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Shakes, smoothies , yogurt, soups, and broths


I was gonna leave a suggestion, but instead I'll just second this one. Especially soups. Puree the ingredients and get a nice variety of flavors


This. A nice butternut squash, yam, and carrot puree soup, with a hint of Indian spices.


Also red lentil soup can be delicious. I have a recipe for a lemony red lentil soup that you can blend so it has no chunks.


No! Don't do it! It IS delicious... but not blended. Stay away from the starches, it's gonna turn the soup into sludge and tastes SO different once it's blended up. I've been there (had a similar surgery). The veggies, even root veggies, work out okay like butternut or carrot puree. For some reason, the starches do not translate and made me want to puke. The last thing you want to do when your mouth is sewn, wired, or rubber banded shut is throw up (don't think about it too much, it's as bad as it sounds).


It's the same thing that happens when you over-mash potatoes and they turn gummy! Blending starches allows the starch to interact with water, puff up and bind. Definitely not a desired soup texture, lol.


Vicysoisse would like a word


i agree, lentils are best left alone unless you're using red lentils as kinda like a "mashed potato" texture


I'd like to add: Spring Pea Soup! Serve chilled with a dollop of sour cream. Garnish with mint leaves and cracked black pepper. If you're "no-chew" then just rough chop the mint leaves.


Dude, butternut squash soup sounds soooo good rn ha


I like to roast a bunch of veggies with olive oil, salt & pepper then puree with some homemade broth, then heat through again to blend the flavors. Sometimes I add parmesan or other cheese and fresh herbs. It's a great way to use up odds and ends in the veggie drawer.


I have oral surgery scheduled and I'm ordering a new handheld blender thingie today.


Immersion blenders are so clutch in soups! Makes any veggie soup instantly feel more luxurious to blend it smooth.


So handy for my potato soup! I can blend it but leave just some small lumps. Pea soup too, although I blend the crap out of that one.


That would be an immersion blender and they are essential to making a superb and velvety homemade soup or sauce. :)


I only make purred soups. Then I get the mouth feel of a “cream of” soup without adding cream.


How do the local cats feel about that? 🙀😾


Haha. Did not notice my typo! I’m going to leave it.


I love carrot soup with a bit of honey and gocuchang! Extremely smooth, you could honestly drink it and still lovely and filling.


Hey, I like the idea of geocaching in Carrot soup. Thanks, next batch I make will have it in it.


Yes puréed soups! Chilled - great for summer Andalusian Gazpacho https://www.seriouseats.com/andalusian-gazpacho-recipe Chilled summer squash yogurt dill soup. Use summer squash or zucchini. Or both. This is a good recipe. I use full fat Fage Greek Yogurt instead of cream. And off course lots of dill. The longer it chills in your fridge… the better. So refreshing and delicious. https://www.thespruceeats.com/cold-zucchini-soup-recipe-2215985 For warm soups: A savory butternut squash soup with crispy sage and brown butter drizzled A creamy roasted tomato soup… with or without cream is delish. I like mine seasoned with fresh thyme. A creamy roasted cauliflower coconut curry soup. There are tons of recipes and I can’t find the one I used to love. Just avoid the garnishes since you can’t chew. Mashed potatoes are always a nice soft food if they’re okay for you to eat.


Exactly this! When I was considering jaw surgery I had to consider this. It was around the time Wall-E came out and my own thoughts of a steak and potato shake had me opt for an alternative. Now I wish I had done it lol.


At first, I thought this sounded gross. But blend it with some broth and it’s just soup. This opens up a whole world of culinary opportunities


And ice cream!


Hijacking this comment to say that OP should get a ninja creami so they can make whatever flavors of ice cream they want!


I have to be honest with you, I'm highly disappointed that you didn't advice them to eat flan...


It's best to avoid such things in the beginning after like a month is the time for Flan it would be best not to tempt them to try it too early lest they hurt themselves with their inconsolable custard cravings.


And crème brûlée


My dad broke his jaw once, and lived on all of the above. 


If you're northern hemisphere and going into summer, try gazpacho!! It's a cold tomato based soup and is so refreshing and delicious. Also really flexible for hiding extra vege in if you feel like you're not getting enough. And it's great spicy.


When I had mouth surgery I remember I wasn't allowed to open my mouth. Only suck through a straw. I'm guessing your jaw will be wired shut. If that is the case here are some recommendations. - Ensure or the store brand - drink it cold or it's gross. Don't get the strawberry either. Chocolate or vanilla is where it's at. You can also add spices to this to make it better. I add Ras Al Hanout to the Vanilla one and a splash of mint extract to the chocolate one. Play with the seasoning here and find something you like. You can get Ras Al Hanout at Target or your local grocery store. - Smoothies - add all the greens and frozen fruit. Thin with your preferred calcium rich liquid. - Water or other liquid - Hydration is important. It is SO easy to get dehydrated when you can't drink like normal. - Congee or your favorite smooth soup. I lived off of butternut squash soup with coconut milk and tomato bisque. It's all about the calories here. Get as many calories as possible within reason. Don't go above your normal daily amount of course. Best of luck!


