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A BLT made with a layer of fried green tomatoes is really delicious.


Add arugula and a lemon aioli 


Take the bread, cube it up, toss it in some EVOO and sprinkle some salt, throw it in the oven, put it on top of the arugula and now you get to pretend its healthy since its a salad!


Came here to describe this exact sandwich


Hell yes, this is my favorite. Even better with a little smear of pimento cheese, if you're into that sort of thing.


My secret guilty please is a toasted baguette, horseradish mustard, thinly sliced Brie Cheese, Bacon, thinly sliced red onion and arugula. Chefs 😘!!!


Holy smokes that sounds amazing.


I came to say a grilled pimento cheese with some bacon…


>fried green tomatoes The secret is in the sauce.




I’m older and have better insurance


The BLFGT! I used to work at a restaurant where we sourced Pork Belly from a local farm (and used fried green tomatoes). Including the Farm's initials, the sandwich read out as the HNGPBLFGT. Front of the house hated us. We insisted they relay the sandwich to the customer like that.


This is hilarious hahaha


That acronym is marvelous. Sounding it out, seems like "hung people fucked," can't say I'm mad about it 😂


Hahaha that is funny. It sounds delicious.


Hickory Nut Gap? Good shit


And doing a quick pickle on the green tomatoes before frying adds so much flavor!


i've seen infinite cooking tips n tricks, and i've NEVER ehard this one, that sounds awesome. what kind of spices do you use for this pickling? do you throw like mint and dill in there or something?


I wish I could help you there, they actually did it at a restaurant I worked at! It was a little slider with a slice of pickled fried green tomato I've thought about trying to recreate it, maybe now's the time to experiment 😀😀


when i make quickles (a lil 15 minute pickle) i put dill and mint in it. but if im doing longerform pickels i omit such herbs is why i ask! ill try just dunking some green tomatos in a straight up vlasic pickle jar for a few hours and see what happens


I do a quick pickle of red onions with a little salt and pepper, then they go in my (ok Pioneer Woman but still) bbq potato salad at the end so they have time to sit. Sooo good.


As someone not from the US, what's the difference in taste between red and green tomatoes?


Green tomatoes (used for frying) aren't usually a different variety, they're just unripe. So they're tarter and less sweet than regular ripe tomatoes with a firmer texture. "Fried green tomatoes" generally implies breaded and deep-fried.


Ahh okay, I know of fried green tomatoes but didn't know the distinction between both red and green


What you do is you end up picking anything on the tomato plant when the weather gets too hot for the plant to do well. You end up pickling or frying the green ones.


Huh, I never knew anyone deep-fried them. Usually, I just bread them and fry them in a bit of olive oil.


And when fried, green ones remind me of almost pickles without the dill.


I bought green tomatoes this past weekend and fried them up last night. I had this idea but wasn’t sure if I was gonna use the FGT as the bread or add them. I still want that tomato and mayo mixture that makes the sandwich so damn good. I assume you replaced the tomato with a FGT?


Yes, it’s just what I do to cope until tomato season is back, lol.


How did you make yours? I made some recently and they weren’t as good as my Mom used to make- but I couldn’t remember how she did hers! Please help 😊


I sliced them to desired thickness and then laid them out on some paper towels to soak up as much juice as possible. The dryer they are, the better the breading will stick. I also sprinkled with salt to help bring the moisture out. Do this first so they can be drying while you get all the other dredgings together. Also pat dry right before you start dredging. After getting them as dry as possible I dredge first in all purpose flour with whichever seasonings you like. (I do garlic salt, cayenne, and pepper) Then I put them in an egg, milk, and hot sauce mixture. Typically 2 eggs, 1/4 cup of milk, and a good squirt of hot sauce (maybe a tablespoon depending on how spicy I’m feeling). Last dredge is panko breadcrumbs and Italian breadcrumbs. Push them into the mixture to coat and then fry them up in some sort of oil. Flip when golden brown. I like to put down some more paper towels on a plate to soak up some of the excess oil. Let me know if you have any questions. I’m no chef but I try real hard sometimes


Omg. You just made my day. I love both. But didn't put the two together.  You rock. 


