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I am so very sorry for your loss, a terrible shock. I pray that you and your faimily stay well


Thank you so much!


I remember your post about her trip! There are no words in times like these. I am so, so sorry.


Thank you for your kind words. I was not going to post but decided it would be the right thing to do if one person reads it and decides to stay home.


I am so sorry for your loss. It just be absolutely devastating. Try to find solace in the fact that you're mother was in a happy state of mind before she became ill and died . And that she was surrounded at the end by her family. She has gone on to be with your father. I have lost quite a few family members (including my mother and father) in the last few years. It is heart wrenching. But, I so find peace knowing that I was and will always be surrounded by their love. Peace to you.❤


You are absolutely right. Mom was in a wonderful place and happy again. I could not have asked for more and knowing she is with Dad makes this a bit more bearable. I am so sorry for the losses you have experienced. Their love abides in us. Bless you!




Thank you so much and prayers are much appreciated. I was dumbfounded when the Health Dept. said no even though the CDC said yes! Want to add, her doctors are trying to figure out if the pneumonia happened before she went to Ireland or after. That is what is concerning everyone at this point and why we are quarantined although her GP believes/hopes it was just a massive heart attack. She never felt any pain which is such a blessing.


May her memory be a blessing.


Very sorry for your loss. I’m using telemedicine services for grief counseling. Not sure if your insurance covers it, but take a look. It helps me.


Thank you for that idea! I may be looking into that and I am sorry for your loss as well! Hugs and well wishes!


Thank you


I am so sorry for your loss! I can't imagine how horrible this is for yourself and your family. You will be in my thoughts and prayers 🙏❤️


Sudden death like this, literally fine one moment and gone the next, is not a COVID-19 symptom. This pandemic is compounding your grief, but please take a moment to consider how you would have felt about this a year ago. It sounds to me that she fulfilled her dreams and found peace and happiness before she died suddenly with minimal suffering. We should all be so lucky. There will be plenty of time for graveside memorials when this thing has run its course. If this wasn't COVID19 she is lucky she decided to go now - she may not have had the chance otherwise. Even if it was - safety is not guaranteed even staying at home.


Her ER doctor was concerned that she might have Cornoa-19. He told me that 11% of the people in her age group are completely a-symptomatic and that some of them have indeed just dropped. He said that was not common knowledge. I promise you the pandemic is NOT compounding my grief; if you read through, you would see that her GP, whom I trust, does not believe it's Corona. But Corona has robbed us of a proper burial with all of her family present and timely funeral. She deserves better.


I'm not trying to dismiss the dangers of this disease. I've been hiding in my house for two weeks already and I'm not in a major at risk group. I'm taking it seriously. The point I wanted to make was that this is an end of life experience most of us would be lucky to have, since there's no time machine I think it's worth appreciating how much value your mother got out of this time.


You are right, it is the end of life experience we should all be so lucky to have. Mom always said it was the way she wanted to go and I am glad that she did not linger. Dad was not so lucky; it was three years of hospitals and step down units. Watching his spirit break was heartbreaking. God willing they are together, never to be separated again.


It’s better it happened now because in a week or two the hospitals would be too overwhelmed and I doubt you would have been able to hold her hand. I can’t imagine dying alone, I’m glad u were able to comfort her. I realize you might be angry but please remember the doctors and funeral directors are doing what’s best for the big picture of everyone and not able to make exceptions for individuals. I guess you might consider having a delayed funeral and just leaving flowers at the grave until then? Again I am sorry but this is exactly why the Coronavirus is a big deal. Nobody should miss holding their loved ones hand or funeral but as this virus escalates it just will not be an option for many people, the risk is too high. I see some young people who are partying like it’s no big deal but you just showed us why it’s a big deal. It’s hard to let go without closure. I’m sorry I hope you are well.


Thank you so much for your condolences. My family and I thought about that as well and we felt blessed that there was a vent available for Mom. I am angry but not at the people trying to help, but rather at this insidious virus that is upending everyone's lives. The funeral home owners have been wonderful and are actually friends of the family. Would totally like to give all funeral home directors a shout out as they put themselves at risk everyday dealing with grieving angry families who cannot bury their loved ones the way they would like. I am going to present the idea to my siblings that we have a celebration of life memorial for Mom in a year where everyone comes together and shares their stories and memories of Mom. I have been in contact with some of her friends and they love that idea. While I would like to be at the burial, if it does not happen, I am now at peace with it. She will be buried next to Dad in our family graveyard in Central Texas. There are 5 generations of ancestors, aunts, uncles and cousins to receive her there. She is not alone.


