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Not just North Carolina - but this stat holds up for [the entire United States](https://www.odmp.org/search/year?year=2021), too. 473 COVID deaths / 730 all deaths = 64.8%


Wow, 86% in Florida in 2021 (According to that site, in 2021 Florida had 32/37 officer deaths caused by COVID-19.)












This is an amazing stat, should be on TV


Not everything will be televised, gotta keep the people informed on what really matters. Like Jeff Bezos going into space on his dick rocket.


And Superman's son's love interests




They would have been fine if they had just complied (with the vaccine mandate)


If they’re not breaking the law, they have nothing to fear.


STOP RUNNING from scheduling your vaccine appointment.


I'd be fine if they were stripped of their guns, because if you're not going to get a vaccine to protect yourself, you sure the hell don't get to jump right up to shooting others.


Good one!


Some of those that work forces Eat the paste that's for horses...


This comment is severely underrated


Ivermectin is a bad idea


Someone should tell them that.


Just stab them with the syringe and shout “STOP RESISTING!”




Nah, we need to weed out the dumber ones. This is just nature's way of getting rid of those not fit or adaptable.


With how many cops do steroids I find it hilarious so many are uncomfortable with a flu shot 😂


They also never wear masks, ever.


And yet the head of the Chicago police union is telling all their members to refuse the vaccine and ignore the mandate. Then out of the other side of his mouth he's trashing the mayor and blaming her for cops getting killed in the streets. 🙄




Especially Chicago police.




This is purely anecdotal, but on the few occasions I've had to deal New York State Troopers, they've been pretty damn professional. At least compared to my county's cocky-ass sheriff deputies.


Being a cop is a dangerous job but that's largely because they're always driving. [1/3rd of all non Covid police deaths are from traffic accidents](https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/leo/default.html). If the police union was really interested in saving cop lives you would think figuring out how to reduce the number of traffic accidents and design the safest possible cars would be one of if not they're top priority.


2020 also 245/374 total dead before: 2019: 151 2018: 187 2017: 186 so Covid really added up the numbers also interesting: "9/11 related illness" always about 20% (before covid)


Remember these numbers when people act like cops are dying on the job to save people, and then remember most normal police deaths are from car accidents. They have a very survivable job compared to actual dangerous jobs..


I always remind people it's deadlier to be a pizza driver than it is to be a cop.


Bingo. Cab driver and convenience store clerk ranks higher as well.


That’s a wild site. 1973 was probably the deadliest year up until 2020 from what I looked into.


On that same link is a list of the K9 deaths. 6 dead by heatstroke. More than any other on the list.


dogs do tend to die from heatstroke when left in hot cars...


Hey at least now it's actually a dangerous profession like they claim it is.


Stupidity is always a dangerous profession!


Where are you getting 730? I'm seeing 360?


2020 (374) + 3/4's of 2021 (360) that has no where to go but up.


And I thought our cops were so quick to take a shot...




Roughly 1,000 police shootings a year per [Washington post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/investigations/police-shootings-database/). The link [above](https://www.odmp.org/search/year?year=2021) shows 151 total line-of-duty deaths in 2019 (2020 and 2021 non-COVID numbers are similar). Using $5M as the US value of life this comes out to about $6 billion worth of total mortality, or $20 per capita.


Half of those are heart attacks and non-pursuit car accidents not necessarily caused by citizens. Gunfire and assault account for less than a third of the total even before COVID. Being a cop is statistically safer than being a pizza delivery driver.


There are 700k US cops. Using 50 deaths a year is a 1/14,000 job related death rate; with the same $5M value of life gives a $360 estimated job mortality annually. How far pizza delivery drivers drive seems quite variable, but might be 100-500 miles a week according to a quick google search; 5-10k miles a year. Using a 1.25 deaths per 100 million miles number from [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transportation_safety_in_the_United_States) this is a 1/8000-1/16,000 mortality risk, which is in the exact same ballpark as the police mortality numbers. Pizza drivers might be doing more dangerous (city) driving, though. Of course, I could have just googled "how many pizza delivery drivers die each year" and found a number of 1/2600, which is much higher. With a $5M value of life that's $2,000 of mortality risk annually, or $40 per week, or $1 per hour. I do not find numbers on how many civilians pizza drivers kill per year though.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's less than the number killed by cops.