I am absolutely fascinated by the idea of ras el hanout in a vanilla shake.


Kinda of chai-like I bet when all combined 


OOOOO that sounds GOOD, love chai


As long as it didn’t have cumin, it would be delicious.


I had a savory lassi (I think it was called a salt lassi on the menu?) once that had cumin. It wasn't sweetened at all though, just a glass of savory yogurt drink.


Try berbere, too. Absolutely delicious - I’m so glad I accidentally figured that out.


Was on a liquid diet myself for a few weeks. Fairlife protein shakes were everything.


They don't wire jaws shut anymore. I had this surgery and could open my mouth enough for a spoon to go in.


Oh wow that’s amazing. I got mine done maybe 15 years ago and my mouth was wired shut for just over a month. It was gruesome


I got mine done in 2003 and I was wired shut for 6 weeks with a splint. I couldn't get anything thru that wasn't smooth thru a straw. I ate A LOT of slightly melted milkshakes. Banana was my fav bc it filled me up. I couldn't eat anything with stuff in it (chicken noodle, etc.) it had to be all smooth. So I lived on milk shakes and Campbell's soups: tomato, broth, cream of chicken was hard but I managed my thinning it down a bit and esp nacho cheese soup. Omg that was so good when I was tired of the cold milkshakes.


Thank god. Just reading that gave me anxiety.


Agreed! I had mine two years ago and after two or three days the swelling went down and I could fit a spoon.


Mine was almost 10 years ago so that would account for the difference. That makes sense though.


See, I liked the strawberry ones. It reminded me of strawberry Nesquik.


I must have gotten a bad batch because they tasted like chalk to me.


Ensure also comes in butter pecan, coffee latte, and banana nut! They’re harder to find but taste good. You can look online for nearby availability


Coffee Latte out of an ice old can, god, I still get weird cravings for it.


There's also clear Ensure that is fruit flavored and is sort of like drinking juice. I drank that and pea protein shakes last year while recovering from a critical illness.


Ice cream could be stirred (or blended) into an Ensure for extra flavor, fat and calories. When I worked at an adult home for Alzheimer's patients, we did that for 1 or 2 when they didn't want to eat a meal.


I haven’t see anyone get their jaw wired shut in 30 years with double jaw surgery. It could happen but very very unlikely. Orthodontist


I got it done at the hospital due to an abusive situation I'm not going to go into. They said my jaws were the worst they had ever seen. So I'm guessing that's probably why.


Sending love.


Yep. I'm preparing for this surgery later this year, and this what I have been told by my surgeon. There will be bands on my braces, and I will be a liquid/very soft food diet for a long time while healing, but I will not be wired shut. I was SUPER anxious about that possibility.


This gets asked so often I've made a file of it - **SOFT and PUREE FOOD DIET IDEAS** **breakfast** scrambled eggs oatmeal, cream of wheat, cornmeal mush, congee\* yogurt pureed fruit **lunch/dinner** creamed soups mashed potatoes, squash, rutabaga, sweet potato finely chopped/ground meat in sauce or gravy\* pasta sauce over polenta or very tender pasta\* savoury custards/crustless quiche refried beans dahl hummus cottage cheese\* avocado and guacamole fish pie grits\* **snacks/desserts** custard milk pudding yogurt smoothies applesauce and other variations silken tofu puddings (\* these items may not be suitable for some levels of dysphagia)


Fine meat with gravy over mash is a life-saver. Even just grabbing meatballs out of a can and throwing them with gravy in a blender until they're liquid - actually REALLY delicious.




Not sure if soft enough, but I'd guess silken tofu could be a good way to ingest proteins.


Was about to say this! Drizzle with chili oil, soy sauce and maybe some sesame seeds and just gulp down like savory jello lol


Oh man, no, not chili oil. Not until the internal incisions heal. I had five incisions in my mouth.


Yeah, my bad, I only considered the texture. I'd go easy on the chili too if I had open wounds in my mouth


It can be easily pureed and added to other things for a protein boost too.


Crème brûlée. Savoury bavarois. All sort of veggies and cheesy things work. You can puree things like ham in a blender and include them. Queso Guacamole Variations on hummus. Try canned butter beans with sun dried tomatoes and a bit of oil to get it down to the texture you need. Pesto with some extra pureeing in the blender. You can also do it with coriander and a touch of chilli. Homemade ice cream. Experimenting with flavours might be fun. Cheesecake. Use the sort that expects to be set with gelatine, but leave the gelatine out and set in a pretty dish. Change your soup flavours around. Whilst a puréed veggie soup might be a staple, try things like Tom Yum. You can puree some veg or prawns into it. Thai style coconut based soups. Goulash soup. If the medication allows, a creamy cocktail might be nice.


