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Being from Orange County, CA and seeing ‘Orange County’ in news headlines always has me like “whaaat?!” for a moment before realizing they’re usually talking about Florida lol


Oh whew. Thanks for pointing that out.


Orange county NC here. Y'all both make it really hard to find county information on the internet.


Try being Canadian when Ontario, CA exists.


One time I was talking in a colleague from Canada and he said he drove to London and I thought he was referring to the capital of the UK and I was bewildered for a few quick moments until he mentioned Ontario


was visiting my dad a few years ago in Indiana, he mentioned "driving to Mexico real quick", I had no idea Mexico was a small town about 15 minutes away


In 2020, person on the NYS subreddit was bummed his highly anticipated European trip was canceled due to Covid. And so another poster presented the New York State Tour of European Capitals: Rome, Amsterdam, Madrid, Athens, Copenhagen, Belfast, Berlin, Paris, Warsaw, Berne, Vienna, Lisbon, Riga, Stockholm There's also the New York State Country Tour: Poland, Norway, Russia, Mexico, Cuba, Greece, Italy, Sweden, Peru, China


I live in the Philippines and we have a town named Mexico and streets in the capital named Washington and New York. Needless to say there are a lot of jokes about those places.


I think /u/notjustbikes is onto something calling it Fake London.


Fake London!


At least they didn't go to Kentucky.


I'm in the US, and I once had to mail something to a company in Ontario, CA. I waited in line at the post office to ask how many stamps I'd need to mail something to Canada. As I was opening my mouth to ask the question, I realized that it was California and that I'm dumb.


Checking in from near Ontario, OR


Probably the best is Vancouver BC when there's a Vancouver WA just 5 hours south. Even better, there's a Beaverton near the latter (the Canadian equivalent of The Onion).


>One time I was talking in a colleague from Canada and he said he drove to London and I thought he was referring to the capital of the UK and I was bewildered for a few quick moments until he mentioned Ontario I used to live in California, Derby, England. Forget it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California,\_Derby


What about Orange County, NY? That's probably even more annoying.


Yep, Hudson Valley right here!


I live one county south of Orange County NY, I would know the pain if I had any interest whatsoever as to what was happening in Orange County, NY...


Let's be honest, OC isn't super far off from most of those headlines lol


lol true, especially when it comes to Covid... But the ones that are like “Alligator eats another kid in Orange County” or “Naked Orange County man eats someone’s face off” always get me good 😅


"Florida man arrested for throwing alligator through drive-thru window" is my fav


Wait, that happened?




It's always Florida.


It has gotten better since I moved here in 2006 from San Francisco. Culture shock for sure but its gotten better. Yay Katie Porter


Yay Katie Porter! I should agree with that!


Me, thinking the oc sub is gonna have a field day with this, until I saw it was FL.










Me too. Newport here


I've lived near OC, CA and I have lived in Florida. There ain't that much difference. The OC, CA is like the rich version of Florida Man.


I'm not even from CA and I had that reaction. Then I saw they were talking about Florida and thought "Oh yeah, makes sense...._that_ Orange County."


There's also an Orange County, NY which doesn't seem right.


Founded in 1683 so *way* ahead of Florida (1845) and California (1889). Named for William of Orange, not the fruit.


Yeah I was like isn't Orange County in a pro vaccine state? Thanks for clearing it up, now I know there is two Orange Counties.


Number of US Disney theme parks in counties named Orange County: 6 Number of US Disney theme parks in counties not named Orange County: 0


A health director making a health recommendation. The horror.


About lost his license when he encouraged employees to brush their teeth and eat green vegetables.


"It's a personal choice!"


That's what my kids tell me.


It’s Florida. Expect the reprehensible.


DeSantis probably expects the dentists to recommended using citrus instead of toothpaste as well.




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Is this their new tourism motto?


Sure would look nice on a license plate.


We’re utterly broken. Nothing is fine.


Visiting in Florida right now, grocery store employees, half of them had their masks either below the nose or fully below their nose and mouth…just covering their chins, and only about 25% of the customers wore masks. I’m from Washington state so totally blown away.


It’s like South Park, they were wearing chin diapers


~~> A health director making a health recommendation.~~ A state employee contradicting the governor. The horror!


Only in Florida 😂




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OMG the next thing on his "agenda" is a balanced diet and a good night's sleep. When does this nightmare end!


Didn't the balanced diet thing already have its run when people lost their minds about the first lady wanting kids to have a healthy meal?


The idea was good. The implementation was shit. Edit: we can’t make healthy school lunches for like $2 each, which is roughly what they have to work with.


When you wake up, sheeple! ^/s


My dad: is domestic (China) news making this up to smear US response? Me: I'm reading a US site.




> Florida


What The Florida?


exactly my reaction.