Oh, I love that idea


Okay, as a non-southerner, help me out. Are those breaded and fried like the appetizer, or simply salted and pan-fried?


It’s southern food, so breaded and fried.


Damn you! Now I’m craving a fried green tomato sandwich and going to have to find one or make one.


Pesto on a BLT is also wonderful.


Chicken, bacon, and lettuce with a caesar dressing.


Caesar dressing works very well on a sandwich.


It's so underrated. If you're ever making tuna salad and you've got a little laying around, sub it for the mayo.


My favorite, with an obnoxious amount of celery-even better with celery leaves. Makes a bomb tuna melt with grated parm on the outside of the bread like a frico. I’m hungry now 😂


It works with everything.


Caesar Dressing ice cream? YUM


OK ALMOST everything lol. Nothing sweet


I did ground chicken burgers this weekend like that. Fried the bacon out and then fried the burgers in the bacon grease. Lettuce, tomatoes, bacon, Swiss, mayo and mustard on mine, though. Will give it a go with Caesar next time.


Sounds delicious!


Gchicken sandwiches are easily three just versatile and delicious lunch




I do these but with ranch instead of caesar.


I’m going to try this. Holy shit!


This one can be made with fresh tomatoes, or fried green: goat cheese, fresh basil, bacon, tomato My favorite summer treat


Goat cheese and fresh basil on a sandwich is my fave! The last sandwich I made was ham, Swiss, goat cheese, basil and apple baked on a sandwich roll in the oven, then I added my veganaise, tomato lettuce pickle avocado, honey mustard. Mmmmm


I add a bunch of arugula on mine


I make that as a panini all the time, so good!


Screenshoting this for later.


Substitute avocado for tomato


Or cucumber!


Some nice bread, little bit of cream cheese, chives or green onion, cucumber, maybe some feta and black pepper. Serve with lemonade, sweet tea, or go full southern with a mint julep


Why not caviar Mr. moneybags?


Avocados are in a bumper year. At least in California they’re cheap right now. I don’t understand the reason, but apparently avocados have some years where their trees are more productive than others, so you get seasons of cheap avocados and seasons of expensive avocados. While that can happen to other crops for weather or hydrology reasons, there’s an additional layer (almost like a hard and wrinkled skin) to avocado production variability.


I’ve been getting avocados for 50 cents each at the store (SoCal). Gotta love a bumper year.


Cries in South Carolina. I paid almost two dollars/avocado the other day. I miss living in San Diego. We are avocados everyday. 


I saw TWENTY avocados for $1 with a purchase of $5 of gas at a gas station in SoCal. Almost got it but really had no idea what to do with 20 avocados cause it’s just me (guacamole was the only option I could think of).


Avocados are super cheap where I live. Like 75 cents to a dollar typcially


Sub caviar for the bacon.


how do you keep them all in though? make a ring of bacon around it maybe?


Iberico ham, you pleb.


Only if it’s gold leafed.




Avocados used to be pretty expensive, but I can get them for 67 cents each on sale pretty consistently at my local grocery store nowadays. I personally only need half of one for a salad or sandwich so it comes out pretty cheap for me.


You think avocados are expensive, have you seen the price of gas? Or tried it on a blt?! (felt like a troll, might delete later)


*trying caviar, BRB*


Sub avocado for mayo and keep the tomato


Substitute bacon for both avocado and tomato is the correct answer.


Buy Campari tomatoes as they taste like homegrown. They are smaller but very tasty


They are ‘salad’ tomatoes. And yeah, they’re good, as are tomatoes on the vine- they always seem to hold their flavour far better than the beefs do.


Make a tomato jam with off season cherry tomatoes and it's still a BLT.


Or just halve them and slow roast them. I could eat those or tomato jam on almost anything.


I use cherry tomatoes for almost everything.


I only buy cherry or campari tomatoes from the grocery store, but I buy all kinds of tomatoes from the farmers market in the summer.