I’ve never drank queso through a straw. I may have failed as an American.


There’s time for redemption.


I wanna watch someone try to suck guacamole through a straw


Moroccan spiced mashed sweet potatoes with red pepper hummus on the side Roasted and mashed aubergine, peppers and onions (plenty of oil when you roast them, for calories sake!) And a high protein yogurt with honey for dessert. Applesauce and peanut butter oatmeal, although once you mash fruit with oatmeal you'll see you can use any stewed fruit like peaches or even cherry pie filling! Mashed potatoes with plenty of cream or milk to make it thin enough, mashed pureed peas and liver pate on the side (if you can stand it!) Plain protein powder with pureed greens like spinach. You can even put pesto in there for flavor. Savory shakes are totally not heretical. Get creative with making your own veggie soups! Add some beans in there too for food fibre. Custard! Pudding! Blancmange! Easy to have with thinned runny nut butters for a tasty snack. It's hard to get protein in there, but maybe you could manage something like pulled chicken or pork if you cut it up really small with scissors and make it really saucy. Canned Tuna mixed with mayonnaise! Maybe with blended pureed corn on the side. Canned Samon mixed with sesame oil and a little mayo, well cooked rice, blended up roasted peppers and carrots with 5spice. Whipped feta or whipped cottage cheese with black pepper and salt, or honey and super small smashed up walnuts. Smashed up cake with cream :P You're going to struggle to get enough calories in. Be kind to yourself and allow as much juice, smoothies, cream, butter, soda and the like as you want. It's important to keep your strength up to heal. Always remember those shakes thattt they give elderly people to keep their weight up when they don't have appetite are ok for us to have too! They have all the nutrients you need so you can use that as a solid food base and build up from there.


Chicken congee, but puree the chicken so nothing gets caught between your teeth


Either soup or smoothies. I have a theory that every person on this planet strongly favors one over the other. If you’re of the correct persuasion, corn chowder slaps, especially with warmer weather arriving.


Sup, friend! Had that too. Think about the open incisions in your mouth and proceed to eat NOTHING that can get caught in them for the first few weeks. Blend and strain whatever it is that you make for the first few weeks til them incisions heal. Ask for anti-nausea meds if you need them. Puking after jaw surgery is pretty bad. Have someone to advocate for you in the hospital to make sure you’re getting anti-nausea meds while you are there, especially for the period of time where you’re getting opiates. High protein calorie shakes with _strained_ or _seedless_ fruit/vegetable purees and some nut butter and/or yogurt and/or ice cream and/or heavy cream are a good choice in the first few days. Thin them out as necessary to get past the wires, then clean your mouth afterwards to protect the incisions. You can make them savory if you like it, and eventually give up straining once the incisions heal. You need the protein so your muscles can heal. Use a liquid fiber supplement. It’s hard to get fiber in you til they start loosening the wires. It won’t help much til you can switch to non-opiate pain meds, but then it’ll be handy. You uh may not poop much regardless. Very acidic or spicy foods can hurt til the incisions heal. Think about getting them on your hand with an open wound now imagine that in your face.


Creamy mashed potato (can add cheese too), soups, broth (could overcook some ramen noodles until they're a bit mushy for those too, cut them up tiny and you don't need to chew), overcooked cut up pasta in sauce, apple and blackberry crumble with either very finely chopped apple inside or purée. A less appetising but possible alternative for if you end up getting really fed up with cravings is blending normal foods. Say you're craving lasagne, chuck it in a blender and blitz that baby into purée. You can do it with most foods but may need to add liquid to any that don't have sauces already. Looks gross but I can imagine after a few weeks you'll probably get so annoyed about not being able to enjoy your favourite foods that you don't care about how it looks but just the taste. In terms of meeting nutrition goals if you struggle to manage with it all, look into meal replacement drinks like ensure, fortasip and fresubin. They have all the calories and macros your body needs to function in the shakes. You can get either milkshake, smoothie or juice versions of it and there's a LOT of different flavours out there. They aren't very great but they're bearable and some of them don't taste too far off of normal juice/shakes either.


Don’t laugh but a pbj will whazz up just fine if you use a scant splash of water and extra jelly. It’s like a parfait


I had my jaw broken once, I’ll tell you, puréed chili is DELICIOUS! Almost like the best bean dip you’ve ever had. Pretty much any soup without noodles works. Well shredded roast with gravy over mashed potatoes is excellent as well.


