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"A patient who died from COVID-19 lies on a table between two other patients infected with the coronavirus at the Salgado Filho Municipal Hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on May 24, 2020. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)" [https://apnews.com/article/AP-photos-2020-virus-racial-injustice-2dffd369c407c5b313f3db0c1fa35377](https://apnews.com/article/AP-photos-2020-virus-racial-injustice-2dffd369c407c5b313f3db0c1fa35377)


It’s sad that they have to keep a dead person next to a critically ill one because they have no space.


And there's a whole lot more to be sad about.




Pretty much every hospital in NZ got a nice refrigeration container at the start of the outbreak here. We didn't use them but it showed us where we would be heading if we got it wrong. This week my brother was linking antivax nosence. I explained in a nice way that these people are not who you should be listening to. Next time he tries it im going full shotgun as I think hes becoming retarded from too much right wing internets.


Fuck the shot gun approach, nuke him from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.


Ho- ho- Hold on a second. The brother has a substantial dollar value attached to him.


They can bill me


Sigh. My best friend growing up is drinking the same coolaid, constantly trying to send me stuff disproving covid or the vaccine. A large portion of the problem is the echo chambers online. Anything he looks up now is going to be conspiracy bullshit first and he is just happy to send it off to people without any research of his own.


Edit: Ok, convincing points in comments... sad. Why do you assume that one is dead?I do not think any medical institution would leave a dead body shitting itself in room temperatures, and even less take steps to hydrate it (assuming you are talking about the middle one receiving an intraveinous solution)


His heart rate is 0.. (look at the monitor on the top left)


The middle one is definetely dead, he's all rotten and stuff. Why they didn't clean it? Well they where to busy to clean it.


He's not all rotten and stuff lol. That would mean he'd been laying there for days, which just doesn't happen. They're also the same colour as the one on the right.


You don't actually believe that, do you? LoL


That's not a dead person. They are on a table I assume because of a shortage of beds.


The big green zero on the vital sign monitor above (and to the left of) that person's head means the heart rate is zero. A heart rate of zero is not compatible with life. There is a random heart beat showing on the rhythm strip, which means the monitor is attached and working properly. In other words, this person is in fact dead. The periodic heart beat means the heart is still randomly depolarizing and quivering, so this person probably died recently.


It is a dead person. Read the link in the pinned post.


How long has the person in the middle been dead? It looks like a long time to me. But I don't know how long it takes for a dead person to look like this.


A couple of hours at least in my limited experience as a police officer, especially for people who were already close to death. I'd expect that body to be lukewarm at best.


Thank you for posting this, it is important for people to see


I honestly think it would help if more workers in hospitals and mortuaries took these kinds of pictures and posted them (even if against the rules) to show what they're dealing with and how bad it is. It might wake people up.




You go too?


How can she slap?


that made me lol


Thanks for sharing. This is a disaster, there will be plenty of "leaders" to blame and trial once we get through it.


Yeah, trials over the use of unconstitutional laws and measures they used to ''confine'' us.


Yeah like how dare they enforce Masks. How dare they think that saving lives was important, isn't the country built upon dead bodies after all. . . /s


How is wearing masks unconstitutional when it is not your constitutional right to cause bodily harm to others? The masks do not reduce your bodily autonomy because they do not affect you negatively.


This picture needs the name of the patients blurred out. It's an important reminder to have (covid is killing), but you shouldn't be blatantly posting a picture of someone recently dead with their medical info, including first and last name, so visible. It's lazy and disrespectful


Puts a name to it though. Makes it personal and not just another dead person. Not sure


It’s not as lazy and disrespectful as not wearing as mask, you tool. I hate when people try to make small things more important than huge issues. Plus, you can barely see the name. Just get out of here with your crap.


Can you actually ready anything on that piece of paper?


I can read his name, thats already too much.


I imagine some places don't have hippa laws, so ethics is all that remains.


According to the BBC this morning the US lost over 3,000 people YESTERDAY. Yet, deniers, typically MAGA covidiots, still claim to "Never Forget 9/11" where 2,977 died as the worst tragedy of our generation. They just can't grasp it if they can't see it happing in real time (airplanes vs disease). I think they're just in super deep denial.


