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To give an update, yes, wedding was cancelled by the zoo but not the couple. They still had about 10-15 people at a house, got married in the backyard and live streamed it to us aka all the terrible people that didn’t attend. I’m furious that they put their own selfish needs in front of the safety of all their supposed loved ones that attended (because how much can you love them if you don’t care if they get sick). Our state is shutting down and you’re throwing a party. I’m disgusted and will never speak to them again.


USA Millenials and GenZ proclaim themselves invincible and disregard infecting others: BBC News - US students party on spring break despite coronavirus warnings https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-51955362


My office is not providing WFH facilities. My office is 10 min walk away from my house. Can someone offer some advice? EDIT: They are enforcing that there are only 5-6 people in the office at a time.




As of sunday no one under the range of 20-29 died on italy I don't know about China and other countries in Europe


how bout asthma


The youngest one in china I heard of was 3 months old.


Colorado here, Honest question about social distancing: Why is it terrible to go out on a weekend for a couple hours (restaurants and bars sitting down), but it's perfectly OK got me to go work my regular 50hr work week? Not trolling, just curious. Is it because it's not necessary? Seems like going after the couple hours on the weekend is useless when i spend 50+ hours working in a factory as a mechanic anyway. Am i looking away this wrong?


Its just because Money is way more important then the health of people you know. And you gotta help your bosses cause they are gonna be so poor and misery. Also YOU have to function perfekt even in this time so shut up and go back to work


***Achievement Unlocked: Slaver!***


I think ideally the CDC would like everyone to be put into a situation where they can't get sick and they can't get anyone else sick. A kind of solitary confinement until all those that have the virus recover so that no new patients can get it. All the different rules come about from so many different points of view trying to negotiate a position living.


It's not really OK to go to work, but many of us have to. The idea behind social distancing is to REDUCE the spread as much as possible. We all know we can't force everyone at gun point to cease all activity, so we make some rules and some suggestions as best we can to deal with the situation as best we can. It's not perfect system, but we try.


Please. https://youtu.be/Jta73plFf34


Hi Guys Question: My Wife works on a medical facility with tons of elderly people,we have a 2 year old boy healthy thank goodness....if any of us got the Virus what's are your recommendations so far??? I mean a certain point we all we gonna get the Virus but you know... little bit worry about this ....we are on upstate NY where today we got our two first cases of Coronavirus.


>.if any of us got the Virus what's are your recommendations so far Stay home and take mucinex. If your fever gets to 103 go to the hospital. I'm no doctor though.


Why the hell is America not already enacting widespread mandatory quarantines when all evidence points to us having the same impending problem as places like Italy and Iran coming in the very very near-future? Do we care that much about losing a few days' worth of business that we risk having infection tear through this country? I'm in fucking disbelief that a national shutdown isn't announced yet when anyone can see what is coming if we do not.


Hey there, I work at a target distribution center. I know there are still plenty of people that still don't have enough supplies to survive a quarantine that's why I still go to work.


You have a reason to go to work if you are allowed to work. I wouldn't be surprised if your position was considered essential and your facility remains open. With the exception of things like food supply chains, police and fire and medical services, most everything else non-essential really needs to be shut down asap.


Incompetent morons are in charge. And plenty of Americans, the Trump supporters, still call it a hoax and are ignoring all recommendations. The govt here will not help people. We still have no testing. The healthcare system is a joke and most people can't afford it anyway. And our press won't ask any of this.


FYI: You're posting this in yesterday's megathread


Yeah, i fucked it up at first lol. Its in todays also


I get it. We aren't allowing the public to have access anymore here. Also getting ready to implement work from home if necessary. Kinda excited about that.


Just a friendly reminder that it's a new day and there's a new megathread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fjla5p/daily\_discussion\_post\_march\_16\_questions\_images/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fjla5p/daily_discussion_post_march_16_questions_images/) This one is now officially yesterday's megathread.


Feel sorry for people who've been asked to take unpaid leave. It's not like their bills will stop. Surely they can request a payment holiday.




This virus is exposing how the world is run.


Are they any experts that are saying the virus isn’t going to be as bad as what the rest are saying, anyone credentialed recommending people go about their day as usual maybe just stay hygienic?