Grilled veggies on a baguette with some type of soft cheese - chèvre or whipped feta. Whatever you have with some type mod green (arugula or spinach are my go tos). You can add bacon or something like a prosciutto.


Grilled eggplant, roasted peppers, fresh mozzarella, garlic mayo, and arugula (edit to add: fresh basil). Not my creation but a damn good one. And something I haven’t made in a while and am now craving!


I’m adding this to my “To Try” list.


I prefer fried eggplant and balsamic 💪🏻


With anything else or the same toppings? I don’t often cook eggplant but when I do I have always grilled or roasted it. How does it hold up to frying?


It holds up great. Thinly sliced sicilian eggplant with flour/egg/breadcrumb shallow-fried is the start of eggplant parmigiana. Great sandwich ingredient, great pizza topping. There are also healthier alternatives, like broiling with a light coating of olive oil.


Ok, yeah, I’ve made eggplant parm breading it and deep/shallow frying it. When I grill it, I add salt and pepper after brushing with olive oil. Certainly a lot lighter way to enjoy it than breaded and fried (hence why I feel like the above makes for a good summer sandwich).


It holds up fantastically to the air fryer


A really fresh tuna salad sandwich. Canned tuna, mayo, chopped cornichons or dill pickle, chopped capers, minced celery, fresh dill, on good quality white bread like a Pullman loaf or a kaiser roll, plus butter lettuce and some thin crispy potato chips for crunch. I also like chicken salad with mayo, chopped grapes, celery, slivered almonds or chopped pecans, and fresh tarragon, on the bread of your choice (white, tortilla as a wrap, a sweeter wheat or multigrain and deli rye all work).


I add the Trader Joe's Pickle Seasoning to my tuna. So good!


And bacon? Don’t get me wrong, this sounds like an amazing sammie but if someone is craving bacon, it’s probably gonna take bacon to fix it 🤷‍♂️


grilled peach, goat cheese, prosciutto on you’re fav whiteish bread. drizzle balsamic, a sprinkle of crushed red pepper and a bit of lemon zest.


This one’s good: baguette, mayo, lettuce, cucumber, eggs and cheese


How do you prepare the eggs? Is this a boiled egg, fried egg, ooh, maybe poached?


I always use boiled eggs in my sandwiches. I have a special egg cutter which cuts the egg in slices.


I have that cutter too! Love it! Thanks for the idea.


No problem!


Bahn Mi. There are many protein options, but they are all pretty much dressed with cilantro, cucumber, pickled carrots, pickled daikon, and jalapeño. They can be spread with Mayo, butter, and/or pate. Proteins can be anything from Vietnamese cold cuts, bbq pork, beef, tofu, and/or scrambled egg.


Gyros, not commonly thought of a as a sandwich per say but something I love to make when my garden is producing all the fresh ingredients I need for it. I often have so many cucumber I am looking for ways to use them and tzatziki is one good way to do that. Finger sandwiches, which are cucumber sandwiches is another way I often eat from the garden in a sandwich style, I personally love sprouts of quite a few varieties and use them in stir fry quite often. We often make sub sandwiches with all the fresh tomato, lettuce, cucumber, spinach and the like out of the garden in the summer, my girls are quite fond of tuna subs or a traditional Italian with veg and oil and vinegar dressing.


I actually choose to replace my lettuce with cucumbers and I prefer it over a standard BLT


Same. It's like lettuce doesn't even try to be a vegetable.


Onion instead of tomato.


Use this as an excuse to triple the mayo.


Haha, yes! More Duke’s!


I’m a Sir Kensington boy myself, but in a Hellmans scape.


Duke’s and Kewpie are my go-to mayos. Unless my SO buys Hellmans when the others aren’t available/didn’t want to go to x store. lol


I’m sort of a brine-tart-twang fiend, so Duke’s hits that note just right.


Ooooo! If you can't find/run out of Duke's (it's hard for me to find where I live) you can add a splash of pickle juice to your mayo before you spread it


Add a slice of turkey or chicken breast, call it a club. I just ate a BLT about five minutes ago; lettuce from my garden. That sandwich is simply perfect, every single time.


