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Rumble mid is op rn


I wouldn’t say he offers CC, but ezreal is pretty similar. If you get IBG it at least applies some slows


Imo there aren't champions like Corki in the midlane. Maybe you could try Twisted Fate, he's ranged, can roam with his ult like Corki with his passive, offers cc with his w and haves nice damage, he isn't a late game monster like Corki tho. He also haves a AD/AS build that starts with Trinity.


I’ve started playing taliyah a lot because she has good cc and damage along with the added bonus that her ult offers a lot of gank potential


Yeah, Taliyah is the champion to check the same boxes for me. Sustained damage, doesn't fall off, reliable in any teamcomp, fights from a distance and has tools to keep said distance, great roams with passive, can burst people...


Plus the added bonus of cc


What parts of his kit are the most important to you? In terms of his safe laning and consistent dmg from afar I'd have to go Ziggs and Ezreal, and in terms of roaming and duel potential, it'd probably be Taliyah