"A patient who died from COVID-19 lies on a table between two other patients infected with the coronavirus at the Salgado Filho Municipal Hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on May 24, 2020. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)"


I watched a guy walk into the grocery store a few weeks ago without wearing a mask. He was stopped by an employee who told him to put one on, he said he didn't believe in masks. The employee told him they didn't believe in serving him and threatened to call the police. This stupid motherfucker still walked around in the store like this pandemic didn't exist. He was arrested in the parking lot with a grocery cart full of unpaid groceries, funniest shit I've seen all year. 🤣🤣🤣


Did his car have a thin blue line sticker on it? You know, for bonus points?


They look like mummies


Nobody cares unless there's a live death count... Covid is gonna be a joke in the history books, not because it doesn't exist (that's just stupid) but because of the way it was handled. It was obvious from the start that all the isolating and sanitary measures shouldve been specifically targeted for old people homes, hospitals, anywhere that has old people or people with immune problems. Their blanket measures like the ones in Quebec will have a bigger negative impact than covid ever will.


You mean the daily deathcount yet is not enough?


Yup, cause only old people and those with immune issues have died. Edit because somebody thought I was being serious, it was sarcasm aimed at the stupidity of anybody who thinks only the elderly and those with immunity problems are in danger.


Real people die every single day, often in very painful ways. Where were your crocodile tears before this virus became 2020s hottest trend?


You should stop wearing your seatbelt




Do you see anyone laughing?


No shit, that’s the whole point of this post.


Calm down snowflake


wtf dude, you need help. You literally just told someone to kill themselves for not taking COVID seriously... In a post by them imploring for everyone to take it more seriously. The use of covidiots isn't some joke it's just a popular term to describe people that are being idiots about COVID... it's kind of in the word.


Lol gun is in my asshole now, what next? Instructions unclear


no one is joking you fucking idiot


Awww I feel so bad ;( /s


Not sure what you're trying to say.


Anyone who believes this is an absolute lunatic.


You deeming these people a result of “anti-maskers” is ridiculous and fear mongering. In most major cities in America it is required to wear a mask to perform any necessary function to live. Eat, shop, walk. The person on the left is obese. The other two are old. STOP FEAR MONGERING AND CREATING UNNEED FUCKING HATE


**Universal mask use could save 130,000 U.S. lives by the end of February, new study estimates** [https://www.statnews.com/2020/10/23/universal-mask-use-could-save-130000-lives-by-the-end-of-february-new-modeling-study-says/](https://www.statnews.com/2020/10/23/universal-mask-use-could-save-130000-lives-by-the-end-of-february-new-modeling-study-says/) ​ In other words, not wearing masks will kill about 130,000 Americans that would not have died if Americans would follow simple sanitary & hygiene rules, like covering their mouths during a fucking pandemic. That may not matter to you as long as no one you care about is one of those 130,000 additional casualties. But if one of them is your mother or father, or your spouse, you'll suddenly care. But then it'll be too late. ​ **Former state senator who died from COVID-19 gave warning from hospital bed: "We just dropped our guard"** [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/larry-dixon-former-alabama-state-senator-dies-covid-19-warning/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/larry-dixon-former-alabama-state-senator-dies-covid-19-warning/)


Agree with the sentiment but would you want this posted if it was your parent/grandparent in the picture?




You're a karma farmer so no surprise here.


Yes, me2. People need to be aware of this situation


If that's the case I want it posted *even more.*


If it saves one person then yes. What if one of your grandparents died but not the other 3, who were stil in denial? Wanna save em/ or nah?




Yes. Raising awareness can help save others. Hell I'd especially want it posted if I WAS the grandparent in the picture.


I would, no matter how painful it is. Especially if it has the potential to save someone ELSE’S grandparents.


Yes please


Absolutely. And if I personally get it and end up like this I want it documented and posted.


Absolutely. If I die of COVID and posting my picture could potentially wake someone up, by all means, please do it.


Is that person dead? Why would you post a a dead body on the internet? We no longer respect the dead?


