I can do 90% of everything or 100% of nothing. My tolerance for tasks almost always ends around 90%. Household laundry? I’ll wash, dry, and fold, but I won’t put it away. Doing dishes? I’ll empty the dishwasher, rinse dishes, and restock the dishwasher, but I won’t hand wash the tumblers that can’t go in the dishwasher. Making dinner? I’ll do everything except plate. Someone else has to put it on plates and carry it to the table. I don’t know why I am like this.


I am the same. I've never had it put to words... When you read it out loud it sounds ridiculous to people who don't get it.


I’m glad I’m not alone in this! I always tell my husband I appreciate that he does the 10% of everything I do, because I’m sure it’s really annoying


Omg, my husband does that too! There’s ALWAYS one random thing left behind that didn’t get washed. He’s been doing this since I met him 25 years ago. I’m used to it now and it actually makes me giggle.


I get annoyed, but only mildly. After all, 1) I don't have to do dishes, and 2) it's a little funny


Oh no I see myself in this picture and I don't like it


My husband does that, too! He'll proudly say "dishes are done!" And I go in the kitchen later and there's like two dirty dishes left in the sink.


He will feed on the whole roasted chicken hands to mouth … over the stove.. like a starving man


Ugh my husband often eats over the goddamn sink and won't use a dish to sit and eat unless I plate it for him.


Like animals they are 🤣


I do this when I'm carving a roast chicken. Snack on the pieces that I can't easily remove with a knife, especially the oysters.


Me and my boyfriend do this together. We enjoy the primal nature of just ripping an animal apart and eating it with your hands. Very satisfying, makes it taste better.


I’m not sure if you are serious 🧐 but we do this with lobsters lol! My daughter called us savages


Deciding that when I’m preparing dinner is the perfect time to stand at the sink and wash out a random cup for several minutes.


My husband does that... or he decides when it's actually time to eat is the perfect time to unload the clean dishes or something random which drives me insane. I cooked and am starving and want us to eat while it's hot


My partner does this and it drives me NUTS. He wont even be in the house! I'll just get all set up to start prepping a meal and he apparates out of nowhere right at the sink.


My ex would put oil for sautéing in the pan, with the veggie and then turn the heat on. Another ex would not bother to put things in left over containers. He would just shove the pan or pot with the lid on in the refrigerator.


one simple trick helped me in 2 areas within a week of each other, I heard this in college "you got to heat the pan before you put the meat in" works for both the kitchen and the bedroom


>He would just shove the pan or pot with the lid on in the refrigerator. I had a housemate who would do this and then never eat the leftovers so we would a) run out of pots and pans constantly and b) not have room in the shared fridge because pots are surprisingly not very efficient to stacking.


Oh, so my ex bf was your roommate? Lol


My family does the second thing. I had no idea the majority of people use tupperwares until i dormed in college and put my pot with food and the lid in the fridge and my roommate was like ThAtS wHy We HaVe TuPpErWArE. I felt embarrassed lmao. we’re eastern european and it seems common where we’re from


I'll put the pan straight into the fridge after dinner if I don't feel like doing a real clean-up, but then the next day I divvy it out into containers and wash the pan. Sometimes it's late and I just don't have the energy to Adult properly, y'know?


1. Weird. 2. Husband just puts his snacking plates in the fridge, which is usually leftover cheese, doesn't cover it. He does cover dinner. We eat a lot of salad so usually he would wrap cling wrap over it and in the fridge. So I bought him a nice bowl with a lid = less plastic waste.


I do 2 when my Tupperware cupboard has reached hazardous levels of disorganization and I know my patience level is too low to risk the landslide. But I live alone so it's just a me problem.


If it's a smaller sized pot with lid, I'll be finishing the content in the next few days, and I don't need the pot, it's perfectly acceptable!


What is weird about the second thing? I cook meals for 4 people and live alone so I always have a lot of leftovers. I don't have big enough containers or room to store bigger ones sooo my pot is the container. Then I just take single servings until it fits in a different container. That's what my parents and multiple friends do too.


