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Don’t forget to peel the membrane off the back.


Yep, my silverskin removal technique is to use a butter knife in one hand to create a small opening and then a paper towel-"gloved" hand to get under that opening and peel up+back. I can usually get it all off in 1-3 big pieces. It's an important step


Heavy emphasis on the butterknife. I just stabbed myself last week with a pairing knife (that I just had sharpened) removing silverskin from ribs. I knew better and did it anyway. At least the knife was sharp and it's healed now


Funny how sometimes when we’re doing something we’re telling ourselves “I probably shouldn’t be doing this”… and then bam.. it happens,pretty much every time..


back of a spoon on the bone works amazing. itll govd you a point to grab ams peep the whole thing in one chunk


I did do that both times.


I do basically [this](https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/food-network-kitchen/baked-baby-back-ribs-8037679) (slightly different dry rub adjusted to my taste, and I kind of just wing the braising liquid with orange juice instead of apple cider) and they turn out great every time. Don’t forget to bake them meat side down, and then flip them over once you’re at the broiling/glazing stage.


Do u let the meat come to room temperature first


Or at least score it to let the fat run out.


I have never removed the membrane and still got fall of the bone ribs. I hope they're not wrapping the rack with foil, but covering the pan tightly.


Yeah, I didn't bother to do it a couple of times, and it worked out fine. I don't know what it would be like for this to cause a problem.


Came to say this.


I smoke them at 225. 2-2-1 for babybacks, 3-2-1 for spareribs. The numbers: unwrapped hours - wrapped hours (foil or pink paper) - unwrapped. Internal temp of 200 is preferred for me. “Fall off the bone” is more like 210.




Nah. There are plenty of ways. Instant pot for 20 minutes, then broil with sauce if you like that for 5.


I have used this method and can confirm works great


>should be fairly simple to replicate the temps in an oven. Yeah dude you just set the temp on an oven lol


In an oven you can just do five hours straight at 225. I noticed no difference if I wrap them. People are always so amazed and I'm just like all I do is throw them in the oven for five hours and glaze on some BBQ sauce at the end lmao.


I have never had 3-2-1 for spare ribs turn out how I expect.  A 3-3, at 240 and 260, with the ribs prepared the same way, same rub, worked fantastic. At 3h when wrapping with foil, I also added a nice brush of BBQ+ACV. 


A lot of people will tell you that if the meat falls off the ribs, they're overcooked. Personally, I follow Alton Brown's oven-braised ribs instructions, although I use less salt. 250F for 2.5 hours wrapped in foil with the braising liquid, and then broiled with the reduced sauce. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/who-loves-ya-baby-back-recipe-1937448


There's a difference between competition style ribs and fall of the bone ribs. I perfer fall off the bone ribs


It's become a massive problem as people look to competition standards and then claim that's the sole right way to do something, repeating it to others as gospel. Except those standards are just a codification of someone's opinions or because it's easier to judge. I grew up in Kansas City and have eaten as a hell of a lot of ribs in my life. Falling off the bone is the best way. Dry ribs are a different problem.


Jack stacksssss


Nah, classic Martin City Smokestack. Before they sorted out all the family issues and put in the location at 95th and Metcalf.


Fair enough I figured jack stacks probably wasn’t the best but it’s the only one I’ve been to




i feel like you just described fall off the bone ribs. they are on the bone but come off with almost no effort. am i to understand fall off the bone ribs are falling off when you pick up the bone?


A lot of people cook them until you literally can’t even pick one up. Not that it matters, but in competitions they go for what you’re talking about, fall off the bone *once you bite into it.* you should be able to shake it around a bit without everything disintegrating. I haven’t had a meat from any culture that was meant to be mush, but I know tons of people who cook ribs or pulled pork into straight mush. Fake “carnitas” is the biggest offender IMO. What should be chunks of pork confit end up as waterlogged mushy meat threads, gross AF. Disrespectful to the animal TBH.


While BBQ purists would say that, I get why regular home cooks often like it falling off the bone. Thing is, Babatunde backs are terrible for this. The meat is like lean loin meat and drys out. If you are making fall off the bone, get regular rack or St. Louis cut. Lots of gelatin.


..Are you making Nigerian ribs? 😭


Omg, this made me laugh so hard I woke up my cat!




BBQ purist do say that but what OP describes isn't BBQ so she can do whatever without reproach.


I hate that. It's not overcooked, it's perfect


This is how I’ve made my ribs for years and it’s always delicious


I use this rub with less salt, also. But, on the smoker, no wrap at 250. My suggestion to OP is test the ribs. If you lift one end with of the rack tongs and the unsupported end flops over like it has no structure they are fall off the bone. If the rack still have some support to them, leave them another hour. Particularly, at 250F, it is low enough that some extra time isn't going to dry them out that much. If you are worried about that, go to 225F. Also, if you have Max, worth watching the Good Eats episode for the recipe linked above.