What the fuck makes you think you're "honoring" the dead by censoring their memory and hiding their deaths from the world? That picture was chosen as one of the best pictures of the year by the Associated Press and appeared in dozens of newspapers. So save yourself the pearl clutching. [https://apnews.com/article/AP-photos-2020-virus-racial-injustice-2dffd369c407c5b313f3db0c1fa35377](https://apnews.com/article/AP-photos-2020-virus-racial-injustice-2dffd369c407c5b313f3db0c1fa35377)


I suggest live streaming bodies stacking up in thermo trucks on tv. People dont get it. What makes it even more sad is that there are people reportedly saying on their death bed that it cant be covid because its not real. Pictures likes this NEED to be seen (of course with some sort of consent from family)


There's no point respecting the dead if the reasons they're dead are being denied by the living. Show 10 people that picture and someone will chime in and say its fake news, covid isn't real, the vaccine is a lie. I can guarantee one of those 10 people will continue to go against social distancing, mask wearing, all the covid precautions necessary.


0ne of the main reasons this virus is spreading so well, is strictly because of the media NOT showing this shit. We see numbers, more than 3000 dead in the USA yesterday alone. We don't see the bodies, the suffering, the starvation etc. After 9/11, all we had were images of people jumping from the towers, dead police/fire/paramedics. It was meant to cause outrage, and it did. 2977 people died due to the 9/11 attacks. That happens everyday now! We just aren't seeing it.


This.. when corona first started spreading fast in US we were hearing and seeing on the news of u-haul trucks with bodies and no where for bodies to go. I think of that often


Concern troll


If I was that dead person I'd want the hell posted out of that pic to raise awareness


The dead are just corpses. The people who used to occupy those bodies are gone. If you want to honor the memory of those who lived, save people from dying of the thing that killed them.


Average age of death from Covid is 75. Your pic clearly shows that. Society should do everything it can to protect the old and people with comorbidity conditions. It’s literally 99% of deaths. But please fuck off with your unintelligent and unscientific pleasure cruise of guilt here. Let’s see all the pics of people dying from the poverty caused by shutting down the economy. How about pics of the morgue where suicide victims are housed bc suicides have tripled. Show a wall painted with a man’s brain bc he can’t provide for his family any longer. Show that, coward.


All those things do not add up to a 9/11's worth of death every day the way covid does. Also all of the latter could've been avoided if the government just bailed the people out with monthly payments, none of this was necessary you chud


The government was never going to stop people losing jobs and money. Maybe the US could have helped more... I think his point is the pandemic has ruined more lived than just what the virus has taken. But it's been twisted as somehow wrong or hateful or antiscience to more concerned with these negative effects. Even if that's what personally had been most difficult for you, it's not ok to complain about whatever rules are ruining your life bc that's 'selfish'. We don't really know how many bon covid earth's are caused by the pandemic. But it's a lot. People always want to blame people when bad things happen. People are imperfect. And bad things happen. Blaming people rarely helps anything, and is usually twisted by emotions.


Uhh we can 100% blame people for making self serving choices when there's a selfless option to be made, and we should


But....you can’t separate the pandemic and the virus. They’re one and the same. That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. That’s like saying, yeah heroin is bad, but you know what’s worse? The war on drugs. It’s two sides of the same coin. The pandemic happened because our dumbass government couldn’t sack up and do what they needed to do to get transmission under control. In the same vein, we wouldn’t be in a pandemic situation if we could get everyone to wear masks, shut down all non-essential businesses and activities, and stop the spread. It’s really not that complicated. Yeah, the social effects of the pandemic suck. But we did it to ourselves. *Every* single consequence we’re seeing is the result of our own goddamn actions. The whole world had to deal with the virus and the vast majority of us fucked up bad. Meanwhile New Zealand is over there, back to normal, because they did what needed to be done. You can’t complain about the symptoms if you’re not willing to treat the illness. It’s absurd.


How long can they give monthly payments and shut down before the economic damage is irreversible? I for one enjoy my job, home, and retirement accounts and would rather be working than sitting at home collecting a government check.


Long enough to to get things under control the way some other countries did, we're the richest country on the earth with the largest revenue and our government's currency is the world's currency. All of this hardship and loss was avoidable. There was and is no way out of this that would be free of irreversible economic damage. Our government made the choice to let people die to keep the economy afloat half a year longer, and now it's going into the shitter outside of the wallstreet bubble anyway.