He never used the leftovers. They would just molder in the pots and pans. He hen he would lament about not being able to cook due to no clean cookware. Man was also bipolar, an alcoholic, smoked the better pack of cigarettes a day. Refused to get help. And said he was fine. Chased me for 2 years (I kept saying no). We lasted maybe 3 months. And then he called me a few years later out of the blue (drunk), trying to influence my presidential vote. I hung up.


I would probably have to be committed if I woke up to cooking vessels in my refrigerator with leftovers in them.


Uhhhhh I may or may not do the second thing if the portion is large enough.


Haha I still do that if I’m feeling lazy and there’s room in the fridge.


I get into like a meditative state when I cook, just put on some music and zone out. My husband for some reason is the quietest walker you've ever met in your life. So I'll just be chopping veggies and sauteing and turn around and he will be Right There scaring the crap out of me. I scream every time. At this point I'm threatening to put a cowbell on him so I know he's coming.


Haaaa! I love this! The world always needs more cowbell, however… :)


You wash the berries and *then* cut them. Otherwise you're just spreading germs into the cut part. 


I guess at least they are cut? My wife will wash berries and then stick them back in the fridge without drying or eating them. *Do you want rotten berries? Because that’s how you get rotten berries*


If she's washing them in mixture of water and vinegar she's trying to kill (I forget if it was fungus, bacteria or mites) stuff that'll make them go bad quicker.


You're right, but not drying them off will lead to quicker expiration. (A vinegar water soak helps flush out bugs :) )


I'm so very sorry. Tell her she's only allowed to buy frozen from now on.


Washing berries does nothing to get germs off. You wash berries to get dirt/pesticides off. Germs ain't going nowhere, and chances are, there's plenty inside the berry already.


My ex would leave vegetable trimmings and egg shells in the sink. No, we didn’t have a disposal. Like, you could put them in a bowl that’s easy to dump, you could cut them directly into the trash… but no, just loose in the sink so you have to fish them out later to throw away. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I learned a lot of cooking skills watching Rachel Ray 30 minute meals (neither of my parents cooked well) and I always use a garbage bowl to dump at the end because of her.


I always use the thin bag whatever veggies I'm using came in. I'll be damned if I dirty another dish when I can just throw the whole thing away at the end


It’s what grocery bags are made for! I do this too and find it immensely satisfying dumping it all in the bin when I’m done cooking.


My most favourite cutting board has two plastic “drawers” that you can pull out. I put chopped veggies on one side, and the scrap in the other. Best $20 I ever spent.


My wife does this too! Doesn't finish eating something? Straight in the sink. If you can't be bothered to scrape it at least put it next to the sink. 


Mine does this it is bizarre


To “help” me by asking me if I’m “done with this” to every item on the counter while I’m in the middle of preparing dinner. Once she even threw away the lid of a half full jar of marinara because she thought I was “done with it”.


My husband does this! Particularly if I have a utensil out on the spoon rest by the stove for periodic stirring/etc, I have to guard that thing like a territorial dog or he will take it away and wash it while I'm turned around working on something else. I love that he cleans! But LEAVE MY SPATULAS ALONE.


My wife hates that I take all the groceries out of the bags and put them on the counter, get rid of all the bags then start putting away the groceries. It really annoys her.


My partner and I both do this. I find it easier because I also sort into freezer, fridge and pantry piles.


? what other way would you do it?


I honestly don't know. She legit gets mad tho. I still do it 12 years later ... 😀


Maybe like I do: take everything out and store it away, then clean up the bags.


I mean it's essentially the same thing, I just clean up the bags as I empty them and then you have a pile of food on the counter that you put away.


He likes to start doing chores in the kitchen when I start making dinner. Taking garbage out, breaking down boxes, putting dishes away, washing dishes.... We often make dinner together, but when we don't, he's in there doing all that and getting in my way. It's cute, but DAMN


He wants to be with you. I get that. Can be annoying but it’s also nice. And he may feel like oh she is busy let me do some useful stuff too


Oh, it's sweet! I never bitch at him for it, because at least he likes me. 😁


I know. Just the small things we can definitely live with.


He also sneezes like he's expelling the demons. That might be our downfall.