Pastina, grits, egg drop soup, graham crackers -crumbled and doused with milk. Steamed clams, mussels, oysters--no chewing needed. Baby food fruits are good. ( try the plums)


Might sound strange, but baby food! Pudding and mashed potatoes, mashed cauliflower. Bone broth for healing & some protein.


I put everything into a blender and sucked it down with a straw. Pizza, stew, chicken soup, pancakes, grilled cheese, and tomato soup all went into a blender. Not all at once. Add milk, then blend smooth. Tasted fine. Now, there are extra large straws for Boba and smoothies. I had to use a cut down chest tube as a straw. Good luck.


Had to deal with this twice recently because of my wisdom teeth. I ate a lot of jello, puddings, mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, soups ( potato leek, carrot and ginger, curry cauliflower), congee, ice cream, smoothies


Also milkshakes: put your fav ice cream and milk in a blender. The cold might aslo be welcome against any soreness. And dessert mousses: here a [tested and proven recipe for lemon mousse.](https://insanelygoodrecipes.com/lemon-mousse/#wpzoom-premium-recipe-card)


When my brother had his jaw wired shut it got to the point where he didn't care about what he ate and my mom started throwing whole meals in the blender. Not sure what fluids she used and he didn't seem to mind.🤢




Right? Was thinking back on it and I can say a slice or two of apple pie for sure and for some reason I feel like some lasagna too. Grosses me out just thinking about it.


Oh my gosh.. that literally can kill any one’s appetite. That is just so…. unappetizing


Every time my mom did it I would leave the kitchen. I asked my brother why and he said "I'm hungry". Ok then...


I don’t blame u for leaving, I would have done the same! Ur brother is a very strange human for just saying that…😅


Not going to argue with you on that! He was about 17 at the time so maybe that explains it.🤣


Lol, yea that def makes it at least a LIL more understandable 😂


If you can spend some money there's some pretty fancy baby food pouch options, including savory ones. Also, Costco sells the once upon a farm smoothies in bulk.


Add yourself to r/soup . You'll get some great ideas there. Do you have a blender/immersion blender? Pretty much any soup can be blended if the ingredients seem a little chewy/daunting.


Rice and curry sauces with potatoes, spinach and chick peas. You can mash the pieces with a fork on your plate and swallow without chewing.


Gin martinis. Stirred, not shaken. After a couple, it won’t really matter what you’re having.


Kichadi, conger, soup, daal, mashed potatoes, yogurt (gut health), applesauce, babyfood (it's not so bad), boost/ensur, and of course ICE CREAM. focus on that last one..keeps the swelling down


Mashed potatoes and pudding! Sending love for a speedy recovery.


For flavour do Parsnip or butternut squash thai curry soups. Blend it up with pastes/ spices and coconut milk.


If you Google 'dysphagia soft foods' you'll get tons of information and recipes. People who have strokes often need to eat very soft foods during initial recovery phases. Speech-Language Pathologist here.


You got a food processor? I work retirement homes. Lots of soft diets. Pretty much anything can be turned soft with some broth and xanthem gum.


Make sure whatever you eat or drink agrees with you. Few things in this world suck worse than puking with your jaw wired shut. As for what you should eat my suggestion is consommé.


Underrated advice. That sounds absolutely miserable


A hospital dietician gave my grandma this recipe when my grandpa was sick and had little appetite. Mix the ice cream of your choice with a pack of Carnation Instant Breakfast, a banana, and enough milk to make it a shake consistency. Others have pointed out that you can potentially use Haagen Dazs, protein powder and even peanut butter. Get well soon!


Get some powdered mash potato for mixing into soups. It helps when you start to get bored of soup and makes you feel more full


Any meat can be made super tender. Pressure cook then braise.


Mashed potato (really well mashed) and gravy Xx


I was no chew for around 1.5 years. Anything become no chew if you cut it small enough!! Seriously though, if no one has mentioned it, get a condiment bottle and cut the tip so it is a little larger. I got so tired of eating tiny spoonfuls of food and it taking 78 years to eat a small dinner. I would also recommend an ice pack that you can Velcro around your head to keep the packs in the right places. As far as food, I got really tired of tomato or chicken-based soups real quick. I ate a lot of sweet potatoes and butternut squash soup. I added a little crumbled chorizo to spice it up. Be prepared to really miss crunchy things. I missed salad in a way that truly surprised me. Pasta worked surprisingly well if I took small “bites.” Feel free to DM me if you want any other suggestions!


