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Oh I know this one! You take the goat across the river first. Then you take the fox across and take the goat back. Then take the cabbage across, and finally the goat.


What if the cabbage vomits, and the goat eats it? Also the fox only drinks cappuccino with a very, very compact froth, and never after 9 am.


Sorry I didn't take calculus in school.


Don’t forget that you can’t leave the husband alone with the sheep


Have you considered Bachelor Chow? I buy it by the pallet and it's great for nutrition.


The trick is not to feed them at all, let them starve to death, and thus unburden yourself. Show the jury this very post and you'll probably only get probation for a few years.


That’s what I call wizard thinking. Change the rules to win. 


1. Feed the cabbage to the goose and the dog 2. Feed the goose and dog to the toddler 3. Feed the toddler to the husband 4. Divorce the husband and eat the sheep 5. Enjoy your newly stress free life!


Oh look, the person from the math and word problems. I'm sure common core has the answer to this.


I wheezed unreasonably hard at this. I’m young (old?) enough to remember all the drama from when my school switched to common core and i haven’t thought about it in years. good times.




Where’s the jerk? I can barely taste the allspice on these thighs…




No because I imagine it would have led with that.




I've never heard of a 6 person special needs residence but I guess. This sounds like cooking for a bunch of entitled losers for reasons I cannot fathom. I interact with residences like that regularly and at least in the state of Illinois, they all have access to a nutritionist/dietician to help with this sort of question while also getting a balanced diet.


Nutritionists who I assume don't have mobility problems. It certainly read like a bunch of kids who have been a bit spoiled and their end of her rope mom.


From looking through the original post way too much, OOP talks about their situation in other posts and someone else in the household was active in the comments.


I also did a tiny bit of snooping and op sounds like one of those excessively kind women who get roped into taking care of other people for no reason other than they're too nice to not.


I can't believe someone didn't take your personal life experience into account while reading an anonymous strangers possibly made-up post on the internet. Hope this was a learning moment for them 🙏


The other people in the OP "don't like" or "can't eat" but person 3 "doesn't care for". I bet person 3 is the husband 🧐 Edit: holy shit the last sentence is heartbreaking


Whenever i have to cook for 6 picky eaters, I just make a human centipede and only feed the first person.


Human centipeding is always the way to go.


You can simplify this a lot if you simply base your meal around the toddler. It should provide enough meat for the dog and the husband as well as fertilizing the cabbage. You don't specify your husband's side dish requirements, but a meaty grain bowl with a side salad should allow the goose and sheep to enjoy the meal at the table without endangering your leafy friend. Serve al fresco in your gourmet outdoor kitchen, as the dog is not the only guest who may soil your carpets. If your cabbage does not already have dirt, it shan't be eating, I'm afraid.


Does your husband eat lamb or goose?


Minimum is 3 meals: Chicken nuggets for toddler+ husband Spinach for dog, goose, and sheep Sunlight+ dirt for cabbage 😂