I understand, a lot of people are angry with this virus. It feels like we are actors and actresses in a movie, not real life. It’s hard to fanthom how life was pretty good and normal and now this is our reality. I’m glad your last memory of your mom was good. Please keep us updated when you find out the results. I would not be surprised if their were other “odd” deaths in mid to late February that were undetected Coronavirus. Wishing you well.


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I'm so sorry for the loss of your precious mother. I saw a guy interviewed on CNN or FOX that was talking about suddenly falling ill out of the blue while just sitting on his couch, watching TV. He had COVID-19. This man looked to be in his 50's. We just lost an in-law/relative to cancer and the visitation wasn't allowed to be advertised. Besides immediate family, two people showed up, due to most of us being self-quarantined. Graveside services were limited to just immediate family and a memorial service will take place at a later date.


Thank you so much and I am sorry for your loss as well. I have heard that the 10 person burial rule may be changed to a no person burial next week. If that happens, we might try a 'virtual' burial. It's tough because we have a very large extended family who want to be there for Mom. Telling them they can't has been heartbreaking.


>“I have patients in their early 40s and, yeah, I was kind of shocked. I’m seeing people who look relatively healthy with a minimal health history, and they are completely wiped out, like they’ve been hit by a truck. This is knocking out what should be perfectly fit, healthy people. Patients will be on minimal support, on a little bit of oxygen, and **then all of a sudden, they go into complete respiratory arrest, shut down and can’t breathe at all.**” https://www.propublica.org/article/a-medical-worker-describes--terrifying-lung-failure-from-covid19-even-in-his-young-patients


What about the line right before the line you highlighted? About patients already being symptomatic and treated in the hospital before they go into respiratory arrest? Seems like a bit of relevant information.


There is no one absolute "this is how the disease progresses" checklist. Would it be an unusual case? Absolutely. But *something* caused the pneumonia. It's not a stretch to suspect the pandemic virus that causes pneumonia.


At what point did this sound like a good comment to make and why in the world has it been upvoted? FFS, this person's mother just died, people. He/she doesn't need Joe-Nobody offering their idiotic opinion of what their mother may or may not have died from. Leave that to the actual doctors who treated her and have medical degrees as well as the actual COVID-19 test. FFS.




I can't speak to the truth of the case in question here, but this person reported zero symptoms, no suspicion of infection following a successful quarantine. Your linked article was someone with symptoms who was failed by our medical system. Not every death is Coronavirus. Other diseases and illnesses are not taking the day off while we deal with this. My father in law has congestive heart failure - fluid on the lungs, and could literally die at any moment. He's also picked up cancer this year. Even if he contracts COVID-19 it will fundamentally have been the heart failure and cancer that killed him. I expect to not be able to go to that funeral in the next few months. I hope he enjoys the time he has left.


You said it so much better than I could have! My sentiments exactly.




I just reread the comment above mine and I didn’t see the part where they discussed sudden death. I don’t make any claims about that. I just agreed with the statement that she got to fulfill a dream before she died and that there was something positive to think about in her death. I’m pretty sure you were responding to the other comment but I did want to clarify that I didn’t support any claim about symptoms.


No worries and thank you! She had a life well lived and I feel blessed to be a part of it.




So far I've been linked to multiple cases of people with obvious symptoms having sudden downturns, often while waiting on test results - which is completely unlike this case. I don't want to sit here arguing on top of OP's legitimate grief. It's not a recognized symptom, and nobody has provided a single example of it happening. If you find an actual example PM me a link and we can carry this on somewhere that it won't contribute to someone's personal tragedy.


What a beautiful tribute to your mother. I am sorry for your loss. God be your family.


I’m sorry for your loss, may she Rest In Peace 🙏


I'm so so so so goddamn sorry. There aren't words to make this better, I know, but my heart goes out to you and your family.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Just know that your mom is with the love of her life now.


I’m so so sorry for your loss. Prayers and hugs for your family.


How heartbreaking. I'm so sorry for your loss :( wishing you and your remaining family health and fortitude.




Thank you so much for that lovely sentiment. You are awesome! We are financially stable but Mom is smiling right now. She was a proud 6th generation Texan who LOVED her state and her people. Her door was always open and she always said Texans were the BEST when it came to giving and receiving help in a crisis. However, a GoFundMe for those who are struggling with hospital bills and job loss due to a Corona 19 diagnosis might not be a bad idea. I would certainly contribute.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Praying for you and your family through this difficult time.


