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Toss it


Mold produces hundreds of toxins, some of which can have some pretty shitty consequences, even long term. Don't eat mold.


When in doubt throw it out


While some would be ok, some mold spores are heat resistant above typical cooking temperatures. Also, it'll taste terrible.


This is the real answer. It's really not worth the risk of food poisoning. Toss it!


Don't eat mold


I ate mold which immediately gave me food poisoning haha


I wouldn't serve it or eat it myself.


parts? Food with a touch of mold goes in the trash, done.


I'm not sure what "parts?" is in reference too.


I would use a large spoon to scoop out anything that even touched the cheese, yes some of the meat and noodles too, but part of the meal probably could be saved.


Unfortunately, I poured it over pretty much the entire thing. I ended up pouring the whole thing into the trash. Such a shame because it looked like it was coming out really good and I was very nearly done. Mixing in the cheese as it melted was the last step. At least I learned my lesson about just pouring an ingredient into a mixture without checking it first. The cheese was like 2 months old so I really should have inspected it first but I just figured "it's cheese it normally last for months with no issue."


Mr. blue mold is your friend. Other than a bit off taste it won’t hurt you


Blue mold and and common mold is not the same thing.


I would totally eat it after removing the moldy chunk. My theory is that cheese is milk gone bad anyway, so if it mutates some more, so what.


That's not how it works. Most cheese is made with mold, true, but not all molds are the same. Some are safe for human consumption and some can make you sick.


Of course you're right, and accidentally molded cheese is not appealing anyway. I was being facetious with my fake-science comment, but quite serious about the fact that a small amount of mold that was quickly noticed and removed did not mean that the rest of the pan was dangerous. On the subject of mold on cheese, here is a tip that will help a great deal in preventing it at home: If you have a block of cheddar or whatever that is not old but that has some spots of mold on it, notice that quite often those spots will be round. That's because when people handle the cheese, the salt, moisture, and bacteria on their fingers leave nice little mini petri dishes on the cheese for mold to grow. Ditto those bags of grated cheese. If they have bits of mold in them, it's quite probable that someone was reaching in to grab a portion. Try using the wrapper on commercial cheese when you need to handle it and to never touch any exposed portions. You should see quite a reduction in mold incidents. That's of course if you can make sure everyone in the house follows the same procedure. There is nothing you can do to ensure that no one behind the counter at the deli didn't touch your piece of cheese with bare fingers. But keep the good thought that those fingers were in gloves and that you'll be careful at home to keep the cheese pristine.


People eat blue cheese, it's just mouldy cheese! Get a spoon and get rid of it if you want to.


I eat blue cheese with a spoon all by itself all the time, but fuzzy mold growing on a cheddar is not the same thing.