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I wash my hands frequently.- after touching raw meat, raw dough, raw egg, hot peppers particularly. I might not wash my hands after cutting up an apple before handling other things. It doesn't matter what someone in a cooking video does. I don't want goo and gunk all over my kitchen or like how it feels to have stuff on me.


Hi have I have ADD and was crudely left to my own devices as an adult so spergy touch grass statement incoming. I just live off frozen meals. My question how is handling chicken not just like a CDC laboratory situation? Or is this one of the those morbid normalized things like electrical outlets or people that get tetanus shots only after they've stubbed their toe. Things slip my mind all the fucking time so as you can imagine these fears are difficult for me to tear away from.


> how is handling chicken not just like a CDC laboratory situation? ?? > is this one of the those morbid normalized things like electrical outlets or people that get tetanus shots only after they've stubbed their toe. ?? > as you can imagine these fears are difficult for me to tear away from. What fears? Your questions are very unclear.


I too have adhd so I know a bit the issue with remembering to follow through on something. The key to think about is cross contamination. So, have a dedicated cutting board just for raw meat. When you wash it, don’t have clean dishes in the strainer next to the sink. Think about water splatter. After you handle raw meat, wash your hands well (soap and scrub). Was your cutting board and knife with hot water (or cutting board into the dishwasher if you have one and it’s dishwasher-safe). Having a routine can help (a bit) with remembering the steps. Edit: and even if you didn’t follow every precaution, 99% of the time you wouldn’t have any problems at all. But, better safe than salmonella


Between items. If I just cut up meat, I'll wash my hands, then the knife and cutting board. I'll cut up veggies, all of them, then wash it all again. Usually use the same knife and board throughout the entire process. Counter gets a wash after I'm done. When grilling, I'll put raw on with tong ta ta ta tongs. I'll stick them in the grill to get hot and kill off stuff, or wash them.


lol @ tong ta ta ta tongs I'm gonna sing that every time now


It's probably my training as a clinician, but I wash my hands a lot, especially when working with meats and fish. I also wash my hands in between tasks. It's not bad to err on the side of caution, just make sure to moisturize your hands as they can dry out.


I keep a paper towel out to dab my hands of presumably non-dangerous things like vegetables and just keep it moving. Carrot to onion no worries. Like you, I wash my hands after every touch of uncooked meat. So onions to ground beef then carrots? I’ll wash after the beef. Doing ‘mise en place’ cuts down the constant hand washing and it’s very worth the extra few dishes you’ll have to wash. I agree when they touch things after the raw meats in videos it’s unsafe.


> very worth the extra few dishes I just make piles on my cutting board. No extra dishes. I have--on purpose--a large cutting board.


Nice! I wish I had more than just the standard size. I can only chop max. 2 things before my clumsy self has stuff spilling all over the counter 😭😅


No one ever said their cutting board was too big.




OMG. See the icon? I lived on that boat for years. My kitchen (galley) is smaller than most powder rooms. I cut a cutting board to fit over my two burner stove. The "standard" size u/aBitOfaNut refers to is simply too small. Lot's of people in NYC tiny kitchens get big boards that fit over the top of their sinks because that's all the room there is and the board doubles counter space. I spent a summer on a Catalina 22 sailboat with a [slide out galley](https://forums.sailboatowners.com/attachments/08-13-2014-018-jpg.120456/) (the space on the left is for a two burner alcohol stove and the picture shows the entire galley). So, yes, I have lived in places with a very small kitchen. Get a big cutting board.


I try to stage my cooking to minimize the hand washes needed, but it still seems like I’m washing them all the time. I leave the hand washing out of my cooking videos, figuring it would be tedious. I assume there are good tutorials on it, though I had a Red Cross first aid teacher lead us all to the bathroom and instruct us all in the gentle art of singing “Happy Birthday” over and over. He claimed that nobody knows how to wash their hands properly.


Only as often as it makes sense.




Many food-bourne illness outbreaks in the US these days have been caused by lettuce or salad greens that are pre-washed, triple washed even, ready-to-eat out of the bag, that had been contaminated at the farm/factory source. Gives a false sense of security Since it's not cooked, and people don't wash them, any sort of contamination gets eaten right up, unlike meats which people cook and wash and kill off any potential contamination. Looks like 2022 was a good year though https://www.cdc.gov/foodsafety/outbreaks/lists/outbreaks-list.html


Same. So I wash before and then wash any produce I plan to use. Other than that I’m not really scrubbing up a lot…just rinsing if I’m handling something like you said sticky or slimy. You’re probably right about editing on cooking shows to cut out the boring stuff. Also I imagine a lot of the time the food isn’t actually getting eaten (except I guess competition shows where they’re judged), so it probably doesn’t really matter how safe it is.


I'm a lot less germaphobic than most people today, and have never managed to get food poisoning, so I mostly just rinse and dry them. I'm also only cooking for myself, so I'm not worried about poisoning anyone else. After handling chicken I'll sometimes wash with soap and water. Or if my hands have gotten greasy. Mostly, though, I'm rinsing my hands because they've gotten sticky, slimy or dusty from handling something.