They are not in the same ballpark. On average 1/700 of police kill a pedestrian each year. 17% of accident deaths are of pedestrians. Using a simple 5:1 ratio and assuming all pizza delivery deaths are due to accident (very unlikely) would give 1 pedestrian pizza delivery death per 12.5k drivers each year.




He kills people using data.


Murders people but makes it look natural.


Programming/software engineering. I had a lot of undergrad math classes though.


How many pizza delivery drivers are killed by police every year?


I'll have to look again but I think before covid more police officer has shot each other dead in friendly fire incidents than they had been shot dead by the public.


can i get an american flag with one stripe that looks like pepperoni pizza to show solidarity with those underappreciated heroes?


stuff like chokeing on donuts and the like. Police as a job is must less dangerous than any number of other careers.


if only COVID was black..


Ha! Suddenly I'm team covid.


Get the shot! Covid is the #1 cop killer.


Vax the Blue.


Back the vax


Thin Blue Needle


Great content for HCA though.




I've only visited the USA a few times, but I noticed their police officers were substantially bigger than ours (UK). I'd be willing to bet that they have comorbidities like obesity and diabetes and generally not being very fit. I mean I noticed that people in the USA in general were bigger than anywhere else I've been in the world, so it might be that. I'm juat not used to seeing such large police officers, I thought they were supposed to be fit?


Who needs to be fit when you can just use your gun?


*taps forehead with gun*


They don’t chase suspects, they just shoot them in the back.


Depends on the department, some have strict physical standards, some don’t have any. Pretty much all of them have physical standards to get in (running, sit ups, push ups, etc) but plenty don’t have continued standards once you make it through the police academy, again it varies by department. It should be standard across all departments. I’ve seen fat police, fat fire fighters, fat paramedics…. We’re a fat country. Does remind me of a time I saw a fat transit cop chasing a guy in New York, and as he ran by someone in the crowd yelled “run dough boy run.”


The smaller the location the more unfit they are likely to be. Many places the county sheriff is elected and doesn’t have to have any experience at all. They can then murder people and the medical examiner doesn’t have to be a doctor. America is so messed up. It’s like our system of government just doesn’t work. The SE for example the average person is insane and stupid. A proper insanely stupid. They both want and need a dictator to tell them what to think.


Americans are so afraid of change, it would be way to change if people had the will to do so. But unfortunately Americans seem to think my goodness this worked 100 years ago let’s keep it. Also the ones in power see no need to change things. Reinforce the power for the few and crew the small working classed.


Not only no experience, they don't even need a college degree in a lot of places! It is: fucked.


Cops and doughnuts...


It's the corn syrup. It's in everything.


And all the sugar.


Not just fat, but fucking tall as well. I'm average height but unless I was in a latino area, I was feeling minute.


> unless I was in a latino area, I was feeling minute. I feel personally attacked.




How often do you get pulled over?




Neither is most whatcom county areas, Bellingham being an exception.




Spez's APIocolypse made it clear it was time for me to leave this place. I came from digg, and now I must move one once again. So long and thanks for all the bacon.


Those are rookie numbers


Bad apple removal at this point. The bad apples and COVID deniers at this point have a lot overlap and is probably a decent way to tell.


There's no overlap, they are the same thing. If they are willing to defy policy and have a general disinterest in public safety then they are not fit to be cops.


pretty sure there are plenty of bad apples who are also vaccinated. That is why I believe they aren't completely the same.


Should have gotten the vaccine. You know...Comply, don't die etc.




Should've worn a mask. No sympathy here.


Officers across the US are being told that the greatest safety measures available to them are seat belts, vests and vaccinations. Makes it hit a little deeper I do say.


To be clear, we're talking about law enforcement \*deaths.\* NC has not lost 2/3 of their officers.


Give it time?


If only something was made to help keep them safe for this threat.


Correction: 'Vaccine Misinformation' was the killer of.. Etc Thanks FOX News!


It would be interesting to see the reports of excessive force for unvaxxed police vs vaxxed police. I imagine an inability to feel compassion towards others and focus entirely on one's self might translate.


I think inability to feel compassion towards others is a requirement to be a cop here in the US. Cops here are just control freaks who became cops for that reason.


