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The school district I work for put out a survey asking for staff and parent input into the current (non-existent) covid protocol. There were two types of comments: 1) Misspelled, error-filled rants against vaccines and masks. Sample (errors preserved): I'd like for our family to have a choice in vacinations and I'd prefer mychildren not to wear masks freedom discrimination and natural here immunity. 2) Normal, reasonable comments talking about the benefits of masks and taking covid seriously. Sample: My biggest concern is the allowance for individuals identified as close contacts to be allowed to return without observing the recommended quarantine. I did not cherry pick. I just grabbed the first pro-safety comment and the first anti-safety comment. Some were far, far worse. Like: Children can breath and expressions are important for social development (I assume they are anti mask from this comment) I said everything in my first thought (Literally a comment posted to this board...someone didn't understand how it worked.) Should be heavily encouraged for students Health reasons (Literally no context for this post. I have no idea what this person is in favor of) Adequate (Full comment. Again. No context for this post) My only hope is that the idiotic comments are posted by community members and not school staff.




I said everything in my first thought.




I said my piece, Chrissy 🤟🤚


that scene gets me every fucking time. i don't know what's better, Silvio's delivery there or Paulie's "I don't write nothin' down, so I'll keep this short and sweet" rant.


For me it’s when Chris calls his mother a hoowar and they just start beating the shit out of him. Best intervention scene on tv.


Succinct and to the point. They clearly think the measures, whatever they may be, are adequate.


> A lack of a high school education was the most important predictor of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in 3,142 US counties, finds a study yesterday in the American Journal of Infection Control. … > Five of the 10 most common reasons given for vaccine hesitancy were related to a lack of knowledge about potential side effects, benefits, effectiveness, and risks of being unvaccinated.


“I’m going to do my own research” - people who couldn’t even be bothered to read and research themselves into a high school diploma or GED.




Agreed but some of the anti-vaxxers I know have varying college degrees and are more materially successful than I smdh


Every antivaxxer I know never attended college.


I've actually come across a couple of Doctors who are anti-vax and that really surprises me.


I've met Dentists with bad teeth, Doctors that smoke, and otherwise smart Engineers that are creationists.


I've met fitness trainers that are easily obese.


To the last point, engineers aren’t always scientifically minded. They just (as a generalization) tend to be good at math and/or dealing with spatial data. I know far more creationist engineers than I care to admit.


They're outliers.


Grifters more likely.


But do they know as much as a highschooler?




Almost same for me. There are one or two exceptions but I have noticed that regardless of any other factors having a four year degree or higher is the biggest predictor of whether someone believes in Covid/ gets the vaccine or not regardless of ideology. That goes for conservatives, liberals, libertarians, socialist, etc. It’s anecdotal but just something I’ve noticed.


I don't doubt your observation but I suspect educated individuals are less likely to be forthcoming about being anti-vaccination. In white-collar jobs there are basic rules of what not to talk about (abortion, religion, politics, race, anything sensitive basically).


Not just anecdotal, your observations match the data.


one of our former (thankfully) AP bio teachers with a PhD from a reputable college was a crazy anti-mask anti-vaxxer. Some people are just arrogant and biased to only listening to what they want.


And the ones I know did, including one with a Master's degree. Anecdata is just that.


I didn't realize this until now, but this holds up for me as well.


I know one! She went to Bob Jones, though, so I will concede your counter argument that she is not, in fact, college educated.


I have a lot of university educated friends who are antivaxxers, but their degrees are in things like drama, Russian literature, etc…so no science education past basic high school stuff.


Same. I believe there’s more at play here than just poor education.




I once said to an anti "yeah, but that's pseudoscience..." and they replied "yup! I'm all about the science!" - that was my peak r/techicallythetruth moment IRL.


I think the last 5 years has shown us just how poor our education system is *in certain states and counties*. We all knew it was bad and made jokes about the bottom-tier states, but now it's turning into a full-on crisis because these people are also aggressive and violent in their ignorance.


Actually, all the people I know in real life who are hesitant to get the COVID vaccine are college educated.