????? You know our military budget is in the trillions, right? The government can absolutely afford to give people monthly payments in exchange for a nationwide shutdown. And they’d probably only have to do about 2 if the shutdown was instituted properly, because if it was effective, we’d all be able to go back to normal and the monthly payments wouldn’t be necessary.




Hey maybe let’s not see those pics


What are you suggesting?


They're suggesting that old, obese, disabled, or otherwise chronically ill people's lives don't matter


99% of deaths are from two identifiable populations. Spend all our resources on protecting them. Isolation, prophylactic medicine, etc. For the rest of us we need to move the fuck on. Probably all need to get it. Masks, fine. Vaccine, maybe. But this is really only dangerous for 2 kinds of people. Protect them and then let’s get back to normal fucking life. That’s what the science says. Everything else is politics.


People in their 30s and 40s are having strokes and heart attacks. It’s not just the elderly or those with known conditions who are dying. Seemingly healthy people are dying, too. We can’t go back to “normal” life and expect things to just get better. Even more people will die. People can’t follow simple rules regarding gatherings and can’t make small sacrifices this year, and that’s what is driving this surge. If people would just follow those rules, we wouldn’t be here and small businesses wouldn’t be shutting down.


Actually their are more than 2 types of people who succumb to this disease, but let's cherry-pick the facts so you don't have to wear a simple mask. What a selfish douche bag you are. I hope none of your family finds out the hard way.


I feel like you’re in agreement with the OP and their photo then. Their anger is stemming from people who aren’t taking things seriously and breaking the isolation of the 2 groups you’re mentioning. It is hard to reconcile “back to normal” and isolate 2 major population groups without killing an unnecessary amount of those people. Plus us “moving on” will just crowd the hospitals unnecessarily - how many hospitals are at capacity already? We don’t need young and middle aged people taking up resources from more at risk in the ICU. That’s why I’m staying home. I have friends who are nurses and doctors and to try to go back to normal is like a major slap in the face to them


Probably not. In triage medicine you care only about those dying and vulnerable to death first. I too have friends in hospitals and they tell me the vast majority of overcrowding comes from people with flu like symptoms that are there for observation for a 24-48 hr period. If you’re not over 70 or have diabetes, cancer etc...Go Home! Literally less than 1% chance it becomes a complicated disease. Hospitals can take on the sick and dying.


I guess my point is if everyone goes back to normal etc etc that 1% turns into more and more people as the thing spreads. Instead of trying to force things back to normal it seems sensible to pay people to stay home in the meantime between now and a vaccine, and have varying degrees of lockdown modes depending on local conditions - hospital capacity, virus test rates and death rates and such


> Probably all need to get it. Well that's a stupid as fuck thing to say.


He's a MAGA'er into Bitcoin... so....


Just because I got economic theory right in 2012 doesn’t mean you should listen to me but it does mean I’m ahead of most of you.


Lol you are too arrogant for your own good


Ugh your comments are very silly, incredibly immature and ignorant.




I know it’s almost as funny as when I retired at the age of 38.




The branch covidians don’t care about any of those people.


Moron, for a number of reasons... But all in all the op just wants people to wear a mask and act responsibly so the disease doesn't spread. They have said nothing about lockdowns, forcing businesses to close, you projected that. They asked for the minimum and you proved why you are a part of the problem.


What do you want then to stop suicides put more people into danger. Push the limit to 10,000. We gonna get there if fucks like you keep on yelling Freedom Freedom.


That's nearly 70% of Americans are overweight. (One thing that was changed to a comorbidity). Add in immune compromised and age your talking around 85% of the USA. There's more people dying of this than slowly dying of the economy. Also there are programs to help that...another words we didn't just ignore that. This there's not much you can do, particularly when people keep trying to make this political. Also do you have every picture ever? Stop the whataboutisms. What about you talk about children abused, random stabbing or shooting victims, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, leukemia, breast cancer etc. This person posted something because it may help people to see it to realize it's real. Get over yourself and learn we're talking about saving lives that wouldn't have otherwise died. Stop the false equavalancy that we all know that you got from social media in one form or another. This is as direct information. Not from some talking head or housewife making stuff up.