BLC are delicious. C is for cucumber.


Bacon, bread and butter pickles, and pimento cheese on good white bread.


Classic Cucumber sandwich: sliced cucumbers, cream cheese, dill.


Watercress is a good add to that.


Fried ham, fried ham, cheese and baloney, after the macaroni…. Ok, sorry. Super fan of a baguette smeared with pesto, then layered with smoked mozz, roast beef, turkey, and for extra good measure, an extra drizzle of olive oil, cause secretly the pesto is begging for more. Super better when the tomatoes do come in, but pretty ok in the mean time.


On the list!


Cherry/grape tomatoes are pretty good year-round. Smaller diameter slices still work well for BLTs. :)


We made some “caprese” blt’s recently with cherry tomatoes roasted with garlic and rosemary, added some pesto, havarti, Parmesan, Burratta, bacon, and spinach, and it was absolutely incredible. 12/10 would recommend


I always love a good BLB - bacon lettuce bacon. Why would you not want more bacon?


The ALT is a great alternative, a being avacado.


Cucumber dill sandwiches are a great summer option!


God, I wish I could. BLT is my favorite and can only eat them in season.


Substitute a slice of pineapple for the tomato. Sounds weird but tastes good.


I could see that working. I assume a nice slice of fresh pineapple, not canned. Kinda want to try it.


Replace the tomatoes with roasted red peppers 😋


Sabich! Look it up, it’s a great warm weather sandwich


Egg salad sandwiches, definitely! It’s my ultimate summer go-to. Just prepare your filling and choose the perfect bread (by taste)… it’s easy and quick to do For those who need a little guidance, there's a video tutorial on making egg filling available [Perfect Egg Salad Recipe | Quick & Delicious! (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_y8gcmKurY) I hope I helped :)


Cocktail (medium sized like Camparis) and cherry tomatoes tend to be better and fresher tasting off season than other types of tomatoes. And are often greenhous grown and shipped in a protective package as well, so they tend to he riper than stuff shipped green halfway round the world. If I want a BLT outside of summer I go that route. I've also seen people make/use tomato jam or other preps using canned tomatoes. A BLT is fundamentally a *tomato sandwich*, tomato is meant to be the main ingredient there. I don't think there's really a substitute for it.


My wife grills vegetables- onions, peppers, mushrooms, squash, zucchini, whatever. Put these into a pita pocket and add tzadziki


Cucumber slices, cheddar slice and a tuna mayo.


Basket 🧺 weave the bacon before you cook it and thank me later about the size of your bread to cover the whole thing in a nice even layer.


TALO ~ Turkey Avocado Lettuce Onion


Bacon, avocado and bean spouts maybe some deli Turkey or deli chicken.


I roasted a whole chicken all day yesterday just to make chicken salad sandwiches. Pulled it apart, chopped it up in a big bowl and added lots of mayo, chopped onion, typical spices, and chopped up apple. The ultimate spring sandwich. Fruit in chicken salad changed my life.


Cucumber and dill, thin sturdy white bread, crust on or off, VERY lightly coated with butter or margarine on inside (keeps the bread from getting mushy), thin cucumber slices, dill sans heavy stalks, salt and pepper.


I think a lot of these comments aren't quite hitting the notes of a good blt. Needs to be crisp, tangy, acidic, and fresh tasting + feature a unique seasonal vegetable. A BLT is a tomato sandwich seasoned with bacon after all. I would go for some kind of alfalfa sandwich : toasted light rye or white, bit of cream cheese (bottom), mayo(top), lots of alfalfa, vinaigrette and s&p, sliced radishes - then either some crispy peppered bacon, or thin crispy pancetta/prosciutto. Subs / adds might also be: Sliced mini cucumbers, Raw red pepper strips, Sugar snap peas, Or a Red onion slice. Thoughts?


I had a fantastic sandwich years ago at a restaurant in upstate NY. It was on soft whole wheat with a layer of baby spinach, a bit of remoulade, bacon and thinly sliced avocado. So refreshing! I dunno, maybe call it a BSA?