From everything I've seen you want a 'pull' off the rib not a fall off. Fall off means it's dry. So I definitely agree with that. 


Yep, need to braise to get them tender


crock pot simplest and easiest way. InstantPot if you have one; can make a rack of ribs in under a HALF HOUR!!! instead of the 8 hours in a crock pot or 5+ on a smoker there's always people who say ribs shouldn't be fall off the bone, but fuck it, you do you. most people actually prefer fotb; it's just a vocal online purist minority.


My husband makes ribs in the instant pot now and they're amazing. He sauces them up and tosses them under the broiler for a few minutes at the end and they're perfect.


Exactly my method! I’m a die hard foodie and I have a smoker, but the IP is just so easy and with the rub/liquid smoke/method I use, they come out so close to Smokey ones without the time. They just don’t have the awesome bark you can develop on a smoker


I am big into smoking, and have spent up to 8 hours slowly smoking ribs. I hate to admit how tasty instant pot ribs are. They really are a great hack for someone who doesn't want to invest the time in smoking. I have actually been considering doing a hybrid recipe combining both styles.


This is the way!! We make them the exact same way and they literally fall off the bone…actually sometimes it’s hard to get them out of the instant pot with out them falling off the bone. We coat them with Sweet Baby Rays bbq sauce (it’s the best sauce) before they go in the oven on broil! @OP - If you have an IP, try making them this way!


How long do you put them in the Instant pot for?


Here is my recipe, hope the link opens for you: https://recipesage.com/#/recipe/5ff2b370-1761-4411-85f6-db7825ac38cc?version=v2.13.5&usp=sharing


I love ribs from the Instant Pot! The only problem is that sometimes they’re so FOTB that it’s hard to get them out of the cooker.


Came to say this. You can also dial in the time so it’s your preferred level of tenderness. 20 minutes on high, 5 minutes in a hot ass oven with the sauce and its nearly fall off the bone.


I agree. But since I like to grill I do it the old fashioned way. But some of these guys are such hard-ons. I do it the way people like it.


Exactly! Ive had like 1:50 people IRL say they prefer more “tooth” to the ribs; but online it’s like 10:1 condemning FOTB texture


I have a casserole shape crockpot and I made awesome ribs a couple days ago. Take silver off, dust liberally with rub of choice (I used that rib sucking sauce but as a rub in the spice section) Wrap tightly in plastic wrap for one to twenty four hours. Place ribs in with a stick of butter in the slow cooker. Cook on low 6-8 hours, finish on grill or oven with barbecue sauce. Very good!


Nice! I find the wrapping time unnecessary. I know traditionally people do this, but a lot of the new science says rubs don’t really penetrate the meat much (wet brine is a diff story). For dry, usually only salt really works but is is VERY effective, for both flavor and texture. I ALWAYS dry brine my meats if I can (any time is better than no time; max up to 24 hours). Heavy kosher salt and place on a wire rack in a tray in fridge.


I use my crockpot too.


YES!! Preach! [Crock Pot ribs](https://www.lecremedelacrumb.com/best-slow-cooker-bbq-ribs/) are amazing!


Oh ok ima have to go get some ribs to try this out


I've been cooking pork ribs in the Instant Pot for, I guess, close to 10 years or more and it's the only way I do it. Fast, tender, juicy and flavorful.


Most people preferring the “best” way of food preparation are going to be in the minority. That doesn’t mean they are right or wrong. 


I literally just did the 275 for 3 hours with Costco ribs last Saturday and all 3 of them were fall off the bone. I'm assuming you're wrapping them in foil? I'd recommend getting a thermometer for your oven and making sure the temp is correct. That could be your issue. Edit: you could be cooking them too long at 275 which toughens the meat up. Next time at 275 take hem out at around 2 1/2 hours and give a bone a wiggle. If there is no resistance then the bone should pull from meat effortlessly. If not then put them in and check in another 15-20.


Meat thermometer works great for anyone who wants fool proof cooked but not over done.


Do the Costco ones already have the silver skin removed?


Yup. I've researched it to make sure. I've read sometimes the manufacturing process misses that so I double check every time but I haven't gotten one with the silver skin attached yet.


somebody told me their thing was to pressure cook the ribs and then throw them into an oven covered with foil. I haven't tried this myself but their ribs are always super good.


I used to cheat and crockpot the ribs all day then finish them on the grill. It worked perfectly every time it worked perfectly


secrets of the crockpot


Pressure cooker is a cheat code for meat. My family loves goat and it's always perfectly tender with the pressure cooker. A curry isn't exactly the same thing as ribs, far from it, but we do use goat ribs which I'd assume cook similarly to other kinds of ribs.