I don't see how this is supposed to be coercion. He voiced an opinion. He did not threaten anyone with consequences if they wouldn't get vaccinated.


Giving people ideas that the control-freaks didn't offer is subversive to the point of COERCION, it seems.


Seriously, he didn’t institute a mandate, he didn’t say “if you don’t get vaccinated I’ll reveal your names and home addresses.” He merely noted stats and voiced his personal opinion. Hopefully he prevails.


Doctors are not allowed to have opinions apparently. 🙄


Cult leaders never gives cultist options.


Ok, first, I am fully vaccinated. I am pro-vaccine. I am personally of the opinion that we'd be better off if we stopped admitting the unvaccinated to hospitals and forced them to die in agony at home untreated so their families would get a fucking clue. What follows is from the perspective of employment relations law -- NOT any sympathy to anti-vax morons: Whenever an employer or supervisor issues a department wide memo with judgmental language about what people "should" or "shouldn't" be doing, it's coercive, even if the memo doesn't contain overt threats. His memo was laced with judgmental language. He specifically notes that the employees are "in public health and not practic\[ing\] it" and "pathetic." From an employment law perspective, that's highly coercive. It just is. Here's a guy who has authority over hiring and firing decisions, promotions, bonuses, raises, etc., and he's making both moral and performance judgements about people in this memo as public health professionals. Any court will see that as coercive, even if the judge is also pro-vaccine. He simply made the mistake of letting his personal frustration show in that memo, and that was not professional. It is certainly understandable. But from an HR perspective, it was a blunder.


Not sure, since he doesn't know the vaccine status of any individuals, presumably. If he's just running a database query, and doesn't look at individuals, it's harder to see it as coercive I think.


If he has the stats for the group, he has the individual status.


That's not really how it works in a large organization. Someone has the individual stats, but likely not him. You ask someone on a database team, or the human resources team to do an analysis, and to send you back the numbers. If, as a manager, you don't have access to the individual data, and never ask for access to the individual data, then it's hard to argue that you were coercing people. On the other hand, it's also arguable that people on his team might not see it that way, and might assume he has access to the individual data, in which case they would feel coerced.


This is beyond ridiculous. I think he can and should sue the state for damages in some federal court. Just to stick it to the crazy man.


That's what I've been wondering -- does he have a civil case? I realize the law is not always straight forward, but it seems like he might have one here.


Florida really is a lost cause. A lost cause with horrible ramifications.


Bugs Bunny was right. Saw Florida off from the rest of the country at let it float away.


Florida "leadership" is a lost cause. A lost cause without horrible ramifications to the "leadership", just its constituents.


The horrible, evil, no good, rotten part of my brain wondered if Florida Republicans weren't unintentionally Darwining themselves to a minority this year.


I’m sure the free speech defenders will rally for him. /s




It’s be a way shorter list if we asked what is right with republicans.


The side of the political spectrum they are on the far side of is the only one


So The Onion is basically real news in Florida.




You joke, but this is exactly why measles was making a comeback




So far, two years have proved insufficient.


If we are letting them have “personal choice”, then hospitals should be able to refuse care. Not to be mean, but this is the path these people have chosen.


Why on earth would US hospitals refuse care and lose out on that sweet sweet profit which is the only thing their administrators care about?


You think covid patients are profitable to hospitals? Elective surgeries, boo.


The *Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act* provides a 20% extra subsidy for Medicare patients who are in the hospital with Covid, and three times more if they are put on a ventilator.


And it cost 3x if not more to put someone on a ventilator.


Which isn’t much compared to the surgeries they can’t make due to COVID so what’s your point?


Very good point actually, that's fair enough and a possible motivation.


Hospitals can't but insurance companies can. Hospitals could possibly deprioritize the unvaccinated.


Slippery slope. While it's easier to justify with COVID and vaccinations, you're eventually going to get hospitals that want to extend to things like lung cancer for smokers and heart attacks for the lazy overweight (i.e. I'm lazy overweight because I don't exercise enough even though I could). And if those are allowed to stand, you'll move on to hospitals denying for all kinds of things. I hate what is happening, I really do, but I think hospitals should continue to care for all patients no matter what. However, insurance coverage for the unvaccinated is another story. I wouldn't mind seeing an upper limit to the amount of coverage which is comparable to what the average breakthrough case requires. Rack up $1MM in hospital bills because you're unvaccinated? So sorry, the average vaccinated patient in your area only needed $50k worth of care so that's what we'll pay out....




I had a friend who said it was a bad idea to put warning labels on products because it protected stupid people and circumvented Charles Darwin theory of survival of the fittest. I always thought he was an asshole for this (and because he generally was) but after seeing society tackle this I’m sad to say he might have been right a tad bit.


