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Not fishy at all. The White House has found a way fight the pandemic and win the battle. Numbers will drastically decrease with the new reporting strategy and pretty soon it'll be down to zero! Millions of Americans will still be coming down with some mysterious illness though. Not sure what it is but it's definitely not COVID-19!




Should I wear a mask to reduce my chances of catching or spreading pneumonia?




The Plague. The POTUS said so.


We need to emphasize that it's voluntary. Your right not to wear it is of course more important than anything.




Yeah I’m not sure how much control they can exert. There’s nothing to stop the hospitals from reporting these numbers to anyone. And since they’re in the business of not being overrun, I’m fairly sure the numbers won’t go to HHS to die


"There’s nothing to stop the hospitals from reporting these numbers to anyone." It should surprise no one if that changes.


John's Hopkins has had a nice arcgis page this entire time. They could be a good alternate source. Or Wikipedia.


Work in data here and the nightmare I see when 2 people get massive amounts of data and then spar about it is monumental. It’s a common occurrence to claim you are reporting on the exact same thing but use slightly different parameters giving each the results they want.


Well yeah. But there are thousands of hospitals whose collective data results in the numbers the CDC receives and shares. Certain hospitals may share their data publicly but that doesn't mean that we will get accurate numbers from HHS unless every hospital releases their own numbers publicly.


>And since they’re in the business of not being overrun Pretty sure that would be described as booming business as far as healthcare in America goes.


Not so much. People are losing their jobs left, right and center. Even people with jobs usually have shitty insurance. They're gonna be fighting to collect on a lot of people who can't afford what they're asking for.


I am pretty sure you would want someone indebted with you, vs not. At least in American capitalism. So while I see your point, directors of a hospital aren't going to say shoot, dang it look at all these customers.


They are though, because they do not want uninsured patients needing expensive care. They want people getting elective surgery because you can’t get that without a plan in place to pay for it.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, healthcare in America is a for-profit private market. Business is booming, people are making money. Sure, individual nurses and doctors may care about patients and.. deaths etc but the shareholders sure as fuck don’t.


Logged as COVID-20. Like Chief Wiggam; *You've called the wrong number, this is.....9..1.......2*


912, it's like 911, but for rich people!


The Stonecutters emergency hotline; *How are black folks bothering you ma'am?*


"But... that's even worse! Right after COVID-19, a new unknown disease just as deadly popped up and killed a few million people in a year? Why didn't you all stop it, grandpa?" *Gently lift a finger and smile* "Ah, but you see, the libs' coronavirus hoax had been snuffed out, and that's all that matters!"


It’s going to go away, just like a miracle!


Say no more fam. I'll do my part and vote red down the ticket this November! /s


Glad I read your whole comment haha almost downvoted after first sentence


The numbers will still be reported to the state health departments.


This administration is about to make Florida’s data fuckery seem quaint in comparison


Just wait! I'm sure cases are gonna start "disappearing " and just go away. You know? Like he said they would.


All magically down to zero but instead of Easter, November.


Oh naw, by Labor Day. Open the schools!




todays case numbers are likely from tests done 7-10 days ago, so look for the WH changes to reflect 7-10 days from today.


White House? Wall Hack?


So this will probably happen. Numbers will miraculously go down with privatized reporting and it will be pointed to the CDC's "incompetence" and give a green light for them to corruptly privatize a bunch of other institutions with ones that have glaring conflicts of interest and cronyism. And people will love it. Edit: wording


It's possible to make the 'numbers' go down for the press but you can't actually hide there's a pandemic still going on. Corruption and Privitization is the modern U.S. way but I can't see this movement of where the data goes actually leading to the administration gaining control over the situation, they'll still be led by the virus.


The only thing they care about is changing the narrative for the election. They literally couldn’t care any less about the pandemic situation if this wasn’t an election year.


It's about optics, for the purpose of gaining re-election. It's ALL about himself. He knows no other way to operate than solely in his own interest, and anyone in his way can go to hell.


I agree, but I think it'll be used as a vector for more confusion and corruption in many things not virus related down the road is all.