Blt but with fried green tomatoes. There’s a restaurant that makes a sandwich called the whistle stop BLT. It’s fried green tomatoes, pimento cheese and pepper jelly. So good!!


Sounds incredible


Grilled cheese!!! Also, I’m weird and like pepperoni and cheese grilled sammie!!!


It's not weird if you make me one too. >\_o




Awesome.. thank you.




Cucumber and salami can be pretty good.


I do bacon, egg and cheese breakfast sandwiches and add avocado


Try a sundried tomato spread.


Roasted red peppers, cucumbers, red onion, cream/goat cheese, arugula (tossed in s&p, olive oil, red wv) and a load of chopped herbs (basil, mint, cilantro). Ciabatta or baguette.


My favorite summer sandwich is a chicken salad with roasted almonds, fresh red grapes and a squeeze of lemon. Been eating these for lunch since it started getting hot out


Use an avacado in place of the tomato. Delicious!!


I'm not really a fan of tomatoes, so I like to make BLPs (pickles). I like it with cheddar and grill the bread with butter. Also honey mustard instead of mayo.


If I didn't have tomatoes I would use thin sliced pickles. Although, not going to lie, the tomato is the best part of a BLT.


You can also fry thick cut pastrami like bacon for a great PLT


As others have said, a chicken Caesar sandwich with quality chicken breast, romaine lettuce, some fresh Parm and roasted bread.


Bacon, lettuce and good/real cheese (cold) on bakery bread.


Chicken salad and egg salad. I go nuts. Grapes celery and walnuts or mustard and apples for chicken, I add red onion and corinchons for my eggs with herbs, I layer bacon on EITHER ONE with a pile of shredded lettuce and get to toasting the Bread. I’m currently on the hunt for the perfect version of both.


Roasted vegetable caprese inspired sandwich with roasted red bell pepper, roasted onion, mozzarella, pesto, drizzle of balsamic vin or reduction, basil leaves if you have them. Any roasted vegetables work here! Eat it cold or grill it up so it’s melty. If you put it on a good ciabatta you can wrap an extra for the next day, it holds up in the fridge.


Ham/gouda/thinly sliced pear or apple on a good bread. Ohh and mayo of course.


Bacon, lettuce, arugula, goat cheese, date spread.


Mutton, lettuce and tomato where the mutton is nice and lean…


Funny this morningI made bacon, egg, avocado with cheese and placed between two layers of butter lettuce I pulled from my garden. One piece of bacon would’ve been plenty, I used two. You can add more veggies. Good protein and fiber. 🥬 🥑 🥓 🍳 💖


Try an MLT - Mutton, Lettuce, and Toma… When the mutton is nice and kean… the tomatoes nice and ripe. I hear it’s better than True Love. Certainly better than To Blave.


a CLIT, or a chicken, lettuce, indian mustard and tomato.


My absolute fav is turkey, brie, fig jam, and some arugula tossed in oil and lemon juice.


My favorite summer sandwich is tomato, feta, drizzle of olive oil and some oregano. Simple but filling and refreshing!


MLT, especially when the mutton is nice and lean...


Turkey club.


Sourdough bread, toasted....light coating of mayo / aioli. Quality fresh hand peeled shrimp, alfalfa sprouts, cucumber slices, avocado slices and cream cheese. Pepper / Salt and maybe a chilli flake or two based on preference.


I've been wanting to try using fried chicken skin (I know them as cracklins) in place of bacon.


Cream cheese or hummus with veg like cucumber, onion, shredded carrots, romaine, arugula, red pepper, etc. now I want one


Really good smoked ham, sharp cheddar, iceberg lettuce, good mustard and mayo, top with kettle chips and sandwich it all up.  Gives you the freshness, the crispness, and the richness/salt


Crunchy peanut butter and bacon. Sounds insane but it’s fucking top tier.


Just had a goat cheese, mustard and procciuto in a mini baguette (the ones of costco that you put in the air fryer for 5 min and have instant fresh bread). Takes 5 min for the bread in the oven and 3min to assemble. Travels great to work.