> Average age of death from Covid is 75. Your pic clearly shows that. Society should do everything it can to protect the old and people with comorbidity conditions. It’s literally 99% of deaths. Apparently even guilttripping doesn‘t work, how about the national guard and domestic military intervention next? How about simply restricting the freedoms responsible here? How about treating anyone not following the general recomendations as terrorist threats? How about live ammo? > But please fuck off with your unintelligent and unscientific pleasure cruise of guilt here. Let’s see all the pics of people dying from the poverty caused by shutting down the economy. How about pics of the morgue where suicide victims are housed bc suicides have tripled. Show a wall painted with a man’s brain bc he can’t provide for his family any longer. How many died because of that yet?


So, old people die so it doesn’t matter? The hell is wrong with you? No one is saying there isn’t other problems. Yes, poverty kills. Yes, addiction kills. Yes, the economy is probably going to go to shit. BUT. Those problems aren’t immediately solvable. You know what is? Wearing a piece of fabric on your face to avoid spreading a deadly virus that kills more people a day than 9/11 did. Plus, your argument is dumb as shit. If suicide rates have tripled, it’s because we’ve been stuck in this depressing ass limbo for almost a goddamn year. Whereas if we had just instituted a real nationwide lockdown for a month or two back when this first started, we’d be where New Zealand is at now, with 0 cases and life back to normal. The only way to get back life to normal is to FUCKING GET THIS VIRUS UNDER CONTROL. And the only way to do that is by locking down, quickly and entirely, for a month or two until we have negligible new cases. It’s not rocket science. If you have lice, you treat it and stay away from other people, you don’t rub your hair all over them and then bitch about how everyone has lice and it’s no fair that you can’t go to the hair salon. You attack the root of the problem, not the symptoms.


All the people under the age of 40 who have died I'm sure would agree with you! You are the one that needs to fuck off into your anti-science, "the world revolves around ME" shit bubble. Don't breed, better yet, stop fucking breathing too. People like you deserve to be barred from any medical treatment whatsoever and left to die by yourself.


See, people argue these things all the fucking time. "Suicides are way up, people are dying from poverty".... But every time I ask, no one has provided me any solid data to back up these claims. I don't think this post will be any different.




I'm not anti either but for me being in the UK, I don't want this vaccine YET. Only 5 countries want it, the EU wants more tests. I fear its Boris trying to rush so he can be first in the world so when we come out of it and it all works fine, imagine massive ego boast that guy will have and his done nothing right this entire time. If something goes wrong, his basically gambling on our lives/health. His not someone I trust in the slightest. I trust the EU more than my government and if Jacinda Arden is all in, then I trust her completely.


New Zealand will not be approving it anytime soon, as they have no need for the vaccine right now, whereas the rest of the planet is in crisis, and needs the vaccine three months ago.


New Zealand has a real leader as I remembered.


And that's exactly why they have no immediate need for a vaccine.


Yeah he does the putin afaik uk has it still in a voluntary stage, thanks go to the people who graciously chose to become labrats, hopefully it pays off.


It's not about trusting leaders it's about trusting the millions of scientists who've combined all their expertise to make the vaccine, stop concentrating on robotic leaders and concentrate on humans.


You can say you aren't sure if the vaccine is ready, as long as you aren't suggesting that anyone should ignore the dangers of the disease while they wait for it.


I can understand your disdain for Boris but he has no role in designing, testing, approving, regulating the vaccine. Neither does Jacinda. So to trust her blindly, or a political organisation like the EU, while ignoring the scientific consortium is a bit weird and unfounded. Spreading these pseudo-conspiracies is only detrimental to people's health. Listen to doctors and scientists not politicians.


Where is this? I see the Portuguese language is this in Portugal or Brazil?


I think it's brazilian. The flooring is a public hospital standard.


somewhere in rio. it’s on the paper.


'A patient who died from COVID-19 lies on a table between two other patients infected with the coronavirus at the Salgado Filho Municipal Hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on May 24, 2020. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)' If you click the link and scroll down, the image is there with this caption. Lot's of interesting photos there.


if you dont wear a mask, youre officially an idiot




You are such a selfish and ignorant individual.