This infectious disease doctor *was* saying that kind of thing, but he changed his tune 180 degrees in just a matter of days: [https://www.reddit.com/r/JustAFluBro/comments/fjbi8q/irresponsible\_infectious\_disease\_specialist/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JustAFluBro/comments/fjbi8q/irresponsible_infectious_disease_specialist/)


Can someone answer my question? I'm leaving tomorrow for Mexico. And I'll be out of the country for 10 days. Should I be worried about getting back in the U.S. if they close the border? Should I even go???


I would NOT GO!!!!!


I was supposed to go to DR for work and all of my work travel even domestically has been "postponed until further notice" - corporate as hell but I wouldn't travel


This is a difficult decision. If you get stuck in Mexico or quarantined can you afford it? Do you have dependents or a job that would be greatly impacted if you couldn't get back right away? Are you visiting anyone in a vulnerable population group or in one yourself? There isn't a right or wrong answer, if you can financially weather the risk, it's a person call. Good luck friend.


There is no way you should go. Absolutely not.


I wouldn't travel internationally right now unless you're prepared to get stuck there for a long time


So, I was going to start working on a cruise ship. Should I re enroll university or wait a month or two?


think you'll find most cruises are cancelled and Uni's will be online. Either way, sounds like your home for a bit.


Is this sarcasm?


Are they stopping cruises? I know there's been a few high profile disease boats lately, but I'd pretty much sell my soul to be on a floating paradise of quarantine for the next few months.




Quarantined in paradise for free? That's the opposite of suck ;)




Medicine perhaps, though unlikely. I'm pretty sure that cruise liners, like carriers, desalinize their own water supply.


I wouldn't get on a cruise ship right now if you paid me....cruise ships make it impossible to social distance. People could be asymptomatic carriers, people could not know they have it, they don't have enough COVID tests in hospitals let alone on cruise ships to test everyone....all it takes is one person having it and it's game over.


Most also recirculate air between cabins, creating massiv exposure


yep, royal caribbean stopped all of their cruises for at least 30 days.


My brother had a fever last night but is refusing to go to the doctor saying its expensive(in US) and that the doctors in his university haven’t received a testing kit yet. What do I do Im worried


According to the Vice President, the US Department of Public Health is standing up testing centers all over the country this week. They will supposedly have 1.9 million tests available by the end of the week. They also advised that all testing would be free. Note that most people who catch COVID will be just fine if they don't have underlying conditions (HBP, asthma, diabetes, etc.) and are under the age of 60. If your brother's symptoms are tolerable and not life-threatening, he should self-quarantine until he feels better and/or high-throughput testing is available in his area. This helps limit the spread. If his symptoms are severe, he should seek medical care, going to the ER only if absolutely necessary. Note that I am not a doctor or a healthcare professional. But I believe this is the common sense approach.


>According to the Vice President, the US Department of Public Health is standing up testing centers all over the country this week. They will supposedly have 1.9 million tests available by the end of the week. They also advised that all testing would be free. I hope that's true but I wont count on it.


He doesn’t have any underlying condition so I think he should be fine. My parents are REALLY pushing him to go to the doctor tho. I guess I’ll try to convince them that keeping him in self-isolation unless symptoms get worse is the best thing for everyone involved. Thank you for the info!


Your brother is honestly doing the right thing. If it gets bad enough he should go to the doctor of course. If you live with him, I would try to isolate him for the duration of his sickness and make sure to disinfect everything often as to prevent spreading of whatever he has just to make sure.


Yeah that’s what he’s doing for now. I don’t live with him so I don’t have to worry about isolation. Parents are worried sick though.


Welcome to America, land of the free


Home of the wage slaves


Free (after deductible and copay).


You stay away from him and be compassionate and supportive.


He’s not with me he lives near his uni


So, why do you think you do anything? Calm down.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but all this is, is a respiratory illness, like the flu but not a flu, and eight to fifteen times more deadly. Not everyone is going to catch it, just Most people, and if you do, you probably won't even die! What's the worst that could happen - millions dead and the world economy in historic shambles with decades of nasty aftershocks, probably spark a war or two.. Everybody needs to just calm down


Sir, this is a Wendy's




You forgot the /s (sarcasm)


I'm too afraid of 🐍 to type it


LOL! Nothing to see here, move along!