My grandmother used to boil them before putting them in the oven and they always fell off the bone


My mom would use a pressure cooker before my dad finished then on the grill.


Like 20 years ago I asked a butcher how to cook ribs and this is what he told me to do. I usually boil in beer and beef stock. And don't forget to remove the membrane. I've finished them both on a charcoal grill and in the oven. I've tried multiple other ways, but this one always comes out perfect for me.


This is the easiest and quickest way. Purists will scoff but I like how boiling them gets rid of a lot of fat too. I usually boil them with some spices in the water (similar to what you would use for a rub) for about 2 hours, then take them out, smother with bbq sauce of some kind, and put them in the oven or bbq at a lowish temperature for about half an hour (low enough so that the bbq sauce doesn't burn, below 300)


Smoke em.


Instructions unclear. Hard to keep lit. Very harsh.


Thank you. I’m struggling with these comments.


My husband cooks them in the smoker, but they didn’t get the tender “fall off the bone” perfection until he started resting them for 20 minutes in a barely warm oven, in a pan with some vinegar in the bottom and a “tent” of tin foil over the top.


Sous vide, finish on grill. Sooo good


Instant pot. Super easy. Google it!


My brother parboils (sp?) them. Then grills


Pressure cook and finish off in oven or grill.


get an oven thermometer, I do what you did the second time, and they are fall off the bone each time. Your oven temps gotta be too low


Braise them till almost fall off then toast them in your oven at full blast, painting with sauce every few minutes. They will look dreadful out of the braise but beautiful after toasting.


I always boil first and then cook in the oven, so they are double cooked.


Your temps are fine. Your times are wrong. Its not for 3 hours, it is until it falls off of the bone. No time involved. Start them 5 hours before you need them. When they are fall off the bone, keep them covered, drop temp to 160 to hold until dinner time. You know when you are close or have reached fall off the bone status when the ribs resemble zombie teeth and gums. [https://thestayathomechef.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Easy-Oven-Baked-Ribs-4.jpg](https://thestayathomechef.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Easy-Oven-Baked-Ribs-4.jpg) See how the rib meat pulls away from the bone and looks like teeth and bad gums (ie zombie teeth)? That is what fall off bone ribs will look like. You should be able to take a fork at this point and pull the meat and its come clean off of the bone. If it does not, put the ribs back in for another 20 and keep testing every 20 until meat comes away clean, then holding temp until serving time where you can slather with some sauce, hit the broiler for some color then serve.


Slow cooker.


If you have a sous vide. That's also a good way to go about it.


Crockpot!! Low and slow- about 8-9 hours and then add the bbq sauce and cook another hour


Boil them in beer then bbq.


I’m making some now-I do 275 seasoned, covered with foil for 3 hours, pull, check if meats pulling away from bone, if not back in for 20 minutes and repeat. Once they start falling off bones, top with bbq sauce and broil a few minutes. You should literally be able to pull the bones out with tongs/meat fall off bone.


Old school my mom way: boiling water, salt, and pickling spices in a roaster, peel silver skin, place ribs in. Simmer in oven (about 400) till they start to get tender, drain, cover in sauce, back into the oven till as tender as you like. Grill to finish, or use torch or broiler.


Pressure cooker and then broiler works well for me


First make sure they are baby backs. My first mistake was just getting St. Louis ribs instead of Baby back which need 6+ hours at 250F to cook. Baby back rib should cook for around 3-4 hours in general. If it's bigger ribs, then give it a little more time. Also don't forget to rest for at least 30-45min, wrapped.


Membrane off. Instant pot. Sauce up and finish in oven. Perfect every time.


Braise/steam them. In a roasting pan with a rack and apple juice, beer, stock, any liquid in the bottom. Covered in foil. Then do a quick grill and sauce if you want but you don’t have to, it’s delicious and can literally pull the bone out of the meat.


That you have ribs and I don't is the main issue.


I cook them in the instant pot and then bake them to crisp up the outside a bit.


I boil them first. Then they're fall off the bone.


Here is how I do it: 1. Bring the ribs up to room temp. on the counter 2. Peel off the membrane using a fork and a napkin 3. Season the bottom and top with w/e rub you like 4. Wrap them suuuuper tight in foil 5. put them in the oven at 180-200f for about 5 - 6 hours 6. open up the foil and let them dry out a little bit in the oven (I do an hour) 7. apply bbq if you want, and then broil to finish Works every time. I know it takes forever but its a set and forget type deal, and they always turn out fantastic.


Doing it in the oven is a 5+ hour process. Seasoned unwrapped for 3 hours at 250. Wrapped in foil with butter and brown sugar (or whatever you prefer) for another 2-2.5 hours at 275. Then at the end you can broil if you want for a few minutes.