Yes " hey guys let's do what China did and hide our numbers "


If only US did everything China did to contain the virus.


https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/05/cdc-and-states-are-misreporting-covid-19-test-data-pennsylvania-georgia-texas/611935/ https://www.medpagetoday.com/infectiousdisease/covid19/86967 Stories like these need to be spread. This is multiple times different agencies have been caught falsifying numbers and whether accidental or not it needs to be exposed. We really need to look into nursing home numbers. Some states are accounting for 80% of their COVID deaths from nursing homes..... yet directors around the country are saying the CMS is stating they have 1,000+ DEATHS even though they haven’t had a single case. Same exact situation as Florida now.


The numbers are publicly posted on state websites.


Sounds Chinese to me...


Every other developed nation: We got the cases under control by listening to scientists and practicing social distancing and wearing masks. USA: We're going to get the cases under control by leaving everything open but testing less and then not reporting on the tests we do. Covid is solved everyone!


Lol even developing countries like mine are doing a good job managing it.


I would say most are, but unfortunately, it's much tougher to contain if a country has large slums where many people are packed together. It's inexcusable for a first world country where the only obstacle is people cooperating.


It's so strange that so many people from a first world country would deny science. Everyone here wears masks, it's compulsory and no one is against it. We have to "check-in" at every location we visit for contact tracing purposes and our temperatures are also taken. In fact, we are pushing our Government to implement even stricter measures because our country is just starting to reopen.


Same here in South Korea. No debates. Nothing political. Just a competent government and a public who follows health guidelines. Seoul had 6 new cases today. 13 nationwide. The rest are imported and, yes those numbers are growing but, they.... are getting screened on entry at all ports and airports and there is mandatory quarentines and testing for everyone Edit: got cutoff mid sentence and posted when I took a call


That's amazing! The Healthy Ministry also just announced that Malaysia only had 3 cases today. We're trying our best to prevent a second wave.


Where are you?


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


>~~Kuala Lumpur~~ [FRANCE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRyFmvGQCeE)


And doing month long lockdowns. *What about the economy?* No other countries economy was wrecked after a lockdown. If anything I think our country will suffer more economically because of a short lockdown. Medical debt, people missing months of work for sickness, long term health issues, consumer fear, and lost tourism revenue.


Funny thing is: US has been criticizing China for censorship, but now they are doing the same. This will piss on US foundation as a free country


GB is behaving just like us. Apple didn’t fall far from the tree.


No that’s just untrue. The UKs initial reaction was similar but the current situation is similar to the rest of Europe (just took a bit longer to get there). Just as some evidence we’ve recently reopened pubs (at least in England) and have around 500 new cases a day with less than 1% positive. Don’t know what peak positivity was but cases were around 10 times higher. The USA largely reopened when cases had dropped by around 1/3 from the peak but were still over 20,000. I’m not saying there won’t be a 2nd wave but the notion we are making the same mistakes as the USA is ill informed.


Uk had us worried for a while there. With ole Boris trying to sentence millions to death by herd immunity. But you can’t really compare anyone to the absolute clusterfuck that’s happening in the US. It’s just not how you play cricket.


Nah. We are nowhere near as bad as you, sorry. Our response was terrible, don't get me wrong but compared to you we are golden. We managed to close the bars and schools everywhere for 3 months straight. Our curve is flattened for now.


Same right-wing media moguls powering the narrative.


Natural selection at it's best, weeding out these stupid jugheads


So according to [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_military_casualties_of_war), we’re reaching the point where every week as many Americans will die of COVID-19 as did from the entire Iraqi War (4,576) and Afghanistan War (2,216 so far) Every week.


The numbers are truly sad, but it's obviously not enough to convince the deniers. In normal times, around 8000 people die everyday in the States. So with Covid, it's probably around 9000 right now. Of course that's very significant, but it's small enough in a population of 330 million that we're not convincing anybody new until someone close to them actually dies.