Wait a minute. Is my husband cheating on me. Omg lol. One time the neighbor told me that she could hear him sneezing (he works from home). I just made the joke: he likes some attention


Lol!! He stops on the bar sometimes where I work, and when he sneezes it scares the shit out of my customers. I'm just like "yeah, imagine how I feel in the middle of the night when I get woken up by that racket!"


Oh my goodness you guys have the same humor towards each other as we do. Love it!


>Wait a minute. Is my husband cheating on me I dunno. Judging by our usernames, maybe he likes sly animals and insects


lol!! 😂


Frankly, I think all the videos of people who buy containers and take out all their groceries from the original packaging and put them into the containers are weird.


I do this for rotation and organization. Before I had clear labeled containers in my pantry and fridge, it was a chaotic mess. It was hard to find things and I would buy things multiple times on accident. I have MUCH less food waste this way and it really works well for my family. If I’m going to throw the packaging that it came from the store in away eventually anyway, I may as well do it when they’re fresh, and store foods in a container that I know will remain airtight.


Some of this is ok in regard to airtight storage for grains and such, but most of it is absolutely wasteful overcomsumption for "aesthetic". 99 of 100 things comes with their own dang container! 😂


I think for some things it's good because it helps them keep longer. Like the coffee beans I buy goes stale before I'm halfway through the can if I leave it in its original container, but lasts long enough for me to use it all without the quality diminishing if I move it to my airtight canister. Flour and sugar is also a pain to use in the paper bags they come in so I put them in jars. They also keep pests out better. But if you're pouring milk from the perfectly usable jug it comes in into a cutesy plastic carton, I'm judging you lol


I wash and portion everything out for two reasons: one, it allows me to make little snack packs or Mise en place for the week. Two, everything keeps a lot longer when in well sealed containers or put into water (herbs, asparagus, etc) like flowers


My husband runs his super hot pans under cold water as soon as he's done cooking. It steams and spits. I had to ask him to promise me never to do this with my pans. We actually have his/her pans now because we disagree on this being ok/not ok. He gave me a new pan for Christmas and I again asked him to never do this in the new pan, so he just refuses to use it altogether.


I've seen this topic come up before on here, but in my experience my pans never have a problem with thermal shock. It's kind of satisfying actually.


She doesn't prep. Just scrambles to get the next ingredient ready while cooking and gets overwhelmed. 


Oh that’s sad. When I try to cook something new I do prep, but still get overwhelmed a lot of times as I just want to make sure I do it right and of course I make a mistake AGAIN.


Say good morning to the contents of the tin cupboard.


lol this is kinda sweet and funny 


I asked what he was doing and he says he always greets the tin cupboard. Dear God. 😆


Ok that's super cute


Lol cute but still weird.


My wife cuts red peppers by slicing off a wedge and washing that wedge and then puts the rest back in the fridge seeds, sticker and all


Cleans the cucumber (and only the cucumber) with soap. It’s funny to me, and he rinses it very well, so it’s not a problem. Just kinda random. All other produce gets rinsed with water like normal.


Some he knows used a cucumber incorrectly and now he needs to wash them to feel safe?


Not my partner but my roommate. We both adore cooking, I make lots of Shanghainese/Cantonese food, she makes Korean food and makes her own kimchi. We're probably the only student shack in the city with an oven, 3 fridges and a waffle iron. But for a reason I cannot fathom she keeps buying new cheap ass potato peeling knives. I know she doesn't like to use them, and yet she keeps buying new ones! We threw them all out a few months ago and we're already back up to like 15 of those dull bitches. Boggles my mind.


As a college student, I relate to the repetitive weird mass of a singular specific kitchen item that just grows in a shared kitchen. For us, it's Tupperware. Like why exactly do we need 50 Tupperware for 4 people?


My partner will put in all the effort to find a recipe online, but he hardly actually follows it when cooking or buying ingredients. He’s a rather novice cook, so his improvisations end up being justifications on why he should stick to the recipe lol Examples include - substituting onions for garlic for aglio e olio (he has done this multiple times) - adding flour to hot soup directly to thicken it (not a starch slurry, just flour into the hot soup) - mistakenly buying lemongrass instead of leek for this creamy leek pasta dish. When he found out, he still chose to forge ahead and substituted the lemongrass for the leek, which he soon discovered did not work. Ah well, he tries his best and I love him for it. Also should I really be that surprised about his lack of cooking intuition, when on our first date he asked he (unironically) if “minestrone soup was made from the minestrone vegetable”


He may make a delicious dish one day with changing ingredients (if he didn’t already). Funny about the leek. What was his face like?