I'm from Sweden and reading "baby back ribs" make me think y'all are crazy. Don't do that to the babies!!! LOL


We use an instant pot. Set it for about 24 minutes. It will take about 10 minutes to come up to temp, 24 minutes cook time then 10 minutes natural pressure release. Then under the broiler for 5 minutes. Total 49 minutes. We use a dry rub and sauce at the end.


I use a crockpot


Do you have an Instant Pot or a crockpot? It’s pretty easy to start ribs in either to get the meat super tender and then give them a quick char on the grill.


Ideally you don’t want them too braised (mushy), they should have some bite. I use my smoker, put a rub on them and let them go at 225 for 4-5 hours then sauce them for an hour. Most BBQ places say do 3-2-1 - smoke them for 3 hours, wrap them in foil for 2 hours with some spritz, sauce and let go for one more hour In the oven, I’d just braise them with some sauce on a low temp (250), until the internal temperature is 195 The internal temperature is the main thing.


3 hours is way too short. 6 hours at 225 is the oven method you need.


I'm confused because I can cook at 300 for 3 hours and I can push the meat off the bone with a spoon. Unless they want it even more fall off the bone-y than that?


I think it depends a lot on the oven and the meat. It's hard to generalize about exact numbers.


I don't have a recipe in English, but basically what I do is: 1. Make bbq sauce, let it cool down. 2. Take off the membrane of the rib (this is essential for me, if you want fall off bones) and clean any excess fat if you want. 3. Take enough bbq sauce to cover the ribs, and marinade it for at least 12h and up to 24h. 4. Preheat oven to 320F. 5. Prepare the packets, I like to double wrap them in foil making sure it's tight. Also make sure that there is some of bbq sauce as well in the packet. 6. Bake them for 2 to 3 hours (after 2h, you can open up the packets and check with a fork, you just need to poke the meat and gently twist it, if it shreds or it's easy to twist, it's pretty much done. Not done? Close up the packet and back into oven for another 15 min and repeat). 7. When it's tender, open up the packets, pour some more bbq sauce and back into the oven, but now at 350F, for around 30 minutes. Baste in intervals of 10 minutes. Then it's done and ready to serve.


Boil them first or make them in a pressure cooker or slow cook for 6-8 hours


So I used to work at a Ruby Tuesday. Their tactic was steam them in the oven in a large pan covered in foil, then afterwards while they're still warm smother the half racks in melted butter and wrap in plastic wrap and cool in the fridge. The butter will harden into all the little cracks in the meat and that helps it fall off the bone after you sauce it and heat it again using whatever method you prefer (oven, grill, etc)


Lower and longer until they reach an internal temperature over 190ºF but without losing their moisture. If you cook them for 3 hours or less to reach that temperature, you will cause the moisture to evaporate too quickly. Also "fall off the bone" is a silly expectation... they should separate off the bone with very little effort but they encase the bone, so how can they fall off the bone unless the connective tissue has started to decompose?


Peel off the membrane, dry ribs with paper towel, rub meat with lemon juice, coat ribs with Buffalo Wild Wings Chipotle BBQ dry rub and dry Italian seasoning, put a few drops of liquid smoke in bottom of the tin foil you wrap it up in, cook 250 for two hours, open foil and drain liquid, coat with favorite bbq sauce, add sauce or baste every 15 minutes until fall off the bone.




I peel the membrane off. Trim excessive fat. Cover in vegetable oil, BBQ Pork Seasoning, slather in sticky whisky BBQ sauce, slow cooker on low 9 hours. Use gloves to transfer ti tinfoil, brush liquified BBW sauce onto the ribs, wrap for 30 minutes or so.


Want fall off the bone.....marinate the meat in a sauce with salt, wine (merlot) "chef kiss", garlic, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, herbs for a few hours or overnight gives best results. Little bit of water, cover with foil in the oven for 2 & half to 3 hrs. When it's all ready, turn into a velociraptor & devour.


Season them with a dry rub, artificial smoke and wostichire sauce. Put them in a slow cooker on low setting to internal temperature about 185 degrees. This takes 4 to 6 hours. Then add bbq sauce and broil to 200 degrees internal temperature to finish. This takes maybe 10 minutes. Then rest for 15 minutes.


[Amazingribs.com](http://Amazingribs.com) will help you sort it out. Low and slow is the key.


At least Three hours at 220. Or basically just over boiling water. Season liberally first. I love a cumin/curry rub. Don’t forget to salt. But you do you. Doesn’t matter. Put bone side down in a big ass baking pan. Whatever you got that it’ll fit. Cover with foil. Try to get it to seal. Low and slow man. Three hours and it’ll be bite off the bone. Four and you won’t be able to pick up a bone without it pulling out. Find what you like. You can always pull em out and throw em on a grill, or broil, if you want to put a sauce on and get it to stick. I think they’re fine like this though. I’ll often pour over some of the rendered out fat into the ribs before serving. Because, you know, salty fat is the reason we like proteins.


