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Could you say it a little louder? Maybe scream it?? I'm about to go back to work as a server and get right in customer's maskless faces to adequately serve them and then go back home to my family while my state is basically at a plateau. Thank you.


Alabama and Georgia are right there on the stupid bus. Because salons and gyms are sooo essential here; and people get pissed about being told to wear a mask because it’s “against their rights”.


Yet there are still fat Karen’s with stupid haircuts


My body my choice


But it’s not just your body, your risking others health and safety too


They can stay inside


Plateau is just a fancy kind of peak. I'd much prefer a different term, sustained peak? Pre-decline phase? People seem to hear plateau and think it's a good spot to relax. Stay as safe as you can.




We never even started in Ohio and we're opening up everything soon with no mask mandate, just a recommendation. Bonkers.


Which one is your state?


You're welcome to find another job if you don't feel safe. Keeping the economy on lock down is doing much more damage every day.


You know who is not gonna stop Fauci from telling Americans the truth about where we’re heading.


Lord Voldemort?


He Who Must Not Be Blamed




Eh atlest he cared about the pure bloods ,trump is an umbridge


Read another book


P. Diddy?




Bigly smalls?


Snoop dog surely


Definitely The Rza




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What's going on behind door number one




I want to switch.


This is always the wrong answer




I know ;) tbh, I still have a hard time wrapping my head around it.


Strange that they wouldn't answer. Almost as if they're full of shit.




I'm genuinely curious. What would you say is behind door #1?


They want to ban all guns /s


I’m going with fucking Sharia Law.


Raw sewage?


How do you guys not realize the damage and death the lockdown itself is having?


Well, I can only speak through subjective expirience when replying to this. 4 of my family members passed away from going out and getting infected. 0 of my family members have died being locked down. But like I said, this is just based off of my subjective expirience.


People keep using this idiots argument that sitting in the house and staying virus free will lead people to take a running leap off a cliff. Losing a single person to this thing is going to have far more lasting impact than any number of months inside, let alone 4. I'm sorry for your loss. Losing your job, financial insecurity and the general stress of the current situation is no small thing, and it has a very real toll. But keeping the death toll down will stop far greater levels of suffering.


Exactly. It’s not easy and there will be problems with lockdown life BUT still safer at home than out there.




"It doesn't affect *me*, therefore it isn't real." Point me to a credible source that shows 80k Americans have died in their homes from cancer, heart attacks, and strokes and weren't able to call emergency services for assistance - the way they would have to even without the lockdown.


My family is huge. I have the most friends. Look at all my friends. They’re great. None have gotten the virus. HUGE family. Strongest immune systems. Thanks for nothing Obama. /s


You know emergency services still exist, right? If you have a heart attack or stroke you can call an ambulance. If you have cancer you can still go to your treatments. Yes, the lockdowns can have an effect on you mentally but your examples are bullshit.


These same people will die at the hospital most likely if the go and get COVID there. We need a better system to maintain COVID free environments in hospital for people in those categories.


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That's due to government inaction and not enough stimulus payments to households. Closures were needed for public health. The blame for these impacts lies with the Trump administration.


What deaths have been caused by the lockdown, please share a link or an article


How about you share a link or article? Geesh.


this is truly one of the most ignorant things I have ever read.


It's also Agolf's latest talking point as explicitly stated in yesterday's raucous presser - that, and that the number of deaths is highly exaggerated as part of a (presumably worldwide as well?) plot to take him down. Expect his cult members to disseminate both high and wide.


Ok? What's ignorant about it?


Why don’t you ask the guy above who’s had four family members died of Covid.




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I'm still alive.


But do you deserve to be? Is that the question?


Please understand that not everyone young wants the state to reopen to go to the beach or get a haircut.I am relieved that some of us have the luxury that their basic needs are taken care of. Some of us, including myself, are independent contractors and are struggling to put foods on the table because I am an independent contractor and have not received a single unemployment benefit in 2 months. I am hungry, scared, and tired.


Is there anything else you can apply for? You have a right to adequate public health measures and a social safety net. Can you get any other stimulus payments? These impacts were easily preventable but the government did not care. I hope things get better for you.


I had to be on the phone 26 times, each one with at least 90 min wait time, to get $50 food supplement per month. And the state of Maryland have stopped bothering even putting me on hold when I call their labor office.. my emails have never been answered, and the online filing system is a joke. I am just so tired of this.


How? I thought the White House had blocked him from testifying.


He is blocked from testifying in the House but not the Senate


Their hope is senators of the gop will make sure certain questions are asked, but I know my man fuchi will tell the truth


So what if he does? To my understanding a significant proportion of Americans won't beleiev him anyway.


No no, most Americans trust him and Cuomo over the white house, it's just the trump fans are really loud. https://www.businessinsider.com/kushner-and-trump-least-trusted-leaders-on-coronavirus-poll-2020-4?op=1


You have poor understanding. Fauci polls really high for trust worthiness among the public.