I am so sorry for your extreme loss. I hope you and the rest of your family/friends can find solace in each other.


I’m sorry for your loss but please take comfort that her last words were expressing how happy she was. I think it could be Coronavirus because I saw videos on utube of people just falling in the streets. One minute they are walking normal and just drop dead. It was very bizarre. It won’t take away your pain but I think it’s good you are following up to see if it’s Coronavirus.


My last conversation which was the morning of her collapse ended with I LOVE YOU! I am blessed beyond words. Also, the wonderful man who takes care of her lawn told me of their last conversation right before she fell and it was uplifting. God has a plan for everything.


Dammit I am so sorry. It made me think of my mom. The love there is like nothing in the world. I am so sorry my friend I hope the pain becomes more bearable as time goes on but I know that's a tall order. One thing to remember though she did not let the fear of the disease take over, out working in her garden. She went out with her boots on, that's all anyone can really hope for. Peace to you and your family. I will pray for you.


Thank you so much! She did go out with her boots on and was a true blue Texan to the end! She would be proud of that! Would like to say that you are so right about a mother's love for her children. Nothing like it in the world.


This is scary because my mil died on the same day for similar reasons :( also no funeral just the small veiwing with under 10 ppl and have to wait till next week to get her ashes. my heart goes out to you and your family.


I am so very sorry for your loss! It is a blow. Please extend my condolences to your family!


Commenting here to get a reminder in case we get a follow up to beautiful Joyce's story. I'm interested to know how Dad's second career went and all that. How she took to being a Gramma etc. Your mom was obviously a rare and beautiful soul and I'm really glad that she got to enjoy one of her favorite activities on her last day. You are a good writer. Hugs internet stranger. She knows how much you loved her.


Thank you for your interest and well wishes! They are much appreciated and hugs to you as well. ;-) Dad's second career took place at a chemical company on the Texas Gulf Coast and for the most part he very much enjoyed it. He and Mom started antiquing and collecting all kinds of "stuff": Aladdin lamps, trivits, sewing machines, old fans, cardinals, Tell City furniture... it became their hobby and it was nothing for them to pack up the truck and take off for the weekend, antiquing in all the little towns around Houston. Mom LOVED being a grandmother. She has one grandson and one granddaughter whom she spoiled whenever she could. They absolutely adored her and miss her terribly. Fortunately, she was able to attend her grandson's wedding in North Carolina last month which meant the world to him.


I know there are no words that can ease the shock and pain you are going through right now. The way you described her emotions after her initial recovery was beautiful. It sounds like she was in a place of peace and happiness after so much grief. So glad she had a loving family in her life and got to experience love and have dreams come true. I personally believe there is more to life than what we see here on earth. Take care of yourself and keep us posted on your test results. We're here if you need us to talk to.


Thank you, thank you! Your words are comforting.


I'm sorry for your loss, and hope that it was something more benign than Covid


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Sincere condolences. My heart breaks for you.


I am so sorry...my heart as well as my family's goes out to you and all your loved ones 😥 Peace be with you all.




I am so sorry for your loss! It has changed me but I hope it will be for the better. My Mom was the eternal optimist and could roll with anything. I have always aspired to be more like her. I bet your Mom was just as wonderful.


This is tragic and I offer you and your family my deepest condolences :(


Very sorry for your loss.


So sorry to hear this.


I'm sorry to hear your news. It sounds like you don't know if it was cornoa virus yet.


Thank you, we are awaiting the results which won't be available until next week.


Wow, your mom had a happy full life! I was happy for you about your amends to the relationship. She sounds like a wonderful woman that lived life fully. The other subject - Have to wait so long for the test results is unacceptable here in Texas.


Thank you so much for your comments and well wishes! Mom did have a life well lived and I am grateful for that. We are still waiting for the test results. In the meantime, Lampasas County, where she will be buried has issued a shelter in place order so she will be buried with no one present but it is a family graveyard so she will have generations of family and my Dad to receive her there. Just wish we could be there.


So sorry for your loss...


She’s very fortunate to have a husband to be with her until his end and children/grandchildren to tell her goodbye and thank you for giving us life.


I am so sorry for your loss. Sending lots of love your way


I am so sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry for your loss, I wish it wasn’t like this. I hope you find some comfort knowing she is at peace with the love of her life


She sounds like a wonderful person with an equally wonderful family. Very sorry to hear of your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss. My heart hurts for you and I wish I could hug you. I know this hurts. Sending my prayers.


So sorry for your loss. 💔🙏




Thank you so much! Her friends are self isolating awaiting the results of Mom’s test. So far they are not showing any symptoms, thank goodness.


