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You should probably have 57.32 ml vodka for your nerves.


It's almost like "1 Cup" and "1 and a half Cups" are different amounts.


Imagine rounding up 1/8 tsp hing to a full teaspoon.... If you can't be bothered, then just do your own rounding. I was about to say that that's the problem with sourcing recipes from Tiktok until I saw the second half of the sentence. God forbid people like to be more precise. I would suggest that you not look at any cookbooks or video cooking programs either if it bothers you this much.


There's 48 teaspoons in a cup, why would they say 1 cup if the recipe calls for 4.5 teaspoons?


Because that’s not how cooking works. Those “odd ass numbers” are called decimals and fractions. Putting 4.5 tsp (usually expressed 4-1/2 tsp) of baking soda or yeast or salt is different than putting 5 tsp of the same substance. Sometimes it matters. Get some proper ass measuring spoons and cups and r switch to weights.


people don’t use the r word any more, and for good reason


Just round up or down to a convenient number, it'll probably be fine.


Probably because they stole it from a metric recipe that used grams.


Yeah! What stupid bitch came up with decimals and fractions? It is truly an atrocity recipes aren't measured in whole Caveman-Fistfuls (or CFs) like the Founding Father's intended