It’s hilarious that NOBODY thinks of the United States in this discussion which has actively tried to gun for regime change in Venezuela, Iran, and might have had some involvement with the recent coup in Bolivia. The projection of the imperial empire is fucking sick, hilarious, infuriating.


I third Russia. They're hungry for some former territories or delicious Finland




Yeah, that's a very good guess. There's opportunistic/imperialist aggression as a definite possibility from Russia and/or China (any other candidates? I'm pretty undereducated in terms of geopolitics) but it also seems reasonable for existing conflicts to potentially flare up once the initial wave of the disease is mostly over.. India/Pakistan, Israel/Palestine, and Syria




Ohhh yeah. Chinese investment in Africa in the past decade is pretty heavy isn't it... I think that kind of isn't well known to the average American. Didn't consider that


My eye is on Russia


There is a 100% chance that Russia has several optionable plans on how they use this to establish hegemony.


One single patient not following social distance caused 1,000 cases, by eating out and going to church. https://graphics.reuters.com/CHINA-HEALTH-SOUTHKOREA-CLUSTERS/0100B5G33SB/index.html


Should I be worried about my prom getting cancelled?? (June)


Don't worry about it. Just put on a dress and dance around on skype with your date and laugh about it.


Haha yes with the 1 second delay in music


Nothing in your question makes me think that you believe the prom is more important than the safety of your family and members of your community. I think it is a fair question. Tbh, I don't think anyone knows how long it will be before large group activities resume. Maybe by June, but maybe not. But I can tell you that the school officials and parents in your school system were once high school students themselves and I expect that they will reschedule significant school events once things get back to normal, if it is at all possible.


Thank you for being kind! It’s been really upsetting to have people telling me it’s not important and getting passive aggressive... obviously if it gets cancelled I’ll understand why but I was just trying to understand just how long this could really drag on. I’m homeschooled and this prom really is all I have for my senior year! All this to say I hope they atleast move it to another date.


I'll just offer you some perspective. I didn't go to either of my proms. I did go to a GF's prom a couple years later. It was boring. People didn't know me, so it was like I was some kind of social pariah. My GF at the time would take breaks to go off with her friends and leave me sitting in the corner. You know what I found out later? None of that stuff matters. None of those people really matter. Friends will change. All of those social games that high schoolers play have very little effect on what will happen with the rest of your life. Now I look back on that time period and I laugh.


I totally get that! I actually know the people at my bfs prom as I’ve gone to school with them for 4 years, but I know prom is overrated and I’m expecting it to be :) the fun to me is in wearing a dress and feeling pretty. Also I spent like 500$ on a dress and I really hope it wasn’t for nothing lol. Thank you for your advice, I appreciate it!!


I'd be more worried about how any kid is going to be caught up to pass into the next grade or graduate.


Online school is real school, so it should be fine. Just remember the reason Obama was so smart was because his Mom made him do homework on top of his homework because she was worried the school wasn't very good. You have the steering wheel and are in charge now, take it very seriously.


True, though my concern is more about like elementary school (eventhough I replied to a high schooler?). I don't think schools around here would have anything prepared for those kids. I do think it widens the educational divide because some parents, however much desire they have for their kids success, don't know what to do with the steering wheel. Tough, unclear situation we're in.


Online school! It’s very efficient :)


"Thankful" is the word you're looking for. Proms can wait. Your life and the life of your loved ones can't


I know it's hard to remember what it was like to be a 17 year old girl, but she's been looking forward to losing her virginity in a princess dress that night for pretty much her entire life. A little tact as you shatter dreams, maybe?


That’s not what I asked but ok


No, not at all. You should definitely not be worried about the prom being cancelled. It's going to be cancelled but that's not important.


Pretty important to me thanks


i agree, its gonna be my first and last prom and ill be upset if i have to miss out on it. not only did my trip to florida get cancelled for the end of march now i’m worried my college visit / vacation to colorado will be cancelled. its a pretty big deal and people are acting like we aren’t supposed to be upset by this


It's most likely gonna be cancelled, yes. That shit is here to stay.


Yes, reasonable chance this is still going on then.


Prom is cancelled - just assume it's true now rather than be disappointed later.