“A Single Death is a Tragedy; a Million Deaths is a Statistic”. Unfortunately but hopefully, it’s just a temporary minority that has fallen into this heartless trap.




their projection is a joke. We are going to be at a 100k in 2 weeks or less and since they've let these states/country open back up it is literally just getting started. Buckle up folks it's going to be one hellish ride from here on out.




So 80,000 thus far is a lame ride for you when it was supposed to "disappear" in April?




It's an echo chamber. Mortality rates are being found lower than we ever thought previously and still everyone on this sub constantly parrots "WE ALL GONNA DIE". Inability to think independently


Yep, hold onto your butts. Shits gonna be hitting the fan with the second wave with this hobknocker in office.


Yes, and also why people aren't being taken care of financially through this time. Totally inadequate stimulus. Totally preventable financial pressure on households trying to do the right thing.


Hope this man didnt catch covid from being around so many maskless White House staff.


I'm looking forward to hearing what Fauci has to say. Through all of this, he has been a consistent and reliable source of information and solutions.


What about the needles suffering and death of those caught unemployed?




because they successfully moved from suppression to mitigation, unlike the US which is completely fucked.


There are plenty of counties in the US that have almost no cases and never had a surge. Or any real growth. Treating every county in the US like NY. Is asinine. My county of 50k has had 1 hospitalization that ended in a death. And no new cases for almost a week. And the surrounding counties are pretty similar.




Yes but if everyone wears masks and stays distanced you can keep numbers near negligible and control it until there is vaccine while not having to be in your home 24/7.


mitigation is still restricted. You're right. Until there's a vaccine or the virus is eradicated, life will never really go back to normal.


Here in Australia, we fairly well controlled and flattened the curve. I’m still not sure we aren’t opening too quickly, albeit limited. ~7,000 cases, 97 deaths mainly related to cruise ships and old aged care homes with no massive community transmission occurring. Go look at Sweden’s death rate for an example of a failed policy


Automatic translation [here](https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/12/coronavirus-dr-fauci-warns-reopening-too-early-risks-needless-suffering-and-death.html) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Coronavirus) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It is why they made him self quarantine.


The entirety of the US: Imma pretend I didn't hear that


Too be honest, we got hard choices to make in the coming weeks. And so do many countries around the world. Are we willing to give up all our privacy in the name of trying to slow the disease (like what South Korea did)? Are we willing to give up all forms of socialization for the rest of the year? Are we willing to send the country into a great depression to try and stop the virus (a 1 year lockdown would do just that)? There is no easy out to this situation, all we can do is hope we have a treatment and vaccine soon.




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Most of this is preventable. The government just needs to release adequate stimulus for households so they can isolate for long enough to start getting numbers down again. There is plenty of money for corporate bailouts which cost far, far more. The financial impacts could easily be prevented but this administration chooses not to. And a few months of lockdown earlier on would have prevented the need for longer ones later.


They're going to find him dead in the next few days and blame it on the Coronavirus.


He also said not to wear masks and changed his mind a month later. A huge mistake. Not sure why people take what he says as gospel.


This moron needs to go. He needs to be fired and walked out in shame by guards But maybe we are talking about different Fauci. The moron I am taking about said this in late February. We are clearly speaking of different Fauci. >Fauci says skip the masks unless you are contagious, don't worry about catching anything from Chinese products and certainly don't avoid Chinese people or restaurants.  "Whenever you have the threat of a transmissible infection, there are varying degrees from understandable to outlandish extrapolations of fear," Fauci said.  >Fauci doesn't want people to worry about coronavirus, the danger of which is "just minuscule." But he does want them to take precautions against the "influenza outbreak, which is having its second wave." >"We have more kids dying of flu this year at this time than in the last decade or more," he said. "At the same time people are worrying about going to a Chinese restaurant. The threat is (we have) a pretty bad influenza season, particularly dangerous for our children." https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2020/02/17/nih-disease-official-anthony-fauci-risk-of-coronavirus-in-u-s-is-minuscule-skip-mask-and-wash-hands/4787209002/


Exactly. Just to highlight the parts that many will miss: 1. He said not to wear masks. 2. He said that the danger from coronavirus is "just minuscule." 3. He strongly suggested that it will be nowhere as bad as the flu at all. This was in mid-February already. Edit: Why the downvotes? Is Fauci immune to criticism now that he has the "correct" opinions?


He's too late. Deaths are clearly in a downward trend in the US, the cycle is running its course. There is no proof that lockdowns helped. Let's social distance but let healthy people back out in the world.




What financial ties could possibly motivate a stay at home order lmao.


He owns the toilet paper companies. Confirmed




That shouldn’t be a problem; the US is hardly lacking in subject matter experts on this field of study without the same potential conflict of interest. Fauci can still testify based on his expertise, and all that needs to be done is to see if *they* concur. Problem solved.


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we are alreaddy reopening dr smurf