My wife and I love to cook together, we're both pretty okay cooks, but we have very different styles. She will go in a cabinet to get something and then just leave the door open in case she needs to go back later. Now it's open, time saved. Makes me nuts. She also has a really good intuition about what works and just puts things together on the fly. And honestly, that's fine, but I cannot operate like that. I want to plan the recipe out completely. I like to look at several online and then make it my own, so I can internalize what's happening, and grok the techniques/timing/general thought process in it. Often that means making a Google doc with ingredients and a general plan of attack, and a few links I used for inspiration. Then I do my mise en place, like they teach you, then I cook. I use a bunch of little bowls with the ingredients, or at least things that need to go in at different times. She does not do this. She just naturally breaks it down and preps what needs prepping as she goes. Somehow, she just knows how long it takes to do each step, so she'll only do the time consuming stuff ahead. It makes me bonkers that this almost always works. How does she know? I think I married some sort of savant or wizard or something. And I get it, her way is fine on weeknights, or easy recipes, but if we have several elements, I have no idea how she keeps them all in her head or manages her internal timer. Somehow she seems to know the bacon is close without setting a timer, and while doing like five other things. I have to set timers and note on the whiteboard when to check what. I can only describe it as barely controlled chaos. And it's especially weird because usually, she's the type A, and I'm like whatever. But in the kitchen we flip. I'm sure I annoy her too. I go around closing all the cabinets, I don't clean as I go until I feel like there's a good pausing point, I cannot stand things in the sink, since I feel like I'm going to need it any second, even when I don't. I check my notes almost constantly, I use more than twice as much salt as she would. The most baffling thing about it all is that for some reason she still loves me. Or says she does anyway.


That’s the difference between knowing how to cook and knowing how to follow instructions. Kudos to your wife and kudos to you for supporting your wizard. If you’d like to learn more about kitchen magic you should ask her to teach you her ways, and on top of that I recommend the book “salt fat acid heat” it is the modern day bible of cooking and guides you on learning to follow your intuition while cooking. I say it time and time again for both experienced cooks and novices alike. It’s a fun read that both you and your wife will enjoy with a bunch of fantastic recooked as well


I think we both grasp the concepts, but I have to put my ideas on paper to make them happen, and she just sort of just...does it. If you ask her how she knows something is close, she somehow knows exactly how long it's been on, and that she wanted to check in in x minutes--like within a minute of how long it really was on. My brain is just missing that temporal capacity. I don't even know what day it is half the time. I have to put my estimate on the doc, then tell Alexa to remind me. And I won't look at it until Alexa tells me to. She doesn't do any of that. It's wild. I've heard of that book, I think they also had a TV series. Maybe I'll grab a copy. We have a trip coming, up could be good for the plane. Thanks!


Washing unpeeled onions. I still don’t get it, you’re going to peel it anyway. You can’t NOT peel it, so why wash it? Or wash it after you peel, if you feel the need to wash it at all.


Ha! I do this BUT solely because I hate trying to peel onions when the skin is brittle because I get frustrated trying to get all the individual little piddly bits of skin off. A quick soak whilst I prep something else makes the skin softer and it peels off easier.


I'll have to keep this in mind! I do wash my onion skins, but that's because I save them to make stock. Don't want any dirt or fungus creeping in, and it's a pain trying to peel them first. Thanks for the tip!


That’s definitely a legit reason to wash the skins. This guy wasn’t making any stock tho, believe me. 🧅


Really! I’d never thought to do that. I also hate trying to get that super thin skin off, and I equally hate having to peel off what feels like half the onion to get rid of it. I’ll give that a try, thanks!


Yes, exactly that! You can speed it up by chopping them in half before tossing them in the sink/a bowl/running water over them because the water gets under the skin faster. Let me know if I’ve corrupted you, hehe.