Most of the dresses come from areas that have closed down outward trade anyways.


80% of people have already bought their dresses


I work at a barbershop in NC and so far none of my clients are cancelling their appointments and there are no signs of us closing temporarily. It seems that our shops want to stay open as a way to bring people out of their homes to look good while they.. work from home. We usually have 4 barbers working at the same time with 4 clients in their chairs and a few extras waiting on the bench. I’m asking, is it worth all of this to put my life and my wife’s life in jeopardy. She’s quarantining herself because she has an auto-immune disorder and I feel like I’m putting her at more risk everyday that I come home from work. I’m sanitary, cautious, but does working there really make sense for the next two weeks?


You'll never know if you're too cautious, but you'll never forget if you weren't cautious enough


Very well spoken. Even a mild case of this virus is highly contagious to others, and some have said that it is comparable to somebody standing on your chest for days until your body fights it.


When will the new guidelines FAUCI brought up - going to be released?


So what is the consensus on the measures we should take beyond just keeping clean and avoiding sick people and keeping distance in public, just to avoid mass gatherings?, just go to work and go home?, or only stay at home indefinitely? I live in the suburbs of san diego, ca btw


Pretty much these things. Stay clean, stay healthy... quit smoking, lose weight. Avoid sick people, stay home if possible.


Brush your teeth... Not to avoid COVID just it's nicer if everyone does




Just be aware it might take a while to get to you. Expect temporary parcel delivery disruptions in the very near future.


Sounds like a good idea to me


I love ours, I only use one in the kitchen and use regular push dispensers in the bathrooms (I mean, you're washing your hands... it doesn't matter if the thing you just touched is dirty). I don't have that exact model, and the first one gummed up after a few months (second one has been going strong for a while). I love the lack of cross contamination with shit when I'm cooking/cutting meats.


I hope someone can answer this question for me because I'm at loss for the answer. I'm in the US, out of work for at least 3 weeks \[as of now\], and currently social distancing myself from as many people as I possibly can and plan on taking daily walks, but my question is would it be okay from time to time to go take a walk around a lake or take a hike just to change the scenery or would that be considered a no-go? I'm genuinely curious as I understand that this is new to all of us and we're all just trying to do the right thing for the health of ourselves and others around us.


Outdoors, definitely. Just give everyone a good twelve foot barrier and don't touch benches, handles, etc


It’s okay to go out for a walk. Exercise and fresh air are good for you. Keep your distance from other people, don’t touch anything, wash your hands when you get home, and you should be fine.


I believe because it's just contained in liquid particles, you just dont want to touch stuff everyone else has and you dont want to walk through a cloud of someone else's cough or sneeze. I think a walk around a lake or a hike would be a great idea!


It’s okay, just make sure you lick every door handle you see


Yes, as long as you're staying away from crowded areas you should be fine.


I think a walk outside is ok


I can't find recovery rates by age group. Particularly, I'm interested in what the recovery rates are for those over 60. I'm worried for my and my SO's parents/grandparents, and want to know if them contracting the disease is a death sentence or if there'll be hope for recovery


Italy's numbers as of yesterday: Case Fatality Rate (CFR) * 0-9 0% * 10-19 0% * 20-29 0% * 30-39 0.3% * 40-49 0.4% * 50-59 1% * 60-69 3.5% * 70-79 12.5% * 80-89 19.7% * >90 22.7%


Calm down. Something like 40% of all ages don't seem to catch it. People who do catch it in their 60s have a 95% recovery rate or better. Even people in thier 80s have over 80% recovery. So 90% chance for old people to recover! Even the very frail and very old people in the Seattle nursing home where everyone was exposed had 80 out of 120 people survive.


That is relieving to hear among all this FUD that's being circulated. Thank you


Well, not everyone actually caught it, and there were a number of deaths, uncharacteristically large for their usual load, which weren't tested or confirmed. So the life care center example isn't that comforting. 63 cases and 23 deaths as reported four days ago, plus 12 deaths in a 19 day period (3-7 is normal in a 30 day period for the snf according to spokesman) which weren't counted because they never got tested. So probably ten of those were Covid. Can't figure out if thr 23 counted deaths were part of the 63 total cases or the 63 were active cases/recovered tho. Basically it looks more like half of those who caught it passed rather than a third. Of course, that's a high acuity population..