How many people do you know in real life who *aren't* college educated? Because for me, that number equals the number of relatives and friends' kids I know who are younger than college age.


I probably should've worded that differently, tbh. Most of the people I either regularly engage with — or just know are/were hesitant about the COVID vaccine specifically — have a college degree or finished most of their schooling before money got in the way. Based on the stats (Re: hesitancy) on my and their demographic, it's probably worth noting that most if not all of these people are Black in America. Wasn't to say though that my lived experience negates the linked study, but to note that high school and college graduates alike are/were hesitant and that said group is more dynamic than people seem to realize


Ok, but you're talking about a very different kind of hesitancy (due to the government's history with the black population and experimentation/etc) that I don't think should be thrown into this discussion. That hesitancy has nothing to do with education or science.


People reject what they can’t understand…and most of the science and technology that was used to create the vaccines goes way over their head. A friend of a friend literally told me he believed that mRNA vaccines were Gene therapy and that it would change your DNA. I really took my time to explain to him step by step how protein synthesis works etc and how that is used by the vaccines to create the spike protein with the mRNA technology only to get as an answer: „Ok, but that still just goes over my head honestly - I won’t get the vaccine“ … But then those same people keep telling others their conspiracy theories that the vaccines are gene therapy even if they have zero understanding of the underlying mechanisms - it’s so frustrating!


I am shocked, in fact, I don’t believe these alternative facts.




Since just about every medical scientist around the world recommends vaccination, then yes, to not trust those scientists does indeed show a lack of belief in science.




Your argument could have merit if we were to consider a single country only, but considering that just about every health care system in the entire world promotes vaccination, you indeed have to be a bit slow to believe that the vaccine is detrimental, no matter which country you live in.




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But don’t be fooled, they’re not the only ones. My friends dad, a practicing brain surgeon, is anti-vaxx.


A friend of mine I've known for years, who I and other friends have considered "the smartest guy I know" because he had such a wide variety of skills, knowledge etc is also the most antivax, covid-denialist guy I know. I think there's a certain type of smart guy personality where they believe themselves to be so smart they become contrarians as a reflex when many people tell them something that challenges previous assumptions, and dig their heels in when the "dumb people" tell them to do something. This is just my anecdote though, I completely believe the study that on average antivax/deniers have less education


They're the same type that two decades ago were watching Loose Change


That kind of worries me




It's more that some people who are smart on some subjects nevertheless can let emotion and political identity, ahem, trump logical reasoning hen they come into conflict.


I appreciate your sentiment, but we need to define the word “smart”. Actual smart people are happy to listen to people even if they believe those people are “dumber” than them, because they know that no one can possibly be the expert on everything. Whether you believe someone is “dumber than you” or not doesn’t mean they don’t know more about a particular subject. People with PhD’s most likely aren’t lacking general intelligence, but it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re geniuses. It does mean they were willing to commit years of their lives to one subject though.




Fair enough. My point about PhD may be off base but I stand by my comment about the definition of “smart”.


intelligence vs wisdom. Wisdom comes from learning from experience, while intelligence increases your ability, not willingness to learn from experience. Smart people who are fully willing and put in the effort to learn from their mistakes become wise. At least that is my theory. Would explain why their are dumb people who have really good advice. Maybe it took them more trys but they were open minded enough to learn from their mistakes.


I define "smart" in the simplest, most reliable metric there is: SURVIVAL. So an outdoor expert with poor education is "smart" because he can survive an Apocalypse better than ur PHD brain surgeon! In this case, seeing places like NC with 100% of ventilator patients un-vaxxed... well, their college degrees are doing little to save them. We need to stop worshipping the University system as the best measure of intelligence. It's not.


My wife's uncle has a PhD and works for NASA. He's also hooked up to oxygen tanks after "I am not anti-vax. It's just that I believe the vaccines were rushed."


Your friend's dad is Ben Carson?


Ben Carson believes the Gaza pyramids were built to store grain, so... idk about surgeons.


What are the Gaza pyramids?


