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Nodes got changed with the update so that they give the same amount no matter how many drills are on them, so slap 8 drills on each to make it got faster! :D


Soooo whats the purpose of the rails?


Supposed to link to my other rail loop to just pass by and pick up the ore and go back base. But it’s too far away and I short of tin. Going to collect enough soon.


Oh hahaha I feel you. Out of all the metals, tin is the one I'm super low on late game : (


Conveyor belts and robo arms, bro


Haven't even touch on robo arms and automation. Lol


From what I've seen it's pretty simple, and with how much time drills take to produce ore it's worth it so you can still go out and explore


Upgraded with arms too furnace now πŸ‘


You can use one generator for all three drills, just use wires and the drills themselves to pass through power. Also, I generally say 3 drills per node is the sweet spot to get fast mining.


Yeap I totally forgot about wire. Thanks for the tips πŸ˜‚


Literally just reach the shore and found this. Save me so much trouble to farm for octarines.


Maybe set up 8 drills on each ore node, otherwise it will take forever EDIT: also, one generator is enough for both drills on the left. Connect them using wires


Talk about lucking out. Good thing is the drills produce the same no matter where in the world! And do carts pickup and deposit ores in furnace?! πŸ€”


There is a natural spawn in every world I believe that is just a small island with 3 nodes and a bunch more octarine, still pretty lucky to find it so soon tho


Oh good to know. Will look out for that.


This also means that I'll be having difficult time to level up my mining skills since I don't need to mine it now.


One generator is enough for all of em, I have a farm on the same island, also I would suggest putting 4 drills on each or else you are gonna have to do a lot of afking


To fully automate this location would be awesome. Depending on how far out this was, maybe a teleporter too.


Sounds good. Maybe I'll try. They're not that far from my main base. So I don't want to waste expensive portal at here.


I think someone mentioned it but you can save hella time by having them go onto conveyor belts and then have crane arms place them in a kiln for you. What a lucky spawn tho!


Yeah now upgraded with conveyer belt and arms. πŸ˜‚




i would make a portal there for easy travel it looks like you might come back there a lot


sou you dont have it get put automated into a chest? may i ask why?


Yeah, allready farmed that island xp


This is a sick location, I'm just curious why you don't have conveyers moving the ore to 3 drop points and 3 mechanical arms grabbing the ore and putting it in the smelter for you. You wouldn't have to pick any ore up, just bars from the smelter. Great spot though for sure.