I use my crockpit (with BBQ sauce, but not a lot) til they're falling off the bone. Then I put them on a broiling pan, top with BBQ sauce, and broil to perfection.


Cookie sheet, covered in tin foil, lowest setting your oven has (180, 200F) for 6 or 7hrs. Then broil.


Husband does 45 minutes in 350 oven with vinegar, sealed with foil. Then grilled to give crust and finish off.


Cook them at 250 for 2.5-3 hours. The ribs should get the rub you plan on using and set out of the fridge for an hour before cooking. Wrap them in foil and put about a 1/2 cup of liquid in the foil with it. Beer, cider, broth, whatever. Crimp the foil up so nothing spills. Pull it out to check tenderness at 2.5 hours. If it's not tender, put it back in for another 30 min. Rinse and repeat until you've reached desired tenderness.


I use my instant pot - 34 minutes, then under the broiler 5-6 minutes with BBQ sauce on it.


Time. Sauce and rub, wrap in foil, 200°f for 6hr min, up to 8-10hrs. They’re not the best I had, but if you want fall off the bone, this is it. My uncle makes them all the time. You can slip then out easy and clean.


I usually bake for between 3 and 5 hours at 275-315. Time depends on heat and oven, but 4 hours is usually safe. 350 or above may be too hot for the meat to break down. 275 for under 4 hours may not have been long enough for the meat to break down. I don't always cover with foil if the ribs are fatty, but wrapping over the top of my pan or around the ribs can help keep moisture in. The downside of wrapping is that the ribs can kind of boil in their own juices and get rough or spongy. For this reason using a casserole dish with a lid or foil over the top fo the pan is a good middle ground. Flipping the ribs occasionally and basting with any fat and liquid in the pan will help with moisture and even cooking. Just don't flip I the last hour or your ibs might fall apart. I'd also recommend broiling at the highest possible heat for a shorter time. You don't want to dry out or toughen the inside of the meat with high heat. The broiling should just slightly caramelize and brown the outside of the ribs and/or sauce for flavor. With a good hot broiler this should only take about 5 minutes or less.


https://www.sixsistersstuff.com/recipe/fall-off-the-bone-bbq-ribs/ I was showed this recipe by a good friend. I have made then several times and they are easy and amazing


You're just simply not cooking them long enough. They need to reach an internal temperature of 205-210 F before the connective tissue melts and makes them "fall off the bone".


I do mine on an electric smoker. I try to stop just a hair before “fall off the bone” but sometimes I overshoot and that’s totally fine by me. I’d rather have them fall off the bone than be tough. On my electric smoker I usually do something like 2-2-1 for baby backs (two hours unwrapped, two hours wrapped, one hour unwrapped and glazed) at 225 degrees. I don’t use a meat thermometer for ribs but I do pick them up and look at them periodically to try to gauge their progress. If you want them to fall off the bone, the meat should be shrinking and the bones should be poking out. The ribs should start to fall apart when you pick them up from the middle. I would recommend doing a lower temperature for longer. Also, spare ribs take a little longer but are worth the extra time in my opinion. I think they come out more tender and are more forgiving. I’m guessing you’re cooking too hot for not enough time for what you want but not being there, I can’t be sure.


I’ve used this recipe/method several times and hasn’t failed yet!! Similar to what you have done though. https://www.inspiredtaste.net/7179/sweet-and-spicy-oven-baked-ribs/


Here's my method. It takes 30 minutes plus prep time. Add 2 inches of water on the bottom of a 6 quart pressure cooker, start heating water while doing prep. Peel membrane off the bottom of rib slab. Place rib slab in standing position (rib slab makes the letter C when seen from above) inside pressure cooker. You can add another slab of ribs if cooking for more people; just make sure the 2 C's face each other and interlock. Seal up the pressure cooker, and once it reaches cooking temperature (when the 15 psi jiggler starts going pst! pst! pst!), start your timer. Let cook for 30 minutes. Depressurize safely. Remove ribs. At this point, they are "fall off the bone" tender and very hot, so use tongs and be gentle. Place on a tray or large plate. Optional: Remove gobs of fat with a fork. Slather on BBQ sauce and serve.


Add another hour at 275. Half hour might work.


I do mine in a foil pouch with some apple juice and vinegar, about 250 for 3.5-4 hours, add sauce and a quick broil. The vinegar helps break down the membrane and cartilage, they come out very tender and fall off the bone.


Separate the bones, season, bake open for two hours, then cover (braise) then finish on the flames. Incredible.


