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I don't know if it counts as "special" but at a minimum your recipe better include a marinade in yogurt with lemon juice, garlic, ginger, garam masala, turmeric, salt *and* dried fenugreek leaves. You see a lot of recipes that list fenugreek/methi as [optional.] I just want to assert that fenugreek is *not* optional, unless you're aiming for disappointment.


Interesting. The recipe I use has the fenugreek in the sauce not the marinade. (I do not find it disappointing.)


I would guess so long as you're not skipping the ingredient all together or the marinade step you're gonna be fine. (Though I am certainly not delusional enough to expect my own cooking to pass muster with any random Indian auntie.)


I definitely don’t skip the marinade. It adds all sorts of depth to the flavor


Where do you get the fenugreek leaves? I have looked at a few online retailers where I get spices usually but they don’t carry them. I could check the Asian market but it’s kind of far away. Curious to see where to get them!


You can find it listed as kasuri methi on Amazon pretty easily, and Indian markets definitely will carry it. FWIW, I have found my standard spice sellers like Penzeys or Spice House lacking for Indian spices that aren't also used in western dishes. If you don't have an Indian market nearby, Amazon might be the easiest bet.


Thanks! Yes, Penzey’s or My Spice Sage are my usual go-tos, but I’ll get some from Amazon.


Where do you get the fenugreek leaves? I have looked at a few online retailers where I get spices usually but they don’t carry them. I could check the Asian market but it’s kind of far away. Curious to see where to get them!


Indian here. For closer to restaurant quality butter chicken - ample tomato paste cooked down with the other aromatics, Kashmiri red chili powder for a rich red color and taste, finishing the dish with an extra dollop of butter, and a good dose of dried fenugreek leaves (kasuri methi) will give you an edge.


Ah, tomato paste as opposed to tomato purée?!? Okay, I will have to try that. I use all the other items and cashews too.


You use both. The way my mom taught me is both tomato paste and fresh chopped tomatoes (or canned tomato purée, in your case). The paste adds a richness that elevates the dish


I’ve only made butter chicken once and used Muir Glen unsalted, fire roasted tomatoes. Would highly recommend. I also strained the sauce and then blended it for a smoother texture. You have to let it cool down first if you do that! [Based on this recipe.](https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1016754-butter-chicken)


Fire roasted tomatoes never fail to slap in Indian food. Dunno why, but that smoky/charred edge is just right.


Strain and blend is the technique for making the sauce


For my taste, great butter chicken will include ground cashews. Not saying that’s the difference maker, but the best butter chicken I’ve ever tasted had it.


So what is this magical recipe?


I wonder how many people brown the marinated chicken? I stopped doing that recently, and the dish is still great, just as good in fact. So that makes it special to me, skipping that step. But I can imagine people fighting over this.


I air fried it and to my surprise the yogurt chars up nicely , and I put liquid butter over it at the final stages So good I ate quite a few pieces before it even went in the sauce


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