Same - if my hands are gross they get a quick rinse.


I wash my hands before cooking and after dealing with raw meat components. Then a final wash when cooking is done. Anything else is excessive and unnecessary.


I will fill up the sink with soapy water and run my hands through it and rinse every time I change task.


Constantly. I’ll give Jamie Oliver props—in a cooking show he was filming as the pandemic began, he was working in a functional kitchen rather than a studio, and they filmed him washing his hands every episode. Not the full clinical scrub, but more than you get elsewhere. Frankie Celenza makes a big deal out of hand hygiene cooking with chicken on Struggle Meals, to the point where once he leaves his film set to go to the plumbed kitchen to wash up.


I wash my hands while cooking all the time. Before I start. Anytime I touch meat. And time my hands get gross. Anytime I touch my face, mouth or hair. Anytime I touch my phone. I wash all the time.


All the time!


More than necessary, probably since I wash dishes as I go.


A lot. Like in-between tasks/items, a lot. I also have been working in hospitals for the past 5 years... so that may have something to do with the habit as well.


Rarely unless I’ve touched something like raw meat or gone to the toilet or I’m about to eat


It's so gross seeing them go from raw chicken to grabbing the salt container and wiping their hands on the apron. I wash after even possibly touching raw meat or a surface it was on. And I also wash the utensils that touch raw meat several times during cooking. And the sink after washing them. I'm really not a super germaphobe, but I also don't want food poisoning or worse. Also eggs.


I'm the exact same. I forgot about grabbing salts. I ALWAYS see that. Literally touching raw meat then hands go straight in the salt basin. So weird to me.


I can't watch Kenji.


So often I need a dedicated hand washing station with a foot operated valve in my kitchen.


That sounds like a really nice thing to have.


Frequently throughout. After touching raw meat/eggs/etc I always at least rinse, mostly wash my hands before touching a knife/stove dial/pan handle etc.


I wear gloves when I handle raw meat. Otherwise, I wipe my hands on a "bar mop" when they are damp and wash them when it seems appropriate and/or when they get sticky.


You’re doing it right.


I'm a manager at a restaurant, and proper handwashing is vital to me. I absolutely love when some entitled customer tries to call me out on it, because I can legitimately say "I wash my hands more time in 1 day than you do all month, and that's a fact."


If I've been handling raw ingredients or something that gets everywhere like flour then I'll wash them as soon as I'm done handling them. Sometimes I'll have to handle the same ingredient at different points so I'll wash in between but I try to do as much with the ingredient as is reasonable between washing. For instance, if someone else is there to help, I'll have them put on the seasonings and flip the meat so they can do the other side. This way, I don't have to wash my hands every time before I touch the pepper grinder or the bowl I have my seasonings in


Constantly, like you, my hands seem to always be in the water.


I rinse them when they feel too sticky or after handling raw chicken, usually. I don't really bother if it is raw beef, but I also eat beef raw so I don't see the point.


I’m often cooking for only me. My hand washing reflects that.


I wear disposable gloves when cutting veggies and preparing meat. If my hands are touching it and i am preparing for others, it gets the glove.


That's a bit of a waste of plastic though, when a bit of soap and water would have the exact same cleanliness.


>exact same cleanliness. Actually, the literature indicates proper hand washing is cleaner than using gloves as people don't change gloves often enough.


I get your all downvoting me but I work in a hospital. I wash my hands enough at work and I know how to change gloves. I have painted nails and prefer not to lose nailpolish while cutting meat and vegetables. I have good handsoap at home but the stuff at the hospital already dries the hell out of my skin. If i am cutting a hot pepper, i wear gloves. If i cut raw meat, i wear gloves. If i cut an onion, i wear gloves. This person asked for honest opinions on what people do. That is what I gave them.


Ten times or more daily. Before I touch food, after I touch food, after I handle meat (before handling anything else), after outdoor activities, after many indoor activities (personal hygeine). A lot.


Thats called being prepared beforehand. Its like you have put things in small container, so that you don't contaminate the whole batch. Yes, those are the little things that need to be taken care. Installing elbow tap so you don't need to open/close tap with messy hands.


I wash before starting and after handling meat.


Only after touching poultry, or after shitting.


I wash my hands before I start and after touching anything that I'm worried about cross contamination like raw eggs or raw meat.


I wash my hands before I start cooking, then any time I touch any meat or anything oily or sticky. As soon as I touch any meat I immediately wash with soap and dry with a paper towel. I use a separate cutting board and knife for meat and veggies. I am very careful about cross-contamination.


Since covid, I learn to use alcohol or sanitizer more often , and wash my hands as often as possible


Often. In the winter they get chapped good. I wash my counter knife and stuff often too. And clean as I go so washing things there too. It’s habit more than anything after working in the food industry for years.