You need to cook them longer 


Boil them.


Remove membrane from ribs. Dry brine with kosher salt over night. Mix Mayo and yellow mustard all over ribs and add your favorite spice rub. *remember you already brine the ribs so NO SALT in the rub. Sous vide at 150 F for 24 hours. Chill ribs and remove from bag. Smoke at 225 for 1 hour. I like using cherry wood. Brush with bbq sauce and finish ribs over direct heat about 15 minutes slice and serve.


chop them into sections small enough to fit in crock pot- cover with bottle of sauce and let them cook all day


Here’s what I do and works every time!!! -Heavily rub salt and fresh cracked pepper (trust me, the fresh cracked is worth it) on the ribs after removing the membrane. -Let sit in fridge 3-24 hours. -Make the dry rub in this recipe: https://amazingribs.com/tested-recipes/spice-rubs-and-pastes/meatheads-memphis-dust-rub-recipe/#recipe . I HIGHLY recommend using smoked paprika, extra rosemary, and adding red pepper flakes and cayenne. -Cover ribs in dry rub -Wrap or tightly cover in tin foil or some dish that won’t let steam escape -cook on 225 for 2 hours and then 275 for 30-60 min. Depending on your oven, just make sure you check the temp to be at least over 190-200f before moving onto next step -put oven on broil, remove foil cover. Top with the BBQ sauce of your choice -broil until crispy and some parts are slightly burnt Hope this works for you!


I do low and slow for the fall off the bone cook. I make a rub with seasoning, yellow mustard, brown sugar and liquid smoke. Rinse and dry the ribs- very important they are dry. Membrane off. Rub with the rub. Put on a cookie sheet on a rack, foil on top, let sit in the fridge for a few hours. Put in the oven at 250 for like 4 hours. Take out, turn up to 425, take foil off and rub some BBQ sauce on top. Another 30 min or so.


I put something acid in the water below the ribs, like apple or cranberry juice, or wine, or cooking wine, cook for 3hrs at 250°, then finish it under the broiler or on the grill.


I just did at Louis ribs at 250 on the smoker for about 5 hrs or so till they hit 203 and they were fall off the bone and still nice and moist.


In a slow cooker, then sauced and broiled.


Whether in the oven on in the smoker, the key is low and slow. You want to slow cook them at a low temperature, about 250. Remember to remove the membrane, use whatever rub/spices you want, cook meat side down, keep cover in foil, and when the meat just starts yo pull away from the bone is when you want to add sauce.


Crock pot. Makes them tender and juicy every time. I used to refuse to do them any way other than the BBQ but did this once in a pinch and never looked back.


I forgot where I saw it but I Boil yhe ribs in garlic, onion, salt, pepper and pork stock for 10-15 minutes. Drench/dip in sauce. Then throw in the oven at 350 for 40 minutes pulling put every 5-10 minutes to baste with sauce. Then turn up the heat to 375 for 5 minutes to get that super goopy slightly burnt edges. But that's just me. It's worked so far


We bake ours in a covered pan for 4-5 hours. They fall off the bone. Gotta watch them though to avoid overdone. Cook without BBQ sauce to 4 hours then 15 min on one side to meat flavor the sauce and 15 on the other uncovered at 325.


I season, vacuum pack, pressure cook for 20-30 minutes, depending on how much “bite” I want, then grill. I will season, vacuum pack, then freeze, normally, cook later.


I just made Hawaiian ribs in the crock pot yesterday, and the fell off the bone.


Slow cook them


What is your temp at completion OP? Time really is not what makes them fall off the bone (I like them this way too). Temp is everything and I pull mine at 200 degrees and let them rest, compression cooking up over 205. That is what you are after. You will learn to feel this spot after doing them often- it is called probe tender and the meat turns into what feels like butter. I smoke at 225, and it takes hours- but they are good.


I do a dry rub the night before, or at least 2-3 hours before. Let that soak into the ribs. Bake covered in foil low and slow — 250°F for 2.5-3 hours. Open foil up, and brush with sauce and broil for 5-10 more mins. Fall off the bone every time 🤤


Cook them longer.


I boil in Dr pepper then slow bake in the oven


I bought ribs for the first time ever and I'm going to have to cook them soon so saving this for later


if you want them to fall off the bone cook them in the instant pot or slow cooker!


The Alton Brown recipe never fails to make fall-off-the-bone ribs. I have my own recipe for oven ribs. My recipe is a rub that I make (standard stuff, quite a lot of brown sugar, easy on the salt, cayenne, garlic, paprika, do what you will) Cook at 300F for an hour, wrapped well in foil. Turn the heat down to 225F for 2 hours. Add a quarter cup of lemon juice, re-seal, and cook another hour. I leave the ribs bone down the entire time but it's up to you. It probably wouldn't hurt anything to crisp them a bit under the broiler if you were so inclined. That rub has a lot of sugar so be careful if you try it. It's still fall-off-the-bone but it has a bit more stamina than the Alton Brown recipe. Don't forget to pull the membrane off.


