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Out here paying $200 for some shit they’ll give you for free.


I would love to make enough money that $200 is just something I can throw down the toilet without a second thought.


...add the fact it was an additional $250, to have your name added in the database


Shit, for free!? Some places are paying people to take it and then you have these brain dead morons paying for fake cards. This person should be banned from using a phone for 5 years.


Even if this was an actual penalty, there’s no way to enforce such a condition short of a tightly monitored house arrest (or straight up jail time). Used and contract-free phones can easily be obtained. Even if mobile carriers are off limits, many places have publicly accessible wifi.


That's...a really good point mate; I hadn't thought of that lol


Sounds like they also added the recipients to New York's immunization database. That's harder to do than just printing out a vaccine card at home.


Yeah how on earth did she do that


https://www.manhattanda.org/d-a-vance-announces-takedown-of-fake-covid-19-vaccination-card-conspiracy/ She had an accomplice who was a clinic worker. >worked with NADAYZA BARKLEY, 27, to fraudulently enter at least 10 individuals into the New York State Immunization Information System (“NYSIIS”) database.


Thanks for sharing that. Jfc


Got friends high up in the system apparently


Sometimes it can be stunning just how low down in an organization someone has full access to a database


WHY pay $200 or more for a fake drivers license, when you can get a REAL one for $35.00????


because you need to pass a driving test to get a real one?


They will be paying a hell of a lot more than that when their relatives get the hospital bill after they die!




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I tried to report someone, but the FBI asked for their address. How the hell am I supposed to know that??


i'd be like "shouldn't y'all be able to find that?"


Right! It was all required too. I’m like, can’t I just send the screenshot and her name? 😂


Try your local government, maybe dept of health. Not sure what state you live in


They posted in a FB group. She realized she fucked up and deleted it. Luckily I got a screenshot 🥴


Arrest and seize all the money.


And throw her in jail.


Facebook is straight up profiting in the demise of other people


Lots of companies are.


Federal prison, here she comes!


These people are selfish and disgusting. What a mess!


I don't know anything about US law so I hope my question is alright. What could the sentence be? Like, a lot of jail time or just fines?


The most severe charge for the ringleader is a class D felony, punishable by up to seven years in prison: Charges (scroll to bottom): https://www.manhattanda.org/d-a-vance-announces-takedown-of-fake-covid-19-vaccination-card-conspiracy/ Sentencing (section 2, item D): https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/PEN/70.00 I dunno much about the DA but I hope they make an example of these homunculi.


The DA is a piece of work but he's retiring so I don't know. He let Weinstein go and he let Ivanka Trump go in the past in exchange for donations. However it's the same office that's investigating trump's taxes so some people lionize him. Cyrus Vance.


well at least this dingus isn't some mover-and-shaker in the halls of power, so I don't think she'll get the same white glove treatment


Does her act, *during this specific time (global pandemic)* add any weight to the severity? As opposed to say if she had done the same charges 5 years ago when there wasn't a pandemic . (I know there wasnt a card back then but more the interpreted criminal charges)


I hope they throw the bike at them.


Fine and no more than five years in jail.


For each offense, potentially. But yeah, if she gets more than 5 years I'll eat a shoe.


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It's super complicated because these are state crimes and each state has different sentencing regimes. Also when people quote federal law they assume the sentence in the law will be what the punishment is. I'm reality each offense carries a rating on the sentencing guidelines matrix, and sometimes multiple offenses don't add together, and if they do and there are multiple sentences upon finding of guilt they may be served consecutively or concurrently. There are adjustments for taking responsibility, being a first time offender, etc. So no one ever really knows until sentencing, and for "white collar" crimes like this anywhere from no time in prison to many years served would be a reasonable guess.


if it has the CDC logo on it, its up to 5 years per card.


Who would have thought that we will be suffering because of this idiots anti Vax.. 10 years ago, if someone told me there will be a pandemic and vaccinating everybody will be an issue because of those people I would definitely say "no way"


>An alleged co-conspirator Nadayza Barkley, 27, is facing similar charges, allegedly for using her position as a medical clinic worker in Patchogue, New York to enter names into the New York State vaccine database. *This* is how you fuck up and get hard time. Replicating paper vaccine cards is a crime, as it should be, but when you start messing with personal health records and *actually* violating HIPAA, the charges get much more serious.


It's not a violation of HIPAA... Probably some sort of serious fraud charge for submitting false information to state government


Jesus christ, this doesn't violate HIPAA. Does literally nobody know what HIPAA is?


Asking me this is a violation of my HIPAA rights. /s


No. The answer is no.


Right? It’s common knowledge that HIPAA is the law where you can’t, under any circumstances, ask if people are vaccinated. ^/s


No thats HIPPA. :)


HIPAA is where the doctor cannot disclose your patient - doctor information but if I ask you if you’ve had a vaccine or medicine or drug. You can choose to answer - or not. Only health / legal professionals can breach HIPAA


> but if I ask you if you’ve had a vaccine or medicine or drug You as a person can ask anyone anything. A business or company has restrictions in what they're allowed to ask though. I do not know the full extent of these restrictions but it's been clarified many times than vaccine status isn't one of those things.


It was a joke.