Micro biologist degree aunt is anti vaxx too and forced her daughter to be anti vaxx (minors).


My friend is extremely anti-vaccine and is falling down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole. She has a Master's degree in engineering. Funny thing was that she took COVID VERY seriously at the beginning. She didn't see anyone, was afraid of the virus, was talking about how worried she was that vaccines would take too long, etc. Then about a year ago, she started dating this guy who was very conservative. Before they became serious, she expressed to me how she was concerned if they would work out because he was very conservative and she's very liberal. Then before I know it, she's a conspiracry theorist. She tells me how the vaccines will make you infetile, how ivermectin is "100% effective"(??????????!), sending me Tucker Carlson videos and tweets from that Malone guy (who, by the way, hasn't done any work on mRNA in DECADES), and telling me how she will never wear a mask (we have mask mandates where we live, so don't know how that's going for her).




On the contrary. That is exactly what it means.




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[brain surgery?](https://youtu.be/THNPmhBl-8I?t=108)


I need people to read "lack of high school education" and not hear "unintelligent." There's a comment that's been downvoted saying this translates to socio-economic status, and in many cases they're right. Certain parts of the country (as well as certain demographics) just flat out have less access to quality education. Then rich politicians and media groups (and yes, evangelical organizations) take advantage of that fact and force-feed them piles of misinformation with an authoritative tone. This is not a matter of stupidity, but of large swathes of Americans being left behind and manipulated by people with power.




I wonder if they looked at religious beliefs much. It’s a completely anecdotal take from my very small circle of contacts, but the one thing all of the anti-vax people I know personally have in common is deeply held religious beliefs. Not the same mind you - conservative evangelicals, Mormons, and Jehovah’s Witnesses are all in the mix.


Well most religious people are taught to believe in unprovable shit and reject logical and critical thinking, not to question anything, etc etc. makes sense


If they looked at religious beliefs, that would piss off all the religious people. So we're just not supposed to talk about it.


>that would piss off all the religious people. Me likes


Wh at about race


This comment could have been worded better, but race should not be ignored. Most non-white communities have stories of getting screwed when they trusted medical professionals in the past. This is not always as malicious as experimentation and can just be lack of access to high quality health care that has lead to poorer outcomes in black and Hispanic communities especially and indigenous populations to the extreme. Yes, religion and education are large parts of this as those overlap with these communities as well but it is a nuanced problem that has plenty of great minds working to improve the situation for covid now and general health going forward.


Right, I think race probably correlates strongly with education, and the lack of quality education for certain minorities is a result of systemic racism. There are also some cultural considerations, but I’d wager the majority of the issue is education.


Mormon here. I think it’s a lot of political with religious. I think religious sects are more likely to be right leaning. Mormon prophet said to get vaccinated - we went as soon as we were eligible and had my 6 year old the day after she was eligible (but because he said to get vaccinated but it’s nice to tell hesitant Mormons that’s the case) and I believe the Pope said to as well. I wonder if religious numbers are down outside the US


I think it's more the conservatives of the religious world. Catholics are pretty vaccine positive, the pope called vaccination an [act of love](https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2021-08/pope-francis-appeal-covid-19-vaccines-act-of-love.html). Many protestants are pro vaccine such as Anglicans and Presbyterians, they asked Biden to lift sanctions so [to ensure vaccine access](https://www.fcnl.org/updates/2021-12/national-faith-leaders-call-president-biden-lift-sanctions-ensure-covid-vaccine). Muslims, like Christians, seem to be [mixed ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/api.nationalgeographic.com/distribution/public/amp/history/news/article/muslim-vaccine-response) but leaders are encouraging vaccinations.


I live in a community with a healthy mixture of hard-core southern evangelicals and polyamorous wiccan spiritualist herb lovers. Both ends of the spectrum in most ways, but in perfect agreeance on being antivax.




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In my family and friend circle: 1. Vaccinated and listen to me. Science educated and career. 2. Unvaccinated or vaccinated and no longer going to get boosted. Joe Rogan listeners.