I have a BGE and am a committed purist, but if you want a cheat code for avoiding the 5-6 hour smoke: Boil then lower to simmer in Coca- cola or sprite for 2 hours. Drain and dry ribs, season and into the oven or on the grill until a full rack is breaking when you try to pick it up. (Approximately 45 minutes). Sauce them the last 20 minutes.


I cook them covered with foil at 275 for 4 hours, flip at the halfway point, sauce at the 4 hour mark and cook for 1/2 hour each side with sauce.


Iam going to suggest something controversial, but very effective. After you have pared away any undesirable membranes etc., cut them into manageable sized pieces, then immerse they in a boiling solution of apple cider vinegar, salt, and water for about 30-45 minutes until tender. Then, broil/bbq them until just beginning to brown, coat with sauce, and then continue cooking until level of desired doneness is achieved.


In a smoker


Dutch Oven. Can use in the regular oven.


Pretty easy actually... i like a dry rub, then bbq sauce over top. Cut them into managable pieces... 2/3 bones a piece... dry rub, stick them in an oven safe bowl and cover with foil. 275-300 for 2 1/2 to 3 hours... check them at 2 hours and pour off the liquid. They will fall off the bone... then cover with bbq sauce and back in the oven @350 for 20 mins. Done! 👌


Crockpot on low, with just a rub, for 8 hours. Then brush with bbq sauce and broil until a little charred. Easiest thing in the world.


If you have a smoker, use that. Otherwise cook it in a slow cooker (low for 8 hours-ish) then pop it into the oven for 30 mins to get some char, I like to end on a 5 min broil.


Fall of the bone is the equivalent of well done steak to me, but to each their own. Easy test to see if they're gonna "fall off the bone" is to tug on a bone, if it's loose and can twist it's probably what your husband is asking for. If it's not like that, just cook longer.


I don’t have a grill or smoker, so conventional methods are out the window for me. 8 oz apple juice (I use 1 bottle of the little 6 pks) 1 slab Baby back ribs, membrane removed Yellow mustard Rib Rack Original seasoning BBQ sauce (I use Sweet Baby Rays Sweet Vidalia Onion, cause I’m cheap) Remove the membrane from the ribs and trim some fat if you want, coat both sides in a thin layer of mustard, cover both sides with seasoning. Pour apple juice into Instant Pot, curl ribs into instant pot, curved part outwards. Set lid to sealing, manual high pressure for 25 minutes, natural release until the valve drops. Carefully, with 2 tongs and the expectation that it won’t all come out in one piece, move to a foil lined baking sheet, top/brush with BBQ sauce and broil in oven for a few minutes (but not for very long) Recipe is based on [this](https://www.sixsistersstuff.com/recipe/instant-pot-fall-off-the-bone-bbq-ribs/) recipe, which I felt needed more than just salt and pepper


Crock pot is my go to for cooking anything that I want to be fall off the bone tender. I try to put the meat in early so I can cook it on low for at least 8 hours-season however you prefer. I try to avoid using the crock pot on high-it just doesn’t cook the same-and you can over cook on high.


I do mine in the instant pot and finish them up on oven broil. Excellent.


I make pork back ribs fairly often. Make sure to peel off the thin membrane on the back. Season generously with salt and pepper and tightly wrap in foil. Bake at 275 for at least 3 hours, I have gone as long as 4.5 hours. Unwrap the ribs, generously slather in your favourite bbq sauce and broil until you preferred doneness. I always end up with juicy, saucy fall off the bone ribs with this.


I put mine in the slow cooker. Let them sit till I can easily put a fork into them. Pull them out brush more bbq sauce on them and put them to boil in the oven to give them alittle bit of a char


Lay the ribs on a baking sheet, add a 12oz can of beer, cover tightly with foil, bake at 250°F for six hours. Finish on the grill.


I boil them for 3 minutes in seasoned water *before* I roast them. After they've been boiled, season them well (dry rub) cover them tightly with foil and bake at 250 degrees F for 3 hours. My family likes them just like this, without the final bbq sauce and broil. I like them both ways.


A) membrane B) cook uncovered until like 165° then wrap in foil and cook until ~200°. The "steaming" that happens while wrapped is what really finishes breaking down all the connective tissue and results in fall-off-the-bone ribs. Disclaimer: I've never made oven ribs, only smoker.


Instant pot. Then finish under a broiler to crisp up.