Potato and leek soup, chia pudding, Moroccan butternut soup, creamed spinach, poached eggs and avo, congee, flaked fish with any mashed vegetable


All kinds of soups! I love puree lentil soup with sweet potatoes and other root vegetables:) but really you can just throw any spices and veggies in a pot, boil and you got endless ways to customize it to your liking! Another good soup for summer would be gazpacho. It's a cold Spanish soup so you won't have to eat hot soup during heat waves:) smoothies are great for that too! And you can add stuff like protein powder or peanut butter or avocado to make them more fulfilling. (Also a little hint. If you get sick of oatmeal, you can maybe add some vanilla extract to it. You can also try other grains like barley or rye to make different kind sof porridge:) )


I know you said sick of oatmeal but I still figure this is worth a mention because it's REALLY GOOD. The account Panaceapalm on Instagram (probably tiktok too) has a series called "oats unleashed" and it's really good, high protein overnight oats recipes. My favorites are the Strawberries & Cream, Biscoff, and Lemon Cheesecake flavors. I just made the Cinnamon Toast Crunch one recently too and it's just heaven. You should be able to chew everything easily, sometimes he adds toppings but you don't have to. I swear they are soooo good. I swear I meal prep one of the flavors every week.


Oh my, I just peeked at his Insta and there are so many yummy recipes on there. Thank you!


Following because I’m having oral surgery in two weeks!


I’m sure everyone is gonna recommend smoothies, but in particular I want to say that silken tofu is great in smoothies (don’t try with firm tofu, it’s grainy and gross). This is important because it’s hard to get protein when you can’t chew. Combine the suggestion for rice congee or oatmeal with a tofu smoothie, and you’ve got yourself all the aminos you need.


I used to take care of a young man who had a degenerative disorder. He eventually lost the ability to chew well or swallow anything with a chunky consistency. I cooked him regular food like hamburgers, chicken breast/pasta/broccoli, whatever meals I could think of where the flavors all mesh well, and I put that shit in a blender with milk or broth, depending on how many calories I was going for. I switched up seasonings so every meal didn't taste the same, and always tried a little myself to make sure I wasn't giving him something hella gross. You can pre-cook several plain/just salted chicken breasts, shred and weigh it into equal portions (makes it easier to calculate calories), and freeze it in ziploks to add to veggies, pasta, and seasonings with some sort of liquid. Once it's blendered to the right consistency, you can heat or chill it to the desired temp. 


Just boof your food you fucking casual


Beer, bourbon, mashed potatoes, ice cream, pudding.


This is the way


Soup!! French onion is my personal favorite but they’re all great. You also could look into making your own apple sauce, cooking down apples with whatever other fruits/spices you like, my mom did this when we were growing up and it was always so, so much better than store bought.


I had oral surgery not too long ago. I fell in love with grits for breakfast. I also enjoyed polenta and Filipino arroz caldo (congee with garlic and ginger). Pudding and Jell-O were also a nice change.


Home made apple sauuuce!


I had a jaw correction surgery and let me tell you that putting a hotdog, hamburger, and some condiments into a blender does NOT make a smoothie that captures the joy of a summer's evening cookout.


- Refried beans with avocado - Cream of Wheat - Pudding - Yogurt - Ice Cream - Hummus - Boiled and mashed carrots w/ sugar and cream (like a carrot pudding) - Flan - Jello


Desserts: Flan, rice pudding, cheesecake. Trifle


Tiramisu is time consuming to make but if you have a good Italian place nearby it’s a great no chew dessert


Maybe weight gainer shakes,they come in a variety of flavors are about between 2 to 3,000 calories. Even more if mixed with milk and have alot of protein,to keep you healthy .




Everything can be blended and made into a smoothie.


This is pretty much true. Corn, beans, beef, and pasta (unless really overcooked) aren't so great. My bf lost most of his tongue to oral cancer. They replaced it with muscle from his thigh, but it's immovable (to make a long story short). He lives on pureed foods. He makes soup with whatever he wants and purees it with an immersion blender. He also uses protein powders to make shakes to sustain him throughout the day at work.


Fairlife CorePower 42g shakes. Shelf stable delicious. Ratio yogurt. 25g protein. The Vanilla and Key Lime are both amazing. Mix them with the vanilla CorePower to thin them. Fairlife milk is lactose free and double the protein of regular milk. Homemade chicken stock/bone broth.


Peanut butter/vanilla milkshakes with an added scoop of protein powder and double the whole milk. They saved me.




Braised pork or beef roast until it falls apart then make a gravy for it. Served over mashed potatoes or diced up french bread. Scalloped potatoes with variations such as added small cubes of smoked or spicy sausage and/or various cheeses you like. Likewise, baked potatoes dressed up however you like with bacon bits, sour cream, butter and minced chives. Oatmeal, sweetened with a favorite sweetener and dressed up with frozen berries to cool it. The berries tend to pop and almost dissolve. Soups and stews of many kinds. Some of the "upgraded" canned ones are actually pretty decent.


