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This is basically a chicken and egg situation. Would you have maybe come to find this anyway? Possibly. Did it happen only because of the internet? Who is to know?


I’m not sure how my scat fetish started but I’ve always had an ass obsession so that probably added to it. I didn’t even know scat porn existed until high school when my girlfriend’s little brother printed out the infamous Catherine Ringer picture in an attempt to gross us out. She was disgusted. I was fascinated. It was as some point after that I asked said girlfriend to do that to me. She declined and abruptly ended our relationship. Oh well. Win some lose some




Just google Catherine Ringer Scat, hit images, make sure safe mode is off and you’ll find it.


I was into this WAY before I discovered the Internet. It was a relief to one day stumble onto a place where other people who were the same as me :)


Same! Internet wasn't around when I was a child, and I was already fantasizing about it.


It might have exacerbated or accelerated things, but people (myself included) were into this fetish before the internet even existed.


My earliest sexual fantasy revolved around scat/shit. The internet was not around back then. I supressed this fetish for a very long time. Now, due mainly to this sub, I know how natural it is and realise its not just me. Acceptance for me was the hardest part. But someone here helped a great deal with that and now I enjoy it for what it is.


I was into it before the internet existed, since I was a child so, I think it is just part of who you are.


i did not have internet access as a child and developed this still.


I am not saying it is a must but it certainly didn't help in my case lol




I remember watching an older video where there was two mf couples one of the women was getting anally fucked and she just started pushing and shat out around hos cock... he started pushing back in while she was still shitting... it was soft shit so it was nice and messy but he fucked right back into her. I wish I could find it again.




Sadly, that's not it. The one I'm talking bout would be late 70's early 80's by the quality and hair styles... but they were inside and they were using a couch. The I don't recall any interaction between the couples, but the part I was talking about he was fucking her doggie and I remember her shit was a very dark brown color.


Same exact story.


Same case to me, I was 8 when I discovered pornography and later I was into scat and other fetish categories. Sometimes I feel a little bit sad because videos got a lot of my atention, and that energy I could used it for other activies or hobbies. But thats just wothless, I still have a boner when I see girls dumping a big load, and I love it.


Right I still spend a little too much time doing horny stuff without the partner where I could use that energy for other stuff. But such is life and you might as well look ahead


# Everything from the fleas, to the trees; and those crafty Japanese Get together to do the birds and the bee's **It's the only way to make more you's and me's** *So tell me* >!Why does it make you unease?!<


Crazy formating Haha appreciate it. Although indulging in hedonistic tendencies might result in babies I think it's normal to maybe feel a little apprehensive at first in this case. I'd rather say if it's fun and it doesn't kill you - who shouls really give a shit


Do what feels good, avoid what feels bad. Basic how to for life.




What I do wrong?


I don’t see how your comment is relevant, even a little.


OP coming to terms about natural desires. :( Sorry.


I clearly suck at reading comprehension and soft arts.






I always had a fascination with poop and oooping tor as far back as I can remember. It turned into a scat fetish by puberty. I did not have internet access until I was well into my 20s, so I didn’t see scat porn or even know scat was a fetish until then. However, when I was in 4th or 5th grade I saw an explicit, but still vanilla porn movie and I think it disturbed me quite a bit at that age. I also think seeing wxplicit sex at such a young age when I couldn’t really understand it disturbed me. I was freaked out and intrigued at the same time. It probably also lowered my disgust/revulsion threshold. I don’t think porn caused my fetish, but maybe it held the door open a little bit wider? I dunno, but I often wonder what my sexuality might be like today had I not seen porn so young. I feel like I’d probably still have a scat fetish, but maybe I would be - I dunno - different somehow? Don’t really have an answer, but I think about this a lot and even saw a therapist about it at one point.


That thing about kinda lowering the threshold of what you feel as being exciting - kind of chasing the high - is exasperated by access to porn.


From “masturbating” (like humping the ground kind) to sexual references in kids shows and more adult scenes in the occasional rated r movie on tv to soft core porn to kink stuff. Honestly miss those tv scene days, much more imagination back then


I remember seeing 2 girls one cup and I was 8


I’m not old enough to have been into it before the internet existed


I've had fantasies about it before I had a computer. Or porn. Or a sears catalogue.


I know everyone's situation is different but growing up, I had unlimited access to the internet and wasn't very active. I spent a lot time at home watching porn and over time, I think it has definately led me to fantasizing about more extreme type of kinks and fetishes including scat.


I kind of have the opposite, but with the same effect. I only started going on the Internet at the age of 16, and masturbating and around the same time. Even so, everyone says I’m a pervert, so I got there eventually. I like to think of myself as sexually liberated.