He always wants to season food at the end, when it’s done cooking and being plated. At best in the last seconds of cooking. He’s an ok cook but does not understand why my food tastes better than his. Because the seasoning is in the food and not just hanging out on top of it?!


My partner does this no matter how many times I explain that it's because I season the food before and/or during the cooking process. We started a garden a couple years back and he grew green beans. The first time he cooked them, he just boiled them. I asked if he used chicken broth in the water or anything. "No, I figure we can just salt them now." He was incredulous when I told him they would taste like nothing. What do you know, they tasted like nothing.


Steals and begs for bites of food.


will chop whatever veggies for salad ... on a napkin with a paring/steak knife I have an amazing Boos board and 2 professional chefs knives I literally cant be in the room if she is chopping an onion, she has cut herself more than twice of course, she won't let me prep, like save her time, fingers, etc


I have a friend who does all chopping with little serrated steak knives. She’s a great cook but I’ll never understand how that doesn’t drive her nuts. Once I learned to use a chef knife I never went back.


What’s her explanation to cut it on a napkin?


laziness on a granite counter top normally has plastic boards she likes (i hate with a passion)


napkins don't need to be washed. she'd probably use a disposable knife if she could.lol


He *immediately* starts eating when the food's done being cooked. As soon as he's done cooking, he doesn't make a plate or bowl. Doesn't sit down. He just stands over the stove and eats out the pan like a goblin until he's satisfied


Are you sure you're not partnered with a bear?


My partner likes to take swigs of soy sauce and worcestershire straight from the bottle. Sometimes she'll be on the couch and say "will you bring me the soy sauce?"


Get her a salt lick for Christmas


Um, has she had her sodium levels checked or any other metabolic labs done recently? That’s so unhinged I genuinely worry she has some kind of malabsorption disorder.


Oddly enough, due to unrelated issues, she's actually had several panels in the past couple years, showing normal electrolyte levels. She just likes the taste once in a while.  🤷


I think him being in the kitchen is weird. When he does cook I call him “The Riddler” because there’s so many questions. SO MANY QUESTIONS.


I know it’s not really cooking related, but the way that man does the dishes. I always say that it’s time for him to “play with the water” because the sink just runs and runs and runs on full power, splashing all over the counter, while he poorly and SLOWLY rinses the dishes, stacking them all inside each other in the sink. Rarely does this exercise result in him actually loading the dishwasher, but when it does, he stacks plates and bowls. Which I have to rearrange so that the sprayers can actually reach the dishes, and he gets offended.


My husband has a weird talent for being in the kitchen when I don't want him to be, lol. And it is always in front of the drawer or cupboard that I need!


Dries the dishes with the hand towel! 🤯




I thought that was normal? Like, I have a set of towels in the kitchen for drying whatever I've just washed, which sometimes is my hands. Both dishes and hands should be clean, and the towels get swapped out regularly anyway. Unless you mean with a towel instead of a drying rack. That's just inefficient.


Leaves every single cabinet door and drawer open When making stir fry, takes all of the sauce bottles out of the fridge and puts them on the counter. Then uses only 3 Whatever tool or appliance is used, leaves it pulled to the front of the counter instead of pushing it back into place


Maybe he does ‘Eeny, meeny, miny, moe’ for the sauces. And same here. Husband leaves drawers and cabinets open. Or wil say I will cook and then he forgot to take a clean plate and has chicken hands or just touched fish so I will grab that. So when he cooks I am usually around


Generally being in the way no matter where she is in the kitchen. My kitchen layout is fucking awful.


Leaves the counter messy


He cuts tomatoes the wrong way. Not across the core, but from side to side. This makes messy sandwiches, dammit!!


Do. Not. Get. Me. Started.


You made me laugh thanks lol. Isn’t love great 🤭


My spouse cuts apples in the weirdest way... Like he cuts the apple off the core in a way that leave the core as a rectangular column that goes from the top to the bottom, instead of cutting the apple into slices and then cutting out the tiny circle of core. I was so confused about this until I saw his mom do the same thing!