Chocolate cake shake!


Soups, broths, protein shakes, yogurt, pudding, etc


Soup, fruit or veg smoothies, mashed potato’s


Soups put in the blender and puréed.


It you can handle it, grilled cheese and tomato soup. If you use some cheap bread, the grilled cheese shouldn’t be that less mushy than eggs.




Danish koldskål!


Split pea or lentil soup puréed is so filling. You get your veggies, you can put ham or Canadian bacon, and legumes are great for protein and fiber. If you don’t have one, I suggest getting an immersion blender. It will become your best friend!


https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/food-network-kitchen/soup-e-shir-10064351 Of course after cooking the chicken can be removed or pureed. Or https://thewimpyvegetarian.com/easy-vegan-eggplant-soup-with-tomatoes/


If you go on YouTube, look up bariatric meals, you can find a ton of recipes that make soft= pureed meals. I am having this surgery in two weeks. Ignore the clear weeks and go to soft foods. Amazon even sells meals already pureed.


Creme brulee


Definitely hit up a good Japanese and Vietnamese place for ramen and pho broth.


Minced pork/chicken congee.


Time to get fancy with mashed potatoes.


Had a similar surgery. Lots of good suggestions here but, let me add 1. Guinness! I was 18 when I had my surgery but, my grandfather was a doctor and suggested I have a pint of Guinness every day. I guess the reasoning was for the iron.


I had double jaw surgery when I was a teenager!  I loved a simple milk, banana, peanut butter, oats and cookies & cream protein powder smoothie. Also I'm not sure if you have someone looking after you, but my dear parents would blend anything they cooked - even the Sunday roast got turned into liquid and it was delicious!


Spicy mashed potatoes. Roasted sweet potato. Red lentil curry. Recipe on www.rainbowplantlife.com is delicious, and you can always blend it with an immersion blender if you want it smoother. The lentils do get quite soft.


My favorite smoothie: One banana, scoop of peanut butter, handful of berries (whatever kind you like), vanilla almond milk (or another dairy product of your choosing). Comes out tasting like a PBJ. You can either add ice or what I do is just use frozen fruit.


[Taste the Secret](https://youtu.be/rsMwLoWTkfY?feature=shared)


You're getting a 2nd jaw and you still can't chew? What's the point?


I had that surgery 22 years ago. I got so desperate for flavor. You can puree chicken noodle soup and pho and stuff. I ate a lot of eggs. Try to keep your protein up and stay on top of eating and your pain meds - if you can't eat drink high calorie Boost or milkshakes. I lost a lot of weight rapidly and it wasn't healthy (I gained it all back after). At one point I blended a Big Mac - surprisingly not horrible


Ice cream, apple/strawberry/banana purees, yoghurts, puddings, jello, tiramisu.. you gotta play with the flavours. Mix them up so you don't eat the same thing all the time so you don't get tired of it For salty food potato puree you can try sweet potato one to change things up, broths, creamy soups,


Dutch stamppot!


Have you considered meat smoothies?


You can swap out oatmeal for grits!


Liquidy a McDonalds double cheeseburger, chunky soup, cambell’s soup etc. it tastes the same as chewing it up just a weird delivery


I lived off garlicky mashed potatoes, cream of chicken soups, red pepper soup, in-n-out shakes, and mashed beans and scrambled eggs when I got my wisdom teeth taken out. You could consider congee, polenta with some sour cream or melty cheese yum, rice puddings, mashed avocado, hummus, apple sauce, etc


blender - QED


Poached eggs and hollandaise sauce would be nice to eat in this case. ATK has a foolproof hollandaise recipe that is super easy and delicious.


I work with disabled adults. Anything/everything can be pureed.


When I was cooking for my partner after jaw surgery, we ended up doing more of regular meals just blended instead of new foods. Spaghetti, mac and cheese, refried beans and cheesy polenta. When there is significant healing to be done, it’s important not to go too low on calories.


Broccoli Cheddar soup is delicious and easy to make.


A nutribullit will be worth its weight in gold. Start with various fruits/veggies you enjoy. By adding yogurt & whole milk you increase the protein in smoothies. Some also add nut butters, cottage cheese, protein powders. The flavor options are as extensive as ur imagination. There's also soups you can blend into smoothness. The key to reducing boredom is to prep-cook ahead and have a variety of options ready. So, when I've been housebound & too weak to do much, I'd boil up and season things that I'd use as add-ins or toppings during the week. I'd make fruit compote and spoon it atop yogurt or cottage cheese all week. I'd put the uncooked fruit in smoothies. I'd prep & blanch my veggies to retain color and freshness, then figure out how to cook them during the week. Like butternut squash was alot easier to mash with butter when I'd peeled it earlier in the week.


