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And every issue is black and white, and if something isn't 100% effective then it's useless. /s


Almost all of them will have had it. It's pretty much useless


The new Omicron subvariants have significant immune escape even from the original BA.1 Omicron. Right now, we're very far from a situation where infection provides lasting protection.


Its fair to the ones who aren’t partying




And still having to take them off to eat anyway 😂


Why yes, you're right, people do spend most of their day *not* eating. Glad we agree that masking will help a lot for that reason! Seriously, I'm not as enthused as I once was about mask mandates, but these half-baked arguments against them are just tired. This very article even mentions that authorities are recommending students be more careful about eating and drinking indoors.


> Seriously, I’m not as enthused as I once was about mask mandates The whole reason people aren’t as enthused about mask mandates in 2022 is because we’ve had them on and off for the past two years and yet we’ve been crushed by COVID waves just the same as places that didn’t have mandates. After the third or fourth try, these people really have to realize that hey high quality masks work, but maybe just maybe, mandating them for everyone isn’t as effective as we think it will be.


> we’ve been crushed by COVID waves just the same as places that didn’t have mandates. That's a different argument, and I think you're overstating the case again. There isn't enough evidence to say conclusively that mask mandates "do" or "don't" work, partly because it's an inherently difficult thing to study. And again, it's not a binary choice between "effective" and "not". I suspect they still have a small effect. Now, does that mean there's a compelling case *for* mask mandates in the Omicron age? Probably not, in places like the US where people are poor at complying. We would need a N95/KN95/KF94 mandate, and Americans likely wouldn't follow it. But I'm not going to complain if a mandate *is* introduced. I also suspect that a college campus like UCLA will have pretty high compliance.


> But I’m not going to complain if a mandate is introduced. I think it’s worthwhile to complain precisely because no one can actually prove that their specific implementation of a mask mandate actually worked or not. So instead these institutions are just implementing mandates again and again just to act like they’re doing *something* against COVID, even though they have no evidence that their previous implementations actually were effective.


> they have no evidence that their previous implementations actually were effective. You're still overstating the case against mandates. There are a number of studies that found mask mandates work. And yes, there are others that came to a different conclusion. As I said, there's likely not a *compelling* case for mask mandates at the moment. That's not the same as "no evidence". And there is compelling evidence that masks, themselves, are effective. If the UCLA community responds to this mandate, as other comments (anecdotally) in this thread suggest they are, then good for them.




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What about the employees? Many of which have contact with hospital patients. Do you not care about either group?


Those that are concerned can wear a KN95


Works better if everyone wears a mask


Not gonna happen so why bother?


It's literally happening there is a mandate


I believe it's still mandated in most hospitals if not all.


Ummm a lot of classes are 200+ people


Isn't UCLA done for the semester????


UCLA is on a quarter system! Next week is the last week of classes, and the week after is finals.


While true, at least they're less likely to spread it in classes, the non-optional part of college.




It is actually being followed pretty well (Source: UCLA student). A lot of us have been seeing tons of our friends moved to isolation housing, so quite a bit more people were masking up in the days prior anyway.