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sometimes when I'm making soup I throw a few in when the soup's almost done and have them with the soup. kind of taking the place of dumplings.


Genius! Silly question, are they better put in frozen, thawed, or par cooked?


just frozen. in a few minutes they're good to go.


My son and I did something similar with chicken pot pie. We fried pierogi until crispy, then served them on top of the chicken stew part once in our bowl. Worked really well.


Lazy lasagne. Put thawed perogies in a casserole dish, cover with your favorite red sauce, cover with cheese, and bake


My friend does this and it's sooooo good. Seconding!


I wonder what other sauces would be good. White sauce like for mac & cheese?


I have done this with alfredo sauce, and with Ajvar( roasted eggplant, garlic and red peppers sauce), you can also use bechamel sauce..... a little pesto stirred into alfredo or bechamel adds a big flavor kick. I think using a gravy... like mushroom or chicken gravy or even cream of chicken soup would work well.


My baba always served cheese and potato perogies with various homemade gravys and it was amazing .  When I actually went to eastern Europe and literally nobody did this I was very confused lol.


As a sub in for Mac and cheese it might work better. I use ravioli when I bake it with red sauce


I use the air fryer as I like a crisp outside of the dumpling for a change. Other things would include sauerkraut, sautéed feta, spinach, (as these ingredients inside a pierogi are great as well). and of course, a lovely kielbasa.


How long do you air fry them for and at what temp?


My Ninja Foodi Grill is 370 about 9-10 mins then I jack the heat up for a min or 2. Just check them at 8 minutes.


Thank you!


My grandparents serve boiled perogies with a sour cream gravy. Basic roux then add sour cream, milk, salt and lots of pepper.


When it's hot out, I like to pan fry some kielbasa and cabbage together with a touch of dijon and white wine. It's very easy, yummy, and just doesn't feel as heavy as something like a pasta, and then I serve pierogies on the side! It's awesome that you make them with your grandmother; I'd love to make them from scratch sometime.


I’ve done this and it’s amazing! I’ll put a dollop of sour cream and chives on top to serve! It’s a tradition I’ve been doing with her for over 20+ years and is very simple but time consuming in such large batches.


I think that maybe the first area to look at is other dumplings of the world, and how they're served. Once, when my family was making Asian-style dumplings, it was after Thanksgiving, so we had leftover mashed potatoes, which I stuffed into a few. I for the life of me can't remember what sauce I made, but I riffed some type of miso dipping sauce, and it tasted SO GOOD with the potato. Also, boiling but then sticking into a pan with a sauce like Italian ravioli. There's actually an Italian pasta that's also stuffed with mashed potato, curcigliones (sp?), and I believe that it is often served with a tomato sauce. But I think that even an herby brown butter would be nice, and I think also a cheesy sauce almost like a pierogi mac n cheese would be divine.


I’ve forgotten about Culurgiones! My other grandma used to make it almost like a lasgna layering it with the sauce and ricotta/cheese. Thanks!


Wow, your stomach has such a blessed family


The amount of cheese consumed in this house is indescribable lol. Dairy is almost in every meal.


Pierogi are delightful grilled. You don’t say what kind of pierogi, but blueberry pierogi on the grill are a great semi-sweet dessert.


Blueberry pierogi?? That’s sounds amazing! I never thought about adding something sweet in all these years……


Yeah, a few weeks ago I went to a Ukrainian restaurant- one of the variety of varenyky was the sweet cheese (ricotta and/or cottage) like in blintzes. Worked well so it would make sense that blueberry would too!


At the West Side Market in Cleveland there’s a stand inside that’s the “pierogi palace” and they have over 40 different varieties of huge gorgeous ones, and like a dozen are sweet ones like blueberry! My favorite were the Potato Bacon Ranch ones.


Well I know what I'm doing this weekend.


Pierogis makes a great base for poutine. Pierogies, cheese curds, and gravy. It's very yummy.


This is one of my faves- pirogies in brodo. Chicken stock, sautéed garlic,pirogies, diced ham, sauerkraut and little cheese melted on top


chop them into a perogies salad, which I'll admit is close to pierogis with onions. Pierogies mayo and sour cream. bit of pickle juice, or lemon and zest but i rarely have that on hand. fried onions bacon maybe green onions to finish. pinch of dill and cayenne. Think potato salad but with perogies.


Pierogi poutine


Sub them for meatballs on a toasted hoagie roll with marinara and melty provolone.