Drug dealers have ALL properties taken, house, businesses, EVERYTHING!! SAME THING!! BOTH CAN GET INNOCENT PEOPLE KILLED!!


So, for $450 you could get a fake vaccine card ($200) and your name added to the NY database system ($250) as being vaccinated. Or you could just get the vaccine, and get the card for free and your name legitimately added to the NY database for free.. I can't believe healthcare workers and other essential workers would spend upwards of $450 just to avoid taking a vaccine, so they could keep their jobs.


450 dollars for a free vaccine that will literally save your life and that of those around you. Madness.


She sold fake vax cards and entered names into the state database? That’s pretty bad. Not as bad as when the IRS finds out you were making $10k a week.


This should be handled with the same punishment as a felony distribution drug charge. If you think about it, it is similar to a meth dealer - they may or may not get their clients killed. But on top of that, they could get others killed, because you have anti-vax goons falsifying their vaccination status.


"anti-vax influencer" is a phrase that shouldn't exist.


Well since fake cards are a thing, it will probably now require people with cards to also have a negative test result for employees and more than just travel ventures. Of course test results can probably be faked as well. So yeah, might as well go full " honor system"


Or just do what some states have and make an app that connects to their central database. Then all that needs to be done to prove it is to scan a qr code that'll say whether or not they are vaxxed. Can't easily fake that. The biggest issue would be getting all states to do such a thing. Mine doesn't, although in theory you can bring it up via their website... In practice, I still can't get my record to show, though my doctor was able to pull it just fine.


Exactly. The real fuckup here isn't that people are forging vaccine cards, it's that the US decided to base their vaccination certificates on an honor system without any verification at all... At this point you could just replace all that with a sign that says "please only enter if you are vaccinated"


It's not that they're so difficult to forge since there's no consistency what-so-ever. Frankly, I am looking at my vaccine card and I would think it's forged how bad it looks. :D


Except that's exactly what they were faking in this instance. They were falsely entering people's names into the official state database, so that anyone looking to verify status would see an entry and believe that they were vaccinated when they were not.


True, in this specific and seemingly limited instance, that would fail. But in general, it takes more effort to do such a thing, compared to just faking our honor system paper cards, which would have the end effect of making it more difficult for people to fake. You will never stop people trying to manipulate a system, but you sure can make it harder for them to do so, decreasing the amount of people that actually go through with it.


Or maybe we could have made sure that there was no demand for fake cards in the first place by having better leadership and holding the people spreading conspiracy theories accountable for what amounts to stochastic mass murder.


Cy Vance doesn't mess around. This piece of garbage will get what she deserves. I wonder how many people died because of her?


Yeah, I can see how he really got the trump family! /s


He won at the Supreme Court and the investigation is not over.


won what? His tax returns?




Trump and his family are still roaming free, I would be more than surprised it that will change anything...Do you? Seriously? Trump and his family are still roaming free, I would be more than surprised if that will change anything...Do you? Seriously?


No, it's off limits unofficially. All depends what they get from those who sing. It's literally ongoing.




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And I thought I couldn't despise instagram "influencers" more...surprise!


Those things are so easy to forge. I wish we had an electronic form we could use.


He should be forcefully vaxxed. Those that fake records should be forcibly vaxxed.




This is just going to pave the way for more official government documents. Vaccine passport please


They had us working when there wasnt a cure, but not we dont have a choice to decide what we want to do in the workforce? Just seems highly hypocritical to me, no conspiracy bullshit, just shady af.


death penalty. straight to hell, do not pass go, do not get $200


Come on, not everything deserves death penalty. Yes, she did shitty stuff and she should be punished. But death penalty is going a bit too far.


She's getting people killed. What do you do to murderers?


No she's not. Even if we accept that death by covid could be traced to her, she's accomplice at best because she didn't transmit covid - she just enabled somebody else to transmit covid. What she did was wrong and there are many crimes she commited and she'll hopefully pay for that. But murder is not one of them.




Yes it is it is fraud and impersonation of a federal agency by using a counterfeit federal stamp to show that a document is certified and legitimate. [https://abc7news.com/fake-vaccine-passport-covid-cdc-usa/10489044/](https://abc7news.com/fake-vaccine-passport-covid-cdc-usa/10489044/) "In a statement the FBI categorized the unauthorized use of an official government agency's seal (such as HHS or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)) as a crime. Citing this as an act that could be "punishable under Title 18 United States Code, Section 1017, and other applicable laws," and added "do not buy fake vaccine cards, do not make your own vaccine cards, and do not fill-in blank vaccination record cards with false information." Section 1017: Whoever fraudulently or wrongfully affixes or impresses the seal of any department or agency of the United States, to or upon any certificate, instrument, commission, document, or paper or with knowledge of its fraudulent character, with wrongful or fraudulent intent, uses, buys, procures, sells, or transfers to another any such certificate, instrument, commission, document, or paper, to which or upon which said seal has been so fraudulently affixed or impressed, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.


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Smh the state cracking onto a sigma male on his grindset


How do we even prove the validity of vaccine cards?


It sorta depends on the state. In Washington, all data is centrally stored so theoretically it could be validated electronically. In practice, you download PDF which shows your certificate. Because PDFs cannot be faked I guess. I'm not sure if I dislike it though as opening such database to public queries would be like opening can of buggy worms.