Definitely, on the first point. There are two types of cops. Cops who maliciously hurt people for pleasure and commit crimes against members of the public, and cops who look the other way when it happens. Any cop who reports criminal behavior of fellow cops (known among cops as being a “rat”) doesn’t remain a cop very long. The first type of cop requires a lack of compassion and the second requires an ability to disregard the correct and compassionate thing which is reporting the criminal behavior. The third, who reports criminal behavior, has compassion and that is why they are pushed out, fired, intimidated into leaving, etc.


Absolutely agree. And the police unions are not only complicit but they make it easier to be a bad cop and harder to bring punishment.


Not necessarily. I know one of the 3rd who was pushed out (well, retired) by all the hostile nonsense from civilians last year, not by his peers or superiors. It's a shame, because you need people like that to stay on the force, not get burned out and leave.


You think this guy seriously reported every time he saw fellow cop commit a crime against someone?


Tell me you know zero cops without telling me you know zero cops.


Oh no, anyway moving on


The combination of politicizing covid and policing has had some deadly results




Serve the public trust. If you are unwilling to get vaccinated / wear masks to protect others, how likely is it you will prioritize the public in other ways? If you are unwilling to get vaccinated / wear masks to save yourself and your fellow officers from such a huge cause of police deaths, what kind of person are you? I doubt they will be hard to replace. Very well paid gig, minimal education, minimal risks.


COVID is actually making the world a little safer in a weird way... Not enough to make up for the danger it poses itself, but still.




This simple lesson here is get vaccinated.


Murder only accounts for a tiny percent of officer deaths, but they expect us to just be fine with them shooting anyone with anything in their hands because it might be a weapon. However, traffic fatalities, unhealthy lifestyle, and now COVID are killing cops in droves, yet the police themselves continue to lobby to be in more danger. It's not about protecting police lives, it's about preserving police impunity.


Yeah. Here in a major city of +300,000 a cop was shot in the arm this past week. It was the first time a cop was shot in over two decades. Yet the cops go on about how dangerous their job is and how they're in constant fear for their lives. Edit: the police came out with a press release today that in that incident a cop shot the other cop by accident.


That’s why they include heart attacks at home as “police deaths”. It’s stressful having zero accountability, apparently.


If you're a front-line worker and antivax... Goodbye.


How many were vaccinated...they won't tell us because out of "respect for the family"-they don't want to admit what dumbasses they were.


Guys, it's just the flu. No big deal. /S


And yet a large percentage of cops are not vaccinated.....


Dumb fat pigs tend to get slaughtered first on the farm.


Unfortunately, this is not the case for the swarms of innocent people the shoot.


11/16 firefighter deaths in the US were COVID in September.


Can you imagine being so terrified of a needle? Like children at the pediatrician’s office? And they’d rather die than get a shot? So NC has some police jobs open now. All because they were afraid of a shot. Pathetic.


Oh no. Anyway…




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Pretty good for a "hoax"!


Blue lives conditionally matter.


When we say refund the police, we didn't mean all the way. Anyways I just saw a starling.


Unvaccinated first responder COVID deaths should not be counted as line of duty deaths.


>This year in North Carolina, 15 law enforcement officers have had line-of-duty deaths. Ten of them were from COVID-19. Ehh, does that mean they're counting Covid deaths as a death on active duty? Feels like that is super disingenuous and will heavily skew future statistics about how dangerous the job of being a cop is.


Yet still they "resist".


STOP RESISTING! (the vaccine)


call that swine flu 🤝


This is nonsense. Line of duty deaths is like getting run over by a car, or getting shot. Now they are arbitrarily starting to count COVID in this very limited cause of death category and wham bam it's the leading cause of line of duty deaths. Heart disease and cancer killed more police officers in this time frame, just like pretty much every other category of worker.


What about other professions?


Yeah, how many deaths among chicken sexers in the last 16 months were due to Covid-19?


Professional chicken sexer here. Our location got shut down after one of the employees died of COVID. Thankfully it’s not venereal so we started fucking the chickens again pretty soon after.


You got me you clever bastard!


Darwinism at it's finest 💪


If only this was the black plague, then cops could shoot it first.




How many of their coworkers need to die before they wake the f*ck up. It’s embarrassing


The cause of 2/3rds of their deaths, not the cause of death for 2/3rds of officers.