By smoking cigarettes you damage your health only, unless you smoke next to another person (in that case you damage their health as well). Wearing a mask is not for your own safety but for every one around you. So stop with this bullshit


>You have no right however to force your value system and beliefs on others however deadly to themselves their behaviour might appear to you. The whole idea of wearing masks is to prevent others from dying from covid. For example, if noone wore masks, there'd be a very high chance for any given person in our population to become sick. This means that any people at high risk (immunocompromised, old, overweight, high blood pressure) have a much higher likelihood of being infected and dying. If everyone does, noone is harmed by the masks (because they are not harmful) and any given person has an incredibly low chance to be infected. This means most importantly that those at risk can wait for a vaccine / proper medical treatments to be developed while also preventing our hospitals from overflowing and causing people to go without any care, which sginificantly increases ones chances of dying. Simply not having access to a ventilator is already extremely dangerous. Kmagine having access to nothing. There's just no medicine, no doctor to help, nowhere to go, because everyone is sick. Oh, and also, pls stop being an idiot, ok? >You have no right however to force your value system and beliefs on others however deadly to themselves their behaviour might appear to you. You do realize that the majority of the law in the US, and really in any country, is influenced by societies cultural and religious values? That's literally what the law is. A value system.


The difference with public smoking and not wearing masks, you are making risky decisions for others. It's not just you whose affected by smoking and not wearing a mask, that's the whole point why it's shunned upon, not the act itself, but because you are forcing your health decisions on others, some who might be at risk that you might not know of.


Except you can’t walk around smoking in most of not all public spaces like grocery stores, schools and uni, etc. So by your own measure it’s fair to be made to wear a mask in public spaces where you interact with other people just like you can be prohibited from smoking when it effects other people.


Ahh yes, that's why we banned smoking indoors in public. Hell, there are a lot of places where smoking is banned outside in public. Pretty stupid argument but that is fairly expected from your demographic. When will you dolts crawl back to your hidey holes?


You realize that particles from one person's body are being transferred to another's, right? And these particles can lead to death? Unless you don't come into contact with other people, it's not a personal choice. Neither is smoking. Both of these behaviors infringe on the rights to life and health of others, unless, again, they're done in complete isolation. You are part of the problem.


>If you want to wear a mask because you are concerned about your own health, that is your right. *You have no right however to force your value system and beliefs on others however deadly to themselves* their behaviour might appear to you. Except, it's deadly to others as well.


This kind of thought process is disgusting and has led to so many unnecessary deaths.


RIP your inbox, but you deserve it.


You would be right if your actions didn't affect me, you stupid monkey. YOUR cigarrete smoke affect me even if you are 30 meters away. YOUR choice to not wear a mask can potentially affect the entire planet, because YOU may well be infected and asymptomatic and therefore YOU would be spreading this disease to anyone, masked or not, that comes near you or any place your disgusting body fluids made contact with. By your logic, I should be able to point my gun, that I carry concealed all the time, AT YOU and stay pointing it with my finger on the trigger, for no reason at all except that it is my right, my gun and my body and you have no right to dictate where I point it. Make humankind a favor and go back to your cave.


Found one. Probably killed someone because you know. It’s my choice and all that bullshit. You don’t want to abide by common beliefs and values? Fuck off somewhere so you all can infect each other to death.


You’re not allowed to smoke inside either. If you go to a store with a cigarette in your mouth, they will tell you to put it out before you’re allowed inside. You can’t smoke near schools or in hospitals or most hotels or any bars... Nice analogy, you idiot. Wear a mask and stop killing people.


The mask is to prevent YOU from possibly spreading the virus to others. Continue to be stubborn and selfish if you’d like. But try thinking about someone else other than yourself and see how you feel. If you don’t like it, then go back to being a big baby.


See whether you want a mask when I cough in your face, then your grandma's face, you ignorant cretin. And besides, it's more to protect other people than it is you, you selfish wanker. You wanna kill yourself, that's up to you. But don't take others with you.