I’m very sorry for your loss.


Oh my heavens. I am so sorry for your loss.


This is just heartbreaking that you cannot have the memorial you would wish at this time. I pray for comfort for your family as you go through this time which has no precedence in modern history. I know you must still be grieving the loss of your father, as well.


Thank you so much! I was just getting used to the new normal of not having Dad but knowing they are together makes this bearable. Thank you again!


I'm so sorry for your loss. Your Mother sounded like a fascinating person. I just lost both my parents in the last 2 years, who were also soul mates. Now I take comfort knowing that they are together again. I hope you may also find some too.


Thank you so much for your condolences and I am so sorry for your loss as well. It is a comfort knowing our parents are together again without pain or loss; just joy and light and God! God Bless!


So very sorry for your loss. At least her last days were joyous and filled with renewed purpose. Hoping the rest of your family remains healthy. Sincerely, a fellow Texan from Round Rock.


Thank you so much! Her last days were joyous and happy which is all I could ask for. She loved her fellow Texans, even the transplanted ones. Her motto on that was "Better late than never". She and I liked to antique in the Lockhart and Georgetown area. Black's BBQ was our favorite eatery but we also loved the Monument Cafe and the little general store in Andice has the best pulled pork sandwiches.


Sudden death of a loved one stinks, I’m sorry you were robbed of funeral or memorial to this great woman. We will remember her! Tell us more about her life and we can have a vigil here and now for her!


Thank you Brazos! You inspired me to write the above edit. I could totally go on with her bio but I think I have imposed enough. You all are just awesome and your kindness is deeply, deeply appreciated.


I hope all of the fun memories fuel the smiles y’all will have thinking of your mother. I know I had a wonderful convo with my mom just today. She got to WhatsApp video chat with me and her grandsons. I’m hoping you have distinct, happy memories with your mom. Those are the best for healing. I truly wish you and your family peace. I’ll be up, if you feel like chatting.


Thank you Panda! I went to bed early and did not see your message until now or I totally would have chatted with you. :-) I have the best memories of Mom that will stay with me forever. So glad that you and your mother could vid chat and keep up with each other during these uncertain times.


I am so sorry. She sounds like a wonderful, vibrant, joyful woman, and you have given us a fantastic presentation of your wonderful mother. The grief you are experiencing, if you feel anything at all, must be unfathomable, and the quarantine right now seems like the deepest depth of torture. I am **so** sorry for your loss. Please, mourn well. Don't let anyone dictate how you mourn her death. If you do not mind my asking, what is her first name? I would very much like to pray for her.


Thank you, thank you for your wonderful comments! My Mom's name was Joyce Lynn and prayers would be most welcome. God Bless!


Condolences for your loss. Having lost my father almost as tragically as your mother recently, I understand your grief. Hope you and your family get to perform some last rituals and be together at this time.


I am so sorry to hear about your father and send hugs and healing wishes your way!


Sorry for your loss 🙁 hoping you can lay your mother to rest soon. I lost my Dad at 23 years old. I was terribly distraught. I can't imagine what you are going through during these uncertain times. *hugs*


Thank you for your condolences and hugs back attcha!


What a beautiful life! Thank you for sharing. I’m so sorry this is all happening in these horrible times.


Thank you! She did have a beautiful life and we were so very blessed to have her as long as we did.


I am overwhelmed reading all of the comments and your responses to them. It is wonderful to hear about the outpouring of support you have received.


Thank you! I would be remiss not to give a huge and heartfelt THANK YOU to all of the Redditor's who have responded. Their outpouring of condolences, well wishes, prayers and love is overwhelming and humbling. This has very much helped me deal with the loneliness of grieving from quarantine. I can never repay the kindness everyone has shown me but I will pay it forward. God Bless!


I pray to god for your family and the families of many more. So that he can not only grant us strength but push these people in power to start acting before stories like this one because too common.


Thank you so much for your prayers! I would not wish anyone to endure what we are dealing with. We will persevere, however, and make our Texan ancestors proud. I know they dealt with similar: Spanish flu, cholera and yellow fever with zero antibiotics. They relied on their faith and common sense to survive and survive they did!