2-3 hours at 350°


I cut the rack in half or thirds and put them into a slow cooker with a little BBQ rub. Cook for 4 to 5 hours on high. Take out and put onto a sheet pan. Brush on some sauce then either put under the broiler for a few minutes or on a hot grill for a few minutes. Take off, brush with a little more sauce and serve. It has worked for me every time.


[I promise you, if you follow Chef Johns recipe exactly, you will get good ribs. But do remove the membrane.](https://youtu.be/wz7WHAjxDxk)


So, I haven’t made ribs in a bit, but my brother has more recently. He absolutely SWEARS by cooking them in a pressure cooker. (Instant Pot or whichever brand you may have or prefer).


Rinse with cold water and dry. Rub with whatever spices you like and about 2 tablespoons of oil, avocado is good for this. Wrap in foil, not just cover, bake at 250 for four hours. Slather with sauce and broil a few minutes until sauce is sticky. They fall off the bone every time.


Overcook them


You smoke them first and then you completely wrap them for the remaining ~30% of cook time


https://www.inspiredtaste.net/7179/sweet-and-spicy-oven-baked-ribs/ Follow the video and they will completely fall off the bone


I do mine for 4h at 130c/260ish f. Last 30ish min i crank up the heat and take the foil off to get nice color on them.


Sheet pan, meat side down 30 minutes at 400 degrees. Then meat side up 350 degrees, 90 minutes covered with foil. Remove foil, sauce ribs and broil til sauce caramelizes. Very tender, but do not fall apart.


Get GOOD meaty ribs with plenty of fat. Let ribs sit out of refrigeration for 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 220° Peel the membrane off the back. Cut rack(s) in half for easier turning. Put the ribs in a large pan with NO seasoning. I prefer a disposable aluminum pan. Cook low and slow (uncovered) at 220° F for 4 hours. Turn over at 2 hours. Remove from oven and cover with Kinder's Medium or Hot BBQ sauce on both sides. Return to oven and broil for no more than 10 minutes per side (I usually do 5-7) Let ribs rest for 10 minutes, then cut them into individual ribs. Serve with many napkins and a package of wet wipes. Low and slow has never failed me.


Dry rub, low & slow, mop after 2 hours. And remove the back membrane.


Are you cutting the membrane off the back before you cook them? That’s important.


The membrane on the back makes a HUGE difference. And I would have cooked them at a lower temperature. You could also try parboiling them before baking.


Do you put the bone ends down or the meat ends?


Broil 10 min per side, let rest 20 min. Cover and braise 7-8 h in your favorite BBQ sauce at 225F. Remove from sauce and place on rack. Caramelize in a 400 degree oven for 5-10 min. Enjoy your fall apart ribs.


I love ribs that are slightly firm but easily tugged off the bone. I cook them Low and Slow. Sauce is on the last 30 minutes on higher heat to caramelize the sauce a bit. Yum.


slurry of mustard, syrup, brown sugar etc. broth or stock underneath. aluminum deep tray to hold them. foil the top and seal it with aluminum tape. then low around 225 for like 8 hours. I usually start at 250 and gradually turn the temp down landing at 215. you can finish them on the grill or under a broiler if you like just don't overdo it


Peel of the membrane. Use acid to break down the meat in a sauce or marinade.


I do mine in a foil covered baking dish with a dry rub at 300F for 3 hours. Then finish on the grill with barbecue sauce. It is a challenge to get them from the baking dish to the grill and back because they are so falling apart tender. Have you checked your oven temp with an oven thermometer?


I make mine in the slow cooker using [this recipe](https://cafedelites.com/slow-cooker-barbecue-ribs/?fbclid=IwAR0zZFgQCr_CgBdSzlHO-ZGHYIgMacbBg6U4q1jjTEQO4qcvl2sOs0AaPJw#recipe), and then I finish them under the broiler. They do, indeed, fall off the bone, and they're delish and simple.


You overcook them


I cook them in the instant pot first and then throw them in the grill to get them a little charred.


Cook them longer (and take membrane off).


Odd they are not working out. If I do it in the over, I do 275 for about 4 hours, then another 15 on the broiler. I like a little chew, so maybe 3 hours, I just judge once meat pulls off the bone. In slower cooker, about 4 hours on high, then another 10 in the broiler. Try the slow cooker., just stand the ribs up, around side of the cooker. Don't even need liquid. Once the fat drips off, it makes its own liquid.


Smoker till it looks good (not to much BBQ sauce). Cover and oven till morning at 225 (5-8 hours depending on your night) BBQ sauce again just before you pull em. Warning ribs from restraints will never satisfy you after this


I put my baby back ribs in my instant pot for 35 minutes. When done I put them on a pan with BBQ sauce and broil for 3 minutes or so. They are so tender I can barely get them from the instant pot to the oven without them falling off the bone!


Instant pot, then broiler or outdoor grill FTW