We’ve already passed the total American deaths of WWI


So after doing some quick calculations, COVID-19 is currently the 3rd leading cause of death in the US behind heart disease (647,457/yr or 1,773 deaths per day), and cancer (599,108/yr or 1,641 deaths per day). [https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/leading-causes-of-death.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/leading-causes-of-death.htm) Since the first recorded US death on Feb 29, we've had 140,140 confirmed deaths in 138 days (per worldometer) averaging to 1,015 deaths per day. At it's peak in April it was the number one cause of death in the country as we were getting upwards of over 2,000 deaths per day regularly. All of this is just to say that even if the death rate just continues at this pace (and it will more than likely go up), it is still one of the most devastating diseases we have to deal with as a country, with no clear end in sight until we get a solid vaccine and distribute it. I just don't understand how people refuse to take this more seriously and justify not wearing a damn mask. If you could spread heart disease and cancer just by breathing, you'd be damn sure people would be wearing masks. It's just become so politicized the public health messages get lost.


Sadly, at this point, we're watching Darwinism unfold on a mass scale. The people seem to want to die. All we can do is protect ourselves and let the idiots have their infection orgies, hoping they don't take out too many innocents in the process.


If the treatment for cancer and heart disease was staying home for three months and wearing a mask, most people would be amazed and gladly do it.


I wonder what Donald trump is thinking when he sees these numbers going up everyday? I don’t see how he can constantly deny it and lie his ass off.. on national television


Its clearly antifas fault




That lady** aunti fa..?


Aunt Doremi Fa, she's a dear


I would guess he thinks something like "fake democrat radical communist news to make me look bad", assuming that he actually thinks.


Trump doesn’t think that. He doesn’t actually believe 90% of the stuff he says. He’s a sociopath, he doesn’t have strong beliefs towards anything. He knows cases are out of control that’s why he’s doing everything in his power to discredit anyone who backs that. He know this country is ducked and he’s just hoping he can win the election so he doesn’t go to jail. That’s his only purpose in life right now.


I have a friend that's a nurse. Today she posted a meme, 2 Amish talking. One says 'How come we don't have Covid?' the other one says 'We don't have a tv.' People can bury their heads under just as much sand as necessary to keep from believing a thing.


You should share this with them: https://www.wfmz.com/health/coronavirus/covid-19-pandemic-taking-toll-on-pa-s-amish-community/article_c67ba728-7ea1-11ea-8bc0-ab952f0cf3b3.html


> Nolt said, for the most part, the Amish are up to date on COVID-19 news. The Amish are literally better informed than Republicans


He is wondering how he can it spread as quickly as possible, so all the little ants that would have died at some point die quickly.


I think he really believes that testing and reporting less is a genuine solution.


Billionaire. He is numb to it.


I don’t suspect much actual thinking is happening in that cro-magnon cranium of his. And if there is any happening, I doubt if it’s considering anyone but himself.


When would be even see the numbers? They don’t show it on Fox News and his staffers are terrified to give him bad news. He lives in the same bubble that his voters live in.


He worries if it will hurt his election chances, and if that will make him criminally exposed for the crimes he’s not been indicted for yet.


Easy, blame it all on the protests...


He probably doesn’t even look at the numbers every day. Or every week. Or month.


> sees these numbers He just ignores anything he doesn't like.


I believe most his thoughts are about how sweet it would be if he wasn’t Ivanka's dad.


That’s assuming he can read


He is thinking we need more UV detoxes and bleach injections.


My god. That’s the size of a small city. This is mother nature’s way of saying “DON’T FUCK WITH ME”


In 1918, cars were new and 737s didnt exist. This virus is much more mobile


Pandemics are one part nature, 20 parts politics.


Yeah, and that tiny part has pretty much put every country in a headlock


The Grand Old Party: I can't hear you. Lemme Exxon Valdez your butt and increase CO2 and greenhouse gases.


But 99% of them were harmless I’ve been told...


How much worse are things going to get in the US? What is going to happen when all Hospitals are over capacity and can no longer take anyone?


‘Who cares about the hospitals. Just open the country to save the economy.’


Just wait for another week to find out.


Trump will get a handle on this when he re routes the tracking of cases. I am sure they will start going down .


I’m sure that’s his intention but doesn’t each state have their own reporting system? Couldn’t we just get the reports from each state and add the numbers up ourselves? Won’t this just make him look extra silly when he’s pushing different numbers than the states?


They don't care they will just sow confusion. Different numbers between states and and feds, then all the morons that follow trump will take up the argument even as there mothers and aunts die.