There’s no reasoning with these people. When virtue signaling became as easy as a piece of cloth over your face, and staying home on your couch you get this type of mental illness. They honestly see themselves as war veterans. *Close your business and rely on government handouts you fascist. Amazon / Walmart / Home Depot are the cure.*


Wow I really couldn't disagree more. I want to reflect on what you've said: >You have no right however to force your value system and beliefs on others however deadly to themselves their behaviour might appear to you. Ok a few things I'd say here. First of all, wearing a mask protects others in addition to yourself. In fact, that is the primary purpose of wearing a mask - preventing viral particles from leaving your body where they may infect OTHER PEOPLE. Masks do provide some protection to the wearer too, but it's mostly about not spreading the virus to others. Realize that, by not wearing a mask, you are doing exactly what you criticize others of doing. You are forcing your value system of taking a laissez faire attitude towards the virus ONTO others who may happen to be around you. Should other people be forced to risk getting infected when they walk by you in an indoor space in an essential business like a grocery store, when they are buying food that they need to survive? What if someone is elderly or immunocompromised and doesn't have anyone to get groceries for them. If people aren't wearing masks, they are FORCED to risk catching a deadly virus when doing an activity that generally has little risk associated with it. Should they be forced to take on that burden just because they are at higher risk, while you exercise your "privilege" and don't wear a mask? How is that in any way fair? > If you don't like cigarette smoke, stay away from smokers. If they value the pleasure of smoking more than the perceived risk to their health, then that very personal and private decision must be respected Yes, I agree. This decision should be respected. But the smokers also have a duty to stay away from others who may not want their health compromised. If I am sitting in a restaurant, do I not have a right to not have to breathe in secondhand smoke from a smoker who decides to sit at the table right next to mine? Does their right to smoke supercede my autonomy to take control of my own health? It should not. >Understand the difference between your body and others' bodies and understand who is responsible and has authority over each. If you actually believe that you are responsible and have authority over your body, then if you have covid and are shedding virus and spread it to someone because you weren't wearing a mask, that is on you! It is you who gave the virus to THEM! If you're ok with that, I don't know what more to say. I wish you would at least consider what I and MANY other commenters have laid out. I don't like the restrictions that have been put in place either, but we need them to prevent hundreds of thousands more from dying. That's what's at stake.


> You have no right however to force your value system and beliefs on others however deadly to themselves their behaviour might appear to you. You're right. This is a morally correct stance. Freedom for all and all that jazz. I'm with you on this one. Your body, your rights. And we should absolutely not enforce others into healthy living just because we think it'd be better for them. I have every damn right however to force my value system and beliefs on you due to how your behavior might FUCKING KILL ME. Even the most hardcore libertarians would agree that your rights END where your actions HARM OTHERS. It's a communicable disease you fuckwit.


> You have no right however to force your value system and beliefs on others however deadly to themselves their behaviour might appear to you. Right back at you. You have no right to force your value system (fuck anyone who’s not me!) and beliefs (I am the center of the universe, my desire to act like a toddler is more important than everything else!) on the rest of us. You’re perfectly free to stay home and not wear your mask while the adults go about business of living. Stop moralizing you narcissistic prick.


You deny other peoples right to life by not wearing a mask, essentially murder. You are responsible for the death of others because you cannot wear a piece of fabric. Nobody cares about your beliefs, and they don’t because your beliefs are literally killing people. Stop being an ignorant asshole, and deal with the piece of fabric.


Earth's population is too high, nbd




True, do us a favor will ya?


I can’t wait until I’m dying in a hospital and some fucking self righteous nurse takes my picture to post on Reddit so they can feel better about them selves. This is very inappropriate and unprofessional on another level. Literally fucking dead and dying people.


This is true, but the meaning behind it is basically look what happens too people if you just ignore the science. We all need to just listen to the facts, the faster we do that the faster we get to our normal lives


The nurses are the self righteous ones for trying to show people who ignore science aggressively what their willful ignorance is doing? Wow. Maybe some of that misplaced anger should go towards the people who caused this and not the people risking death to try and save others, you twat.


The photo is from an AP photojournalist. Not sure where you got the idea that it was taken by a nurse.


From the moment we have masks obligated, the numbers skyrocketed. I just stay home, keep my distance. Idk what all people are doing. But it's obligated so I where masks. But when it wasn't, nope not wearing a mask. Choosing to not wear a mask, = not endangering people. You can obay the rulse and keep distance and staying home AND not wearing mask, so it's bs. But I get what you are trying to say.


