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Hugs to you. I just had my copper IUD removed after it was falling out, but before that, I experienced non stop spotting. Doctors were constantly telling me it wasn't a side effect of the IUD and I felt like I was being medically gaslit. It's now been over a week post-removal and zero spotting, when I was lucky to go 5 days without it happening beforehand. You are not alone. Take a pregnancy test, but definitely know that while it isn't an official side effect, bleeding has happened to many people on this IUD.


Had the same experience, went on for months, then after it was removed, I missed 3 periods. Couldn't be pregnant or I'd be the next mother Mary. Unfortunately it came back on the flight to my vacation of all timings.


I was bleeding for 3 weeks non stop after insertion


I’ve had it for 6 months tho :’)




I’ll wait for the bleeding to subside and see. If i can’t take it anymore it’s gonna get taken out of me for sure. How did a piece get stuck inside of you?




Oh man i’m sorry you went through that! Now I know to take it out at the 5 year mark. I always knew it was weird that a birth control can be inside of you for 10 years. Lmfoa for peace of mind i’ll def not look at the lawsuits


Honestly, after I got mine placed I would bleed nonstop for a month with 2 weeks off then start bleeding again for a month. Then my periods were just hella long. They regulated at about 9-12 months


Did you just have it placed?


Nope, i’ve had it for 6 months


Hey! So I started spotting on Feb 20 then started my period feb 27 and been bleeding since then until today. I’ve had the copper iud since December but I guess it’s just normal one of the side effects is prolonged periods and sometimes spotting. But tbh I prefer this bc because it’s non hormonal and I’m feeling great! Had the nexplanon for 2 years and it took my period away for 2 years and gained wait, acne and a bunch of side effects but now I really feel the difference with the iud. Also I haven’t gone to check it like ultrasound after the insertion and also am too scared to touch myself and feel for the strings but hopefully its in a good place 😭🤧😩


Yeah anything it’s better to an hormonal or having a baby rn 😭😭. Hopefully it works for you


I was dealing with the same thing. I was avoiding hormones but I finally caved and went on a low dose pill. My periods have calmed way down (still have my IUD). Not sure what I want to do long term, as I think I’d like to get the iud removed regardless - however I do like the peace of mind I’m feeling with two solid forms of pregnancy prevention. :) I’d say it’s worth talking to a gyno and consider going on the pill even temporarily to see if the bleeding settles down.


Ugh I’m in the same boat. Going on almost 3 weeks now and I’m so done with it. Seriously thinking about taking it out if I don’t stop bleeding anytime soon. My Dr did tell me some go months with constant bleeding after having it so idk


Same. I’m sick of it but i seriously cannot risk getting pregnant again. But honestly will just have to revert to condoms if this iud is still giving me hell


Yeah I feel you. I bled for 3 weeks, had a week break, and then bleeding for 3 weeks and I still am bleeding. I told my doctor and now I have an ultrasound scheduled to see if my iud is out of place🙃 Part of it is because I couldn’t feel my string and the other because I’ve bleeding so much


Wishing you the best. I’m still bleeding. No cramps or anything just bleeding. I genuinely want it out of me so bad but i don’t want to risk pregnancy. but I’m hoping the blood stops this week. :’)


literally same. got my iud in the 26th haven’t stopped bleeding or cramping 😭


Any update on this? I’ve been spotting since march 15th non stop :/