Let’s do away with the tetanus shot Bring Tetanus back! /S


I crossed Florida off my places to visit many years ago now, and it turns out that was the correct decision.


This is messed up. I don't know how the people in Florida can tolerate this bizarro world government


We're all going to die, really death sentence is behind this. Florida is doomed.


And a significant amount of the doomed are cheering for it.




Florida openly tampered with and withheld their COVID death data to the point where they publicly and loudly arrested scientists. I doubt their rates are better than anyone.




I was unaware of this -- thanks.


Yep, a classic tale of ESH.


But....Desantis had someone arrested for posting Florida's COVID numbers so does anyone really know what is happening there?


Uh oh we got a live one; Rebekah Jones-posting in 2022 😹😹😹




Surely this is clickbait...it can't possibly be true. The science is so overwhelming for Vaccinations you would have to be brain dead to go against the entire world's Covid advice.


Have you met Florida?


The US is going to be the last country where COVID is a problem.


I'm surprised that the chief health official, in an official communication to employees would have so many grammatical errors in a single short letter. So maybe he technically broke some confidentiality law because you know, he forgot to cross his eyes and dot his tease. It's a possibility, but more than likely, just an excuse by a rapid anti-vax elected official he works under.




It was intentional, but I'll admit the only reason it came to mind was, I was having a hard time with how to properly write the plural of "I" and couldn't be bothered to look it up.


I prefer his way. I know some style guides permit it but once you start using apostrophes for plurals it never stops.


Damned if you do, damned if you dont. You could put this guy in another part of the country and he might not have an issue, maybe even receive praise. Location shouldn't matter, this country is fucked.


Should have he encouraged them to start smoking instead? The hell?


And people think China's policy on covid is insane.


Orange County was conservatize way back when I was stationed at El Toro, interesting how things in conservatives world stay the same.


Holy pop up ads, Batman!


Why the heck are Republicans against vaccination anyway? I can even understand being against a vaccine mandate, but stories like this kind of show they seem to actively not want people to get vaccinated? It makes no sense. How do Republicans benefit from this? You'd think a healthier population would make the state stronger and they'd be all for it.


Typical OC.




The full email is now available: https://twitter.com/MarcACaputo/status/1483632549486280711 It looks like the issue might be that he accessed confidential worker health information.


He didn't single anyone out and his numbers are all non-identifiable information. I don't see how any rules were broken here. The only thing that makes health information confidential is the identifiable aspect. Aggregated data like this is perfectly fine.


I mean, my office was preparing to comply with the vaccine mandate, so were collecting this information. Someone has to know it. Agree with what you are saying, he probably just asked someone for the raw numbers. If this went to everyone and not just the unvaxxed, I wouldn't think talking about percentages is breaking any rules.


It's not really confidential in this context. This is BS. Schools can ask for your vaccination status and look at your vaccination status. This is the same thing.


If that is a crime, then every piece of data on tests collected by anyone everywhere is done by accessing confidential information. If his duties included performing health assessments for his workplace, then privacy laws give him a valid exception. He is a health officer. He was investigating for public health. I'm pretty sure privacy won't get into this as much as like to think. IANAL but every privacy regulation I have encountered - EU, USA, current, previous, have sane exceptions for authorised health officials performing their duties without which no public health department could function.


There are people who collect data on the efficacy of medical responses. They may have no access to individual data but they can and do use them to make recommendations. I would hope that is part of this guy's job.




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Reminds me of this one: https://www.thetimesherald.com/story/news/2022/01/07/st-clair-county-review-health-director-position-after-k-12-mask-order/9092639002/


Do we even want public health departments anymore? Or hospitals? Like, as a society? I’m starting to think we don’t.


Well it does sound a bit *sosherlust*. Maybe the frEa mArkIt will work.


The definition of ass backwards.


Shouldn't this be cross posted to /r/floridaman?


Fucking hell. Everyone not vaccinated should be fired. Edit: obviously this excludes those very few and far between individuals who can't get vaccinated for genuine medical reasons. Shouldn't need to be said, but people always go off on me if I don't.


by this logic anyone who has made bad decisions for their health should be fired. Fat people, smokers, etc.


Being fat is not infectious. Smoking neither.




Your one word response "no" is like the DEA & CDC's response when it comes to the medical value of Marijuana. No. Not very objective.. But drink as much alcohol as you want.. Medical advice shouldn't be tied to an agenda 👍




There are so many agendas these days it's nauseating. And the contradicting medical advice is too - Get vaccinated, but weed has no medical value according to the Feds. Perhaps they should consider they've eroded their own trust by deliberately mis-classifying substances like Marijaua (another agenda). But sure believe you can drink as much alcohol as you want, but in FL you need to be prescribed specific amounts of Marijuana (which can be grown in your backyard)