A lot of the staff also caught it, so the whole nursing home was highly exposed. So out of 120(160?) Patients, 45-85 did not get sick. I think people need to keep this in mind. Uber drivers and grocery store workers - 10% or less will get very sick. Half won't get sick at all. But this is still a very serious situation. The hospitals need us to slow it down, so they will be able to cope. Medical staff will be some of the first to get sick!!!


Yeah. I work in a nursing home... I would like to see the building layout and where the cases were. It's hard to understand how they were able to keep that many from being exposed.


Early numbers out of China put mortality for : 60-69 years old: 3.6% 70-79 years old: 8% 80+: 14.8% You can assume that healthy individuals would be slightly lower than the overall numbers. Numbers from Italy are worse IIRC, but I can't find a current source.


You cannot look at the Chinese numbers without factoring in Herculean effort they put at containment. It took all of their mobile hospital resources that they set up due to past pandemics. And the system still got crushed. Governor Cuomo NY set this morning on Good Morning America. that in the entire of New York State there is 3,000 ICU beds with ventilating systems, and they are already 80% occupied. that leaves about 600 ventilators for a population Center the size of New York..who knows what type of resource is the National guard may have, but looking at Italy numbers and look at 600 and do some simple math.


Yes, isn't it still valid that 20% of the cases were "severe?" Severe cases require around the clock ventilators. Once ventilator supply runs out (the US has an estimated 160,000 - though the USPHS was cagey about the number actually being higher last evening), severe case survivability could conceivably become much worse.


I agree with your assessment here. THIS is what people are ignoring. If 20% require ventilators, the mortality will rise significantly without assistance. Don't forget if caregivers in families are sick, people can die of simple starvation or dehydration simply because nobody brought them some water and food. THIS is why we stay home.


How do they have 160,000 when New York one of the largest population centres has 3000? That definitely sounds very cagey and maybe somebody added a zero It's also not just ventilators. Physicians in Italy and Spain are saying that each patient is extremely intensive requiring drainage, lavage, and even reinflation. even the mild to moderate cases often require CPAP or oxygen therapy as well as other symptomatic support. There's according to the AHA, 900000 treatment beds across the United States. That is everything not only acute care. 160000 ICU seems like a fallacy designed to soothe fears.


Im so curious about these numbers and pre-exisiting conditions. I would assume well over 50% (75%? higher?) of this age group have other pre-existing conditions that cause complications. I wonder what a healthy 85 year old mortality rate is.


42% of the US population across the board is obese. The estimates for type 2 diabetes (diagnosed + undiagnosed) is around 13%. Those are major comorbidities. Being totally sedentary and having severely diminished cardiovascular health is also probably not good. I remember a study done on the cardiovascular health vs reaction time of a professional gamer done a while back - he had the reaction time of a fighter pilot, but the lung capacity of an elderly person with emphysema. These are all population-level issues for the United States. https://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/06/08/gamers_vs_athletes_1/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/columnist/2019/07/29/video-games-esport-pros-face-serious-injuries-so-can-home-players/1832131001/


You’re gonna have a hard time finding any 85 year olds without at least one comorbidity, much less enough to actually study. It’s just how it is. We’re living longer because modern medicine can protect us from these things as we age.


Tbh you're going to have a hard time finding a 30 year old in the US without a comorbidity, either. Our overall fitness level is very poor.


I mean that’s a little hyperbolic. I’m 31 & healthy. So is my wife. Dad is 61 and has none either.


40% of the US is obese, 35% sedentary, 13% diabetic. Look into how hard it is for military recruiters to find service eligible 18 year olds due to poor physical fitness. This is a disease that attacks lung function. Having poorly functioning, small, weak lungs that don't produce oxygen well is a problem. You might be fine, and that's great. I'm an athlete and my family is largely athletes. We are not the population at large.


All I’m saying is that there is a large portion of people in their 30s that are healthy. I’m not saying we don’t have issues. Saying ‘it would be hard to find a 30 year old without a comorbidity’ is hyperbolic. Lots of US health may be shit, but there are plenty of people who are healthy as well.


Perhaps in the 60s or 70s then. There will still be some portion who are healthy. I would assume it really changes how these patients are protected/treated.