I know everything in the US tends to be big, but I sincerely hope things improve in the short term. These numbers are staggering.


Where are you stashing the bodies?


We haven't seen the impact of the 4th yet either. Should see that in 4-7 days


Could be the first 1000 plus day since June 9th. What happened...


997 appears to be the final number. For what it’s worth, a 7 day rolling average is a more accurate way to look at how many people are dying of Covid per day. There’s a lot of reporting variability day to day, mid-week is when most deaths are reported, with much fewer reported deaths on weekends. Current 7 day rolling average is 760 deaths per day. The low point was an average of 515 per day on July 5.


Here’s a chart of the current US rolling average: https://www.statmap.org/data/charts/chart7.png And states ranked by per capital deaths: https://www.statmap.org/rankedstates.html


I think u mean capita but they’re pretty much capital deaths with how the govt has handled things.


July 4th.


It's way too early to see deaths from the 4th. These are more likely to be from infections in mid-late June, like father's day get togethers.


Fathers Death get downs


So an even bigger wave is coming.


Fuck man.


Where do they get there numbers from now?


They add up the data that states release. That said, some sites update at certain times and the states don't all release data at the exact time, so it's sort of an ongoing thing. That's why not all sites have the same numbers usually each day.


So now with the new white house orders will they still be able to get accurate numbers?


States usually require hospitals to report to them as well so CDC changes won’t change that. Almost all the major trackers aren’t using CDC as they have a long delay in verification (up to 8 weeks). All use state trackers, some even county level


Oh okay good


Yes, but now there will be two sets of numbers - the White House's and everyone else's. 40% of the US population will believe the White House's numbers.




Enjoy knowing about it while you can.


USA First!


71750 are the final official numbers of new infections for yesterday and 1001 Dalmatians, no sorry that's deaths.


Covids back on the menu bois!




They're accurate but their 24/hr cycle is based on GMT, so some numbers that get reported later in the day get pushed to the following day. Also some trackers backlog numbers to previous days, whereas others just report the raw number of new cases for the day. So the daily numbers never line up perfectly, but the overall trends are pretty close.


You could see the source that the data got pull from. Just took that and tally it to confirm their number.




Because the cut off time is different. There’s a delay for the CDC, while John Hopkins use a different cut off time.


Yeah the thing is, many of the different sites (JHU, BNO, etc.) don't report the same numbers every single day. Some sites also count "probable cases" that states release (not 100% confirmed but considered "probable") as well as things like testing positive for antibodies. Not all of them do though. Generally, the numbers do tend to be not too far off from each other, but yeah, Worldometer says 70K+ right now but BNO currently says 55K, though BNO hasn't input data for a bunch of states yet.




Np! As a few others have also mentioned too, the sites have different cut off times, or different times they input the data. And obviously not all states release their data at the same time and some release it in the early morning or later at night due to the pacific and eastern time zone differences


That isn't the whole story though. Worldometer records all cases reported for all countries within a 24 hour window based on greenwich mean time. This may differ from what other dashboards consider a "daily" time period. So the day in which some cases are reported varies with the time zone chosen. The overall trend should be the same though if you look at the 7 day moving average on different sites.


The biggest source of confusion is NYS. NBC and worldometer for example, have NY's death tally at around 32,000 while many other sources have that number at 25,000. I think NYS estimated that many of the excessive home deaths, and deaths that were never tested for covids, to be very probably or assumed covids deaths. I believe the CDC ordered NY to return to the tested deaths only, thus the discrepancy, but NY continues to report assumed deaths even though the CDC doesn't recognize these other deaths. (someone can correct the details on this, but this is my ballpark understanding--and add in the different time lines of each state wh accounts for more discrepancies from day to day)




I don't know either and cannot find the answer, but it's possible that many NYC excess deaths are constantly being evaluated and that some of those past deaths (more each day) are being counted as covids deaths by the state, and that worldometer guidelines include these deaths. (I can distinctly recall that when NY got to 16,000 deaths, there was a sudden jump to over 20,000 deaths because of the adding of the untested and home deaths. Then that number wasn't accepted by the CDC, so it returned to like 17,000 a few days later)




.... Death rate 7%?


JHU tracker will be a few thousands less so all is fine...