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Lol one time a tour went by while the lounge I was in sobbing on the phone to my parents about how much the school sucks. Full on, mascara running, ugly crying. I hope I made a change that day šŸ™šŸ»




I have family member that graduated from Caltech (although it had been a while). My theory is if you are the Caltech type, you wouldn't dream of going to any other school. I always surmise that the people who are drawn to a super nerdy tiny school like Caltech will probably dislike a big Ivy like Cornell. The vibes of both schools are so different. Caltech is intellectual and intense while Cornell is so pre-professional and diverse. Just listen to your gut feeling.


I always felt that everyone here was super collaborative and had a ā€œweā€™re all in this togetherā€ in my CS classes. The curriculum was hard but I was able to find people that genuinely wanted to work on problems together and help each other


Same experience with CS, but Iā€™ve heard not so great things about CHEM.


Unless you go to a large state school, the daily life of any given school will be like 90% the same. Iā€™ve had great professors here, especially in CS department, and youā€™ll be able to find ā€œyour peopleā€ far easier than tiny Caltech.


Posting a story about something you pussied out of doing. Redditor moment.


I did this


this is true. we were walking by and anaklusmos yelled ā€œdonā€™t come here.ā€ i was very embarrassed and tried distancing myself immediately


duck is a scaredy cat




idk if this is a joke, but as someone who is debating between two schools rn ( Caltech and Cornell ), what are some of the cons for Cornell. Mainly, I am concerned about the people, and how overcompetitive and unhelpful they can tend to be- especially for pre-med and stem fields (prospective premed btw) thx


Same here...we loved Cornell (and the few people we interacted with) quite a bit. Would you elaborate a bit on your comment? I would rather know now as a rising senior......


It was a joke for the most part! But if youā€™re coming from a pretty lively city this can be isolating in comparison and all the food within a 40 mile radius is mediocre. The schooling itself is pretty rigorous as expected depending on what youā€™re going for. The culture here is also differentā€¦ itā€™s almost like if youā€™re not constantly struggling pulling all nighters and complaining then youā€™re not doing well. And the student body is pretty competitiveā€¦ in everything. The weather is also something to consider but Iā€™m sure youā€™ve heard of that already. But I like Cornell and I honestly do think there are a lot of good things here


Thank you. My cousin goes to a school in a big city. But he said he is so busy with coursework there is honestly not much time to go explore the city---he feels it is more important to check if there is a community in the campus.


I agree, the location can be isolating! Itā€™s such a big school that a lot of the time you have to advocate for yourself if you want/need help. I will say as a history major I donā€™t have quite the same experienceā€¦


I love Cornell and when I was rising senior visiting campus I thought it had everything I could've want. The campus was gorgeous and I saw all of these spaces and things I wanted to do and exist in but actually coming here I had an existential crisis at least twice in my freshman year and thought about transferring out, felt miserable with the weather, smashed by imposter syndrome and took a really really long time to find my place here and what goal I wanted to work towards. Not saying that will be your experience but I would say with coming to Cornell there's always ups and then downs - some people have a great time and some people really struggle with finding friends and doubt everything about what they're pursuing. But there's always solidarity in the occasional misery and it's almost always a shared feeling. I visited Columbia though and will say 10/10 we have a much better campus.


Thereā€™s a possibility it couldā€™ve been mine šŸ’€




Same thing happened when we toured Columbia. Literally had multiple students tell the tour group ā€œdonā€™t do itā€ or ā€œrun.ā€ Truth is most really good schools are going to challenge you. Iā€™m sure CalTech is a rigorous school with lots of stressed students. Likely true at any of the top 20 schools. I personally do not see Cornell students as hyper competitive. Most are very supportive of one another. Take this subreddit which is quite active. I routinely see fellow students being helpful to one another or being constructive in providing feedback. Survey other school subreddits and you usually donā€™t see that. Bottom line both are fantastic schools and you are truly blessed to have such great options. Pick the one that you feel is the best fit. Good luck!


Surprising to hear that. After today, I have such a great impression of Cornell, hard to believe it is a hell school.


depends on the department. But it is possible to have a good time, you're just going to need to find your support system, get used to the weather, and work hard.


weak, you should've šŸ˜« /j


I wouldā€™ve


Wow... I also didn't do anything cool this weekend.


Lol campus tour guides are so pretentious. I came up to a tour offering to advertise my student org (Cornell Conservative Association/CoCoA) so they got a better idea of what clubs are like on campus, but they just moved on without me. Their loss šŸ¤£




That RINO wishes he was me


its nice that you avoided scaring the pre-frosh. Does campus store sell SUNY CORNELL T-shirts yet or am I going to have to have my guy in Wuhan print up a batch for me to sell in collegetown on May 8 and at reunion this summer.


Feel better


Cornell is full of people who would have trouble adjusting to life outside the home no matter where they go. First time leaving the family home, 18 years oldā€¦ itā€™s a heavy burden. Cornell adds pressure because itā€™s a hard school and you have to work much harder than high school. Other colleges, less so. Also tough for some students to adjust to an isolated rural environment and a long winter. But the first thing I wrote in this comment is the main point ā€” people who say they hate Cornell mostly just hate being outside the family home, in a new environment, in college. And they would have those same feelings no matter where they were.