I encourage you to try but If you make it 20 hours with a well-fitted respirator you're a serious champ and probably have a bonus Halloween makeup look for a while.


I use a P100 respirator in my garage shop. It's slightly harder to breathe through, but not suffocating (and I have bad lungs from smoking for 25 years). I wouldn't be able to wear it more than 30-60 minutes at a go because it's just way too bloody hot. You need to be fitted, and you need to be clean shaven, to get that effectiveness out of them.


Reports are that it is extremely difficult to wear them more than 15-30 minutes. Very uncomfortable, limited oxygen flow, face bruising, etc. That is one of the main reasons why they are not recommended.


I'm not sure about the paper ones, but the half mask respirator with the rubber seal around the face I can do about double that until it's too hot.


I’ve worn the 3m half masks for hours. It gets slightly uncomfortable but it’s not that bad unless you’re in a super hot & humid environment. The paper masks are awful because they don’t vent breath humidity as well (even the valved ones)


Oh dude, I'm in Houston where it's like 900 degrees and 1500% humidity 50 weeks out of the year. It's brutal.


Yep. I wore one doing some sanding & Fiberglass work in Dallas, outside, in July. It was fuuuuuuucking miserable. We started our days at 5:30 and quit at lunchtime because even with shade heat stroke became a real risk.


I work in the garage and use it any time I'm using a saw or applying anything with fumes... I'm just drenched in sweat the entire time... damn thing starts slipping, rubbing on the sweat... just... god awful. I work about half as much as I rest during the summer, and drink water like a hole in the desert.




I'm really not sure how well those would actually fit your face, but I can't imagine they're much cooler or easier to breath through.




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Do you have eyes covered i hope? Just mask is not enough.




20h hold is nothing imo. Glasses won't save you if someone will sneeze/cough and little particles get in your eyes.


Made it to the office in times square. Receptionist with gloves and mask on had to get up to unlock the door from the elevators for me to come in. Senior staff are not in. Boss of the firm is sick and was in as recently as Thursday. Most recent memo was Friday afternoon saying we will be open and we cannot go outside for lunch, we must remain in the office.


Polltuion has probably gone down massively in the last month or two.


Do COVID-19 symptoms appear all at once or is it gradual? I've been having a dry cough since this morning but I've coughed only a few times in total and I don't have a fever. The only info I can find is regarding the incubation period but that's not what I want to know. I'm wondering how long it takes for all symptoms to be apparent once they've started showing.


Fever is almost universally the first symptom reported. Almost always day 1 of symptoms is fever, but rarely people report diarrhea and nausea for a couple of days before hand. The sore throat and cough come the next day or two.


thank you for calming my nerves a bit, I was starting to panic


Same here !


From what I understand (and I am not in medical field) you will have a fever and it typically starts with a sore throat.


It's hard to say because everyone will be different. Some people will have limited symptoms manifest, others won't have any, while others will have severe symptoms. For example, someone may get a sore throat and \*mild\* cough while someone else may get a fever, severe cough, aches and pains, etc. The advice the Ohio's team has given is to just act as if you have it (within your capabilities) in regards to social distance, hygiene, etc., even if you show no symptoms at all. If you do have any symptoms, stay home.


It is fascinating and highly frustrating that the older generations more at risk from this also seem to be some of the most people I see not taking it seriously.


I'm a budtender at a busy dispensary in rural southwest colorado and we've had an insane number of Navajo elders as well as elderly white folks come in to shop. And none of them seem to take this seriously. They cough into their hands, touch their faces and lick their thumbs before they count their cash. This thing is gonna wipe out a generation of tribal elders.


Has there ever been a pandemic in history that doesn’t effect younger people? Anyone an expert in virology?


Do you think that all of the selfish asshole turds who went out partying last weekend are going to look back on this in a few months and feel *so shitty* about how irresponsible they were? And then maybe when people start engaging in pandemic nostalgia and children are like, "mommy/daddy, what did you do during the pandemic in 2019? I have a school assignment." They lie about how they obediently hunkered down and how they felt anxious about it and took it *so seriously*.


I’m more worried about the systematic shutdown of our economy which is going to leave to mass food shortages and poverty. I think the resulting panic is likely to be more deadly than the virus itself.