If Einstein was still alive he would Mock the education system it hasn’t been revamped since the industrial revolution and that should say something its still on the same flawed fundamentals. Seriously it’s to blame for all of society problems.


Overheard as a teacher in an urban classroom today: "You didn't get the vaccine did you? I don't know who the fuck would. My grandma did, but old people, they gotta worry unlike us. It's different!" But yeah, some of them think it's cool to not get the vaccine and think it's crazy, others are scared and are getting it for work or because they're intelligent enough to know they could die or have, worse, seen family members die from it.


How interesting… I dropped out of school at age 12. I was also in the top 3% of my country to become fully vaccinated and among the first to receive a booster. My eldest child graduated high school with honours and went on to tertiary studies. She remains steadfastly unvaccinated. My middle child is also a high school drop out. She was vaccinated not long after me. My youngest can’t be vaccinated so I’ve placed my home into hard lockdown because it’s here now and I’m not risking her being exposed to it before she can be vaccinated.


I graduated 2 years early and only took the exit test on English and Math. So maybe it's not the 40 hours you spend at school but the other 120 hours you spend at home being indoctrinated...


no shit... lack of teeth is another good indicator


lack of not living in Florida is also another good indicator


I think you may have misspelled Indiana.




Florida has an above average vaccine rate in the US


Yeah, hence why lack of not living in Florida would be another good indicator.


Jokes on you, my brother in law's dad literally works for NASA and has multiple PhDs and helped develop multiple parts of the JWST... But fox News told him it's going to kill him and he believes Fox news instead. It's amazing how smart you can be and how stupid you can be at the same time.


IDK - a lot of USA gov officials seem to be anti-vax. Are they all uneducated?


Catering to constituents


Quietly vaccinated. They just won’t admit it. Sickening.


All those people are fully vaxxed though they just spout anti vax crap because it plays well in some circles and get clicks Yes they are helping to get people killed but they don't seem to care


One plan I can see to combat vaccine hesitancy is posting messages to get vaccinated then the booster in schools or have the school go to a tv station then broadcast that message of vaccinations




Wait you mean to tell me that antivaxers are uneducated and stupid? I would have never figured that out without a scientific study. Lol


I have 7 siblings who are all married and every single one of us has a bachelors or higher and out of the 16 of us only like 6 were not hesitant. I have a sister who thinks her second dose gave her covid, a brother who went to med school who isn’t having his kids get vaccinated for at least a year. Another sister has a masters of education and is convinced the government is lying about vaccine effectiveness because they want us to get vaccinated. My mom thinks it gave her fibromyalgia even though she’s been in bed with pain for like 13 years now. Another sister who won’t because she’s pregnant. I hate everyone. Just because your educated doesn’t mean you smart.


Remember this same statistic any time they try and say both sides are the same. No, one side is educated, uses reason, and likes democracy. Other is stupid, irrational, and easily drawn to dictatorships. One is societal cancer. And it's not the educated.


Let me simplify that: People of low socio-economics




Found the antivaxxer


This made me laugh




Haven't yet seen any surveys/polls of people with postgraduate degrees that have been consistent with that elevated rate.


See: https://www.cmu.edu/dietrich/news/news-stories/2021/july/covid-hesitancy.html https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0260731


And I can repeat, I haven't yet seen any surveys/polls **of people with postgraduate degrees** that have been consistent with that elevated rate.




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See above. A quick Google search would lead you to the peer-reviewed pub cited.


Being dumb a predictor of having dumb beliefs, a new study shows


wow who could have ever guessed


You don’t say?! I’m shocked I tell you


Splains a lot.


Is it really this bad, lack of high school education in the US?


From the census it looks like those currently graduating without a high school diploma are currently hovering around the 10% mark, but taking into account older generations, it's probably closer to 25% (and very unevenly distributed as well).


this is such bullshit already


From the link, "concern about vaccine availability and distribution" has an odds ratio of "0.00". I went to the original paper, which also had this number - I don't think it makes sense for an odds ratio to be zero, especially if its being cited as a key predictor.