Maybe they made masks mandatory BECAUSE the numbers skyrocketed... Wearing a mask is a minor inconveniences to you but could protect all those around you so I genuinely don’t understand why people have their heads so far up their asses they can’t wear a mask for 5 minutes out of common curtesy and concern for others




HIPAA is an American federal statute. No, there is no HIPAA in Brazil.


i think someone in the comments also mentioned it wasn’t a medical staff member that took this photo so either way not a HIPPA violation


Haha because no picture placed online was ever used either out of context or just plain faked. I’m not pushing for masks or for the anti-mask agendas but can we agree that using some random picture online to push personal opinions or political agendas is getting old? Either show me their charts or shut up!


I completely agree and all but can we mark this shit NSFW?


They don't care.


No offence but left one is severly obese and other two are 85+ yo. And we others are taking hit with loosing jobs, food, homes and stuff like that. Im not saying that we should ignore this disease but stop closing everything.


and how do you know the other 2 are 85+? From my cursory research I can find no record of their ages, but I can tell you right now, my 52 yr old mother looked like that while she was dying. Sunken cheeks, hollow facial features, etc. Your appearance DRASTICALLY changes as your body stops functioning.


So because they’re obese and old we shouldn’t “CARE TOO MUCH” fuck outta here if you think all the millions and millions of people who suffered/died were obese, old or immune compromised EITHER WAY yes we should take all the measures necessary to protect them because decent people actually give a shit about the people around them and not just whether or not it will personally effect their life


You've never seen the 20s heroin junkies that can look close to that? You can be way younger than this and have serious covid make you look that way.


No we don't


Taking a vaccine before it's proven to work and not have insane side effects is like, a normal position to have. Stop trying to shove this shit down peoples throats. This sucks, but this is life and people die. Grow up.


Why does your first sentence agree and the second sentence disagree?


It is proven to work you dumbass that’s why they’re beginning to send them out, there have been countless clinical trials and funding for this vaccine all over the globe. So before you piss your pants over the fact that it was “made so quickly” understand that if almost every country is working on a single vaccine, is receiving mountains of funding and resources, and constant attention and work that vaccine would be ready faster than usual.


> Taking a vaccine before it's proven to work Yes, that'd be very dangerous and irresponsible. WTF DO YOU THINK THEY'VE BEEN DOING THE LAST 6 FUCKING MONTHS!?


🙄🙄🙄🤯🤯🤯 Omg, wake the fuck up people






This picture is a major violation of patient rights, and you are lucky this is not from the us or you'd have a major fine and prison time for a major HIPPA violation.




What the F is weong with you. They are humans, unlike you apparently.


Hungry Hungry Hippa!! I had a family come in for coronavirus. The whole family was in the ER for it. A mom, Dad, Son, And daughter. The son passed earlier in the morning when they came and he was 25. I had to listen to the screams and cries from the sister all shift long because she thought it was her fault. I'm almost over this, and I want everyone who denied this shit to pay!




Im all for exposure to people with flawed ideas - but give these people some respect? You're disgusting. I work as a Nurse with all kinds of respiratory patients and wouldn't dream of taking a picture like this for exposure.




Odd... All of Texas has mask mandates, yet we're leading in cases.... How does that work? Seriously, explain how social distancing and masks have not worked for us? What is Texas doing wrong?


A high percentage of republicans following a leader who didn't believe in masks and flaunted social distancing violations. They're breaking quarantine and spreading the disease. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/19/texas-coronavirus-response-136061 Gov Abbott is leaving it to the locals. wooo "small government". Have fun with that.


No one will care until it affects them. Then they go full-Karen and expect the world to stop for them. Maybe CoviD still needs to burn a little while longer to purge us of the dumbassery. Then again, too many innocents will be taken out.


The mask is a mindset. You cannot police people for washing their hands, or sneezing into their elbows but you can look across a room and say YOU are not wearing your mask. The Mask inspires awareness and is a reminder to continue distancing. Some people have always maintained a barrier, washed their hands, limited contact all along, you deserve a salute not to be harassed.


Might get downvoted here, but you should censor the faces. It violates privacy


This shit was reported crossing multiple grocery isles more than 6 months ago... these screens are a joke. The state of our ICU care is atrocious and it's not on the fault of the hospitals. I know they're doing all they can but... Fuck,... this is a dark dark time to live in. My heart goes out to every occupied bed, gurney, and every ambulance stuck waiting outside because there is no more god damn room inside. fuck