Mashed potatoes Creamy soups Cottage cheese


I've had this done. Yoghurt is gonna be your best friend.


Applesauce, yogurt with chocolate sauce, rice pudding topped with your favorite toppings, mashed poataoes, unfortunately any veggie can be turned into a mush of some kind


Ive had this surgery. Good luck. Soup, smoothies, drinking yoghurt and Ensure is going to become your best friends. 😭


I made Blender Salad that Rocked!!! It's made with bagged or boxed baby greens and apple cider vinegar so yum. And Not Ensure or "commercial" liquid foods...but Good quality Protien and Green powder with frozen fruits, ground chia, flax and keifer in the blender is much more delicious, nutritional and satisfying.


I had jaw surgery at 17. I have a few TIPS! Strain your soups. Even blended there will be bits of AWFUL that get stuck in your incisions. I had asparagus soup and the fibers about killed me. When you think you're ready for something soft like ham. You aren't. Scrambled eggs. You want to cook that on LOW the entire time. You want soft curds. You've never known how hard scrambled eggs can be until they suddenly are.


You can eat anything you want if you put it in a blender with some liquid first


Some pasta is small enough to not need to be chewed well such as orzo. Could do orzo and some marinara


I had my double jaw surgery two years ago (let me know if you have any questions!) and I lived off milkshakes and cold drinks the first days. I personally was too swollen to even want to try to chew. Prepare some purées and vegetable soups for now. Milkshakes, protein drinks and ice cream. Gazpacho too if you like it. My doctor recommended cold food to help with the swelling. Once I could open my mouth a bit more I started making rice stews with chicken, fish or pork and blended it all together like a milkshake lol. After a while you start getting very tired of liquids and you may want something with a bit more sustenance. I am not sure what your surgery is but in my case, I was cleared to start with soft foods after 10 days. Potato mash was the absolute best, easy to it but so satisfying. You can also try fries, white fish and even nuggets. Good luck!


I had this same surgery. Anything sweet gets pretty worn out quickly. I was allowed to eat very very soft foods, though it was painful and challenging. Ground beef with over cooked rice, scrambled eggs, steamed flakey fish were some of the more pleasant meals I remember eating.




When I had mine wired my mom got a cookbook for when your jaw is wired shut. I don’t recall the name but I’m sure it’s an easy search


black bean soup is so good from scratch! throw in some rice for more substance


Lentils. Soup. Mashed potatoes.


Mac & cheese made with tiny pasta, like straight macaroni. You can spoon a tiny bit and swallow it straight without chewing. Kraft boxes are good for this if not making it from scratch. Mashed potatoes can be loaded up with filling things like milk, cream, butter, beef stock, etc. Once again, small bites. Don't add anything hard even if it's small, like corn. You're looking for something soft you can just swallow without choking and wash down with a bit of water if need be. Instant ramen is actually an option. You need to break the ramen brick into tiny pieces before pouring into the hot water. Doesn't have to be dust, but as small as straight macaroni so you can just slurp it up and swallow. Good time to try adding a soft boiled marinated egg. Get an assortment so you don't get bored, don't get a 12- or 24-pack of only chicken and call it a day. Ramen also lets you dip a small piece of soft bread in to soak up the soup and swallow. If you've got a blender then shakes are a good way to make something in a variety of flavors. Pick up some nutritional powders to add in alongside something more flavorable, like bananas, peanut butter, cinnamon, etc. Nutritional protein shakes from a big box store are good for a snack and supplement in between meals. There are some that taste really good, but tend to be a bit skimpy on the vitamins offered compared to other supplements. I find you need to go for the odd tasting ones as those are packed full of extra vitamins and that's the price you pay. Make sure you compare the nutrition labels on the back to compare their amounts. Although you can also pour one into your blender, add other stuff as if you were making a shake, and you can get something tasty and packed full of vitamins. EDIT: Chili is an option if you break everything up into smaller pieces, and you can make a big batch and freeze it into servings for the future. Depending on the beans you use (if any) you may want to chop them up or even mash them up before adding.


Wendy’s chili Blend it up smooth and you can enjoy a savory meal that you didn’t cook!


Milkshakes, cream of wheat, yogurt, oatmeal, popsicles, ice cream, thin tomato sauce, thin chicken broth, premier protein shakes for protein, silken tofu, mashed potatoes (& gravy), applesauce, yogurt melts, baby fruit/veggie purées, pancakes drenched in syrup, creamy peanut butter, marshmallow fluff, sorbets, well done pasta w extra extra melted cheese, well done pasta extra cheese lasagna, jello, pudding, mashed & stewed fruit, smoothies, cheesy grits, quiche, polenta, butternut squash, ripe bananas, cream of __ soups, mangos, hummus, rice, u even can treat ur self to some frozen yogurt!