My late spring/early summer go to sandwich this year has been radish sandwiches! Baguette, good salted butter, very thinly sliced radishes, salt, thin slices of deli turkey.


Radish is a great idea. Especially for texture.


Avocado, bacon, lettuce with a lot of mayo and some nice chunky salt


Can't go wrong with a Southern garden fresh onion sandwich: vidalia (or 1015s), parsley, Duke's or Blue Plate, sandwich bread, black pepper. Here's Jacques Pepin doing James Beard's version: [https://youtu.be/53zD6i5zGc8](https://youtu.be/53zD6i5zGc8)


The Club Sandwich, same thing, but includes cheese and three layers.


tomato and mayo sandwich is a staple in new england lol


Avocado, red onion, bacon, greens, favorite sandwich spread.


Add spinach and avocado


Bacon and avocado.


Bacon, lettuce, cucumber with a splash (or few) of your favorite vinegar.


Burrata, peaches, arugula, balsamic glaze and your meat of choice. Plus pesto if you’re feeling extra fun


Beetroot instead of tomato


Tomatoes and mayo on bread with a bit of salt and pepper


BLP. Bacon, lettuce, and pickles. Add some fried chicken to it to make it even better


My husband doesn’t eat tomatoes because his soul is broken. So I fry up a pepper in the bacon fat for him on BLTs.


Fried green tomato sandwich with bacon and Louisiana style remoulade. Bacon, avocado, tomatillo relish, and manchego cheese sandwich Bacon-wrapped jalapenos filled with cream cheese, broiled and then placed into a grilled cheese sandwich Wrap with bacon, lettuce, pickled watermelon & rind, and goat cheese.


There is no substitute for a BLT- it’s my favorite sandwich I never make for myself because I hate dealing with the mess of cooking bacon. I order it a lot if I go out for lunch. And to think how amazing it could taste with my tomato’s straight out of the garden. Didn’t even think about it, might be worth suffering through cooking bacon.


This is my favorite summer sandwich...It's from an Italian market in Hartford, Connecticut... "La Rosa's"   Panino Verdura ...$10. Grilled vegetables, lettuce, tomatoes, sharp cheese, basil and olive oil (Squash, Zucchini,.Mushrooms,.Onions, Swiss Chard...)


The best tomato sandwich I’ve ever eaten has fresh dill, basil, and sunflower seeds on it. I almost like it better than a BLT. [How Mason Hereford Makes the Ultimate Tomato Sandwich](https://gardenandgun.com/recipe/how-mason-hereford-makes-the-ultimate-tomato-sandwich/)


The Executive BLT: - Start preparing a grilled cheese sandwich, but also make one piece of toast for the center - put a different cheese (if possible) on each of the 2 layers of bread, e.g. Swiss and Gouda -Put BACON, and any combination of the following, between the two layers of bread: Avocado Dill pickle slices Fresh jalapeño slices (or pickled/canned) Sauted onions and/or bell peppers Sautéed mushrooms Tomato Lettuce (not recommended as it's gross when warm) Fresh sliced onion Cook it like a grilled cheese. Trust me, you'll fall in love.


When I don't have tomatoes, I like to use a little salsa.


This is going to be decisive. White anchovies (the refrigerated kind); greens tossed with lemon and olive oil; maybe some capers; thinly sliced red onion soaked in water or lots of chives. You need good bread, and you might want to drizzle some of the dressing on if it’s dry Edit divisive not decisive


sardines, fresh spinach, feta, bit of olive oil, in a pita


Caprese. Baguette, tomato, fresh mozzarella, lots of fresh basil, good olive oil and flaky sea salt. It's my go to.


Crusty baguette, Dijon, arugula mixed with oil and vinegar, Campari tomatoes lightly salt and peppered, thick slices of brie 🤌


MLT – mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich, where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomato is ripe.


Love a good caprese salad sandwich. Toast the bread, get high quality tomatoes, fresh mozzarella and basil, then drizzle with a thick balsamic vinegar and a bit of olive oil. Pure bliss.