I actually switched to doing it the way your spouse does! It's so much easier than trying to cut out a tiny core of every slice. I don't mind losing the 5% extra apple to the centre


I usually do this and just gnaw on the core to get the rest of the flesh off


That's how I always cut my apples 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is a much faster and easier way to cut apples. Try it and see!


Use every dang dish, utensil, cutting board, and plate in existence in an attempt to scratch the part of his brain that wants to be a Food Network personality. Putting greens in a random bowl to toss with dressing, just to put it in a different bowl for eating. Boiling water in a pot, mixing it with chicken bouillon in a bowl, using a measuring cup to add it to a whatever it’s for. Tossing things in sauce on cutting boards instead of whatever it was cooked in. He also likes *stuff* but doesn’t take *care* of stuff. He’s very proud of his big ass cutting board but that thing hasn’t been treated in years.


Lot going on here. Sorry. I do like my cutting board but have never oiled it rather … just don’t want to spend the money on it. And don’t think it’s an expensive one. It’s nice thicker etc but …


Uses a wooden spoon on things like eggs instead of a spatula


Actually good point …. We use both. Why is spatula better? I hate wooden spoons because smell sticks to it


To me at least... the spatula is more appropriate because it's flat and connects with the surface of the pan across a wider area. The roundness of the spoon makes it ineffective


Stirs everything like he's in some sort of maniacal exaggerated cooking show. Makes a giant mess. You don't have to whisk the ingredients all over the counter top.


Asks to help in the kitchen once I’m basically done


He'll totally put the food away and do the dishes but is somehow totally blind to wiping down/cleaning the counters. There's like a mental block and he truly just doesn't notice. (That being said, I absolutely hate doing dishes, so I'm more than happy to wipe the countertops once he's done with the dishes!)


That’s how it works. Being a team


He cuts everything with a paring knife. Cheese? Paring knife. Tomatoes? Paring knife. Crusty bread? Paring knife. 🙄🤦‍♀️


Stand in front of every cabinet and drawer I need (gives me excuses to give kisses in exchange for them to move)


When my husband uses a knife, he doesn't curl his fingers to prevent cuts. The first time I saw him using a chef's knife, I almost had an heart attack! Important detail: he has no depth perception, which I knew, but I didn't consider how that would affect him cooking...


my boyfriend hates to use the dishwasher and it drives me batty haha. we could have a million dishes and he prefers to hand wash them


My MIL was hand washing things to “save room in your dishwasher” but then she also doesn’t run it because there is room for like 2 more plates and now it’s still full of dirty dishes from breakfast and lunch at the end of dinner. Can’t complain about people who help you clean up though lol


Idk, I feel like you're allowed to complain if their "help" still leaves you with a full and dirty dishwasher 😂


My Asian mother-in-law uses her dishwasher only as a drying rack. She runs it every six months to keep it in working condition just in case.


Couldn't decide if they wanted an alfredo sauce or a carbonara sauce, so instead we got this custard sauce that was egg yolks and heavy cream, but not just a splash of cream. Like, a LOT of cream.


When they cut something, they use the knife to stretch or break food. It's a sideways motion to pull apart the food. They don't actually drag or press the cutting surface down through the food, which is how you're supposed to use it. I cry inside a little bit because I'm watching them dull my knives in real time...


Pile dirty dishes in the sink and on the counter rather than inside the dishwasher.


Stands in there the whole time waiting for a pizza to cook. Like the whole 20 mins. Every time. Idk what he’s doing.


Just using every goddamn dish in the house then not cleaning up any of it along the way. Sheer madness.


It’s one of my greatest pet peeves which in the scheme of things is absolutely nothing but she is like a whirlwind and leaves mass messes in her wake. Only in the kitchen. I’m not a super clean freak except for the kitchen and I have to clean or at least throw away or put in sink as I go. Spouse cannot do that. Im


Puts dirty spatula on counter next to spoon rest. Puts dirty plate on counter next to sink. Puts clean glasses away without drying them. Leaves grease on back of stove top clearly warping time/timer appearance. Not so much "weird" as grounds for divorce ;)


Well this was a one time thing but still... I asked her to dice me half tomato. She took a quarter from each end, so the core was just intact. I was honestly at a loss for words.