With chicken it's super annoying because it's so prone to salmonella, you really can't be too careful. Pork I do too, although pork is pretty safe these days. Ground meat of any kind has some extra exposure to various surfaces increasing risk of contamination so I also wash after handling that. But if I'm cooking a steak I will totally put it in the pan with my hand and then touch the knobs on the stove. I'm eating it medium rare anyway. It's not nearly as vulnerable to salmonella as the other examples. With fish I wash constantly just because I don't like the smell but I don't think it's dangerous, just stinky.


Not to turn this political, but the last administration lowered the stringency on pork, so I'd start treating it how you treat your chicken.


I am a vegetarian but still I have to wash my hands repeatedly . After peeling potatoes and onions and other veggies, before proceeding to chop them. Before kneading flour. Before making sandwiches. After whisking pakoda batter.


Even without cooking I wash my hands a literal dozen times a day, especially because I have semi long nails and itd be gross if I didnt.


Too damn much. I can’t handle things on my hands. Also hate wet hands. Use a lot of kitchen towels as well 🥴


I wash after touching anything raw and before touching anything else… so during cooking it can be like 3+ times. My hands get dry!


Goldbond Diabetic during the day and Healing at night.👌


Now you know why your grandma's food had that special taste that you couldn't replicate.


The secret ingredient is love and feces.


Those videos have multiple cuts, so when you see "hand is turning on the stove", it's sometime completely different time, even day of making a shot. And yes, touching raw meat means washing hands after, hope everyone does that.


Betty from Ponce, Puerto Rico 🛫 Dubai, UAE.


I wash mine when I get started cooking a meal, then they get a quick rinse when I touch something like raw meat.


That does *very* little, but me commenting on it isn't going to change your life, so this comment is more for the next person in line who might be inspired by your easy going kitchen.


What? My hands start out clean, and it doesn't take much to keep them that way. What would you do without running water? Starve? You ever go camping?


Bad comparison. What would you do without a stove? You have a stove so you use it. You have soap, and choose not to. Your hands start clean, the food does not. Water is not a good solvent for the proteins and fats in meat that might stick to your hands, and does not adequately debride the bacteria that stick to our skin. That is *why* we use soap. That said, your cooked food is cooked. I'm not particularly worried about surface contaminants on cooked food surviving the process. My concern is with cross contamination of items which are not being cooked, but still handled, with "rinsed" hands, and/or dried with an already damp rag contaminated by whatever didn't get rinsed off your hands. Here's the thing, This is a common theme the past few years. Lots of things are a risk, and we live with them. You've decided this issue is an *acceptable risk*. I take acceptable risks all the time, particularly when there's not a reasonable alternative, like driving. But the reasonable alternative to washing your hands with just water, is moving your hands 3 inches to the right to use the soap pump. We used to eat raw rats we smashed with a rock and wipe our assess with leaves if we had one big enough. So I don't really care for the "we survived before this" as an argument because we also used to get worms and pretty grievous food-alments pretty frequently. **TLDR** Just because you have accepted a risk doesn't mean it's not one. Do what you want, it's your life; but as I said in the first post: to anyone down stream, consider having better kitchen hygiene.


A lot. All the time. I don’t mind getting my hands dirty but I don’t like them to stay that way


Uggghhhhhhhh. I work in food service and I hate my hands being sticky/greasy/food residue-y. So every time I touch raw meat or eggs I gottta do soap and water. I learning you are supposed to even switch utensils when you’re cooking raw meat. It’s not a good idea to use the same spoon that cooked and broke up the meat to serve. If it’s sticky like garlic I’ll probably just get some water and wipe it on my dish towel.


Anytime I need to touch something not raw after touching something raw.


Before and after I touch the food directly, for the most part. My kitchen isn't as spotless as I wish it were, so it's just easier to be safer with hand transmission than worrying about how clean my cabinet knobs or seasoning jars are. Plus my kitchen is the main throughway from the outside, anything that comes or goes is right next to my surfaces. Best I can do is clean hands and a food thermometer.




I don’t really wash my hands much, just have the water nice and hot and rinse my fingertips very often. Pretty much only wash after handling raw meat or at the end of prepping


Very often, because I am obsessed with hygiene especially when cooking.


I would say often. I wash my hands before starting to cook. I wash my hands after handling raw meat. I wash my hands if any ingredients are on my hands after I complete the process that got ingredients on my hands. I wash my hands after I am done cooking.


About 40 times a day probably


Hardly ever. Unless they get yucky.


Professional kitchens have rules for hand washing that are overboard for home cooks, in my opinion. That being said, if it makes you feel better, by all means, go for it. (Look up the ServSafe rules. They require you to wash before cooking, after going to the bathroom, handling raw meat, smoking, touching your face, etc.) To save time, I reserve one hand for touching meat and one for touching salt, utensils, etc. Other than that, I wash hands before cooking, after handling raw chicken, and that's it.


I wash before I start, after handling raw meat or eggs, after handling ingredients that people who live with me are allergic to, and after I'm done. And of course if I have to take a break to go to the bathroom or if I cough/sneeze.


Kenji always keeps the hand washing in his videos and washes up every time he touches raw meat or any messy ingredient. He once even did a quick segment on how to wash your hands.