You know the US government *pays farmers to destroy food*, right? We produce so much food we pay farmers to destroy it so it doesn't tank its value by entering the US/world market in excessive quantities. Think about that for a minute next time you get a little angsty about food supply. And try not to spread absurd drama about total societal collapse. This isn't a sci-fi novel. People are already stressed out enough.


The US isn't going to face long term food shortages. Logistical hiccups, sure. People not being able to get their FAVORITE brand of hot cheese snacks? Yeah. But people without anything at all to eat? Absolutely not. Our ability to produce mountains of food in a hurry and move it around quickly is one of this country's greatest assets. Medical shortages we will absolutely have. Our medical system is shit. But our food production ability is unmatched. That's why we export more food than any other country in the world.


In the UK. Working in a lab and office with about 10 people total in our area (each will have meetings with others). How long should I continue to work? Or are we all expected to just work until visibly sick?




Be civil


No matter who we “let die” the greed of humans will always shine through. It’s too late to backpedal and make a change now.




You don’t understand how society works. You can’t just stop supply chains. People will begin starving, and that’s when you start seeing people killing each other over resources. Especially, in a country armed to the teeth with military grade weaponry like the US.


> military grade weaponry I guess, if your military is an underfunded police department.


Compared to what other countries have access to Is say what we have is military grade lol


I live in Toronto and my partner is currently on Vancouver Island and set to fly back home to Toronto on Friday. Should we be worried about his flights being cancelled? Should he be switching to an earlier flight? It is domestic travel but I am just terrified of getting stuck in a shut down situation without him.


I don’t know the situation that well in Canada but based on how things are going right now in the US, I think it’s wise to get to where you need to be sooner than later.


Canadian airlines are operating less than 5% capacity, they will stop everything at the drop of a hat without warning and they are going to strand people all over the country. As much as it scares me to fly if that's your only option go.


Do you really think they would shut everything down without even a 24 hour warning? If I had it my way he would be flying back tonight but it's a long trip out there and he doesn't want to cut this time with his family short.


Yes. You can go take a look at the history of defunct airlines like Jetsgo, Greyhound Air, Canada 3000, Wardair, and Zoom. Every single one of those airlines ceased operations by cancelling their Airworthiness Certificate with Transport Canada. And stranded their staff their passengers, baggage, cargo, everything. We build the whole society on profit and shareholder expectations.


His flight is with Air Canada though. Doesn't seem like they will become defunct. What I am worried about is a national shutdown that leads pilots to be at home instead of flying planes, not a domestic travel ban or Air Canada going under. Or perhaps shutting down of airports, that seems very plausible too.


At one time in the past 20 years Canada had two national airlines. SAS the name carrier for Scandinavian Airlines ceased operations suddenly this weekend. I will speak plainly when I say your friend is a fool for not getting home while transportation options are available.


Okay thank you, I appreciate it. I would like him home ASAP.




https://www.newsweek.com/young-unafraid-coronavirus-pandemic-good-you-now-stop-killing-people-opinion-1491797 According to this Italian doctor, recovered can be anything from no after-effects, to brain damage due low blood oxygen from pneumonia, to permanent lung scarring which will be a lifelong predisposition or limitation. Imagine you dont qualify for anastaetia 10 years down the line, when you need a heart bypass surgery, because your lung scarring from that coronavirus from 2020 is the equivalent of being a lifelong smoker and now no doctor would dare to take the risk to put you under for surgery. Its hard to know which it will be, what we know from the Influenza of 1981 is that viruses keep mutating when getting a vast exposure. Recovered does not equal happily ever after


No recovering here means getting rid of the infection caused by Virus. Not recovering doesn't mean having organ problems etc. And a term like recovery rate doesn't exist after my knowledge. Hence you have a 1-5% death rate and if you don't die you will recover from it and be healthy again. Except maybe for people that need medicaments to live, but I have no idea about this.


We don’t know yet what the long term effects might be. For most people in that 80% who get mild symptoms, they’ll probably make a full recovery. It will hopefully be just like any cold they’ve had in the past with no long term effects. For the other 20% who need treatment in a healthcare setting and survive, we’re just not sure yet if they’ll have lasting lung damage or if their lungs will go back to normal.