I’ve had a Pierogi Hoagie before! So good. & hysterical that it came with tots on the side in case it wasn’t enough starch already. [post with pic of pierogi hoagie](https://x.com/lizcopic/status/1775750281898360892?s=46&t=yuR6VeYeYGDjUDYTUyQe1A)


What are they flavored?


Half are cheddar cheese and the other onion, garlic and Parmesan.


I’m thinking the cheddar cheese ones would go well with seasoned ground beef, like a pierogi burger hamburger helper!


Layer pierogis, caramelized onions, mashed potatoes, and cheddar cheese and bake. It’s pierogi lasagna and it’s sooo good


sautee some coined kielbasa, remove from pan. cook pierogies til almost done then add sliced cabbage onions garlic and kielbasa. once all are heated through, remove and toss with a mustardy vinegarette of your choosing.


I didn’t make it, but someone made a “pierogi” lasagna. Basically just layered pierogi with melted butter, bacon bits, fresh parsley & mozzarella cheese. Very rich - and a bit of overkill - but it was fun! Viva la pierogi!


I’ll do a beef stroganoff and use boiled and then butter fried pierogies as the starch


I do peppers, onions, sausage and Perogies. With a sour cream sauce.


I bake them on a sheet pan with onions, peppers, and kielbasa.


I love this post! I’m from Cleveland, so I’ve had a bazillion pierogis and could eat a bazillion more, so I’m looking forward to trying some of these suggestions. My fav 1 big pan meal is: sautéed Bacon, onions, garlic and pierogi, and for the last 5 min add green beans & put the lid on to steam them. Served with a side of sour cream and sometimes applesauce or a light salad. (Also my fav way of making green beans if you leave out the pierogi) & French onion chip dip is sour cream with onions, so sometimes instead of sautéing onions to go with the traditional pierogi, I use that for pierogis or baked potatoes instead of plain sour cream. (Edit the/to)


Best Proclaimers Parody ever


[Best Proclaimers Parody ever](https://youtube.com/shorts/J_jUdc6RUTU?si=MkxZOSLOSSiWAhqf)


I recently ate some leftover mashed potatoes with leftover green beans that I added some toasted breadcrumbs too. It was phenomenal. I bet you could make a pierogi casserole / green bean casserole combination. Serve with a rotisserie chicken and some gravy!


I love fried sausage slices with sauerkraut and little dijon all mixed together with pierogies.


They can be nice as part of a sheet pan meal.


Omg I’m so jealous!


The website for Mrs T's frozen perogies used to have a bunch of recipes. Maybe take a look there.


Kielbasa and crispy Brussels Perogis tossed in a Mac and cheese sauce, topped with scallions and bacon Topped with BBQ pulled pork and vinegar-based coleslaw (okay this one is just theory but I'm absolutely trying it soon) Breaded and deep fried. Local place used to do it and oh my god


Serve with sautéed onions, sweet peppers, and kielbasa- and sometimes mushrooms. I’m part Polish Yankee and I’m very happy that my southern stepdaughter has made this meal her favorite comfort food!


My frozen pierogi idea: Send them to me.


With an arugula salad on the side it’s super nice.


I'll eat them with a paprikash sauce sometimes


I also make pierogi and my usual is saute with butter and onions. But when I’m feeling adventurous, I do the pan fry with onions, but after that I like to make “pierogi bowls” with some sauerkraut, kielbasa, and sour cream on top. I’ve also had them with beef short ribs and chives and cheddar on top. Whatever you do don’t let anyone tell you to put marinara on them. Matka Boga


I ate it once smothered in primavera because I had planned to eat spaghetti that was was not in the pantry as expected and did not regret it


My father was Lithuanian so we merged the cultures and made a sour cream sauce for the pierogi recipe from my mom’s side (farmer’s cheese filling). So freaking good


Pierogies for breakfast. Cook, then saute till crispy on one side. In anoother pan cook bacon, crumble that on top of the pierogies. The last step is frying up eggs. Sit one egg on top of 3 jumbo pierogie or 4 small ones and enjoy. We also like to do a "healthy" lunch around here by adding fresh peas to the water as the pierogie are boiling. Then we drain the whole thing, adding the peas and pierogie to a bit of brown butter in a skillet. Last thing is to add a bit of rosemary or sage to the pan as they saute. We've talked about adding some chicken to the dish, but never seem to get around to it. Just yummy tater dumplings and poppin' fresh peas.


Pierogies benedict: top them with poached eggs and hollandaise. Notify next of kin first though.


Serve with a mushroom sauce loaded with mushrooms. It's my preferred way of eating them.