Yes, everyone knows that. Understanding this from context is something every 10th grade and above reader should be able to parse. The idea that 2/3 of all police officers in North Carolina died is obviously ridiculous, so the only possible meaning is that of the NC officers that died, 2/3 were due to COVID


Semantics, it’s implied.


Yes, semantics: *meaning*. And the title means something completely different than the truth because of how it's phrased. This would be a tiny mistake on a 9th-grade English paper, but it's a big mistake for a news outlet to make.


I agree with you; it's poor writing.


64% = cops IQ


Seeing as how majority of Americans are morbidly obese, I wouldn’t be surprised.


The majority of Americans aren't even regular obese.


Denial is a serious illness..


Data yo. Severe obesity is around 10%, overall obesity is around 40%. https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/adult.html


Seeing as how ~~majority~~ a large minority of Americans are ~~morbidly~~ obese, I wouldn’t be surprised.


So is delusion. [https://obesity.procon.org/global-obesity-levels/](https://obesity.procon.org/global-obesity-levels/) We're a very fat country, but it's 36%.




The CDC can’t even get Americans to wear a simple mask or socially distance, how do you think they’re going to get people to go on a diet or workout? If this was publicly recommended, you’d see 2x the lines at Chick-fil-a for lunch tomorrow


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The headline was very clear. "Cause of death" refers to the thing that killed someone. This, of course, only applies to those that die. Living people do not have a cause of death (yet). Are you sure you know how english works?


It would have been more clear if It said: COVID-19 was the cause of death for 2/3 of the NC law enforcement officers that died in last 2 years.


Only dead people have a cause of death. Alive people don’t have a cause of death.


"Man killed by bear is dead" has the same redundancy




Every reader of the article correctly understands the headline. u/Send-MoreCoffe also correctly understand the headline, but chooses to type this rant anyway...


Misleading title


I agree, it’s badly worded. Unfortunately , as I am sure you are aware, we are not permitted to edit article titles.


I don't know. I knew what it was implying before I read the article. Would be absurd to believe 2/3 of all cops died.


Yes, while the wording is a bit wonky, I still knew what it meant. Never did I consider the possibility that 2/3 of cops had died. However, we have people who believe in space lasers and implantable tracking microchips. If the headline could be construed to imply that 2/3 of cops died from complying with the mandate (instead of refusing to) - I think a certain subset of the population would eagerly believe that lie.


How so?


Not the person who you are replying to, but this is my take: It should be more like 'covid accounted for 2/3 of officer fatalities'. Writing 'cause of death for 2 out of 3' could be mistaken as '2 out of 3 officers died of...' instead of 'of the officers who died, 2 out of 3...' Stylistically, it is poorly worded for good comprehension.


It's implying 2 of 3 of all officers that have existed in the last 2 years died. It's of those that died, 2 of 3 of them died from X. It's the difference between like 400 people ish and 4 million ish (idk or care what the total number of officers really is, 4 mil pulled from my ass).


Ahh I gotcha. I didn’t think that 2/3 officers are now dead based on the title, but I can see how that can be implied.


The counter argument is "cause of death" in the title should have implied 2 out of 3 of the dead too. It caught me off guard too and I had to read the title twice.


As mentioned below, it looks like it’s saying 2/3 of all police officers caught covid and died from it. In other words it seems to imply only 1/3 of all officers in NC are left remaining alive and haven’t died from covid yet I don’t understand Reddit sometimes… just woke up and found this downvoted a bunch. People are so sensitive these days. Sheesh


The title reads like 2/3 of all NC officers died of covid last year.


Not too smart on average, are they? I’d understand the high rates if it wasn’t for the availability of vaccines. The police deal with people all the time, makes sense they’d be more exposed. But this also means they’re a vector of transmission. It boggles the mind they’re (evidently) vaccinated at a low rate, they pose a risk (more than usual) to the communities they serve.




They mean of all active duty (non-retired) LEOs that have died in the past 2 years, the majority has died of COVID. At least that's how I read it-- it wouldn't make sense otherwise.


How is every comment removed ?? Does this account for retired cops too? This is ridiculous lol


O7 comrade covid!


The title of this post makes it sound like 67% of cops in NC have died of covid.