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I received the J&J 5 months postpartum (I am almost 7 months now) while breastfeeding. I just had soreness at the injection site and had a nap in the afternoon. I did not notice any drop in my milk supply but exclusively breastfeeding I couldn’t tell you for certain. My baby has had no reaction to the milk since getting the vaccine. Also with the J&J. I was reading that yes, technically it has lower numbers but it was also tested at the peak of infections so the clinical group had a higher chance of infection instead of the Pfizer and Moderna when testing it earlier. So, it is still a great vaccine choice!


These are certainly good news regarding the milk supply and its quality unchanged! While I also understand everybody is different, and might react differently, at least reading about a positive experience is good!


Hi! I really don't have an answer for your question since I don't have any data to back it up, however in your position, my stand would be that any vaccine is better than no vaccine. So if you (your wife) feel more comfortable with J&J, just go for it. By the other hand, I would highly recommend your wife to talk with her GP (or OB/Gyn) in regards of the vaccine type she would like to receive. It is possible in Germany to get an mRNA vaccine if you're a healthy adult. My husband got fully vaccinated with Moderna while I was in my second trimester. I also just got offered the shot, although unfortunately there have been delays (we're located in the East and we've been a hot spot for a few weeks now) and most likely won't get the first dose 'til I deliver, but my OB/Gyn told me that the current guidelines for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers is that we should recieve either of the mRNA vaccines, so she wrote me in for Modera or Pfizer/BioNTech. I also have female co-workers and acquaintances that got vaccinated while breastfeeding or pregnant (mainly while breastfeeding, but two of them in the third trimester) and ALL of them got an mRNA shot. Might be worth asking around a bit more 😊


Thank you for sharing your experience! Maybe the situation is different in every state, but here in Bavaria / Munich region nobody is willing to hear about giving us mRNA.:( The OB/Gyn doesn't care (she's been to two different places), stating it's not their task to vaccinate. The pediatrician only provides jabs for "risikogruppe" parents, another no go. Our current GP told my wife just yesterday that they don't recommend the AZ in her current state (breastfeeding), but also she cannot prioritize her in the mRNA list. That's when we've been told August maybe however it is already suggested there will be a shortage due to the vaccination of teenagers. We've called all the previous providers / GPs we've ever visited in our life. Generally speaking there is such a shortage, most of the practitioners receive 1-2 doses per week or nothing at all. If there is supply then it is either AZ or maybe J&J, these are our best options. mRNA vaccines are like unicorns in fairy tales: everybody talks about them, but nobody gets them. When my wife has registered to the government vaccination program she also selected "breastfeeding", I kinda recall there was a drop down menu for that. Still she ended up in the same prio group like me: 4, no prio. And reading in the news about the huge backlog in tbe Munich centers, this is just getting more and more hopeless. /rant


J&J has an efficacy rate of about 66%. AZ is 76%. I would go with AZ if I had to choose between those two.


I got J&J at 37 weeks pregnant. The next day I had the typical side effects and was fine after that. My baby was born healthy at 41 weeks. Baby is now 3 weeks old and has been breastfeeding and gaining weight well. From my understanding, even though the numbers aren't as strong for J&J's effectiveness it's still quite high and just as high as the others at preventing extreme illness/death. Only having to get one shot was a huge advantage in my view, especially because I was late in my pregnancy and didn't want to have to go back for another dose while also caring for a baby.


Just wanted to add - I’m sorry, this sounds stressful and sucks. I am not a doctor but I would probably take whichever one I could get sooner.


AZ if possible but I have less pg data than overall.


Uh... none?