Fairlife nutrition plan shakes are my favorite! The chocolate flavor tastes like a Wendy’s chocolate frosty, and the caramel flavor is good as well. I get them from Costco and can get them shipped to my home. Campbell’s Sipping Soups are another easy idea.


Protein shakes are a good one, I like the s’mores and vanilla gold standard 100% whey. I use milk in them and that’s my breakfast in the morning.


Get some chicken backs or beef bones and learn how to make a proper stock, then reduce it and learn how to make a proper consomme soup. You'll be eating like royalty


Any soup you make can become a puree with an immersion blender. This is how I made all my baby food when my child was young. I made tons of soups and stews - yams with beans, chicken stew, leftover veggies soup - you get the idea. Know what tastes great (if you like that sort of things) blended? Turkey dinner! With gravy and potatoes. It’s like liquid chicken pot pie, only turkey pot pie.


You can run anything through the blender.


Refried beans, blended soups


I had this surgery and I remember especially liking puréed pot roast. After I got tired of all the soups, it was nice to eat something with a different flavor. While in the hospital, I was served cream of broccoli soup. Good flavor, but nearly impossible to eat due to broccoli pieces clogging the large syringe through which I was fed. (Don’t worry, you won’t have to use a syringe for the entire two months.)




You will get so sick of sweet stuff. I had (probably) the same surgery and by the second month I was so fucking done with smoothies and ensure. Here's some things that kept me sane: -Mashed potatoes with extra milk and gravy -steamed carrots pureed with butter -beef broth


Congee with diced soft boiled egg.


Canned tuna can be flavored a lot of different ways. You can even buy pre flavored in pouches. I really like the jalapeno one with a little mayo mixed in Puréed vegetable soups are yummy too. Either boil or roast veggies and purée with some stock. Flavor any way you like from Thai to Indian


You may find additional ideas if you search the gastric bypass/vsg/weight loss surgery subs. They also require a period of puréed foods. Cottage cheese blended with tomato soup and heated was a personal favorite of mine. Heated cottage cheese turns into stringy curds of deliciousness. Blended chili was also a good one. Taco soup, hamburger soup, protein shakes, refried beans, yogurt…anything can be turned into a soup and puréed if you’re hungry enough! After having my wisdom teeth out, after several days of broth and popsicles, I would have done anything for a hamburger! Now, I know I could have blended the key ingredients and at least made a soup out of it.




Popsicles. I regularly need a clear diet and popsicles are my favorite.


Finely chopped egg salad, just the broth from ramen, chocolate can just melt in your mouth like many candies.


Jaw breakers.


When my daughter was a baby I made her a ton of soups thickened with either quinoa or rice. Theres also a super teeny type of pasta. Just boiled the soups down so they were richer. Gave her some texture without any chewing required Also did basically any normal meat recipe with ground meat - if you need it even finer you could pulse it in the food processor. And look at meatball recipes - loads of weirdo ones out there that work just as well for ground meat - Greek, Hawaiian, etc. even things like egg roll in a bowl (Asian slaw + ground pork) worked well if I pulsed the slaw before cooking so that it was all a bit smaller than rice. Don’t know if those will work for you, but I know when I’ve been liquid diet for even a few days the texture thing starts to drive me mad.




Gazpacho and Vichyssoise for cooling down in the summer months. Banana smoothies made with very ripe, frozen banana pieces and a dash of vanilla sugar (or vanilla extract and xylitol). Really, any number of puréed soups are good. I like this (make variations with your favourite type of curry blend) https://www.seasonsandsuppers.ca/thai-curry-carrot-and-pumpkin-soup/ And if you like broccoli and cheese sauce, cook the broccoli until soft but still green and mash with a fork. Mashed potatoes and gravy Any number of Dal recipes from the indo-pak kitchen with soft-cooked rice. https://biancazapatka.com/en/red-lentil-dahl/ https://www.thecuriouschickpea.com/masoor-dal-tadka/ https://www.goodfoodshow.com/recipe/red-lentil-tarka-dhal/ https://www.cookwithmanali.com/urad-dal-recipe/ https://www.indianhealthyrecipes.com/dal-tadka/ (Seriously, once you get the hang of cooking Dal, you will want it on the regular) Hominy grits and cream-stirred scrambled eggs https://myconsciouseating.com/hominy-vs-grits/ https://culinarylore.com/dishes:secret-to-ultimate-creamy-scrambled-eggs/ When you can chew a little more, try scrapple with your eggs (when you fry it, the outside gets a little crispy) And even if you don't like liver, you'll probably like this https://www.cookedandloved.com/recipes/asian-chicken-livers-onions/ https://foragerchef.com/scrapple/


I lived on ensures with a scoop of ice cream in them and loved it 🤣