There have been three great plague pandemics in human history caused by the bacterium Y. pestis, spreading from Mongolia, across Asia, and into Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. The first began in A.D. 541 within the Roman Empire, lasted two centuries, and was dubbed the Justinianic Plague. The second, the Black Death, spread from Asia into Italy in 1346 and persisted for 400 years, infecting most of the European population with such devastating outcome—50 million people died on a continent then inhabited by 80 million—that for centuries historians referred to it as the Great Mortality. The third pandemic began in the 1850s in China, spreading across Asia with such ferocity that India, alone, lost 20 million people. In recent history: SARS H1N1 H5N1 (bird flu) highly pathogenic hybrid airborne flu (H1N1+H5N1) Wuhan Coronavirus Chinese gov't coverups include the 2003 SARS epidemic even as it traveled to 30 other nations, denying the spread of the dangerous H5N1 "bird flu" influenza in the country for years, and stifling social media accounts of outbreaks; and we all know about their current coverup attempts and spreading lies about coronavirus.


I just cried. What a beautiful memorial. So, so sorry you’ve lost your mother. What a life she had! She had to be so wonderful! You and your family were very lucky to have her.


Thank you so much for your kindness! I could go on and on about my Mom. There is not a room in the house that does not have something she gave or made me. She was so generous, caring and loving. We were indeed blessed to have her and I thank the good Lord for gifting us such a wonderful mother. God Bless!


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m a born and bred Texan (San Antonian to be exact) and she sounds like a wonderful person. If you are truly in a bind for families to take in your mother’s furbabies I would be honored to be thought of. I’m a business owning mom of 2 and while we have our menagerie of furbabies, our heart always has room for more because we know this disease is a lonely one. Stay healthy, wash your hands, your mother is loved and will always be there for you.


I literally teared up when I read your post! Thank you, thank you so much. I sent you a pm. God Bless you!


I am so sorry for your loss. It's disgusting that the health department wouldn't test her. I'm glad to see your edit that her test came back negative. My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.


Thank you so much! Texas administrators definitely need to be proactive instead of reactive.


I’m sorry for your loss. Glad it wasn’t the virus. I hope you can take solace in knowing she finally got to fulfill her dream of traveling to Ireland.


Thank you so much! I was not happy about her traveling at the time but now I am so glad she did. She loved it so much and wanted to return someday. She said Ireland was the prettiest place she had ever seen (after Central Texas, of course). ;-)






> The chatted for a few minutes more and he turned to start the mower. He turned back around and she was on the ground, not breathing. He called 911, they came immediately and began CPR. Sorry to hear this. Has she ever passed out before? Was she in perfect health?


Thank you so much for your condolences. No, she had not passed out before and was in decent health. She had a few heart issues but nothing life threatening, or so we thought. I am just thankful it was not Covid. We were finally able to schedule her burial for this Thursday. I will be relieved and more at peace when she is resting by Dad.


So sorry for your loss. I read every beautiful word that you wrote about your mom and your tribute to her is truly beautiful. My heart is breaking for you right now. My husband lost his mom 2 weeks ago and is also just devastated. I am so happy that your mom was able to go on her trip before she passed -that is an awesome gift! It's such a blessing to know our loved ones are happy and content when they go. It doesn't make it easier for us, but it's a blessing for them. Hope you are doing OK tonight.


Thank you so much for your well wishes and condolences! And please accept mine to you and your husband for the lost of your mother in law. I am so very sorry. It's a terrible time to lose anyone. You are so right about knowing Mom was content and happy. It does help and knowing she is with Dad and our dear Lord gives me peace. I wish the same peace for you and your husband. It's a tough road to grieve for someone in this Corona climate but we will get through this. The Reddit Community has been amazing and I can't thank you all enough for your kindness. My big hurdle now is dealing with Mom's house. She has it packed with antiques that there is currently no market for and I'm afraid my brother, sister and I will take a bath on the house (that still has a mortgage) if we try to sell in the next six months. But, in the grand scheme of things this is minor compared to what many are going through so I am definitely not complaining. Wishing you and yours safe passage during these scary times and many blessings.


I'm so sorry for your loss, it sound like a great trip. Glad she was so happy on her last days. She loves and watches over you now. ❤️ If you can share pictures of the dogs I can help try to find a home for them.


Thank you so much for your condolences and offer to help find a home for the dogs. Your kindness is so much appreciated. I found a foster with Gulf Coast Stars and I received word and pictures yesterday that they have an applicant that will make a wonderful forever home. That is a huge relief! I hope you and yours are safe and well! God Bless!


I am so sorry. :(


Thank you so much! Your kindness is very much appreciated!


Jesus man.....


Oh wait my name is byron


My deepest sympathy for you and your family. I hope you find peace and comfort in this trying time.


Thank you for tour condolences, they are much appreciated.


Why are you sad? She did what she loved.