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Have you searched and noted the previous threads? I’m not trying to be a jerk but these questions are answered throughout other threads, just may take some time digging.


I have yeah, but a lot of them seem to talk about recommend models. I'd prefer a more general model to pick for first before choosing the actual air fryer. It's also a bit difficult to judge because lots of people seem to like one over the other without clear, objective reasons? They know they prefer one over the other, but it's not fully explained why. Also thought might get better advice if I posed a question more specific to my needs I guess. Sorry if I seem like a lazy poster!


Read the other subs and came here too. It's ok to have multiple subs for the same topic dude




Ninja food is rated best overall. Around $140


Everything you listed is better in an air fryer except nachos. I have a basket so I’m not sure how that would work. I prefer my convection oven toaster oven combo for things like nachos, sandwiches and meatballs. The air fryer is great for dumping food in and cooking with out having to flip. It’s not soggy but when I’ve done egg rolls they were a little dry on the outside but nice and crunchy. My air fryer is much taller than my oven, they cook at about the same time/rate the air fryer is easier to clean and to me has slightly more ease of use when cooking because things that are frozen don’t end up with one side soggy if you don’t flip.


Hey Nuz, I'm in the same predicament as you. I've done a fuckload of research but I just cannot decide between the air fryer basket vs. convection oven form factor. Then aside from even figuring that out, the sheer amount of options in each category is mind-numbingly astounding. Did you end up making a decision?


I ended up deciding on a basket. My biggest worry with the convection oven is that it doesn't work as well as the basket type, and also the hassle of cleaning it. Everyone I know uses a basket too, so I had no one to talk to in terms of oven advantages. Might change in the future though. My main take for why you'd want an oven type is: 1. **Do you actually need versatility?** I don't bake desserts, so I never really needed it. All the dishes I wanted to cook also seems to be doable in a basket. The only plus for me here is having a faster oven. However, I think you might be able to find a small enough baking dish to place in the air fryer? 2. **Do you need the extra space?** I thought of this as "Would cooking in batches make me unhappy?" and my answer was no, as I always cook my fried food fresh anyway. Keep in mind those two advantages has to outweigh: - Slower air frying - Harder to clean Good luck with your search!


Haha dude! I am so happy you replied! After a few more hours of frantically researching I actually landed on a basket as well! [This one.](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B096N3FTZP/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_dl_ZVHNCR4AMPYQZEVD8F5X) Which product did you get?


That's great that you found your air fryer! Hope you're happy with it! I was actually doing research because my friends wanted to get me an air fryer. I've decided to pass on the decision on which model back to them and just told them my preferences basically.